Thom, there is a problem with your podcast subscriptions. Your webmaster does not respond. I found a post about the problem from 2014 and if you read the comments on your app on the appstore you will find others with the same problem today. It should be a simple transaction to update a credit card, but there seemingly is no way to do it. I am moderately computer literate but imagine how many subscribers you lose who are not very computer savvy. Please fix.
Probably a little of both. Although, some just do it for kicks, and others are dirty tricksters who are paid to regurgitate talking points sponsored by various propaganda arms of the Reich, many affiliated with the Kochtopus network of liars.
I'm not sure if these trolls think that by telling their lies over and over, that eventually they will be believed. Or that they have to keep telling their lies so that they will continue to believe them themselves.
Both paper trays can take media from 15 x 10cm up to A4, providing flexible paper feed for plain and photo paper. more here P1102 Download A well-designed, full-width control panel juts out from the front of the machine, offering a 62mm LCD display, more here MP258 Download a series of fast-dial buttons for the integrated fax facility and a full number pad, together with a four-way wheel of controls for menu navigation. more here Mx860 Download Four, illuminated function buttons select Copy, more here iP2770 Download Fax, Scan and Memory card modes and big buttons at the right-hand end initiate black and colour copies.. Its naturally aspirated V-10 becomes even more rare and more special the longer it hangs around. more here Audi R8 Concept A thorough re-do for the car that up-ended the way we think about mid-engined supercars. The original Audi R8 was useable, secure in the wet, beautifully built and untempramental – but still mad-fast and super-exciting.
Yup, we're pretty much stuck with an unresponsive, corporate-controlled, two-party system. It's codified in the Constitution, which stipulates that only two parties can cross the finish line, taking a next to impossible constitutional amendment to change. Another option could be ranked voting: If your first choice doesn't garner enough votes to be viable, then your second choice would be awarded your vote, then the next, and so forth. This would give third parties more clout, as people would know that their votes are not being wasted.
Of course, the simplest yet equally difficult option would be to somehow infiltrate the Democratic party and try to wrest it from self-serving, corporate-stained politicians. That would be the long game; the trouble is, things are now moving so fast that such a generational shift might be too late to mitigate the worst of the damage that will be done by rapacious Republicans.
I smell the whiff of revolution in the air ... certainly not the best option, but possibly the most inevitable.
Until this country faces the issue of voting against their own best interests, this is going to keep happening. Part of the problem is that the DNC and the Democratic Party have so completely failed their constituents by turning Neo-Liberal. People have to get active and insist the DP go back to being sane, or leave the DP and start a new party. I don't understand why people haven't all left for the Green Party since it represents everything that true liberals stand for. I'm not sure if it's a case of Stockholm Syndrome and therefore people are afraid to leave the duopoly box, or if they are so disconnected from things they just don't understand who really stands for what and therefore blindly vote the brand name. Whatever it is, it's killing this country.
Unbelievable! Your logic is truly something to behold! Delightfully entertaining, actually.
First, you continuously call "lefties" names, point the stink finger, blame and insult, subtlety or not, every chance you get in virtually all of your posts; then, you take great umbrage when the table is turned. What is most enjoyable, however, is when you get frustrated and resort to subjective psycho mumbo-jumbo about anger, damaged egos, and hurt feelings. Sorry, I'm not your therapist, so excuse me if my retorts get your undies in a wad! You poor baby.
"Politics ain't beanbag." "If you want a friend, get a puppy." "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." Should I go on? Your arguments fall apart when you try to dismiss the larger issues by bringing up amateurish psychoanalysis and then pivot to your own obfuscating grab-bag of canned, programmed talking points. Sorry, I've hung around too many right-wing blog-sites to get sidetracked by sophomoric debate tactics.
The only quasi-substantial point that I could pick out of your entire miffed rant was about ExxonMobil. It seemed to be a non-sequitur response to the point I had made in the first place: ExxonMobil has been refining arguments against taking action on climate change for decades in order to keep making scandalous profits. In fact, they're on record for covering up the crime of cynically dismissing the conclusions of their own scientists and then directly lying to the public about it. That is a prosecutable felony, by the way. (Hello, Mr. Trump?)
My point didn't have anything to do with their percent of world production or degree of culpability for climate disruption, which is certainly not insignificant, as you have obliquely suggested.
But to refocus: the primary issue isn't about you or me or fixing a car; it's about everybody on the planet and the looming climate disaster we are all facing together. You are either on the right side of history or you are not. I'm just not in to begging for anyone's understanding of what should be so obvious.
I believe you are wrong. Big business could care less, they just pass the cost on to the consumer or automate as fast food restaurants have been doing one after another, but you already know that.
It is small business that is hurt by raising the starter wage.
Deepspace: One of the qualities a lefty must possess is the ability to point the finger, another is the ability to call others names neither of them add any strength to arguments, but rather make you (lefties) seem small and inconsequential. ExxonMobil is no more responsible for climate change than you are for not electing Hillary Clinton as President. ExxonMobil is responsible for about 3% of the world petroleum production. Petroleum is responsible for less than 1% of the electrical production. Coal and Natural Gas are responsible for 66%.
This anger crap you lefties push only pisses people off. If you want to solve problems, work with people, don't point fingers. It won't work. If you needed someone to fix your car, would you choose someone who called you names, blamed you for all their problems, etc etc. I doubt it. I've done well in life by getting along with people. You could try it, stop blaming others, stop calling names, and stop being a victim. You would be surprised how much can be accomplished when people work together.
(Evidently, I hit the edit button and moved my previous post out of order just after you posted. Thanks for correcting it.)
What, you're asking a simple horse to solve humankind's Gordian knot of hopelessly complex behavioral problems in one fell swoop with yet another long essay? I'm flattered. Ah, were it so easy!
Sorry, since this ain't a fast-food joint to serve at your instant pleasure, I would strongly suggest that you put aside preconceived notions and peruse the (oh so hated by climate deniers) I.P.C.C. website, which is chockfull of facts and links to every possible related concern, including many viable solutions that serious-minded people have put forward. Arduous solutions will certainly not happen overnight.
Now don't be lazy and remain ignorant! Actually begin your own personal research program, using empirical, scientifically provable facts that are readily available in the wide, wide, world outside the tiny bubble of right-wing misinformation and outright lies. It is never easy to dispel one's own ignorance; however, the journey can never begin if the complexity of the problem is an excuse for inaction.
ExxonMobil has refined that idiotic talking point over decades, all the while lining the pockets of their immoral executives and investors with trillions of dollars of dirty cash. C'mon, you're smarter than to fall for that cheap trick, unless you are also profiting on the world's demise.
Okay Deepspace, nice essay, but let's see the plan! Most everyone who writes here portrays a "sky is falling" scenario in regards to climate change, but no one has a plan how to avoid it. You mentioned we must stop using fossil fuels immediately. If we stopped tomorrow, next year this time most of us would be gone. Without fossil fuels, most of the electricity would disappear. Without electricity we would have no heating, cooling, lights, phones, computers or anything using batteries. Without fuel, for tractors, trucks, automobiles, and all the equipment necessary to grow, harvest, store, deliver and procure food our food supply would disappear in a short time. Without fuel for automobiles, no one would be able to commute to employment or school. companies would close, schools would close, hospitals would close. Nothing that depends on fossil fuel (which is just about everything) would be open. Chaos would reign. Overnight, we would return to the dark ages. A few survivalists might make it, but the majority of us would no longer exist.
So I would love to see your plan to eliminate fossil fuels, otherwise, it's business as usual.
Sooo... your god's mysterious plan is basically to ignore the "most credible sources," which are all of the world's top climate scientists -- after the charlatans are excluded -- and hope for the best on the physical plane while praying for a better afterlife?
Each scientist may have his or her own individual assessments, according to their specific area of expertise, in regards to ancillary influences, predictive algorithms, tipping-point timelines, wishful futuristic technological solutions, human behavior musings, and other such auxiliary considerations. Nevertheless, all of them are in full agreement that if humankind does not cease burning fossil fuels, almost immediately, we will pass the tipping point relatively soon and face a very real possibility of Earth's sixth mass extinction event. One hundred years is a blink of an eye in geological terms. Some are convinced that it has already begun, with over forty percent of land mammals and sea life even now dying off, never to return.
Even when the disingenuous "percentage-of-scientists" argument is used to deflect the primary issue, one can safely state that ninety-seven percent, or so, of actual climate scientists (not including unrelated diciplines) absolutely concur that anthropogenic climate disruption is by far the number one, most dire catastrophe facing all life on Earth. The other three percent are paid shills for the fossil fuel industry or are otherwise receiving benefits enhancing their careers, such as tenure at industry-subsidized universities, membership in some so-called "think tank," selling the always-lucrative heretical books to the gullible, etc., etc.
Therefore, lay people who are not climate scientists must look long and hard into the mirror of self reflection and ask this highly illogical question of themselves, "Why would I believe three percent and not ninety-seven percent?" Sorry, that just does not compute, nor will it ever, no matter what word-salad counter argument is employed.
The debate is over. Your "one hundred years, don't worry about tomorrow" contention is nothing more than utter naivety -- a lazy excuse for inaction and procrastination that is only proffered to make one feel comfortable by avoiding the hard choices and sacrifices required. This is not just about you, your feelings, thoughts, and belief systems; frankly, the planet and the science of climate facts don't care. The physical laws of nature will play out inexorably, independent of your opinion, and will affect us all.
So, if your particular happy-face deity has some kind of mystical "plan" to alter our self-destructive behavior and preserve our ability to live on the physical plane, he/she/it had better better start implementing it ... like right frigging now!
Your guest is blowing smoke as it pertains to Scott Walker. I live in Wisconsin and have been watching this monster do his deeds for 6 years now. Walker killed local control in Wisconsin years ago. His call to Trump for permission to drug test is really just permission to for himself to act unitarily to thwart the will of WI citizens. In other words, having already eliminated WI citizens from consideration, he now wants the Federal government out of the way so he can literally rape this state of natural resources, pollute it, and especially rebuke progressivism without interference. He does not believe in rights at all.
#Wisdom Please: They don't call it "blind faith" for nothing. And God instructed you to take care of the planet, animals, as well as (greed driven) people. You say you take care of people. Is all of the drone bombing and war around the globe an example of your stewardship? I think the lot of you so-called "Christians" are a pack of self-aggrandizing ignoramuses that wouldn't know common sense if it walked up and handed you a business card. The horror of your tomfoolery is that you are dragging all the rest of us down your Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole. You always seem to think you have a right to invade the space of others and take what is not yours to take in the first place. If Jesus were here now, he would shun you all. As far as I'm concerned, you are EVIL incarnate, no matter what you call yourselves. "By my works ye shall know me," and your works are horrifying.
Thanks for inviting participation although I know I am the chicken in the hen house and "you" are the fox.
Here's a nice chunk of thigh meat for you and some insight to many of the Christian minds regarding climate change.
1. They feel they have a sacred responsibility to care for people and the environment (people more than the environment although they are obviously linked).
2. They are convinced that their God is in control, He has a plan for this world and its people that results in ultimate good.
3. Because of 1 and 2 above they look to find a balance that favors trusting God while still keeping their responsiblity to the world.
Sadly, many people who disagree with their beliefs attack them as stupid, foolish, crazy, hateful or uncaring and, since we are all human, many Christians act out in regrettable ways just like anyone else who is attacked in this manner.
A fitting Christian thought to fit this mindset is "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
As a Christian I don't disagree with the current information on climate change, I disagree that it is a foregone conclusion that demands my attention today with the degree of priority many want to give the issue. Most credible sources provide several different potential outcomes based on our behavior; and only the worst has much significance until after one hundred years. I can't recall any of those sources giving serious consideration for advancements in technology, natural events like volcano eruptions, sun storms, earthquakes, etc, or the historical record that would support us taking an action today to control the environment that would really be relavent one, two or three hundred years from now.
So, I am okay with and, to some measure, grateful for the environmental concerns, they just don't overcome my trust that God is going to care for me or the more important mission of loving and caring for people TODAY.
I don't think Trump is really interested in being president, he just wanted to be president. As for him protecting the environment, I don't think so. He would have to go up against his campaign donors and I don't think he's got the stoic fortitude to do it. I've listened to his speeches and he is fully aware of the issues and said all the correct things to get himself elected, but he is a Right-wing millionaire who is only interested in doing business and that means sucker punching working people to get what they have. We, the People are only a commodity to him as are all other things. I think this country is going to know the biggest looting, pillage, and every abuse known to mankind because he is going to let loose these appointees of his and then go golfing. I suspect he will spend more time in NY than in DC. I think the next generation is going to inherit the mess of a lifetime. I wish it weren't so, but as he has put the various parts of the puzzle in place, this is the only picture that keeps emerging.
Appointing Rick Parry to head the DOE. The man that during a debate could not remember the name of the DOE. The third department of Government that he was pounding his chest about shutting down. Is Trumps way of rubbing Environmentalists face in it. It was intentional.
NOW you are listening to Romney? Did you also listening to him when Obama was mocking him in a debate because Romney said Russia was a great threat to America?
Things do change don't they? Pretty soon Hartmann will be embracing Reagan.
Why on Earth would Trump "actually stand up for the climate?". There's nothing in his sorry history to indicate he would do such a thing. The "moy" (man-boy as some Grandother Elders have tagged him) has experienced a life-long alienation from the planet. The Earth seems to be just a background shot for his ongoing selfie. Out here in the real world we are girding for the worst.......and entrenched resistance. Onward!
Ivanka Trump appears to be in support of the reality of climate change. I wouldn't discount a woman's power of persuasion in this issue. Especially father daughter. She won't change his mind, but she might be able to temper his bad decisions.
Thom, there is a problem with your podcast subscriptions. Your webmaster does not respond. I found a post about the problem from 2014 and if you read the comments on your app on the appstore you will find others with the same problem today. It should be a simple transaction to update a credit card, but there seemingly is no way to do it. I am moderately computer literate but imagine how many subscribers you lose who are not very computer savvy. Please fix.
Probably a little of both. Although, some just do it for kicks, and others are dirty tricksters who are paid to regurgitate talking points sponsored by various propaganda arms of the Reich, many affiliated with the Kochtopus network of liars.
I'm not sure if these trolls think that by telling their lies over and over, that eventually they will be believed. Or that they have to keep telling their lies so that they will continue to believe them themselves.
Both paper trays can take media from 15 x 10cm up to A4, providing flexible paper feed for plain and photo paper. more here P1102 Download A well-designed, full-width control panel juts out from the front of the machine, offering a 62mm LCD display, more here MP258 Download a series of fast-dial buttons for the integrated fax facility and a full number pad, together with a four-way wheel of controls for menu navigation. more here Mx860 Download Four, illuminated function buttons select Copy, more here iP2770 Download Fax, Scan and Memory card modes and big buttons at the right-hand end initiate black and colour copies.. Its naturally aspirated V-10 becomes even more rare and more special the longer it hangs around. more here Audi R8 Concept A thorough re-do for the car that up-ended the way we think about mid-engined supercars. The original Audi R8 was useable, secure in the wet, beautifully built and untempramental – but still mad-fast and super-exciting.
Yup, we're pretty much stuck with an unresponsive, corporate-controlled, two-party system. It's codified in the Constitution, which stipulates that only two parties can cross the finish line, taking a next to impossible constitutional amendment to change. Another option could be ranked voting: If your first choice doesn't garner enough votes to be viable, then your second choice would be awarded your vote, then the next, and so forth. This would give third parties more clout, as people would know that their votes are not being wasted.
Of course, the simplest yet equally difficult option would be to somehow infiltrate the Democratic party and try to wrest it from self-serving, corporate-stained politicians. That would be the long game; the trouble is, things are now moving so fast that such a generational shift might be too late to mitigate the worst of the damage that will be done by rapacious Republicans.
I smell the whiff of revolution in the air ... certainly not the best option, but possibly the most inevitable.
Until this country faces the issue of voting against their own best interests, this is going to keep happening. Part of the problem is that the DNC and the Democratic Party have so completely failed their constituents by turning Neo-Liberal. People have to get active and insist the DP go back to being sane, or leave the DP and start a new party. I don't understand why people haven't all left for the Green Party since it represents everything that true liberals stand for. I'm not sure if it's a case of Stockholm Syndrome and therefore people are afraid to leave the duopoly box, or if they are so disconnected from things they just don't understand who really stands for what and therefore blindly vote the brand name. Whatever it is, it's killing this country.
Unbelievable! Your logic is truly something to behold! Delightfully entertaining, actually.
First, you continuously call "lefties" names, point the stink finger, blame and insult, subtlety or not, every chance you get in virtually all of your posts; then, you take great umbrage when the table is turned. What is most enjoyable, however, is when you get frustrated and resort to subjective psycho mumbo-jumbo about anger, damaged egos, and hurt feelings. Sorry, I'm not your therapist, so excuse me if my retorts get your undies in a wad! You poor baby.
"Politics ain't beanbag." "If you want a friend, get a puppy." "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." Should I go on? Your arguments fall apart when you try to dismiss the larger issues by bringing up amateurish psychoanalysis and then pivot to your own obfuscating grab-bag of canned, programmed talking points. Sorry, I've hung around too many right-wing blog-sites to get sidetracked by sophomoric debate tactics.
The only quasi-substantial point that I could pick out of your entire miffed rant was about ExxonMobil. It seemed to be a non-sequitur response to the point I had made in the first place: ExxonMobil has been refining arguments against taking action on climate change for decades in order to keep making scandalous profits. In fact, they're on record for covering up the crime of cynically dismissing the conclusions of their own scientists and then directly lying to the public about it. That is a prosecutable felony, by the way. (Hello, Mr. Trump?)
My point didn't have anything to do with their percent of world production or degree of culpability for climate disruption, which is certainly not insignificant, as you have obliquely suggested.
But to refocus: the primary issue isn't about you or me or fixing a car; it's about everybody on the planet and the looming climate disaster we are all facing together. You are either on the right side of history or you are not. I'm just not in to begging for anyone's understanding of what should be so obvious.
I believe you are wrong. Big business could care less, they just pass the cost on to the consumer or automate as fast food restaurants have been doing one after another, but you already know that.
It is small business that is hurt by raising the starter wage.
Every time... Yet Americans continue to vote for this kind of "change's I guess I will never understand.
It continues to amaze me how many of the people affected by Republican policies like this continue to vote against their own self interest.
Deepspace: One of the qualities a lefty must possess is the ability to point the finger, another is the ability to call others names neither of them add any strength to arguments, but rather make you (lefties) seem small and inconsequential. ExxonMobil is no more responsible for climate change than you are for not electing Hillary Clinton as President. ExxonMobil is responsible for about 3% of the world petroleum production. Petroleum is responsible for less than 1% of the electrical production. Coal and Natural Gas are responsible for 66%.
This anger crap you lefties push only pisses people off. If you want to solve problems, work with people, don't point fingers. It won't work. If you needed someone to fix your car, would you choose someone who called you names, blamed you for all their problems, etc etc. I doubt it. I've done well in life by getting along with people. You could try it, stop blaming others, stop calling names, and stop being a victim. You would be surprised how much can be accomplished when people work together.
(Evidently, I hit the edit button and moved my previous post out of order just after you posted. Thanks for correcting it.)
What, you're asking a simple horse to solve humankind's Gordian knot of hopelessly complex behavioral problems in one fell swoop with yet another long essay? I'm flattered. Ah, were it so easy!
Sorry, since this ain't a fast-food joint to serve at your instant pleasure, I would strongly suggest that you put aside preconceived notions and peruse the (oh so hated by climate deniers) I.P.C.C. website, which is chockfull of facts and links to every possible related concern, including many viable solutions that serious-minded people have put forward. Arduous solutions will certainly not happen overnight.
Now don't be lazy and remain ignorant! Actually begin your own personal research program, using empirical, scientifically provable facts that are readily available in the wide, wide, world outside the tiny bubble of right-wing misinformation and outright lies. It is never easy to dispel one's own ignorance; however, the journey can never begin if the complexity of the problem is an excuse for inaction.
ExxonMobil has refined that idiotic talking point over decades, all the while lining the pockets of their immoral executives and investors with trillions of dollars of dirty cash. C'mon, you're smarter than to fall for that cheap trick, unless you are also profiting on the world's demise.
Okay Deepspace, nice essay, but let's see the plan! Most everyone who writes here portrays a "sky is falling" scenario in regards to climate change, but no one has a plan how to avoid it. You mentioned we must stop using fossil fuels immediately. If we stopped tomorrow, next year this time most of us would be gone. Without fossil fuels, most of the electricity would disappear. Without electricity we would have no heating, cooling, lights, phones, computers or anything using batteries. Without fuel, for tractors, trucks, automobiles, and all the equipment necessary to grow, harvest, store, deliver and procure food our food supply would disappear in a short time. Without fuel for automobiles, no one would be able to commute to employment or school. companies would close, schools would close, hospitals would close. Nothing that depends on fossil fuel (which is just about everything) would be open. Chaos would reign. Overnight, we would return to the dark ages. A few survivalists might make it, but the majority of us would no longer exist.
So I would love to see your plan to eliminate fossil fuels, otherwise, it's business as usual.
Sooo... your god's mysterious plan is basically to ignore the "most credible sources," which are all of the world's top climate scientists -- after the charlatans are excluded -- and hope for the best on the physical plane while praying for a better afterlife?
Each scientist may have his or her own individual assessments, according to their specific area of expertise, in regards to ancillary influences, predictive algorithms, tipping-point timelines, wishful futuristic technological solutions, human behavior musings, and other such auxiliary considerations. Nevertheless, all of them are in full agreement that if humankind does not cease burning fossil fuels, almost immediately, we will pass the tipping point relatively soon and face a very real possibility of Earth's sixth mass extinction event. One hundred years is a blink of an eye in geological terms. Some are convinced that it has already begun, with over forty percent of land mammals and sea life even now dying off, never to return.
Even when the disingenuous "percentage-of-scientists" argument is used to deflect the primary issue, one can safely state that ninety-seven percent, or so, of actual climate scientists (not including unrelated diciplines) absolutely concur that anthropogenic climate disruption is by far the number one, most dire catastrophe facing all life on Earth. The other three percent are paid shills for the fossil fuel industry or are otherwise receiving benefits enhancing their careers, such as tenure at industry-subsidized universities, membership in some so-called "think tank," selling the always-lucrative heretical books to the gullible, etc., etc.
Therefore, lay people who are not climate scientists must look long and hard into the mirror of self reflection and ask this highly illogical question of themselves, "Why would I believe three percent and not ninety-seven percent?" Sorry, that just does not compute, nor will it ever, no matter what word-salad counter argument is employed.
The debate is over. Your "one hundred years, don't worry about tomorrow" contention is nothing more than utter naivety -- a lazy excuse for inaction and procrastination that is only proffered to make one feel comfortable by avoiding the hard choices and sacrifices required. This is not just about you, your feelings, thoughts, and belief systems; frankly, the planet and the science of climate facts don't care. The physical laws of nature will play out inexorably, independent of your opinion, and will affect us all.
So, if your particular happy-face deity has some kind of mystical "plan" to alter our self-destructive behavior and preserve our ability to live on the physical plane, he/she/it had better better start implementing it ... like right frigging now!
Your guest is blowing smoke as it pertains to Scott Walker. I live in Wisconsin and have been watching this monster do his deeds for 6 years now. Walker killed local control in Wisconsin years ago. His call to Trump for permission to drug test is really just permission to for himself to act unitarily to thwart the will of WI citizens. In other words, having already eliminated WI citizens from consideration, he now wants the Federal government out of the way so he can literally rape this state of natural resources, pollute it, and especially rebuke progressivism without interference. He does not believe in rights at all.
#Willie W: Would that it be so. Your lips to god's ear. But even if Ivanka is able to talk to The Donald, will his appointees listen?
#Wisdom Please: They don't call it "blind faith" for nothing. And God instructed you to take care of the planet, animals, as well as (greed driven) people. You say you take care of people. Is all of the drone bombing and war around the globe an example of your stewardship? I think the lot of you so-called "Christians" are a pack of self-aggrandizing ignoramuses that wouldn't know common sense if it walked up and handed you a business card. The horror of your tomfoolery is that you are dragging all the rest of us down your Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole. You always seem to think you have a right to invade the space of others and take what is not yours to take in the first place. If Jesus were here now, he would shun you all. As far as I'm concerned, you are EVIL incarnate, no matter what you call yourselves. "By my works ye shall know me," and your works are horrifying.
Thanks for inviting participation although I know I am the chicken in the hen house and "you" are the fox.
Here's a nice chunk of thigh meat for you and some insight to many of the Christian minds regarding climate change.
1. They feel they have a sacred responsibility to care for people and the environment (people more than the environment although they are obviously linked).
2. They are convinced that their God is in control, He has a plan for this world and its people that results in ultimate good.
3. Because of 1 and 2 above they look to find a balance that favors trusting God while still keeping their responsiblity to the world.
Sadly, many people who disagree with their beliefs attack them as stupid, foolish, crazy, hateful or uncaring and, since we are all human, many Christians act out in regrettable ways just like anyone else who is attacked in this manner.
A fitting Christian thought to fit this mindset is "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
As a Christian I don't disagree with the current information on climate change, I disagree that it is a foregone conclusion that demands my attention today with the degree of priority many want to give the issue. Most credible sources provide several different potential outcomes based on our behavior; and only the worst has much significance until after one hundred years. I can't recall any of those sources giving serious consideration for advancements in technology, natural events like volcano eruptions, sun storms, earthquakes, etc, or the historical record that would support us taking an action today to control the environment that would really be relavent one, two or three hundred years from now.
So, I am okay with and, to some measure, grateful for the environmental concerns, they just don't overcome my trust that God is going to care for me or the more important mission of loving and caring for people TODAY.
I don't think Trump is really interested in being president, he just wanted to be president. As for him protecting the environment, I don't think so. He would have to go up against his campaign donors and I don't think he's got the stoic fortitude to do it. I've listened to his speeches and he is fully aware of the issues and said all the correct things to get himself elected, but he is a Right-wing millionaire who is only interested in doing business and that means sucker punching working people to get what they have. We, the People are only a commodity to him as are all other things. I think this country is going to know the biggest looting, pillage, and every abuse known to mankind because he is going to let loose these appointees of his and then go golfing. I suspect he will spend more time in NY than in DC. I think the next generation is going to inherit the mess of a lifetime. I wish it weren't so, but as he has put the various parts of the puzzle in place, this is the only picture that keeps emerging.
Appointing Rick Parry to head the DOE. The man that during a debate could not remember the name of the DOE. The third department of Government that he was pounding his chest about shutting down. Is Trumps way of rubbing Environmentalists face in it. It was intentional.
NOW you are listening to Romney? Did you also listening to him when Obama was mocking him in a debate because Romney said Russia was a great threat to America?
Things do change don't they? Pretty soon Hartmann will be embracing Reagan.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Trumpism’s bad in so many a dimension
that America is falling in a startling declension.
We’ve such a tension,
such apprehension
that ALL’s going bad. - It’s beyond comprehension.
Why on Earth would Trump "actually stand up for the climate?". There's nothing in his sorry history to indicate he would do such a thing. The "moy" (man-boy as some Grandother Elders have tagged him) has experienced a life-long alienation from the planet. The Earth seems to be just a background shot for his ongoing selfie. Out here in the real world we are girding for the worst.......and entrenched resistance. Onward!
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Credible, this nutty guy’s threats;
bad stuff without regrets.
He’d actually DO it!!
Consequences? - “Screw it;
I’m The Donald whom havoc begets.”
Ivanka Trump appears to be in support of the reality of climate change. I wouldn't discount a woman's power of persuasion in this issue. Especially father daughter. She won't change his mind, but she might be able to temper his bad decisions.