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  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    Ford cancels plan for $1.6 Billion plant in Mexico, after Trump Criticism. Will add 700 jobs in Michigan......and Trump won't be president for 17 more day....stay tuned.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago
  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Not forced, but compelled by a sense of decency and caring about the needs of our families, friends, and even people we don't even know. Caring about the welfare of the country and the planet and its future and the future of generations to come.

    It's one thing to have "opposing views," quite another to champion the election and inauguration of a leader that has never ever served one second in any public office. Never been tested to oversee all that we rely on to make or lives livable. To cede full control to a person that is so transparently flawed to be that leader, without any reasonable method of controlling the outcome.

    And were supposed to silently sit by and not challenge the wisdom of those "opposing views"?

    But on the impulse of their own bigotry and the consul of hate-wing media, those with "opposing views" have decided to throw all caution to the wind and impose their pipe-dream idol, their white-sheet knight in shinning armor, on to the nation and world at large. No doubt he will come in and wave his magic wand and solve all the problems of the nation. Like Santa Claus, he will shower us with gifts. Like the tooth-fairy, he will place money under our pillows so that we never want from being poor. "It will be great" "It will be wonderful" "It will be huge" "You're gonna love it." Promises. Promises. Promises. But not one detail or any proof of how it will or can be done other than the same old tried and failed methods of Republican economics and diplomacy.

    Faith brothers and sisters. Faith. Don't make waves and don't ask questions and don't even dare criticize the veracity and compentence of the fearless leader. Have faith. That is all you will need.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Are any of you forced to respond to those that have an opposite view from yours?

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    @Ou812 #46:

    Whoa! Thanks for that (I think), but ... way too much information! This is not about you personally -- who cares. It is about the direction our country is heading.

    As far as you and your posts are concerned, one can only surmise where you are coming from by what you write, which reveals your supposed inner thinking processes -- the shallow right-wing talking points, the snide labels, and the subtle insults that you constantly spew forth on this blog for others to suffer.

    Hah! It was all fake! You have confirmed what I had suspected all along. Do you hear that everyone? Ou812 is faking it! By your own words, you have directly admitted that you are nothing but an insincere troll -- a fraud!

    Notwithstanding your transparent attempt at backtracking, it is quite clear that you have absorbed and taken to heart many right-wing talking points. Where you actually get your misinformation to regurgitate so profusely, or how much of it you actually believe, is really none of my concern, nor do I care.

    Nevertheless, your drivel is obviously not conjured up out of a vacuum. In spite of your disingenuous denials, you must listen, watch, and/or read enough of the right-wing lies to appear somewhat sincere as a troll. Please don't insult everyone's intelligence.

    Like I said, ignorance is bliss. But, to the larger point: You live in a so-called democracy of, by, and for the people; yet, you don't care enough about it -- again, in your own words -- to participate in politics even at a minimal level, letting whichever politician do whatever to whomever, ah, because "It doesn't affect me, me, me." You take no meaningful positions but enjoy making fun of the people who do. How incredibly shallow is that?!

    For someone so proud of being "a quite successful person" ("Hooray for me, me, me!") -- and, my God, a former teacher of malleable minds no less -- you seem to have failed rather spectacularly on this blog site.

    Crawl back under your bridge, troll, and quit wasting everybody's time.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Ou812, So you're to low on the totem pole to be affected by whose president. Then perhaps you never drove on a highway ,or flew in a plane, or signed a contract bound by law, or never planned to collect a pension or Medicare or Social Security, or took a drink out of tap water from a public utility, or took a breath of air in this country, or benefitted from a national defense, or received any public education. or took out a mortgage, or spent government issued money, or ever ate food inspected by the government, or bought products that crossed into our borders from a foreign country, or listened to a radio or television or had bank accounts insured by the government.

    All of these things and virtually thousands of other things are affected by who is president. It is virtually impossible to not be effected by who is president.

    But with Trump...all bets are off. The wolves are guarding the hen house and they control every branch of the government, military and law enforcement. You better hope they don't decide they want your property or savings or start a nuclear confrontation. Then you might suddenly care a lot.

    But it doesn't surprise me that you don't care about the rest of us. Apparently, you think that you have yours, and you did the impossible of creating your whole world by yourself.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Bottom line: If conservatives want to run out into a thunderstorm with a lightning rod stuck up there ass…that's their business. But why do they insist on dragging the rest of us with them?

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    Since you want to tell me so much about me, let me tell you about me, I think I know me better then you know me.:)

    I don't consider myself a conservative, nor do I consider myself a lefty. I don't like labels, they tend to pigeonhole people.

    I find politics boring, but I do enjoy 'tweaking' those who take it so seriously.:)

    I really don't care who is president. I'm too low on the totem pole for it too effect me. I'm actually a quite successful person, and I'm successful because of me, not because of who was president.

    I don't listen to talk Radio. The only show on the radio I listen to other than music is 'Imus in the morning'. I like his irreverent personality, it's a lot like mine.

    The only news I watch is local news. And I only watch that on an NBC affiliate out of Hagerstown MD. This station is so small, they don't carry national news.

    My not watching news is my choice. I'm in the Baltimore/Washington market, so plenty is available.

    They only newspaper I read is the Carroll County Times....mostly local.

    I read lots of books, and spend lots of time at the gym. I'm a physical fitness enthusiast.

    I'm a retired Sales/Marketing guy, who after retirement, went back to school to become a high school teacher. Now I'm pretty much retired from teaching to.

    One last thing, I know how to get things done. I'm practical, not a theoretician.

    Like me or not, I don't care.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    I'll respect that you addressed post #41 primarily to Stopgap, but since you threw my moniker into the last paragraph (Your bad!), I will address your false characterization that all we "have is name calling." This won't be pithy, so feel free to skip through and gloss over, as usual.

    First: You seem a little touchy for someone who continuously name-calls, insults, and denigrates "lefties" in the bulk of your posts. Need we check the record? As I've explained to you before, ad nauseam, I'm totally okay with that. This is a war of ideas, "cons" have made ''lefties" their blood enemies, and wars of any sort are not always kind. So, here's a few quotes for you: "How does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot?" "You can dish it out, but you can't take it." "Blah, blah, blah -- grow up!"

    Second: As far as the evidence, it is ample and has been provided throughout many of these threads, and it is also in abundant supply on Thom's radio and TV programs, in addition to the many other outlets that truth tellers utilize to be heard. You obviously don't dig into much of it or any of it, because you don't really seem to give a shit and apparently don't like to be drawn out of your narrow-minded comfort zone, instead relying only on the programmed lies that flood right-wing media, drowning out all other countervailing voices.

    Third: Laws have been broken, "big league," and then massively covered up. What f---ing rock have you been hiding under?! Certain despicable behavior dealing with taxes and campaign laws used to be -- once upon a time -- very illegal but are now legal, disastrously, thanks to rapacious Republican lawmakers and corporate-slanted Supreme Court Justices -- all designed to weaken the power of the People and strengthen the power of wealthy elites and their cash-cow corporations. The People absolutely need to revisit those laws and change them, or we're done as a democracy.

    My God, Ou812, even in this thread, Thom provided you with a link to an important Princeton study that would open your eyes to many of the key points we've been trying to make repeatedly. What good would it do to retype it all here, if you're going to ignore everything anyway?

    Fourth: If you want hard evidence of monumental Republican election fraud over the last several decades, I'll challenge you (yet again) to study what Greg Palast has uncovered, going all the way back to 2000. He has produced a large body of work, but a very well done (and rather entertaining) introduction is, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy." (Note, he is a well educated, long-experienced, and highly qualified former FBI investigator, who was a primary on the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and who doesn't cut any slack for Democrats either.)

    By no means, however, is he the only serious source investigating election fraud. Brad Friedman, John F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio, and many other capable journalists, writers, and lawyers have built a mountain of evidence that the Justice Departments -- under both Republicans and Democrats alike -- were and are afraid to touch for varied and obvious reasons. But the facts are, nonetheless, slowly, painfully coming out.

    I also highly recommend "Dark Money" by Jane Mayer, who exposes the power behind the throne. Likewise, she is just one of the many truth tellers out there who is contributing to an accurate historical record, but her work is especially exceptional.

    Finally: I'm sorry if that record sounds "liberal" and "lefty" to a "con's" ear and not worthy of consideration. So, just turn on your hate/lie radio programs, login to your favorite right-wing/lie websites, watch Fox/lie so-called "news," and enjoy blissful ignorance. You'll conveniently avoid anger and disillusionment and be much happier in La La Land. It's easier that way -- sad, but easier.

    Therein, lies the primary problem of modern America and our lost democracy -- a political system corrupted by Big Money, a hollow mockery of the People's nation our Founders died for and entrusted succeeding generations to safeguard.

    Thomas Jefferson went to the grave worried that the fourth leg of government -- a free and unfettered press -- would be undermined by lies. He earnestly maintained in his speeches and writings that if the People did not have steady and comprehensive access to the simple, factual truth of things, they couldn't make the right decisions, and, therefore, democracy and the Republic could not possibly survive. His greatest worry is now coming to pass.

  • As a lefty - Can you be friends with Trump supporter?   8 years 8 weeks ago

    No. I can (and I am) civil with them. But 'friends' are people I genuinely like. Someone who supports someone like Trump is someone I fundamentally have issues with. Nit entirely political, but universal issues such as human decency, morality, and compassion, These are not my friends.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    "... pointing out the absolute hypocrisy of so many here ... it has become entertaining listening to the same old excuses and declaring you will do what you preached against Republicans doing for the last eight years."

    "How would you expect me to respond?"

    "Obama never figured out how to deal with the opposition. That is the mark of a leader."

    Well, if you can do better, maybe you can set the pace and show us the way. You don't exactly come across as a follower. So far, I don't see anything other than more of the same under another name.

    I'm amazed at how individual people are targeted with blame for dynamics that are generated through complex webs of interaction between many different people over time ... not to mention, I'm not convinced anyone really knows what anyone else is facing - especially those who are called to govern.

    I do feel it might be nigh unto impossible to work in these industries without being caught up in conflicts between your own feelings/beliefs and those required to keep the job ... or starting out advocating for one issue, only to find the tables turning so you wind up opposing what you really support, and supporting what you oppose.

    I say, be true to what is true for you, and carry on.

    We all have a part to play in this process, or we would not be here.

    I can see how Trump would want to be known as the best president America ever had ... to be heroic, in the most exceptional sense of the word ... I'm not sure how that would play out, or how it would work for the people of America ... or the world at large ... give it a chance ...?

    ..., uhm, ... do I have a choice ...?

    I would love to see positive outcomes. I doubt that looks the same to different interest groups ... if you challenge his policies, and Trump perceives you as opposing him, how will he deal with the obstacle?

    Nuke it?

    Here's the good news:

    Nukes generate more toxic waste. They, along with fossil fuels, will be yesterday's news in the coming era of enlightenment. We are about to find out what kind of government in this country - if any - will prevail.

    ... maybe conflict and resistance generate stress and tension that compel movement in the political sphere ... a deeply ingrained part of the process ... keeps the wheels turning ... clearly, some people are moved to reach beyond conflict to seek consensus ... others, not.

    Word is, it all comes out in the wash.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Ou812, A few more nominees for the Republican Election/Voter Fraud Hall of Shame:

    Enrico Jack Villamaino
    Tina Marie Parks
    Robert Monroe
    Colin Small
    Charles White
    Paul Seewald
    Oliver Lee Reynolds
    James O'Keffe
    Todd Aikin
    Staff of Thaddeus McCotter (Don Yowchung and three others)

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    OK Ou812, Nobody said that opposing recounts was illegal. Nobody said that not releasing tax returns was illegal. Nor would anybody say that opposing the gathering of evidence in any crime is illegal. However, if you haven't committed any crimes or done anything illegal. What do you have to hide? Probably something illegal. At least that's what law enforcement officers would tell you.

    Brandon Hall, a Republican, was indicted on several counts of Election Fraud. Republicans are also the most likely to commit Voter Fraud. Just google it.

    Sticks and stones may never hurt you , but facts obviously will. So will Donald Trump. Just give him time. Just ask those that attended Trump University. They too thought that Donald Trump would be the answer to all their dreams.

    But as the old saying goes: "It's your funeral." I'm just can't understand why you are so smug and gleeful about driving off the cliff. Maybe it's the guilt from abetting the last Republican president that was responsible for the murder of 1000s of American Troops and maiming of tens of thousands of other American Troops, al least according to Vince Bugliosi, the man that prosecuted Manson. Or maybe it's the guilt of abetting Bush, the president that served while hundreds of thousands were evicted from their homes during the last Republican administration mortgage crisis and the 800,000 a month that were losing there jobs and the tens of thousands of factories that relocated out of the country during the last Republican administration.

    I guess if I were bearing that cross, I would probably double down on my ideology, hoping that history would somehow prove the facts wrong. Or maybe I would go out and hire a snake oil salesman to over see the fate of my children and grand children.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    If opposing recounts is illegal, why weren't Republicans prosecuted?

    If Trump not releasing his tax returns is illegal, why wasn't he prosecuted?

    Please provide the names and sources of Republicans "hauled off to jail" for election fraud.

    I will take your no response as your admission that you made up these scenarios out of desperation.

    Admit it Stopgap, I'm calling your bluff. All you and Deepspace have is name calling. Remember from elementary school "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me".

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    Friendly advice: If you feel the need to respond to what somebody writes, work on your reading comprehension skills to better absorb the essential points, so that you don't wander off into irrelevancy.

    To your deflecting points:

    The "if's" are what change history; otherwise, there never would have been an American Revolution against British tyranny. The unfair and immoral laws that were implemented and then manipulated by self-serving power/greed mongers need to be changed to allow fair and transparent elections, if we still want to be considered a respected democratic republic and not some third-world hybrid plutocracy.

    It is not so much simple "anger" at Trump as it is total disgust and moral outrage at all that he represents, which are legitimate, viable emotions that can spur corrective action.

    So, are you now a Bernie supporter? If not, then your words are disingenuous and hypocritical. He, and the points he still makes, rather loudly, are not "destroyed," and remain true as ever.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    If everything Republicans do, is to follow the law, then why were they so afraid of the recounts? If everything they do is so legal, then why is Trump so afraid to show his taxes? If everything they do is so legal, why have some Republicans been hauled off to jail for election fraud?

    Actually, were not that mad at Trump, it's the geniuses that are so blinded by their bigotry and hatred for the Clintons and Obama that they cannot even see through the most blatantly transparently despicable, greedy, immoral, lying, delusional, fascist scumbag that ever called himself a Republican.

    BTW, this coronation of Hillary that conservatives go on and on about, has been, thanks to endless Republican slimy dirty tricks, what would have been called in old Salem, a trial by fire.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    I find it amazing that us "knuckle draggers" are always able to beat you ever so smart, lefties. And all we have to do to win is follow the law.

    All the if's you have in your essay reminds me of the old saying, "If your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle". Cheers!! Only 18 more days left.:).....

    BTW, I cannot understand all the anger at Trump. It was Hillary and Democrats who destroyed Bernie, not Trump. He just took advantage of Democratic ineptitude.......

    Knuckle Draggers Rule :))

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Republicans have to lie, cheat, and steal to "win" elections, because they are a minority party and always have been. Their chief strategists know that reality fully well, even if their dumb-downed base is totally oblivious to the facts of their own party's history. If everyone was required to vote by law (which they should be), Republicans would never be able to claw their way into power at the national level or in most states and municipalities. They would cease to exist as anything more than a regional party of southern white bigots, greedy corporatists, and easily brainwashed, uneducated toadies.

    They lost the people's vote but retained their House majority because of gerrymandering, the Senate because of the two-senator law, and won the White House because of the Electoral College. If we leave the Senate law in place (of course) but reform gerrymandering, the Electoral College, and require everyone to vote, Republicans would either have to moderate their clearly out-of-step, extremist positions to garner more popular support, or they would have to accept their diminished role as a regional, ineffectual party of fools.

    Meanwhile, they cannot brag -- without inviting ridicule -- about winning a mandate from the people. That is a lie, no matter how often trolls repeat it!

    As far as lying, cheating, and stealing to "win," I would strongly urge the trolls who post on this blog to read or watch "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. Of course, they won't; they're scared to death of any outside facts that upset their false narrative and skewed worldview.

    Again, ignorance is not necessarily stupidity, but willful ignorance certainly is. Nowadays, at this critical juncture in history, anyone who deliberately spreads lies absolutely deserves all the scorn, ridicule, and name-calling that can be heaped upon them. They are traitors to the founding principles of our nation, plain and simple!

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Again, conservatives creating their own definitions to words, I think you had better look up the definition of the word "Hypocrisy."

    And if those justices are consistent with Trump's morals, we can look forward to Pussy Grabbing as soon being legal as well as peeping in on naked teenage girls.

    Yes, it will truly be Christmas in hell. And to all a good blight!

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago


    And communicate well you do.

    I don't fault you for name calling, I think if points out how desperate and helpless the left has become. Let your hypocrisy continue to run full tilt.

    As I have stated, you will make it Christmas every day for the next eight years, three Supreme Court justices, and 107 other appeals court and federal judge appointments.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 8 weeks ago

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  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Now you really can't fault us for resorting to name-calling. After all, facts don't seem to work and based on what we've seen from right-wingers that post on this site and the fact that it worked so well for Trump, we just assumed that this was your preferred method of communication.

  • GOP Plans to Destroy Our Safety Net Will Also Kill Democracy   8 years 8 weeks ago

    Good morning Tom @#27

    You are preaching to the choir. I think the excuse thing has reach it's century mark so now it is just down to calling Trump and family derogatory names. I guess that's all that is left for classy leftie/socialists to do. The election is over. I do find it funny they only concentrate on the presidential election. The real ass kicking was everywhere else. That should really give them something to bitch about. Anyway, they have eight years to regather for Chelsea's coronation.

    Save the dress Monica.

  • As a lefty - Can you be friends with Trump supporter?   8 years 8 weeks ago

    I can't because i hate trump supporter my dad support him actually trump did not look like a leader i like obama because he works good Bay they someone write my essay for me i want to submit it to my collage my topic is Politics

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