Whenever Republican apologists grind their teeth and spit out what they think is their best argument-ending epithet -- "socialist!" -- they reveal the true core of their misperception of, not only the widely diverse abstract meanings, but how varying degrees of socialism has always been a functioning, concrete reality of every single form of government that has ever existed from the beginning of civilization.
Dear Dianereynolds, Trump has already tipped his hand by showing us his cabinet choices. I'm not stupid. I know who these people are and i can easily research their histories.
Sixteen years ago, George W. Bush gave us a frightening preview of what we can expect for the next four years. That is if you actually believe that this mob of banksters, polluters and conmen will ever permit another meaningful election. After all, they will soon control all branches of government and the supreme court. I'm glad you are so enamored with them. Because, they are here to stay... 'till the bitter end.
Feel free to relax on your Barca lounger with your remote flipping from Fox to Newsmax, taking in all the good positive news that will surely be trumpeted daily. Or feel free to stick your head in the sand and pretend that you are invisible.
Personally, I've profited nicely by betting against Republicans. When Bush was elected, I dumped my equities and bought gold. When Obama was elected, I sold my gold and bought equities. Worked like a charm.
ErinRose, I hope you realize that neo-liberalism is one of those unfortunately oxymoronic terms that actually descirbes the Regan doctrines and their followers. Neo-conservatives and neo-liberals are actually one and the same. Neo-liberal has nothing to do with being a liberal.
For my money, libertarians are actually the worst of all. They are generally smart enough to know better, but are compelled by their selfishness and greed to turn their back on their fellow man in promoting their agenda of "I've got mine and the hell with the rest of you."
Let's all run around with our hair on fire before Trump even gets in office.
Surely self promoting scholars constantly preaching and predicting negativity promotes mental health among progressive/socialists that already live in a dark world filled with therapy sessions and tin foil hat conspiracies.
I can only surmise that there must be something radically wrong with me to end up in the global minority while so many countries, including the US, have gone so utterly neo-conservative. I can't stand today's conservatives and people like Newt Gingrich disgust and infuriate me. All I wish for is that they would be drowned in Grover Norquist's bathtub. What in the name of heaven do working people see in these reprobates... unless it is that the average person is a reprobate themselves and identify with this scumbag element. I support getting rid of the IMF, the Federal Reserve, and the Council On Foreign Relations, while razing K Street, and jailing all of Wall Street as well as the rest of the criminal banking community. And I'm sorry to say that the Neo-Liberals aren't much better.
"Let's give Trump a chance." Would you give a pedophile a chance to babysit your children?
Only in the opposite world of rightwing ideology is a delusional, greedy, bankrupting, pathologically lying, sexual abusing, bigot fit to be president of anything, let alone, president of the United States.
If you don't think that Obama did anything, then you must not have been alive 8 years ago when the County was falling apart at the seams, when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, when the stock market had lost half it's value, when we were lied into a needless, endless war that to this day drains our economy and resources, when millions were being evicted from their homes, when thousands upon thousands of pensions were literally stolen from the workers that had spent their life earning them. Yeah, I guess we need more of that again?
But what do you expect from a group of people that think a" landslide victory" is losing the popular vote by almost three million votes and only able to claim victory because an antiquated system, the Electoral College, allowed a few corrupt Republican governors to suppress enough votes or otherwise jerry-rig the outcomes. Why do you think they were so adamant about stopping the recounts.
"Think" what am I talking about? Republican voters don't think. They are like pet dogs that for a few strokes and an occasional treat, will eagerly wag their tails and bark out their rightwing talking points. And if anyone tries to threaten the credibility of their masters, they will turn on them like mindless pit bulls.
And by the way. If those jobs are brought back by Trump and his cabinet of billionaire conmen, they will also bring the slave wages they now pay with them.
Slow and steady wins the race. Trump is not going to throw granny off the proverbial cliff. No. Instead, she will be lowered gently step by step to the bottom. All the while being told over and over again how much better off she is now.
Meanwhile in the real universe ... It is impossible to have constructive conversations with gullible people whose arguments are predicated on demonstrable falsehoods, cherry-picked statistics, wishful thinking, and intellectually dishonest political ideologies, as if repeating endless loops of programmed lies will somehow convince the historically vast, vast majority of sober-minded people, who did not vote for Trump, do not support him, and never will.
If they're trying to divine the future, thinking any good will come out of a Trump administration, I'd love to play poker with them.
Ronald Reagan harmless?? Let us start with him as Gov. of California in 1978, as he kicked out the helpless mentally ill to the streets with little more than some medicine. This predicted what a monster he was going to be in the future. In the '80's your writings are spot on Thom!! He set the platform for this country to die from greed, lack of empathy, and 'every man/woman for himself. I wonder if the 1% will ever figure out that the tax base IS the middle class?? Or will Narcissism continue to rule their minds?
Enough with the Citizens United crap. Hillary spent 450 million to Trumps 238 million. Obama's last campaign was 630 million. It is the Democrats that benefit from citizens United. You have been whining about this for ten years. The last election shows it doesn't matter how much you spend, Americans will vote in who they believe is the best for the country at the time. The whole campaign I heard over and over that the middle class is gone. News flash the middle class is alive and well and just voted the Democrat elites out of the white house, senate and congress and now soon the supreme court. It is the left that has forgotten about the middle class. Hopefully Trump will prove it.
I think about what my generation is leaving for my 6 month old grand daughter and 3 year old grand son. Do any of you right wing trolls think the same?
"... - could the EPA have taken an even bolder stance on fracking?"
Well, at least, they've progressed from the euphemistic word, "impact," to the semi-euphemistic, "contaminate."
How about just saying it like it is, with no high-brow ambiguity at all, by using the simple word, "poison?" As in, "Hey, the goddamn fracking companies are poisoning our water!"
Or, more pointedly, "F--king Republicans and their f--ked-up policies are poisoning our water, our air, our food, our environment, our economy, our healthcare, our education, our retirement, our foreign affairs, and just about everything else they touch with their greasy, greedy little hands -- including our whole goddamn planet!"
Maybe then, even Trump's uni-brow, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging ass-kissers might understand.
Now that we have reached the point where solar power is CHEAPER than fossile fuel power, it is just a matter of time before before the fossil fuel industry disappears.
Profits over people. No one gets rich selling pharmaceuticals to healthy people. With outsourcing and prison slave labor leaving a bunch of unemployed healthy people. Fracking helps stimulate the economy by getting people sick. This is only one tool in their toolbox.
Like diverting tax money from safety nets and infrastructure to multinational gun manufacturing corporations, or bombs and jets and bullets. The drug war is over a Trillion dollars diverted. Keeping alternatives outlawed and putting sick people in jail for committing illicit remedies.
Prevention and potential cures are not prudent at this juncture. Fossil Fools rule and anything else that harms the environment. Clear cutting forests or dumping Koch paper waste into rivers or plastic from crud into the oceans. Forming goop islands starving the plankton and messing with the food chain. More reason to buy Monsanto Frankenfud.
Follow the money and stash the emotions. These Neocon psychopaths aren't shedding any tears over it. Unless the bottom line isn't met in the daily tally. I'm sure its only happenstance Bush and the Moony's own over a million acres of land over the largest Aquifer in Latin America while they frack up our water with nasty Tar Pipelines and Nukes over dormant fault lines becoming not so dormant in OKieland due to fracking. If the Fossil Fool suggestion for EPA doesn't care about his homey's???
The G-20+- Neocon's want to govern the country of Earth. If they can make middle class wages equal to third world countries, that is their definition of World Peace. The New Weird Odor from the World Trade Orchestrations. A world of equals, governed by the elitist 10% who believe those with the Money are the true examples of God's chosen ones. All others are here to serve.
Lying and cheating, buying elections to sell legislation or inheriting the money, are just various "means" to the end. Selling treatment for misery they create. Banning cures and prevention. Profit is the new Mother of Invention. Necessity is a deterrent to questioning authoritah or whistle blowing. The homeless are reminders to those living paycheck to paycheck. More every year.
Sabotage and Intimidation, a corporate media reading memo's. It most assuredly can happen here. Actually following the Ganjawar the past 45 years, there is little question about it. Special laws circumventing the Constitution for the message it might send the kids. Now the middle class is seeing what oppressed groups have been living since forever in some cases. At least since Nixon.
First they came for the people of color, then the counter culture, then women and gays. Now the disabled, unemployed, under the table and poor in general are of more "value" in a profit prison cage. $35k/yr to spend and tax verses minimum wage jobettes at $12-15k/yr w/o taxes going back. Who are the prime candidates? Trump voters. Poverty can lower your IQ, Almost All Rural Whites are In Poverty With over half of the people believing Trump and his Posse are dangerously unqualified while the other lesser half are obedient Wingnuts following orders and praying for the day Voodoo Economics starts trickling down.
The logical answer is also the biggest threat to the status quo. Removing Cannabis from the CSA is a win win for America. Giving the middle class a job market staple, while putting the Wall St Bankster Beast on a Diet. Or continue whining about the bullies stealing everything in sight until FDR's accomplishments are nothing but a distant memory.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.
— Frederick Douglass
This is just one of so many issues that now seem catastrophic. It's hard to know where to start. Remember the noise from the "opposition" when Obama was elected? It hasn't let up for 8 yrs. Today's Democratic Party? Silent. Bernie is invisible to the Media; his issues and we, his supporters, completely dismissed. It's going to do an an Interesting 4 years.
What's the point of having a government agency to protect anything that is good for the people and the environment if they can be, essentially, bought off for corporate profits? I started seeing the tap water set on fire because of its methane content several years ago. The EPA is apparently gutless and the people en masse are going to be the losers. Most things in this country are out of control in some real important areas: GMO's, fracking, continued drilling for oil and its unreliable transport (pipeline breaks, trains derailing), not to mention the CO2 release with the burning of fossil fuels, and the factory farming of cattle. The Europeans are far saner than we. It's hard for me to be optimistic about our future. The greatest recent loss was having Bernie be President. I don't see how we'll recover from what 'could have been'. Looks like corporate control on steroids for our future. And I forgot to mention the stratospheric aerosol spraying....'chemtrails'.....you should read the list of toxic metals that are being released in the atmosphere...globally. So much for the EPA.
In fact, I would argue that money itself, is a form of socialism.
Whenever Republican apologists grind their teeth and spit out what they think is their best argument-ending epithet -- "socialist!" -- they reveal the true core of their misperception of, not only the widely diverse abstract meanings, but how varying degrees of socialism has always been a functioning, concrete reality of every single form of government that has ever existed from the beginning of civilization.
Oh, pardon me. I forgot to say Happy New Year!!!!
Dear Dianereynolds, Trump has already tipped his hand by showing us his cabinet choices. I'm not stupid. I know who these people are and i can easily research their histories.
Sixteen years ago, George W. Bush gave us a frightening preview of what we can expect for the next four years. That is if you actually believe that this mob of banksters, polluters and conmen will ever permit another meaningful election. After all, they will soon control all branches of government and the supreme court. I'm glad you are so enamored with them. Because, they are here to stay... 'till the bitter end.
Feel free to relax on your Barca lounger with your remote flipping from Fox to Newsmax, taking in all the good positive news that will surely be trumpeted daily. Or feel free to stick your head in the sand and pretend that you are invisible.
Personally, I've profited nicely by betting against Republicans. When Bush was elected, I dumped my equities and bought gold. When Obama was elected, I sold my gold and bought equities. Worked like a charm.
ErinRose, I hope you realize that neo-liberalism is one of those unfortunately oxymoronic terms that actually descirbes the Regan doctrines and their followers. Neo-conservatives and neo-liberals are actually one and the same. Neo-liberal has nothing to do with being a liberal.
For my money, libertarians are actually the worst of all. They are generally smart enough to know better, but are compelled by their selfishness and greed to turn their back on their fellow man in promoting their agenda of "I've got mine and the hell with the rest of you."
Let's all run around with our hair on fire before Trump even gets in office.
Surely self promoting scholars constantly preaching and predicting negativity promotes mental health among progressive/socialists that already live in a dark world filled with therapy sessions and tin foil hat conspiracies.
I can only surmise that there must be something radically wrong with me to end up in the global minority while so many countries, including the US, have gone so utterly neo-conservative. I can't stand today's conservatives and people like Newt Gingrich disgust and infuriate me. All I wish for is that they would be drowned in Grover Norquist's bathtub. What in the name of heaven do working people see in these reprobates... unless it is that the average person is a reprobate themselves and identify with this scumbag element. I support getting rid of the IMF, the Federal Reserve, and the Council On Foreign Relations, while razing K Street, and jailing all of Wall Street as well as the rest of the criminal banking community. And I'm sorry to say that the Neo-Liberals aren't much better.
"Let's give Trump a chance." Would you give a pedophile a chance to babysit your children?
Only in the opposite world of rightwing ideology is a delusional, greedy, bankrupting, pathologically lying, sexual abusing, bigot fit to be president of anything, let alone, president of the United States.
If you don't think that Obama did anything, then you must not have been alive 8 years ago when the County was falling apart at the seams, when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, when the stock market had lost half it's value, when we were lied into a needless, endless war that to this day drains our economy and resources, when millions were being evicted from their homes, when thousands upon thousands of pensions were literally stolen from the workers that had spent their life earning them. Yeah, I guess we need more of that again?
But what do you expect from a group of people that think a" landslide victory" is losing the popular vote by almost three million votes and only able to claim victory because an antiquated system, the Electoral College, allowed a few corrupt Republican governors to suppress enough votes or otherwise jerry-rig the outcomes. Why do you think they were so adamant about stopping the recounts.
"Think" what am I talking about? Republican voters don't think. They are like pet dogs that for a few strokes and an occasional treat, will eagerly wag their tails and bark out their rightwing talking points. And if anyone tries to threaten the credibility of their masters, they will turn on them like mindless pit bulls.
And by the way. If those jobs are brought back by Trump and his cabinet of billionaire conmen, they will also bring the slave wages they now pay with them.
Slow and steady wins the race. Trump is not going to throw granny off the proverbial cliff. No. Instead, she will be lowered gently step by step to the bottom. All the while being told over and over again how much better off she is now.
..., chances are, that is not all it will kill ....
#1 - Kend
Sorry! I can't make a connection in my mind between Citizens United and the subject
Kindly elucidate
@ all Trumpists:
Meanwhile in the real universe ... It is impossible to have constructive conversations with gullible people whose arguments are predicated on demonstrable falsehoods, cherry-picked statistics, wishful thinking, and intellectually dishonest political ideologies, as if repeating endless loops of programmed lies will somehow convince the historically vast, vast majority of sober-minded people, who did not vote for Trump, do not support him, and never will.
If they're trying to divine the future, thinking any good will come out of a Trump administration, I'd love to play poker with them.
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%;
Ronald Reagan harmless?? Let us start with him as Gov. of California in 1978, as he kicked out the helpless mentally ill to the streets with little more than some medicine. This predicted what a monster he was going to be in the future. In the '80's your writings are spot on Thom!! He set the platform for this country to die from greed, lack of empathy, and 'every man/woman for himself. I wonder if the 1% will ever figure out that the tax base IS the middle class?? Or will Narcissism continue to rule their minds?
US needs a jobs program.
Obama had 8 years and got nowhere.
Lets give Trump a chance.
Enough with the Citizens United crap. Hillary spent 450 million to Trumps 238 million. Obama's last campaign was 630 million. It is the Democrats that benefit from citizens United. You have been whining about this for ten years. The last election shows it doesn't matter how much you spend, Americans will vote in who they believe is the best for the country at the time. The whole campaign I heard over and over that the middle class is gone. News flash the middle class is alive and well and just voted the Democrat elites out of the white house, senate and congress and now soon the supreme court. It is the left that has forgotten about the middle class. Hopefully Trump will prove it.
I think about what my generation is leaving for my 6 month old grand daughter and 3 year old grand son. Do any of you right wing trolls think the same?
... regressing right along ...
Steve Pruitt was picked, as the head of the EPA, by Trump to shut down the EPA.
"... - could the EPA have taken an even bolder stance on fracking?"
Well, at least, they've progressed from the euphemistic word, "impact," to the semi-euphemistic, "contaminate."
How about just saying it like it is, with no high-brow ambiguity at all, by using the simple word, "poison?" As in, "Hey, the goddamn fracking companies are poisoning our water!"
Or, more pointedly, "F--king Republicans and their f--ked-up policies are poisoning our water, our air, our food, our environment, our economy, our healthcare, our education, our retirement, our foreign affairs, and just about everything else they touch with their greasy, greedy little hands -- including our whole goddamn planet!"
Maybe then, even Trump's uni-brow, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging ass-kissers might understand.
Now that we have reached the point where solar power is CHEAPER than fossile fuel power, it is just a matter of time before before the fossil fuel industry disappears.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Our nerves are knotted and jangling
while Progressives ‘gainst Trumpists are wrangling
to keep the latter from mangling
our nation by so much entangling
of Alt-Right and Reaganesque errors.
Progressives are fraught with terrors
that Trumpism is busily strangling
America, - its future dangling.
I will recommend your blog to my friends so that they can increase their knowledge. link
Profits over people. No one gets rich selling pharmaceuticals to healthy people. With outsourcing and prison slave labor leaving a bunch of unemployed healthy people. Fracking helps stimulate the economy by getting people sick. This is only one tool in their toolbox.
Like diverting tax money from safety nets and infrastructure to multinational gun manufacturing corporations, or bombs and jets and bullets. The drug war is over a Trillion dollars diverted. Keeping alternatives outlawed and putting sick people in jail for committing illicit remedies.
Prevention and potential cures are not prudent at this juncture. Fossil Fools rule and anything else that harms the environment. Clear cutting forests or dumping Koch paper waste into rivers or plastic from crud into the oceans. Forming goop islands starving the plankton and messing with the food chain. More reason to buy Monsanto Frankenfud.
Follow the money and stash the emotions. These Neocon psychopaths aren't shedding any tears over it. Unless the bottom line isn't met in the daily tally. I'm sure its only happenstance Bush and the Moony's own over a million acres of land over the largest Aquifer in Latin America while they frack up our water with nasty Tar Pipelines and Nukes over dormant fault lines becoming not so dormant in OKieland due to fracking. If the Fossil Fool suggestion for EPA doesn't care about his homey's???
The G-20+- Neocon's want to govern the country of Earth. If they can make middle class wages equal to third world countries, that is their definition of World Peace. The New Weird Odor from the World Trade Orchestrations. A world of equals, governed by the elitist 10% who believe those with the Money are the true examples of God's chosen ones. All others are here to serve.
Lying and cheating, buying elections to sell legislation or inheriting the money, are just various "means" to the end. Selling treatment for misery they create. Banning cures and prevention. Profit is the new Mother of Invention. Necessity is a deterrent to questioning authoritah or whistle blowing. The homeless are reminders to those living paycheck to paycheck. More every year.
Sabotage and Intimidation, a corporate media reading memo's. It most assuredly can happen here. Actually following the Ganjawar the past 45 years, there is little question about it. Special laws circumventing the Constitution for the message it might send the kids. Now the middle class is seeing what oppressed groups have been living since forever in some cases. At least since Nixon.
First they came for the people of color, then the counter culture, then women and gays. Now the disabled, unemployed, under the table and poor in general are of more "value" in a profit prison cage. $35k/yr to spend and tax verses minimum wage jobettes at $12-15k/yr w/o taxes going back. Who are the prime candidates? Trump voters. Poverty can lower your IQ, Almost All Rural Whites are In Poverty With over half of the people believing Trump and his Posse are dangerously unqualified while the other lesser half are obedient Wingnuts following orders and praying for the day Voodoo Economics starts trickling down.
Cheney's Legacy of Fracking America to Death
It Can't Happen Heeere
Halliburton Watch: fracturing Americans 1949 - ?
The logical answer is also the biggest threat to the status quo. Removing Cannabis from the CSA is a win win for America. Giving the middle class a job market staple, while putting the Wall St Bankster Beast on a Diet. Or continue whining about the bullies stealing everything in sight until FDR's accomplishments are nothing but a distant memory.
Cannabis Food Fuel Fiber FARMaceuticals
Hemplastic or Fossil Fools Crud
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.
— Frederick Douglass
This is just one of so many issues that now seem catastrophic. It's hard to know where to start. Remember the noise from the "opposition" when Obama was elected? It hasn't let up for 8 yrs. Today's Democratic Party? Silent. Bernie is invisible to the Media; his issues and we, his supporters, completely dismissed. It's going to do an an Interesting 4 years.
What's the point of having a government agency to protect anything that is good for the people and the environment if they can be, essentially, bought off for corporate profits? I started seeing the tap water set on fire because of its methane content several years ago. The EPA is apparently gutless and the people en masse are going to be the losers. Most things in this country are out of control in some real important areas: GMO's, fracking, continued drilling for oil and its unreliable transport (pipeline breaks, trains derailing), not to mention the CO2 release with the burning of fossil fuels, and the factory farming of cattle. The Europeans are far saner than we. It's hard for me to be optimistic about our future. The greatest recent loss was having Bernie be President. I don't see how we'll recover from what 'could have been'. Looks like corporate control on steroids for our future. And I forgot to mention the stratospheric aerosol spraying....'chemtrails'.....you should read the list of toxic metals that are being released in the atmosphere...globally. So much for the EPA.