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  • Is the New Retirement Crisis a Threat to Our Democracy?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    A CHIMERICAL HOPE {a rhyme}

    We ought to be hysterical,

    ’cause our problems are so numerical:

    Democracy’s a hope chimerical

    when under Trump America’ll

    become Plutocratic

    laced with Fascist static.


  • Is the New Retirement Crisis a Threat to Our Democracy?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    Into our nation some Fascists have swept.

    Their gobsmacked opponents could not intercept

    the passes of lies by perps who’re adept

    at manipulating Rightists whose brains are inept.

    Democracy waned when its basic precept

    succumbed to slumbers as citizens slept.


  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    200,000 years of evolution -- and Homo sapiens' most advanced societies are on the brink of nuclear war and anthropogenic climate disruption, both of which threaten to destroy most life on Earth.

    Sol is a fourth-generation star, 4.6 billion years old in a universe 13.8 billion years old in a galaxy of 100 billion stars in a known universe of one to two trillion galaxies, very probably only one dimension of countless other dimensions and galaxies. Our universe is still very young, in its heyday of star formation, beginning from virtually nothing (a singularity) and lasting virtually forever (hundreds of trillions years more before it's hydrogen is expended).

    We exist on a superbly balanced planet born out of the unimaginable violence of an accretion disk, a perfect globe that can only be described as a miraculous paradise, existing in the cold, dark expanses of a truly strange and chaotic yet beautifully symmetrical universe, of which we only comprehend about five percent, with little clue to what dark matter and dark energy is, two of the most profound mysteries driving the forces of nature.

    According to the laws of physics, we are completely isolated in every way imaginable in the fabric of time and space -- utterly alone and on our own. Evolution is a harsh mistress; if a species cannot adapt to a changing environment, it goes extinct, never to return. 10,000 years of false religions and gods have not led to the so-called higher consciousness or spiritual enlightenment that we hoped and prayed would somehow alter the course of our self-imposed, inevitable destruction.

    If (or when) we fail, we won't be missed. Earth is still relatively young, orbiting in the Goldilocks zone around a sun with five billion years of fuel left. The planet given enough time will recover its balance -- as it always has -- erasing most traces and stains of humanity, to once again become a paradise, where, perhaps, members of another species may evolve an intelligence to fully appreciate and enjoy their time in the sun.

    We've had our spit of time -- a nanosecond of near eternity. It's too bad we are blowing it on the stupidity of petty, ego-driven thought whorls that lead nowhere. For the human spirit to defy this dynamic of base human nature is the only revolution that matters!

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    (twelter001 - #1)
    "I think that it is going to take a minimum of two years before the idiots that have been assigned to do any of the changes will be able to figure out how the government even works much less propose changes to it. They might have made a lot of money in the private sector but government is a little different."

    I see a President Trump solving that little problem in short order with one repeated phrase - two short words the viewing public knows and loves so well by now ...: "YOU'RE FIRED!!"

    Do you think he can make it stick - here on Turtle Island ... or anywhere ...?

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I wonder if Las Vegas bookies are taking bets on how long Trump will remain in office.

    Sometimes, I just want to kick Life square in the teeth.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago
    Quote 2950-10K:you know what...this country can go straight to hell!

    That ticket has been bought and paid for; the train is fully loaded, and barreling down the tracks, with flames shooting from the screaming wheels, towards Perdition. Asbestos suits are for sale in the dining car.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Revolution is the answer

    However, it is doubtful whether the character of a modern American carries those qualities displayed by men during the American Revolutionary War circa 1766 thru 1783

    Observably not

    Nevertheless, there was an educated literal recognition of what they were up against and fighting for

    None such appears to exist in this day

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago


    My money's on deepspace. He's 'peggin' the seismometers.:)

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I can't figure out if deepspace, or Legend's head is going to explode first.

    You two make every day Christmas.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Good for you; you know how to copy and paste! Tomorrow, kids, you'll learn what toilet paper is for.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Back to you @Deepspace


    You say you want a revolution

    Well, you know

    We all want to change the world

    You tell me that it's evolution

    Well, you know

    We all want to change the world

    But when you talk about destruction

    Don't you know that you can count me out

    Don't you know it's gonna be

    All right, all right, all right

    You say you got a real solution

    Well, you know

    We'd all love to see the plan

    You ask me for a contribution

    Well, you know

    We're doing what we can

    But if you want money for people with minds that hate

    All I can tell is brother you have to wait

    Don't you know it's gonna be

    All right, all right, all right

    You say you'll change the constitution

    Well, you know

    We all want to change your head

    You tell me it's the institution

    Well, you know

    You better free your mind instead

    But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao

    You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

    Don't you know it's gonna be

    All right, all right, all right

    All right, all right, all right

    All right, all right, all right

    All right, all right


    @Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching Trump's chumps whimper and whine when his many broken promises begin to negatively, inevitably impact their pathetic little lives and circumstances, which they were gullible enough to believe would somehow, magically improve under his infantile tutelage.

    Mmm ... now, what did the fake-haired boy once bark out to his starry-eyed boneheads when they were beating up a protester? Oh yeah, "I'd like to punch 'em in the face." Yes, I would thoroughly enjoy that type of ironic justice. Ah, metaphorically of course ...


  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    back @ Ou812:

    I don't think you quite understand what revolution means.

    Any human being who is not deeply disgusted by the absurd, piss-drunk stupidity of brain-addled Trump supporters evidently does not possess a fully evolved limbic system and should be pitied. Whereas, Trump sycophants deserve every malignancy about to be visited upon the country, the world, and themselves by this sorry-ass, self-aggrandizing moron, with whom they are so in love.

    And why do you keep jabbering the same gibberish in endless loops? Boring! The troll handlers won't give you that raise, unless you can fake animated authenticity more convincingly.


  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I think that it is going to take a minimum of two years before the idiots that have been assigned to do any of the changes will be able to figure out how the government even works much less propose changes to it. They might have made a lot of money in the private sector but government is a little different

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday December 21st, 2016   8 years 10 weeks ago

    What about why the GOP lost?

    There has been a lot of discussion from the Dems, the GOP, the campaigns, the media, blogs, etc. about why Hillary lost. What hasn't gotten as much attention is why the non-fringe candidates lost in the GOP primary; Trump should have never won the primary much less the general. Trump is just a symptom of how massively broken our systems and institutions are. And while we want to hope; I see no signs that we will change course and start heading in a direction that fixes things.

    The GOP seem willing to continue putting party ahead of the interests of the country no matter the consequences. An example of how far they are willing to go is the letter sent to the Ayatollahs, signed by almost all GOP senators, urging the Ayatollahs to not cooperate with our commander-In-Chief. If the shoe was on the other foot, the GOP would characterize that action as treason in a time of war.

    As for the Dems; the increasing loss of down-ballot races and measures should have been a red flag to do something different. But the Dems have not updated the play book, they continue to lose the propaganda war, they are in too much of a Beltway bubble because of what I call the GOBAG Club (Good Ol' Boys And Girls) and consequently don't effectively relate to what's going on outside the Beltway, they are reactive and not proactive, their strategy is passive, they've done little to nothing about voter suppression in the 16 years since Bush v. Gore... Yet too often over the years I have heard comments from the Dems like; the GOP are going to overreach, now the GOP has to govern and that will hurt them, when the demographics change it will favor Dems, we need bipartisan solutions, we need a grand bargain, we need to reach across the aisle, Reagan and Tip O'Neil worked across the aisle... It's unbelievable and annoys me to no end that they are continuing to spout this kind of crap; they are relying on strategy that has been obsolete since Gingrich --- TWENTY YEARS AGO!!! I'd like to be optimistic, but I see few indicators that the Dems know what to do going forward.

    Dan, San Diego

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago


    I see you reached Stage 2. Good for you:)

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago


    "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." -- Ronald Reagan's "eleventh" commandment.

    ... waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...

    Nope, only hypocrisy.


    Sorry, a !!!yuuuge!!! majority of sober-minded voters totally rejected your disgusting, egomaniacal sexual pervert and will never -- here, let me spell it out for you: N-E-V-E-R -- reach that final stage of acceptance, which would mean to normalize a demented, macabre psycho-clown with a freakish, off-color circus wig of plugs(?)! Ain't gonna happen!

    Most mothers would not trust this piece of shit in the same room with their daughters; and yet, there he is about to soil the chair in the Oval Office. WTF is wrong with you people?!

    But you can always hope and pretend against all odds that sane people will suddenly lose their minds and accept your sick pervert as a (choke) "president." Some friendly advice: delusional, driveling mental cases should avoid trying to define what it is to be a "healthy person." It's embarrassing, rather sad.

    Unless, you're just another dime-a-dozen paid troll, in which case I would suggest that you ask for a substantial pay raise for your vain but valiant efforts to spin such obvious lies into some semblance of acceptability.

    It is certainly not working, but it is certainly entertaining -- kinda like watching Kellyanne Conway stumble through interviews with that weird combination of smoothness and grace and the barefaced duplicity of a really creepy liar.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    @Ou812 #33

    I would argue that most progressives are angry and depressed from birth.

    Denial comes later when their thoughts and ideals are repudiated by most of the rest of the population.

    Acceptance and bargaining never enters their cranium.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    So the new theory is 17 intelligence agencies all collaborated on a fake story to defame Trump with the insinuation that Putin was hacking the DNC to get him elected. ...yeah right! Oh I totally forgot about Tillerson...ahh who cares? Trump's reign of terror will keep everyone glued to radio, TV, and social media.... and that's all that really counts!!!

    Time for me to move on to an organization that wants to fight ...not seek and bask in drama for the sake of ratings!

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The 5 stages of Grief and Loss are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

    1. Denial--Refusing to believe what has happened, feeling shocked. "This can't be happening."

    2. Anger--Accusing others, such as supreme beings or friends, for what has occurred. "How dare you let this happen!"

    3. Bargaining--Asking the universe or a supreme being to "cut a deal" with you. "Just let me live to see my daughter get married."

    4. Depression--Experiencing listlessness or exhaustion with feelings of helplessness, guilt and lack of interest in life. "I might as well give up."

    5. Acceptance--Facing the loss and moving on, returning to set goals in your life and focusing your energy more positively. "I'm ready to deal with this now."

    Judging by what I read on this blog, It's my opinion, most of you are in the anger phase of loss. Most people who are in the grieving process don't feel like the five stages apply to them, does that sound familiar. Grief is a complicated emotion, and the grieving process is uniquely your own. No matter where you are in the process, you must grow to accept the situation in order to be a healthy person.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    “When a nation’s young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
    ~Henry Ward Beecher

    “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
    ~John Kenneth Galbraith

  • Should internet access be a fundamental right for all Americans?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Well, it is the cheapest way to communicate people from allover the world so, I think it is necessary for every household.

    John Paul

    at&t internet

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    People are afraid when they are afraid they give there freedoms away for security ,safety and survival . See the post above .

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    There is no hell but I know what you mean, life on Earth could be experienced as hell .Lets hope we create heaven on Earth ....we can do this its will power and understanding we are all one .This is the fast track to evolve .


  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Your economic model is primitive it arises from illusions you hold about life which is the same as God .It is from the dual illusion of Insufficiency and Disunity that your economy emerges .The idea that there is not enough of what humans need to be happy ,and the idea that human beings are seperate from each other ; forms the basis of your entire economic model .

    Presently on the planet ,wealth is defined as possessions and power .The old spirituality encourages you to have dominion over the earth .You have interpreted this to mean domination .And so you have imagined ownership of,or power over people ,places and things an asset- or part what you have called wealth .

    According to this paradigm ,the more things you owned,the more power you had ,and the

    wealthier you were.

    The solutions that we seek are spiritual when we decide we are one and create life based on all of us the problems in our world will simply evaporate .Until then expect things to get worse.Power is always given never taken .At the moment we live in a world built on fear .And if you fear enough things ,you will give every freedom you ever had away .And you will do this gratefully .For there is only one thing you want more than freedom.




    The whole world has lost its way .But do not worry we shall find our way again .Tomorrows God will lead you there.For a spirituality that brings a message of freedom cannot and will not support a cultural story of oppression and repression forever .Sooner or later freedom will inspire the experience of freedom itself.And the unity of all things in the near future will be experiential .

    The culture from which we emerge is causing the demise of the culture .


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