Every time Republicans get their turn at bat, they always foul out and lose the game for the people. There's no reason to think it'll be any different this time around other than being so much worse than any time before. Of course, the owners never lose ... just the people.
Most of us who post on this blog already knew Crooked Donny was totally lying his way into the White House. His desire for Medicare privatization was already a foregone conclusion. It's pretty easy to manipulate the limited minds of religious nuts, gun nuts, and Teabaggers.
Now thanks to Citizens United, and networks like Fox News, the billionaires have become emboldened with their complete control of the propagnada message/machine. This along with confidence that there are enough Putins/Skeeters out there to get consistently within election fraud range ....they have come unabashedly out of the dark shadows and into the political limelight. Everybody needs to resist at all cost!
Tonight NBC news spun the Putin /Trump collusion with, but of course.... it's all Obama's fault for not stopping it. LMAO They stood totally behind Trump's spin of "why didn't Obama speak out more before the election was over." Not a mention of why Putin wants Trump in the White House!
At the end of the NBC news segment a comment was made that Trump is now giving some credibility to the CIA claim, and his pivot would "scare the bejesus out of the Kremlin." exact words.....OMG! ....you can't make this sht up. I thought I was watching Fox News.
If anyone thinks there wasn't collusion between Trump and Putin...you've got your head in a place where the sun doesn't shine.
The foxmerized will all be traumatized within a year or two....what happened to my affordable health insurance? Why does my water taste and look so weird? Why is my social security getting cut in half? The $5000 voucher doesn't quite cover the cost of my $20,000 private for profit medicare health insurance! What...... and I now have to be 70 to qualify for medicare???? Why have my local property taxes doubled? Why are only the billionaires getting a giant tax break and mine are going up? Why are jobs still going overseas? Why has the stock market crashed?..oh that's right, China divested in us. Why are hate crimes and mass shootings far more common? Where is that wall? What ...I have to send my kid to a school with teachers who only have high school diplomas , a school with no sports program and mandatory prayer class.??? Why are all of those illegal citizens still here working for guys like crooked Donny? Why did we get hit with a massive terror strike again? Why is the weather so fkked up? ..and I'll be saying I told you so!
I'm looking for the name of the philosophy professor who was on your show, discussing with you how one can talk constructively about politics with people you disagree with.
Trump University, Trump University, Trump University, Comey, Comey, Comey, sexual assaults, sexual assualts, sexual assaults, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, Russia hacks, Russian hacks, Russian hacks, ...Lock him up, Lock him up, lock him up..lamo...but wait a minute, that's not propaganda???? Just crooked Donny doing his crooked thang!
Well guess what....let me know how making "Merica" better is working for you a year from now!
Calm down Thom. Few people have enriched themselves from being POTUS as much as the Clinton's. Remember they were totally "broke" when they left the White House. These poor folk had to steal our furniture, silverware, and china from the White House just so they had a place to set their food when they huddled around the old campfire at dinnertime. (They must have squandered away the cash they made from their Whitewater investments or Hillary's "lucky" investment in cattle futures in 1978 while at the Rose Law firm where her initial $1,000 investment had generated nearly $100,000 when she stopped trading after ten months.
What a difference a few years make,
Now, they run a personal slush fund of $2,000,000,000 (that's BILLION) mostly comprised from countries and large donors outside the US, command a $250,000-$700,000 per half hour speech, and have an undisclosed personal net worth.
Daughter Chelsea luckily landed a $600.000/yr. job at NBC with no experience. Nice starting salary which saved her from needing an allowance from her investment banker husband and allows them to purchase their "starter home" for $10.5 million.
Go Donald, keep driving them nuts.
Below is just shit to give Legend something to do today.
I suspect it will take years for you to overcome the emotional trauma you endured from Trump winning the election. Too bad, you may be an intelligent person. BTW you have the wrong end of the horse in the avatar representing you. :)
I don't know about terrorists attacking Trump's golf course or one of his many hotels. However, Mr. Hartmann, you thought about a novel plan of attack. Still, I question its efficacy. If it does happen, I'll be the first to yell, "Damn!! Thom Hartmann predicted it!!"
As far as Trump's conflicts of interest, it seems like the Republicans in Congress are indifferent about it as well. A law that is not enforced is not an actual law. Granted, a conflict of interest isn't a law, but a mode of conduct appropriate for a profession. Still, Republicans seem willing to let any conflict of interest slide so long as they can impliment their right-wing agenda. Peter Schweizer, or Clinton Cash, brought up this very concern in an opinion piece published on Breitbart. I was surprised to see that he was being critical of Trump on Bannon's former site.
Perilous times may create some strange bedfellows. I'm still shocked that I agreed with Sara Palin's crony capitalism comment.
I will never trust a word he says. He isn't an honest person. His only committment is to money & greed. He is hiding much - still no tax returns - how & why did Russia(Putin) want to help Trump? This is my question.....He's not to be trusted.
Or maybe an anonymous Russian brother or sister will hack and leak the evidence of collusion. Certainly Putin has many enemys near him capable of this.
Read the "emolument" clause in Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution. The Founders were very clear, very forceful about office holders not receiving any benefits whatsoever from foreign interests. Period.
Because of the nature of the Trump Organization and it's widespread name-brand marketing, etc., in so many countries, it would be impossible to comply with this boilerplate law without completely severing his ownership. If not, he would be in direct conflict with the Constitution on day one of his Administration and subject to impeachment, if the House Republicans had the spine to proceed. Shuffling the whole mess off to his kids doesn't pass the smell test, the laugh test, or even come close to what is required.
Of course, in a fascist oligarchy (look at his cabinet picks), who's going to effectively contest it? A Republican Congress? The People? Man, do I have a Trump Tower to sell!
We're all just people -- well, not me, actually; I'm just an ornery, Irish talking horse stuck in a pasture close enough to the farmhouse to get wifi.
Labels are just labels, used for talkin' politics, inevitably and unavoidably I suspect. I figure after eight years of "the right" constantly demonizing "the left" so dishonesty that it is way past the time to fight back with demonstrable facts and emperical evidence.
Too much is at stake with massive wealth disparity, wars everywhere, and anthropogenic climate disruption smacking us upside the headbone. I'm far from being compassionate enough, but I do try to focus more on the bad ideas and destructive thought patterns, which is fair game, rather than the people behind them. Heehaw ... and fail miserably too many times!
Here's a "deal" you simply can't (literally) refuse, folks: In his new addendum to the "War on Terror" (and a boon for his defense industry, billionaire buddies -- you know, haha, jobs), the taxpayers can foot the bill to provide "big league" security for his business interests around the world. Hey, Trump's interests are your interests, dear citizen. You know it's coming.
There has to be a young CIA agent with children who gets it!He or she needs to blow on that whistle right now...only days left.
Global humanity has never seen a more dangerous and out of control individual rise to such a high position of power.....an individual who with his insane clown posse are about to plunge the entire planet into a darkness never before seen.
I'm sure there will be many safe havens/witness protection offered to the agent/patriot who steps forward with the intel of collusion between Trump and Putin.
It is a choice to associate 'demonizing' with 'far right'...no matter who is using it. 'Far right', 'far left' are just words on a sliding scale. It is never 'good' to be unemployed unless you are lucky enough to be retired...with enough...but it's ok to be far right or far left if you leave room for compassion. And it's ok to slide...except on the roads. Take good care.
Every time Republicans get their turn at bat, they always foul out and lose the game for the people. There's no reason to think it'll be any different this time around other than being so much worse than any time before. Of course, the owners never lose ... just the people.
Most of us who post on this blog already knew Crooked Donny was totally lying his way into the White House. His desire for Medicare privatization was already a foregone conclusion. It's pretty easy to manipulate the limited minds of religious nuts, gun nuts, and Teabaggers.
Now thanks to Citizens United, and networks like Fox News, the billionaires have become emboldened with their complete control of the propagnada message/machine. This along with confidence that there are enough Putins/Skeeters out there to get consistently within election fraud range ....they have come unabashedly out of the dark shadows and into the political limelight. Everybody needs to resist at all cost!
Tonight NBC news spun the Putin /Trump collusion with, but of course.... it's all Obama's fault for not stopping it. LMAO They stood totally behind Trump's spin of "why didn't Obama speak out more before the election was over." Not a mention of why Putin wants Trump in the White House!
At the end of the NBC news segment a comment was made that Trump is now giving some credibility to the CIA claim, and his pivot would "scare the bejesus out of the Kremlin." exact words.....OMG! ....you can't make this sht up. I thought I was watching Fox News.
If anyone thinks there wasn't collusion between Trump and Putin...you've got your head in a place where the sun doesn't shine.
The content of this post desperately needs to reach the masses! ...share with everybody you know.
Probably best answered with this.
President Obama should exercise executive order and force the recount of the PROVISIONAL Votes.
The Democrats are a good party but need to exercise Grit and Guts.
The foxmerized will all be traumatized within a year or two....what happened to my affordable health insurance? Why does my water taste and look so weird? Why is my social security getting cut in half? The $5000 voucher doesn't quite cover the cost of my $20,000 private for profit medicare health insurance! What...... and I now have to be 70 to qualify for medicare???? Why have my local property taxes doubled? Why are only the billionaires getting a giant tax break and mine are going up? Why are jobs still going overseas? Why has the stock market crashed?..oh that's right, China divested in us. Why are hate crimes and mass shootings far more common? Where is that wall? What ...I have to send my kid to a school with teachers who only have high school diplomas , a school with no sports program and mandatory prayer class.??? Why are all of those illegal citizens still here working for guys like crooked Donny? Why did we get hit with a massive terror strike again? Why is the weather so fkked up? ..and I'll be saying I told you so!
Thom --
I'm looking for the name of the philosophy professor who was on your show, discussing with you how one can talk constructively about politics with people you disagree with.
Thanks for your help, and for all that you do.
Bill Bua
Trump University, Trump University, Trump University, Comey, Comey, Comey, sexual assaults, sexual assualts, sexual assaults, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy, Russia hacks, Russian hacks, Russian hacks, ...Lock him up, Lock him up, lock him up..lamo...but wait a minute, that's not propaganda???? Just crooked Donny doing his crooked thang!
Well guess what....let me know how making "Merica" better is working for you a year from now!
Question for Thom:
If Nixon can be impeached for sabotage of the election at Watergate DNC offices,
Why shouldnt Trump be DISQUALIFIED for the sabotage of calling for Russia to hack DNC and HRC emails during election?
I think she succeeded, but you're too traumatized to understand.
"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit." -- W.C. Fields
Karl Rove calls it "dump trucking." If you're not on the side of truth, dump so many lies that nobody can possibly untangle them all.
Nice try.
Calm down Thom. Few people have enriched themselves from being POTUS as much as the Clinton's. Remember they were totally "broke" when they left the White House. These poor folk had to steal our furniture, silverware, and china from the White House just so they had a place to set their food when they huddled around the old campfire at dinnertime. (They must have squandered away the cash they made from their Whitewater investments or Hillary's "lucky" investment in cattle futures in 1978 while at the Rose Law firm where her initial $1,000 investment had generated nearly $100,000 when she stopped trading after ten months.
What a difference a few years make,
Now, they run a personal slush fund of $2,000,000,000 (that's BILLION) mostly comprised from countries and large donors outside the US, command a $250,000-$700,000 per half hour speech, and have an undisclosed personal net worth.
Daughter Chelsea luckily landed a $600.000/yr. job at NBC with no experience. Nice starting salary which saved her from needing an allowance from her investment banker husband and allows them to purchase their "starter home" for $10.5 million.
Go Donald, keep driving them nuts.
Below is just shit to give Legend something to do today.
Hah ... looks like your avatar might like the "other end." ~~~>
I suspect it will take years for you to overcome the emotional trauma you endured from Trump winning the election. Too bad, you may be an intelligent person. BTW you have the wrong end of the horse in the avatar representing you. :)
Much thanks for keep this data. pc4u
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
TRUMPISM BLUNDERS {1.40 limericks}
The news continues frightening,
our throats and intestines tightening.
Trumpism blunders
and shreds us asunder
as America it plunders
’til we All go under.
It needs some Smarts, some Enlightening.
I don't know about terrorists attacking Trump's golf course or one of his many hotels. However, Mr. Hartmann, you thought about a novel plan of attack. Still, I question its efficacy. If it does happen, I'll be the first to yell, "Damn!! Thom Hartmann predicted it!!"
As far as Trump's conflicts of interest, it seems like the Republicans in Congress are indifferent about it as well. A law that is not enforced is not an actual law. Granted, a conflict of interest isn't a law, but a mode of conduct appropriate for a profession. Still, Republicans seem willing to let any conflict of interest slide so long as they can impliment their right-wing agenda. Peter Schweizer, or Clinton Cash, brought up this very concern in an opinion piece published on Breitbart. I was surprised to see that he was being critical of Trump on Bannon's former site.
Perilous times may create some strange bedfellows. I'm still shocked that I agreed with Sara Palin's crony capitalism comment.
I will never trust a word he says. He isn't an honest person. His only committment is to money & greed. He is hiding much - still no tax returns - how & why did Russia(Putin) want to help Trump? This is my question.....He's not to be trusted.
Or maybe an anonymous Russian brother or sister will hack and leak the evidence of collusion. Certainly Putin has many enemys near him capable of this.
Read the "emolument" clause in Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution. The Founders were very clear, very forceful about office holders not receiving any benefits whatsoever from foreign interests. Period.
Because of the nature of the Trump Organization and it's widespread name-brand marketing, etc., in so many countries, it would be impossible to comply with this boilerplate law without completely severing his ownership. If not, he would be in direct conflict with the Constitution on day one of his Administration and subject to impeachment, if the House Republicans had the spine to proceed. Shuffling the whole mess off to his kids doesn't pass the smell test, the laugh test, or even come close to what is required.
Of course, in a fascist oligarchy (look at his cabinet picks), who's going to effectively contest it? A Republican Congress? The People? Man, do I have a Trump Tower to sell!
Haha, good points all, Old Kel!
We're all just people -- well, not me, actually; I'm just an ornery, Irish talking horse stuck in a pasture close enough to the farmhouse to get wifi.
Labels are just labels, used for talkin' politics, inevitably and unavoidably I suspect. I figure after eight years of "the right" constantly demonizing "the left" so dishonesty that it is way past the time to fight back with demonstrable facts and emperical evidence.
Too much is at stake with massive wealth disparity, wars everywhere, and anthropogenic climate disruption smacking us upside the headbone. I'm far from being compassionate enough, but I do try to focus more on the bad ideas and destructive thought patterns, which is fair game, rather than the people behind them. Heehaw ... and fail miserably too many times!
You take good care too.
Being a president or senator is supposed to be a temporary break in ones normal work
life, and not a lifetime career.
Is Trump supposed to sell all his companies just to be president for 4 years?
Did Jeffereson have to sell his land and slaves before taking over
as president?
Here's a "deal" you simply can't (literally) refuse, folks: In his new addendum to the "War on Terror" (and a boon for his defense industry, billionaire buddies -- you know, haha, jobs), the taxpayers can foot the bill to provide "big league" security for his business interests around the world. Hey, Trump's interests are your interests, dear citizen. You know it's coming.
There has to be a young CIA agent with children who gets it! He or she needs to blow on that whistle right now...only days left.
Global humanity has never seen a more dangerous and out of control individual rise to such a high position of power.....an individual who with his insane clown posse are about to plunge the entire planet into a darkness never before seen.
I'm sure there will be many safe havens/witness protection offered to the agent/patriot who steps forward with the intel of collusion between Trump and Putin.
It is a choice to associate 'demonizing' with 'far right'...no matter who is using it. 'Far right', 'far left' are just words on a sliding scale. It is never 'good' to be unemployed unless you are lucky enough to be retired...with enough...but it's ok to be far right or far left if you leave room for compassion. And it's ok to slide...except on the roads. Take good care.