Recent comments

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Thanks, leighmf. I get ornery sometimes, but am honored and humbled to be a small part of this wonderful community of sincere people who are trying earnestly to get at the truth of things in these dangerous times.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Actually, the US has slowly been implementing fascism for years, with the consent of the "masses." Because the US itself is an economic entity, it makes sense that ours is a class-based form of fascism. Since the 1980s, we've stripped our poor of a list of fundamental civil and human rights, thereby meeting the definition. During this time, we were effectively re-educated to regard the poor as something less than "regular Americans." This is fascism, and predictably, we see it trickling up.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    We need to have the uncomfortable discussion that we want to avoid, the one about jobs. The last I heard, there are seven jobs for every ten jobless people who still have the means to pursue one (home address, phone, etc.), in a country that has turned its back on the jobless poor. Every new immigrant, as well as every refugee, needs a job. We like to imagine that immigrants will create a mass of new jobs, but if so, that would be years in the future. As immigtrants are hired, what do we say about the Americans who are left jobless?

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    First Peoples in a New World: Colonizing Ice Age America By David J. Meltzer, 2009, et al.

    There were never peoples indigenous to America, or The New World. By definition, indigenous means "naturally occuring." "America" evolved with indigenous plants and animals, but no indigenous people. Archaeology and other disciplines some time ago established that who are called "Native Americans" were the existing people here when the Spanish arrived, but these were people descended from immigrants, the earliest of whom were most likely Siberian.

    This is the most up to date conclusion, excepting that of Creationists, and has nothing to do with ownership, rights, entitlements, or political conflict.

    There were no people in America until the first immigrants arrived.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    deepspace, You make the most sense of anyone I've read here for a decade.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Creeping fascism in America is no longer creeping; it's galloping! All the essential tenets are on full display in the new White-man House and formally endorsed by the demonic high priests of monopolistic capitalism and their greasy-palm disciples in Congress:

    Disenfranchising the opposition through fraudulent election processes; instituting one-party rule; stroking the ego of the dear leader; dictating by decree; deregulating concentrated wealth; installing military and business elites in key cabinet positions; attempting to purge the bureaucracy of the ideologically impure; establishing opaque governmental departments; promoting the build-up of an already too-powerful, militaristic, world-wide empire; posturing an attitude of hostility toward foreign governments; wasting taxpayers' money by needlessly building ineffectual border walls; militarizing the police state; disparaging the judiciary; suppressing the press; lying repeatedly to the public; prosecuting dissent; bullying and ridiculing the less powerful; fanning the flames of nationalistic fervor; supporting the radical views of one's own fringe, authoritarian followers; dividing the people; instilling fear and hate; encouraging violence; advocating one religion over others; irreligiously demanding the denial of health programs for the sick; cold-heartedly defunding programs that help the poor and the disadvantaged; stupidly dismantling programs that help the environment; unabashedly implementing programs aimed at racial purification.

    ...And what will week four bring, Herr Drumpf?

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    A few days ago somebody made a comment about progressive radio going off the air in Ithaca NY, one of the most progressive communities in the world. If that's the case, then I would guess a wealthy fascist owns that radio group. All local businesses should boycott and not purchase advertisement minutes with them.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    My question is, if we're going to round up people of color for undocumented immigration, don't we also need to arrest those who were accomplices to this so called crime?

    Crooked Donny for example needs to be arrested for his involvement with the countless illegals who have enriched his raggedy ass. We could start with the 200 "illegals" he hired to demolish the Teller building???

    I'm so god damn fed up with all the greed, hypocrisy, and self puffed power seekers.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    deepspace, comment #6 ...says it all!

    Now if we could only get our elected representatives to speak like that to the national press. Bernie needs to hold trainings for his coworkers.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    1. The Latinamerican people that are undocumented should be considered "refugees" I will tell you why. The USA is responsible for the bombings, invasions, coup d'etats, Condor Plan in LA, resulting in the establishment and support of dictatorships that have resulted in millions of deaths, assassinations, etc. that have brought violence against the people of X country making people flee. Latest Obama/Clintons Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, and recently Brasil.

    2. The Wall: If the USA stops these actions there would not be so many refugees. LA countries should build a wall to prevent the interventions by the USA.

    3. The USA along with UK, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia and other countries have created the Middle East crisis by assassinating leaders, good or bad, it doesn't matter, but they are all oil producing countries. So now the neoliberals in USA have taken power and want to deny Muslims from entering the USA.

    4. This administration ignorance or (making believe) think that this is a nationality, not a religion.

    5. These so called "free trades" NAFTA, CAFTA have destroyed the economies in Latinamerica, mainly Mexico.

    Everyone talks about the problem but never take a look at the cause or the source.

    Responsibly, Ivonne Garcia

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago


    Your own racism is showing...big time.


  • Is Trump Admin About to Call Native Americans Terrorists?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    SABOTEURS {a rhyme}

    This presidency is amateurishly

    driving our nation detourishly

    off the road

    in an episode

    where they behave saboteurishly

    in killing our hope

    that America can cope

    with problems in ways which are sensible, -

    - not in their ways reprehensible.


  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Where do these "so-called" white men think their forebears came from? As so often mentioned, the indigenous people of this country were Native Americans. So, all the rest of us are or were "immigrants". These white elitists cannot reverse the tide of a multi-cultural United States so they had better get with it and stop acting like would-be slave owners. That time is long past and it is but a generation or two before this change will be accomplished.

  • Is Trump Admin About to Call Native Americans Terrorists?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    span.s1 {font: 14.0px 'Comic Sans MS'}

    TRAVESTY {a 2-verse limerick}

    We fret in yuuge despair.

    Trumpism’s too much to bear.

    We’re in his snare;

    he’s {everywhere} EVerywhair.

    Travesty beyond compare.

    … … …

    Clumsily they speed; - all blurs

    in confusions {everywhere} EVerywhurs.

    They’re {amateurs} amaturs; -

    - bad horsemen with spurs

    and under their saddles sharp burrs.


  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    span.s1 {font: 14.0px 'Comic Sans MS'}

    TRAVESTY {a 2-verse limerick}

    We fret in yuuge despair.

    Trumpism’s too much to bear.

    We’re in his snare;

    he’s {everywhere} EVerywhair.

    Travesty beyond compare.

    … … …

    Clumsily they speed; - all blurs

    in confusions {everywhere} EVerywhurs.

    They’re {amateurs} amaturs; -

    - bad horsemen with spurs

    and under their saddles sharp burrs.


  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The phrase "...more appropriately", undocumented immigration... is a misnomer. Specifically, it is not "appropriately", it is "techically, accurately and legally" undocumented immigration. There is no such thing as "illegal immigrant".

    Talk to any immigration attorney - it is not illegal to be undocumented in America, although the Republicans ARE talking about making it so (which means by inference that they are admitting that it is not illegal).

    To be 'illegal' means it is criminal, subject to a trial and imprisonment. Being undocumented is a civil matter, not criminal - they may be arrested and held, but they go before a civil immigration judge and the penalty is deportation, not jail time (except for the time they are held for processing). Definitely not a criminal matter to be undocumented.

    The term "illegal immigration" was originally used to denigrate the Polish, German and Italian immigrants of the 1920's, then faded away until a Republican political operative revived it as a Republican wedge issue around 1984, during the Reagan administration, as a cause celebre for the Republicans. (Unfortunately, I've lost my reference to who the operative was, believe his first name was Richard.)

    Keep that in mind when somebody tells you to not be so PC - you are not being PC, you are being legally accurate. Just because everybody THINKS it is illegal does not make it so.

  • Has Trump Done Any "Swamp Draining" At All?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    So salamanders drain swamps? At least he got rid of some neo-libs like Victoria Nuland.


  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Sorry, Thom...but I hope you smiled.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Speaking of depressed wages, they depressed me so much that after thirty years I retired.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Illegal immigrants do indeed keep wages lower. Economic fact that the more the demands are the higher the cost. Only fools think more labor increases wages. That's simply foolish thinking.

    Look at it like this. I have three people prepared to do the same job. I only need one. I take which ever person is less economically costly for labor.

    If I have three people and need four, I increase the wages to proselytize more employees.

    Illegal immigrants depress wages, meaning less available jobs for legal labor participants. The lie Americans wouldn't do the jobs is just that, a lie. If the wages are high enough, you well get the needed employees.

    Immigration reform is needed. We are, in fact, accepting more legal immigrants than we can currently sustain.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    They are as Thom suggests, obviosly not concerned with blue collar woirkers or they would be hollering about the multitude of laws that hamstring blue coller workers instead of using blue collar workers as an excuse to cover their hatred and bigotry toward immigrants that may not be as white as they are.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Just an old independent here, but for my money, Trump would have done well to get rolling on some biggly needed public works projects fixing and enhancing our transportation infrastructure and creating jobs first before doing the Republican melt-down of all things 'tainted' by Democrats. But that's just me. I hate to fly and would love to be able to take a fast rail train ride to our nations capital, say for a future innauguration or some such.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for that, historywriter!

    Blaming America's economic woes on a tiny fraction of immigrants (documented or not) is a transparent diversionary tactic to throw a frustrated working class off the scent of the real culprits -- an unaccountable class of millionaires and billionaires, who suck up most of the wealth of our nation by bending the rules to benefit themselves, while the rest of us bicker among ourselves, looking for convenient scapegoats.

    Have we learned nothing from Bernie?

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The University of Minnesota recently released a report confirming what economists and analysts have been trying to tell us for a long time: Immigration and influx of other individuals is a distinct economic gain all around. Minnesota is experience extremely slow growth -- .05 % -- not enough to keep up with people leaving the workforce, moving elsewhere, and the like. We need these immigrants and others to for our workforce.

    Forbes (that radical publication) says this: The conventional wisdom says illegal immigrants take American jobs and lower American wages.

    That conventional wisdom is wrong.

    According to an April 2015 symposium on the effects of illegal immigrants in the Southern Economic Journal, illegal immigrants actually raise wages for documented/native workers. Meanwhile, rules preventing illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses raise our car insurance premiums and E-Verify requirements raise the cost of doing business and reduce employment.

    People need to start understanding that, as Forbes said, we NEED these immigrants and others to fill our workforce and do these jobs. Moreover, many of them have strong skills we need. Many are entrepeneurs who start businesses and create jobs. No, the "influx" does NOT keep wages down. Read what the economists -- including conservative economists -- have to say on the impact of immigration.

  • Trump's GOP Moves to "Make America White Again"   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Yes, keeping Amereria white is probably a big motivating factor for them. On the other hand, they are not incorrect that the influx keeps wages down and jobs harder to get. That impacts low end & blue collar workers the most, making life difficult for them.

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