Recent comments

  • Is The GOP Going To Let Us Keep Our Healthcare?   8 years 1 week ago

    If his family owns shares of healthcare stock or has a Health care University he might

  • How Far Will Trump's Executive Overreach Go?   8 years 1 week ago

    Get your shows aired in red states.

  • How Far Will Trump's Executive Overreach Go?   8 years 1 week ago

    The US version of democracy will get its real test if/when the senate majority

    leader changes the filibuster rule.

    That allows a conservative supreme court judge, and that court will again become

    a weapon for the right.


  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    I think the Mexican Wall is a move to favor South American Czars.

  • Is GOP telling women: ‘You’re just a toaster-oven?’   8 years 1 week ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    THE DONALD and DEAR LEADER KIM {a rhyme & an image}

    Shouldn’t The Donald giddily swoon

    to his mirror-image in Kim Jong-un?

    Both have a flair

    for outlandish hair.

    Both are short-fingered. And each is a goon. -

    - {and Neither has the bod

    of the too-macho [Vlad] Vlod.}

    … Image:


  • Is GOP telling women: ‘You’re just a toaster-oven?’   8 years 1 week ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    span.s1 {font: 19.0px Helvetica}

    NOT: {a rhyme}

    Donald J Trump! He’s our guy!

    He’s as American as apple pie.

    To a yuugely bright future he brings us nigh.

    Sunny’s our sun. Blue is our sky.


  • Is GOP telling women: ‘You’re just a toaster-oven?’   8 years 1 week ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    DISCONCERTING {a limerick}

    Idiocy his mouth keeps spurting.

    Facts he keeps on perverting.

    America is hurting

    by Trump’s diverting

    from sanity. It’s quite disconcerting.


  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    In Oregon the value of secluded farm land with Tier 2 Cannabis grow licensing (as well as Warehouses anywhere in the State with good access to power), had skyrocketed. Check Craigslist to see small farms that a year ago couldn't sell for $500k, now asking $2 mil plus.

    So, the war on (some) drugs will come down to whether RJ Reynolds and their ilk join the growers before Trumps group can restart the 'war'.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    The scorpian (Sessions) will of course do what scorpians do naturally. The reason he said that Marijuana users are not good people is because he knows that Marijuana users don't like him. Just like what Nixon and Reagan. He knows that LGBT people don't like him, and of course he's already attacking them as well. In conclusion, the Trump cabinet and his highest ranking supporters are the KKK, the Neo-Confederates and the Nazis, just short of the sheets and the swasticas of course.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    To makuck:

    At my age I've suffered the loss of a few freinds becuase of drunk drivers; I've had a few close encounters my self with drunk drivers; and if my child were killed because a driver was drunk, I think I would want that driver executed. And there's probably a lot of parents out there that feel the same way.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    I agree whole heartedly with the previous comments. 45 is going to find that potheads lock & load too. In fact, there is nothing better than smoking a bowl and shooting things up. If 45 isn't for States' Rights now, he will be in a very short time.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    Resolutely marching backward. Great idea. And yet one more good reason for California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii to secede or become part of Canada.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    Well Jeff can have ALL of my pot, that is, any he can find around here. I smoked the stuff back in the 60's when I was a student at the University of Washington, but since have given it up in favor of my drug of choice: bourbon. Now if that asshole came to confiscate my boubon he'd have a serious firefight on his hands! ;-) Isn't it amusing that we keep having these "prohibition" discussions, long after most of us have come to realize it's all just a smokescreen? When will we all get together, pack these hypocrites onto a barge and cut it adrift in the North Atlantic in, say, November?

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    So, father is out with daughter, has a couple beers at the bar-b-que. Kid jumps out chasing ball into street. His reaction time is delayed so he accidentally kills him. Father is put to death. Dauther is fatherless, becomes a terrorist against the state who killed her father. Good plan.

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    "Some people say" (the Fox Faux "News" way of citing sources) that at least half of the people who support Trump also support legalizing ganja. (Ya, mon, smoke all day long!) Hopefully, if squinty-eyed Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Third bogarts the joint and is a big downer by violating state's rights, it will piss off Trump's Libertarian following and backfire politically. Republicans smoke just as much pot as Democrats -- some people say. Yeah, man! Go Beauregard! Make innocent people criminals and build more private prisons! Justice for the People!

    The pot heads who voted for Republicans probably deserve it. (Remember, moderation is the key; otherwise, you might make some really f--ked up decisions.)

  • Trump Vows "Ruthless" War On Drugs   8 years 1 week ago

    Great! Now I'll have to get a prescription to buy aspirin!

    When are the anti-druggies going to realize the problem is not with the drugs; the problem is with people who, for whatever reason, feel the need to use drugs.

    If I could work my will, I would legalize the use of most drugs, IN THE PRIVACY OF ONE'S HOME ONLY. Along with that legalization would come very severe penalties, including the death penalty, for being under the influence in public. Yes, the death penalty would be automatic if you cause a death while under the influence. But as long as you keep it in your home, fly as high as you can.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 1 week ago

    Wow, cantankerous ol' Granny Di must have forgotten to take her regimen of psychotic medication this morning; she sounds a little unhinged. For someone who constantly hurls accusations of anger, hate, and name-calling, she is sure full of anger, hate, and name-calling.

    Although, as usual, she is wrong on facts, history, analysis, and prognosis, and offers no credible sources to back up her vivid, wild and crazy, opinionated delusions. Oh, and it's totally fine with Republican PINO's (patriot in name only) that a ruthless foreign dictator and geopolitical, potential military rival interfered with our elections. What the hell; the ends justify the means; "winning" at all costs is everything! Right?


    Of course, most everyone on this forum, with the exception of her fellow swamp trolls, is already well aware of the "alternative facts" and the alternate universe that the clan of trolls inhabit.


    Right-wing dementia is a terrible affliction to face in one's twilight years. At least, wistful thoughts of a dirty old man grabby ... whatever ... can still put a smile on a baggy old face while drifting off to La La Land, where Pervert Trump's scale of babes might even rate "wrinkles" (his word) somewhere on the positive side of his predatory desires.

    Yeah, don't "don" your "penis hat" quite yet, granny; that's really not what the "Donald" likes to grab. Then again, who knows what might be in the alleged "pee tapes" of his alleged sojourns to alleged Russian whore houses...

    And good luck with that whole buck-stopping, religious-whacko judge thing ... and the three so-called "equal" branches of government.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 1 week ago


    Your attempted defense of Biden is laughable and you know it. If the Democrats had been in power and done the same thing you would be cheering them on. Right now all you have is disparaging remarks about Trump, his wife, and children.

    If a Democrat were elected? I am positive I would not have donned a penis hat and stood out in the cold screaming obscenities, and I certainly would not run around breaking windows, shouting at a member of the presidents family while on an airplane, or calling department stores that I never bought from anyway with a threatened boycott unless they dropped a clothing line. I struggle to remember hordes of crazies running around with their hair on fire after Obama won either term. Fringe groups yes. Wacky tea partiers? Yes. Tens of thousands? No, and neither did you.

    Most conservatives don't have time for this shit. They have work to do and families to feed.

    You see, most conservatives just lick their wounds, go to work, and hope the working class American will eventually understand the Democrats and Republicans are both crooks, hence Trump wins the presidency.

    The leftie/socialist concern over the "Russians" is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Grow up. We have far more to worry about than the "Russians".

    I am sure you will all calm down as soon as a socially suitable excuse for your overwhelming loss in 2016 becomes acceptable to your masses. Hillary, the Russians, hackers, voter fraud, voter suppression, etc. I believe there are now over a hundred theories. Pick one, stick to it, and take a four year nap.

    Would I be pissed is Sanders were president. Yes. He was bat shit crazy and would have got nothing through any congress but he could have had a future in the hair products industry.. Hillary Clinton, no. She was as self serving and crooked as any who have held the office and in my opinion, far worse for the country in the long haul.

    Just to be clear, I voted Trump just for the judge appointments. The buck stops there.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 1 week ago

    Legend, I hope that to be a line of questioning during his confirmation hearing. Like: Mr. Gorsuch, do you hold true that the constitution says that the senate must hold a confirmation hearing for any supreme court nominee that the president nominates? Then: Even if the nominee was nominated by a previous president but had not yet had a confirmation hearing when the administration changed? I could go on. I hope they put him in the hot seat for a while on this line of questioning before not giving him an affirmative vote.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 1 week ago

    Dianereynolds: It was late June of 92, four months before the election, when Biden spoke out. There was no vacancy on the Supreme Court at the time, only the speculation of one.

    So your point about "smart republicans" that the democrats are too stupid to commit interstate crosscheck election fraud, and too patriotic to obstuct democracy for eight years.??????

    I can only imagine all the whining and crying you foxmerized teabaggers would be doing if Hillary or Bernie were president and connected at the hip with Putin.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    McConnell, with advice from Joe Biden, was brilliant in holding off any senate discussion of Garland. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Hopefully two more to go.

    To those who think the republicans are not smart enough? Who is running the WH, Senate, House, and 33 Governorships?

    After a long bout with mental illness, the democrat party has committed suicide. In lieu of flowers, please donate to your local tiny volin manufacturer.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    It's a stolen Supreme Court seat just like it was a stolen election. That's all Republicans are good at; they certainly don't know how to govern in the best interests of the people. Lying, cheating, and stealing is their most valuable skill-set to cling to power, because they know that most people don't agree with their policies that favor the few over the many. If voting was mandatory, the Republican Party would be a minority party forever, with the support of only the right-wing fringe -- maybe a fourth of the electorate on a good day if they're lucky.

    The Democrats need to prove they have a spine. They would be fools not to filibuster Gorsuch, especially after McTurtle refused to hold hearings on Garland for a whole year, and McCain and other low-life cohorts threatened to block anyone Hillary might have nominated for as long as she held office. They have no compunction whatsoever for breaking protocol. Why should Democrats?

    So let them nuke the damn filibuster, and strip the last pathetic vestige of power the Democrats have left. Then, when Republican's idiotic policies inevitably implode, they won't be able to keep blaming their own horrendous screw-ups on Democrats, at least with a straight face anyway. Their ineptitude and hypocrisy will be laid bare.

    Democrats should just let Republicans hang themselves, and start framing their own vision for a better future. That way, people will have a clear choice in 2018 and 2020 and should have had enough of the crazy by then.

  • Is "Gorsuch getting disheartened" just a ploy?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    What is Gorsuch's answer on how the Republicans treated Merrick Garland?

  • Is Trump About to Come For You & Your Pot?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    A hideous ignominy!!

    We’ve got a big ol’ ninny

    as our Head of State,

    a terrible fate.

    His character’s size is a Mini.


    Trump is a Frumious Bandersnatch

    with frightening mouth under orange-colored thatch.


  • Is Trump About to Come For You & Your Pot?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    NO BUYER’S REMORSE? {a rhyme}

    Will NEVER they have a “buyer’s remorse”? -

    - that they voted to get an arse of a horse

    to lead their nation

    to abject prostration,

    as if in a tragic comedy of farce?


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