I say republicans stole a nomination and should be punished for their crime by not having any nominee of Trump's confirmed by any democrat or independent unless he nominates Merrick Garland. In order to beat anyone at a game you have to be playing the same game.
We can all thank McConnell for the Gorsuch abomination. I've never seen a public servant get away with more anti democracy treachery than Turtleman has. His obstruction has cost the taxpayers untold millions, and the economy untold billions. Thanks Kentucky!
Yes....Gorsuch and the Fascists are just trying to soften up the democrats into accepting the unacceptable.....as if they need to be made any softer.
Given that it's the 21st century, Gorsuch isn't fit to serve in any branch of government, let alone the judicial.
Why do you waste our time talking about Republicans this and Democrats that when there's no difference between them and any other compounded components of the Corpocratic Empire. The only opposing socio-economic forces we have are The People and The System. I love the people but I hate the system. I should think we'd all be getting a little sick of hating our brothers and sisters by now. What's it been now? 2000 years. Please keep it simple. Human=Good. Corporate=Evil Demonize the hell out anybody that tries to divide The People . Dividers=Haters. Haters=Evil
1. The Affordable Care Program has become expensive because: GOP reps reduced the budget and many of their governors rejected the Federal assistance;
2. Benghazy issue was due to: 1. GOP Reps reduced the budget on security there and in other countries, the ambassador had deals with people that USA was paying to revolt against Gadhafy, I saw him on TV and he put himself in this situation, for this is what USA ambassadors do in foreign countries, align with people to go against the gov to get one person to do things favoring transnationals, mostly from USA. USA have Economic Hitmen. Who knows what Gadhafy was doing after dancing with USA Republicans including Mrs. Clinton? Trying to get African nations together to have their own independent currency, without the US$!
Gorsuch will be appointed to SCOTUS one way or another. Democrats haven't got the horsepower in the Senate to block his appointment and if they try, the R's will simply "nuke" them. I see no logical reason the Republicans would feel the need to resort to reverse psychology to get their way. The greater danger, I think, is that Trump will withdraw his nomination (in a characteristic fit of pique) and install a true "rubber stamp" justice. I haven't studied Gorsuch's record, but he appears to be highly regarded both in terms of his intellect and his other bonafides such as education. Maybe the Dems could do worse. Does anyone remember Justice Sandra Day Oconner, the Reagan appointee? She was supposed to be a solid conservative bet, but she turned out to be surprisingly independent. We might just get lucky with Gorsuch, and I think we could do much worse.
Look Trump is very very bad and is trying to be an authoritarian president. Our oligarchy is showing its age i.e. the government itself is getting more and more senile. That being said some of the major preconditions of a German/Italian/Japanese style fascism is not met. This is true despite the gutting of the middle class over the last 30 years while the democratic party mostly sat idly bye
1. There are million person protests to Trump at hugh protests at airports. The federal judicialry is fighting him so far his military and police are largely abiding by laws unlkke Andrew Jackson.
2. While conditions in the Midwest, the area most responsible for election Trump are dire, they do not compare with the great Depression in Weimar. Instead there is a regional recession/depression and as in Germany a small plurality electing Trump.
3. The opposition in Washington state specifically by the governments of Washington State, and Hawaii along with Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia was unprecedented in Nazi Germany. Even more significant Amicas briefs filed against the Ban by Major American Corporations, indicate that the corporate establishment is split in support of Trump.
4. The weakness of the Democratic Party paradoxically relatively to the Weimar Communist party removes motivation of the corporate establishment to support Trump. The Democratic Party has supported fascist trade policies such as Nafta with its ISDS and ditto for TPP causing some of the threat today to begin with. Nobody sees Democratic Support as Tantamount to desruction of Corporate Power as In Weimar.
All of this being said, the U.S. with a proto-authoritarian regime much more intelligent than it is given credit for is unstable. With a Depression or a Trumped up military threat all bets are off. I think the latter today is hard to pull off however, Americans are justifiably skeptical of War Threats and the Media Support . Its not beyond possibility and heightened activism no matter how little an individual thinks he can do is all I can think of as possibilities. We do not have the power to transform the government or corporate American short of a revolt.
Thom, Re: provisional ballots. Having worked as a pollworker for the last 2 elections in Santa Monica, California, I can assure you that California goes to great pains to make sure that provisional ballots are counted. Of course it will won't count for the immediate election eve results, but they do count for the popular vote totals down the line. The "Pink Monsters" (they are put into pink envelopes) were the biggest headache of that ill-fated day. Provisional voting is what guarantees long, slow-moving lines at the polls. The infor we have to collect from the voter so as to foil any possible voter fraud is amazing. And all the data is checked and cross-checvked against address logs and registration records.......whew!! I'm worn out just thinking about it. And, there is even a phone # and website you can use after a week or so to verify that your ballot was counted (you get a receipt stub when you drop the envelope in the box). Now maybe California is the exception to the rule, but all those votes adding up to +3 million down the line for Hillary were mainly provisional ballots. Sorry to be long-winded on the matter, but we poll workers worked our asses off over those pink headaches, and I'm proud to have done so. And I can barely wait to do it again in two years. This next one is going to be a turning point in the course of our nation.
Sherriff Mack lied on Friday. The DOE doesn't have a SWAT team, and the raid he referenced was based on a warrant accusing them of fraud (nothing to do with their student loans) for which they were later convicted and are in jail.
According to your alternative "truth," do you mean to tell us that the only person who has ever committed sexual assault in Canada happens to be a Syrian refugee? Wow, I knew your country doesn't have the high crime rate that we do, but only one sexual predator out of your entire population is amazing!
If that's not the case, then your selective logic suggests that whenever anyone else commits such a horrible crime, say, a white Christian Canadian, then all the rest of the members of that person's nationality, religion, and ethnic identity by extension should not be labeled as morally corrupt and evil simply because of the actions of one member of their group ... ah, because they are not Muslim refugees or immigrants?
What about all the Syrian refugees who did not commit crimes? What about all the white Christians who did? Why didn't you mention those statistics? Why do you only cherry pick Muslim refugees?
The obvious conclusion is that you are implying all refugees and all Muslims therefore must be inherently wicked and harbor the same ill intent as the few rotten apples among them. The subsequent conclusion is that your logic is that of an unconscious bigot frightened by right-wing propaganda, which is doing the work of terrorists by scaring susceptible people, such as yourself.
If only Americans were so lucky; after all, our illegitimate so-called "president" committed sexual assault many times over as a lifetime behavioral pattern. Where's the outrage? Oh, that's right; he's a rich white man who calls himself a "Christian."
Evidently, your "truth" needs a bit more polish.
As they say in Eire, "Blarney is the varnished truth; baloney is the unvarnished lie."
Deep space. Get your head out of the sand. This is what happens when close your eyes to the truth . Of course not all are like this but at very least we should do our best to prevent this from happening and it's happening all over the world
By Caley Ramsay Online Journalist, Global News, February 9, 2017:
Soleiman Hajj Soleiman, a Syrian refugee and father of six, was charged following an incident at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark over the weekend. His arrest led to a heated debate over immigration policy in Canada.
This whole meme of "OMG here come hordes of evil Muslims to kill and rape good Christians" has gone viral in the right-wing bubble; however, in the real universe, it is nothing but pure propaganda to terrorize and manipulate a malinformed audience of cow-eyed chumps. From time immemorial, authoritarian leaders have used fear of the "other" to exploit their gullible followers. That's how they consolidate power, start unnecessary wars, and commit horrendous acts of state sponsored terror, e.g., Dummy Bush and Darth Cheney.
The U.S. has one of the most thorough vetting processes in the world, which takes up to two years or longer, involving numerous agencies and stringent requirements. We already accept less immigrants and refugees than any other first-world Western nation, much to their chagrin. Moreover, on our Mexican border, under the Obama Administration, greater numbers of "undocumented" people (Bigoted buttheads prefer the demeaning label, "illegals.") have been leaving the U.S. than coming in.
Since 9/11 -- an attack carried out mainly by Saudi nationals, from one of our most murderous, militarily subsidized allies in the Middle East -- virtually every one of the lethal acts of terror on our soil have been committed by home-grown lone wolfs and/or white male, phony Christians, who think they are doing God's work by terrorizing peaceful Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims, three of our most patriotic communities.
None of America's terrorists have come from the seven Middle East countries on Trump's ill-conceived and unconstitutional list, and none have ever been immigrants or refugees, other than a (very) few who came over as children, became citizens, and only later were radicalized as adults.
The liars and thieves who really need to undergo "extreme vetting" (and banished, preferably, to Antarctica with nothing more lethal than fishing poles and ice cleats) are the white supremacists who have immigrated into the White-man House and the Republican Congress against the will of the people, due to decades-long election fraud!
“We need a better screening process for people entering Canada. This current system is clearly isn’t working,” wrote one user on Global Edmonton’s Facebook page.
“Thanks a lot for opening the doors Trudeau,” said another.
“This is exactly what happens with foreign refugees being allowed into our country wholesale without proper vetting,” said another.
This is the reality of bringing in refugees without properly screening them. Canadians are furious as more and more sexual assaults are happening all over our nation after Prime Minister Trudeau rushed in 25,000 Syrians on an election promise. All you have to do is look north of your border to see that taking a pause to insure that only well intentioned people are entering your country. Many of the assaults are happening in pools. Think about you come from a nation where you have only seen a women's eyes to a swimming pool where they are just wearing a bikini. This isn't a color thing it is a lifestyle difference.
As leighmf pointed out, we are all immigrants. As ejwong pointed out, Native Americans were the first people to inhabit this land, and look how they were treated by white-man immigrants flooding in from Europe. As IvanneGar pointed out, the United States' ruthless imperialistic policies over the decades have created millions of immigrants/refugees. As 2950-10K pointed out, the Hypocrite in Chief himself loves little brown immigrants, documented or not, as long as he can pay unlivable wages. As many others have pointed out, our economy is still highly dependent on slave labor; and that's just fine with us, as long as all those disgusting "mud people" keep making our shiny new toys, stay put in their own godforsaken polluted lands, and don't bother us with all that human rights crap!
The racist paradigm of "new" immigrants pitted against "old" immigrants does not address the deeper problem of all working people being forced into an ugly competition for fewer and fewer good jobs by a system rigged for the rich. Because of the reverse incentives inherent in the so-called "free" market globalization of the economy, the greedy and unpatriotic titans of industry for the last thirty-plus years have been busily transplanting the core of our manufacturing base -- the true wealth of a nation, and once the envy of the world -- to China and other third-world, low-wage economies with lax or nonexistent pollution regulations.
As Thom repeatedly points out, a large middle class -- thanks mostly to Democratic progressive policies -- is an aberration of history. The classic economic model of a society with extreme wealth disparity is a tiny ruling class of pampered elites, a small educated class of professionals and entrepreneurs, and a huge class of the working poor fighting over the crumbs, which makes up most of the population.
That's why Republican economic theories are regressive; they hark back to the dark ages of kings and serfs and slaves.
What we need is an effective E-Verify system universally applied and strong enforcement and penalties for business that either refuse to use E-Verify when hiring, or knowingly hire and keep illegal workers.
We simply don't need illegals working in this country when there are plenty of jobless Americans, or under-employed Americans that would work good jobs, such as construction, meat and food processing, and manufacturing, at wages that would be higher without the undercutting of illegals.
We don't need illegals burdening our schools with expensive mandated bilingual classes that their taxes don't come close to paying for.
Also, since far more persons throughout the world want to come to the US, we can afford to be very selective in who legally comes here.
We should heavily favor those with specialized skills, high education levels, capital, and from cultures that are the most likely to immediately assimilate. Also, we should take relatively young candidates who are determined by evaluation to be healthy.
This is simply common sense.
If Christian Arab refugees are determined to be less of a potential threat than Muslims, and more likely to assimilate, why not give them a more favored status? Common sense.
Ejecting Illegals from milllions of good jobs, establishing a guest worker program (for jobs that Americans really don't want), that doesn't offer citizenship and is limited to a six year maximum stay in or, and carefully monitoring the numbers and qualifications of those we allow in here, would not only enhance security, but create a more favorable jobs/worker ratio that would reduce unemployment and raise wages far more than a 15/HR middle class harming minimum wage scheme.
The only concerns about immigration, legal and otherwise, should be what is best for the American worker, citizen, and taxpayer. And what will ensure the most effective assimilation into the mainstream. (We must not allow our country to become a high unemployment, high taxed, linguistic and cultural tower of Babel just to please those who would delight in pleasing other countries and showing how nice and egalatarian we are.)
We need to just look at France, Germany, and Italy to see how "wonderful" unchecked immigration is.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
RECKLESSLY FECKLESS {1.60 limericks}
The Repugnantan Party’s inert
when they ought to be on alert.
Ineffectually feckless
and dangerously reckless,
they don’t against Trumpsters exert
the energy to insist
that Trump must desist
from causing America to hurt.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
WORDS ENDING WITH “…acious” {1.60 limericks}
Trump!! My goodness gracious!
This dude’s a menace. Vexatious.
√ An appetite voracious
for assertions mendacious.
√ Egocentricity spacious.
√ Very tenacious
‘bout notions fallacious.
√ Audacious to degrees {outrageous} outracious.
Questions for Gorsuch: Do you believe in the KKK? Is Jesus your rolemodel? Are you color blind? Do you have a gender preference?
I say republicans stole a nomination and should be punished for their crime by not having any nominee of Trump's confirmed by any democrat or independent unless he nominates Merrick Garland. In order to beat anyone at a game you have to be playing the same game.
We can all thank McConnell for the Gorsuch abomination. I've never seen a public servant get away with more anti democracy treachery than Turtleman has. His obstruction has cost the taxpayers untold millions, and the economy untold billions. Thanks Kentucky!
Yes....Gorsuch and the Fascists are just trying to soften up the democrats into accepting the unacceptable.....as if they need to be made any softer.
Given that it's the 21st century, Gorsuch isn't fit to serve in any branch of government, let alone the judicial.
Why do you waste our time talking about Republicans this and Democrats that when there's no difference between them and any other compounded components of the Corpocratic Empire. The only opposing socio-economic forces we have are The People and The System. I love the people but I hate the system. I should think we'd all be getting a little sick of hating our brothers and sisters by now. What's it been now? 2000 years. Please keep it simple. Human=Good. Corporate=Evil Demonize the hell out anybody that tries to divide The People . Dividers=Haters. Haters=Evil
1. The Affordable Care Program has become expensive because: GOP reps reduced the budget and many of their governors rejected the Federal assistance;
2. Benghazy issue was due to: 1. GOP Reps reduced the budget on security there and in other countries, the ambassador had deals with people that USA was paying to revolt against Gadhafy, I saw him on TV and he put himself in this situation, for this is what USA ambassadors do in foreign countries, align with people to go against the gov to get one person to do things favoring transnationals, mostly from USA. USA have Economic Hitmen. Who knows what Gadhafy was doing after dancing with USA Republicans including Mrs. Clinton? Trying to get African nations together to have their own independent currency, without the US$!
They are not that sophisticated
We need a coup on the DNC and make it the ProgressiveNC. Corporates either get in line or leave the party.
But push come to shove, the Federalist Society fascists still want the next Scalia on the bench.
Believe that Norman Goldman, the energetic and articulate ex lawyer turned talk show host refers to the supreme court as "politicians in black robes".
So when the right wins the congress and the presidency, why should they care what the left thinks?
Gorsuch will be appointed to SCOTUS one way or another. Democrats haven't got the horsepower in the Senate to block his appointment and if they try, the R's will simply "nuke" them. I see no logical reason the Republicans would feel the need to resort to reverse psychology to get their way. The greater danger, I think, is that Trump will withdraw his nomination (in a characteristic fit of pique) and install a true "rubber stamp" justice. I haven't studied Gorsuch's record, but he appears to be highly regarded both in terms of his intellect and his other bonafides such as education. Maybe the Dems could do worse. Does anyone remember Justice Sandra Day Oconner, the Reagan appointee? She was supposed to be a solid conservative bet, but she turned out to be surprisingly independent. We might just get lucky with Gorsuch, and I think we could do much worse.
More lies from the liars that the lying predator hired to lie for him:
Look Trump is very very bad and is trying to be an authoritarian president. Our oligarchy is showing its age i.e. the government itself is getting more and more senile. That being said some of the major preconditions of a German/Italian/Japanese style fascism is not met. This is true despite the gutting of the middle class over the last 30 years while the democratic party mostly sat idly bye
1. There are million person protests to Trump at hugh protests at airports. The federal judicialry is fighting him so far his military and police are largely abiding by laws unlkke Andrew Jackson.
2. While conditions in the Midwest, the area most responsible for election Trump are dire, they do not compare with the great Depression in Weimar. Instead there is a regional recession/depression and as in Germany a small plurality electing Trump.
3. The opposition in Washington state specifically by the governments of Washington State, and Hawaii along with Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia was unprecedented in Nazi Germany. Even more significant Amicas briefs filed against the Ban by Major American Corporations, indicate that the corporate establishment is split in support of Trump.
4. The weakness of the Democratic Party paradoxically relatively to the Weimar Communist party removes motivation of the corporate establishment to support Trump. The Democratic Party has supported fascist trade policies such as Nafta with its ISDS and ditto for TPP causing some of the threat today to begin with. Nobody sees Democratic Support as Tantamount to desruction of Corporate Power as In Weimar.
All of this being said, the U.S. with a proto-authoritarian regime much more intelligent than it is given credit for is unstable. With a Depression or a Trumped up military threat all bets are off. I think the latter today is hard to pull off however, Americans are justifiably skeptical of War Threats and the Media Support . Its not beyond possibility and heightened activism no matter how little an individual thinks he can do is all I can think of as possibilities. We do not have the power to transform the government or corporate American short of a revolt.
Thom, Re: provisional ballots. Having worked as a pollworker for the last 2 elections in Santa Monica, California, I can assure you that California goes to great pains to make sure that provisional ballots are counted. Of course it will won't count for the immediate election eve results, but they do count for the popular vote totals down the line. The "Pink Monsters" (they are put into pink envelopes) were the biggest headache of that ill-fated day. Provisional voting is what guarantees long, slow-moving lines at the polls. The infor we have to collect from the voter so as to foil any possible voter fraud is amazing. And all the data is checked and cross-checvked against address logs and registration records.......whew!! I'm worn out just thinking about it. And, there is even a phone # and website you can use after a week or so to verify that your ballot was counted (you get a receipt stub when you drop the envelope in the box). Now maybe California is the exception to the rule, but all those votes adding up to +3 million down the line for Hillary were mainly provisional ballots. Sorry to be long-winded on the matter, but we poll workers worked our asses off over those pink headaches, and I'm proud to have done so. And I can barely wait to do it again in two years. This next one is going to be a turning point in the course of our nation.
I wonder how soon they're going to start deporting non-white american citizens who have no birth certificate. It's probably already happening.
Sherriff Mack lied on Friday. The DOE doesn't have a SWAT team, and the raid he referenced was based on a warrant accusing them of fraud (nothing to do with their student loans) for which they were later convicted and are in jail.
He's a RW Hate Radio devotee, nothing more.
Kend, get your head out of your arse.
According to your alternative "truth," do you mean to tell us that the only person who has ever committed sexual assault in Canada happens to be a Syrian refugee? Wow, I knew your country doesn't have the high crime rate that we do, but only one sexual predator out of your entire population is amazing!
If that's not the case, then your selective logic suggests that whenever anyone else commits such a horrible crime, say, a white Christian Canadian, then all the rest of the members of that person's nationality, religion, and ethnic identity by extension should not be labeled as morally corrupt and evil simply because of the actions of one member of their group ... ah, because they are not Muslim refugees or immigrants?
What about all the Syrian refugees who did not commit crimes? What about all the white Christians who did? Why didn't you mention those statistics? Why do you only cherry pick Muslim refugees?
The obvious conclusion is that you are implying all refugees and all Muslims therefore must be inherently wicked and harbor the same ill intent as the few rotten apples among them. The subsequent conclusion is that your logic is that of an unconscious bigot frightened by right-wing propaganda, which is doing the work of terrorists by scaring susceptible people, such as yourself.
If only Americans were so lucky; after all, our illegitimate so-called "president" committed sexual assault many times over as a lifetime behavioral pattern. Where's the outrage? Oh, that's right; he's a rich white man who calls himself a "Christian."
Evidently, your "truth" needs a bit more polish.
As they say in Eire, "Blarney is the varnished truth; baloney is the unvarnished lie."
Deep space. Get your head out of the sand. This is what happens when close your eyes to the truth . Of course not all are like this but at very least we should do our best to prevent this from happening and it's happening all over the world
By Caley Ramsay Online Journalist, Global News, February 9, 2017:
Soleiman Hajj Soleiman, a Syrian refugee and father of six, was charged following an incident at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark over the weekend. His arrest led to a heated debate over immigration policy in Canada.
Comparing apples to oranges is stupid.
Talk to the Europeans and Scandinavian how happy they are with their immigration policies and the results of being stupid.
This whole meme of "OMG here come hordes of evil Muslims to kill and rape good Christians" has gone viral in the right-wing bubble; however, in the real universe, it is nothing but pure propaganda to terrorize and manipulate a malinformed audience of cow-eyed chumps. From time immemorial, authoritarian leaders have used fear of the "other" to exploit their gullible followers. That's how they consolidate power, start unnecessary wars, and commit horrendous acts of state sponsored terror, e.g., Dummy Bush and Darth Cheney.
The U.S. has one of the most thorough vetting processes in the world, which takes up to two years or longer, involving numerous agencies and stringent requirements. We already accept less immigrants and refugees than any other first-world Western nation, much to their chagrin. Moreover, on our Mexican border, under the Obama Administration, greater numbers of "undocumented" people (Bigoted buttheads prefer the demeaning label, "illegals.") have been leaving the U.S. than coming in.
Since 9/11 -- an attack carried out mainly by Saudi nationals, from one of our most murderous, militarily subsidized allies in the Middle East -- virtually every one of the lethal acts of terror on our soil have been committed by home-grown lone wolfs and/or white male, phony Christians, who think they are doing God's work by terrorizing peaceful Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims, three of our most patriotic communities.
None of America's terrorists have come from the seven Middle East countries on Trump's ill-conceived and unconstitutional list, and none have ever been immigrants or refugees, other than a (very) few who came over as children, became citizens, and only later were radicalized as adults.
The liars and thieves who really need to undergo "extreme vetting" (and banished, preferably, to Antarctica with nothing more lethal than fishing poles and ice cleats) are the white supremacists who have immigrated into the White-man House and the Republican Congress against the will of the people, due to decades-long election fraud!
“We need a better screening process for people entering Canada. This current system is clearly isn’t working,” wrote one user on Global Edmonton’s Facebook page.
“Thanks a lot for opening the doors Trudeau,” said another.
“This is exactly what happens with foreign refugees being allowed into our country wholesale without proper vetting,” said another.
This is the reality of bringing in refugees without properly screening them. Canadians are furious as more and more sexual assaults are happening all over our nation after Prime Minister Trudeau rushed in 25,000 Syrians on an election promise. All you have to do is look north of your border to see that taking a pause to insure that only well intentioned people are entering your country. Many of the assaults are happening in pools. Think about you come from a nation where you have only seen a women's eyes to a swimming pool where they are just wearing a bikini. This isn't a color thing it is a lifestyle difference.
As leighmf pointed out, we are all immigrants. As ejwong pointed out, Native Americans were the first people to inhabit this land, and look how they were treated by white-man immigrants flooding in from Europe. As IvanneGar pointed out, the United States' ruthless imperialistic policies over the decades have created millions of immigrants/refugees. As 2950-10K pointed out, the Hypocrite in Chief himself loves little brown immigrants, documented or not, as long as he can pay unlivable wages. As many others have pointed out, our economy is still highly dependent on slave labor; and that's just fine with us, as long as all those disgusting "mud people" keep making our shiny new toys, stay put in their own godforsaken polluted lands, and don't bother us with all that human rights crap!
The racist paradigm of "new" immigrants pitted against "old" immigrants does not address the deeper problem of all working people being forced into an ugly competition for fewer and fewer good jobs by a system rigged for the rich. Because of the reverse incentives inherent in the so-called "free" market globalization of the economy, the greedy and unpatriotic titans of industry for the last thirty-plus years have been busily transplanting the core of our manufacturing base -- the true wealth of a nation, and once the envy of the world -- to China and other third-world, low-wage economies with lax or nonexistent pollution regulations.
As Thom repeatedly points out, a large middle class -- thanks mostly to Democratic progressive policies -- is an aberration of history. The classic economic model of a society with extreme wealth disparity is a tiny ruling class of pampered elites, a small educated class of professionals and entrepreneurs, and a huge class of the working poor fighting over the crumbs, which makes up most of the population.
That's why Republican economic theories are regressive; they hark back to the dark ages of kings and serfs and slaves.
What we need is an effective E-Verify system universally applied and strong enforcement and penalties for business that either refuse to use E-Verify when hiring, or knowingly hire and keep illegal workers.
We simply don't need illegals working in this country when there are plenty of jobless Americans, or under-employed Americans that would work good jobs, such as construction, meat and food processing, and manufacturing, at wages that would be higher without the undercutting of illegals.
We don't need illegals burdening our schools with expensive mandated bilingual classes that their taxes don't come close to paying for.
Also, since far more persons throughout the world want to come to the US, we can afford to be very selective in who legally comes here.
We should heavily favor those with specialized skills, high education levels, capital, and from cultures that are the most likely to immediately assimilate. Also, we should take relatively young candidates who are determined by evaluation to be healthy.
This is simply common sense.
If Christian Arab refugees are determined to be less of a potential threat than Muslims, and more likely to assimilate, why not give them a more favored status? Common sense.
Ejecting Illegals from milllions of good jobs, establishing a guest worker program (for jobs that Americans really don't want), that doesn't offer citizenship and is limited to a six year maximum stay in or, and carefully monitoring the numbers and qualifications of those we allow in here, would not only enhance security, but create a more favorable jobs/worker ratio that would reduce unemployment and raise wages far more than a 15/HR middle class harming minimum wage scheme.
The only concerns about immigration, legal and otherwise, should be what is best for the American worker, citizen, and taxpayer. And what will ensure the most effective assimilation into the mainstream. (We must not allow our country to become a high unemployment, high taxed, linguistic and cultural tower of Babel just to please those who would delight in pleasing other countries and showing how nice and egalatarian we are.)
We need to just look at France, Germany, and Italy to see how "wonderful" unchecked immigration is.