Just wondering, if I cross a boarder without a visa or passport, am I not an illlegal entrant? Why do we say undocumented? If one is undocumented, has landed in our boaders, are is one not Illegal? I would change the PC language to Illegal Entrant! That sounds truthful and yet not so Alienated!!! Ha, get the pun!
Sorry, the Opposames (GOP and DEM PROGRESSIVES), need to stop the Idenity Politics and the Social Politics. If we don't focus on educational changes to build a worker base of 22nd Century types, we are going to be a nation of "Cupcakes" who can't read, write or have a thought worth listening to.
Best to all you millineal dunderheads - Have fun protesting nothing that matters or anyone cares about. Besides, your hoolagan friends are rioting and causing property damage and we old farts are blamiong you for that too. Gonna be a rough ride for the next 50 years. Ill be dead, someone elses problem. I went from 60's hippie, to 70's anti-war type, to 80's middle class worker, to 90's Baby Boomer wealth, to 2000 social securtity and retirement fund wine drinker and fishing slacker. Will be dead by 2040. Just about the time the debt (or the Giant Comet hits the earth), and all colapses. Charge up your AMEX cards around 2035 to max, you won't likely have to pay it off.
It hasn't been just Johnson that has been responsible for the influx of foreign nationals. Under Dubya, our medical system has been fully stocked with foreign doctors. In the past fifteen years I have had a two Korean doctors, a Chinese doctor, a Mexican doctor, a Persian doctor, an Eastern Indian doctor, and a Phillippine doctor. Where did all of the White doctors go? I think the answer is, the professional class has been promised great authority lattitude and getting their pockets lined (Tom Price) and is being used to garner padded profits but also "compulsive compliant submissiveness" from people. The doctors are holding our health care and scripts hostage if we don't comply with their demands. These foreign doctors come from patriarchal, mysognistic, authoritarian, if not totalitarian, societies that are already on board with Right-wing thinking. White doctors seem to be ending up specialists that most of us can't afford (eg sport medicine or plasitc surgery).
As most of the world is not white, its clearly mean spirited and illogical to shift questions from immigration policy to shrill sounds about skin color.
US needs a long pause on any immigration, and then it should put standards on skills or assets for immigrants as does Canada and many other rational countries.
I don't think it matters who is in the WH. We all know that the DNC and the Democratic Party have sold out to the Deep State and profits. So, no matter what variation on a theme (an Obama or a Trump) the Deep State is still in control. On the campaign trail, the candidates are allowed to say anything that will get themselves elected, but once elected, the Deep State powers move in, have a little chat with the POTUS, scare the daylights out of him or do whatever it takes to have him do their bidding, and from then on it's business as usual; we have seen this since Reagan. The Democrats sent me a picture of Obama deep in thought, but if you looked at his eyes you could see panic and terror as the relity of his situation was hitting home. Trump is brash and will put up a fight so they will "manage" him; they will only tell him certain things, edit everything he comes in contact with, placate his massive ego; keep him happy, and guide his decisions to deliver what they want. Listen to his inaguration speech. Then look at who ended up around him (just like Obama with Emmanuel, Rubin, and Summers.) They may tip-toe around Trump, but they will be an organized team of the Deep State with a definite agenda of their own and now that the Right is in the saddle with a Right-wing Congress, Conservative SCOTUS, and a kid for a POTUS, they are going to make hay while the sun shines. The Millenials better get up off the bench and get out on the field if they want to have ANY hope of not ending up in a Neo-Feudal society as galley slaves with a copper ring around their necks, or an RFI chip under their skin (and you think I'm kidding about this.) These crazies want to take us back to 1840, if not 700 AD. Energizing the Millenials should be a key feature to any strategy. Even if they aren't old enough to vote, they can work at the various party HQs and begin to learn the ropes from the intro-level on up. And they can also be effective online combatting all of the Right-wing trolls who are out there posting any lie or derrogatory sting they can. (I even got a memo from some Rightie instructing the trolls to "use the Democrats words against them.") So, there is a lot that can be done by the younger ones that would be instantly helpful and cumulatively reinforcing and strengthening, too.
You've probably seen blackboxvoting.org I imagine fractioning votes is why the recount was stopped in places where paper ballots could have been used as evidence.
The system is rigged; it is not simply rhetoric -- just not in the way that Trump imagines.
Republican state legislatures and Secretaries of State have been methodically purging Democrats from the voting rolls for decades by the millions, along with every other sleazy tactic they think can slip by public awareness.
The hard evidence of massive "election" fraud is extensive and overwhelming, while there is zero evidence of "voter" fraud. It's the biggest scandal in American political history and has rendered our already weakened democracy into a joke. For obvious reasons, the establishment power structure and their enabling corporate media mouthpieces choose to ignore it at all cost.
A good starting point to wake people up is Greg Palast's "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy." Brad Friedman has also done a lot of heavy lifting on the subject, along with many other honest and competent journalists, lawyers, and investigators who are desperately trying to break the media sound barrier.
I am deeply worried that his rhetoric around the system being "rigged" or the "fraudulent illegal immigant votes" is a set-up to him not leaving office. I have said that since last Summer, that if he was elected he won't leave. However, I'm not sure he's a diabolical genius in this pursuit, I think it's mor likely he's just a malignant narcissist who can't stand losing and is accidentially setting this scenario up. Either way, it's the scarriest thing I've ever witnessed!
The hustle and bustle and media flurry following destructive intentions, childish drama, inappropriate appointees and inhumane executive orders is planned chaos to mask the most major scandal our country is now suffering. A FOREIGN POWER HAS INTERFERED WITH OUR DEMOCRATIC ELECTION PROCESS and put a mentally unstable puppet in the white house. Is anyone even trying to investigating this? It is the foundation of everything else. The republican party has lied, cheated and stolen the election with the help of a dangerous foreign government and this fact is plowed under the rubble of massive outrage from dozens of other infractions. Mr Trump, mentally unstable as he is, is a master of distraction and sleight of hand. He knew he would win, which is why he set up the democrats to scream about peaceful transfer of power before the election so they would be seen as hypocrites if his 'win' were questioned. It was a total set up! His lies and 'mistakes' are intentional and masking much bigger issues. We need to focus on what is going on behind the scenes while juggling the circus thrown in our faces that is intended as red herring.
Political and religious thought constructs are the two most polarizing products of the human mind, forever dividing people, forever creating war. "My king protects me; your king threatens me. My god is true; your god is false."
Lofty concepts create their own reality and become more important than life itself, fanning fear and anger and hate, justifying the brutality of war, the slaughtering of soldiers and innocents alike. Kings and priests in flowing robes gaze down from on high at their enthralled multitudes and fawning disciples and expound upon the glory of it all, the selfless patriotism and heroic sacrifice, promising the riches of Earth, the marvelous afterlife, always in the future, just out of reach. All the while, these exalted demagogues bask in the wealth and power of the here and now as their people suffer and bleed.
"America First!" is a war cry of fear and hate. A Christian religion that divides is false. A selfish, greedy, power-hungry king wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross is just another petty, fascist overlord. History repeats itself, and humankind is one step closer to extinction.
I think of Trump as a man who is mentally ill. He has a psychological disorder. He must always be the biggest and the best which is why he can't let go of not winning the popular vote and not having the biggest inauguration turnout. He also does not understand that the president is not all powerful and must follow the constitution. He is not capable of doing that. The crisis that began with Reagan has continued unabated and may come to a head with Trump in the White House. He needs to be watched very carefully.
Trump is an INDEPENDENT who is exposing American 2-party System for what it is>(No diff between 1-party or 2-party System as System gets 100% of the vote) DOH
America and its Media has become {+"The Land of the BIG LIE" starting w/the JFK Coup where Media told us a Single man w/a BOLT=ACTION rifle shot JFK 4X in 6sec. Only TRUTH told was what Oswald said> "I'm a PATSY" All else was a BALD ASSED LIE and US Media has been propaganda every since starting w/Viet Nam war we fought to save Michellin Tyre Corporation's investments in 1000's of acres of rubber tree plantaions where NO Combat operations were allowed, BUT if an aircraft crashed there US Army map service surveyed/counted trees & issued documents to reimburse Michellin for damages inflicted on theri property by US Armed forces> what a bunch of crap where my take is 50000 miles ain't worth 20000 lives, IS IT?
Only REAL comparison of Trump w/Hitler is TRUTH that they could both say the establishment was SKEWED to favor those running the show to the detriment of the people> Hitler spoke TRUTH when he could say "You saw your GrandParents commit Suicide when their life savings were wiped out by war reparations imposed by Paris Versailles Treaty" Trump's similiarly tells us the economy is skewed in favor of Big Wigs of the establishment, hence he connected w/the common man, as Hitler did> So SORRY
As for Trump's so-called "Lies" there's a smattering of TRUTH in most of 'em> Example when he said 1000s of Muslims celebrated 9/11 in USA, he was RIGHT> On nat'l TV in every town in USA there were 1000s of Muslims celebrating 9/11 & I saw it myself DUH
When ALI was asked where Viet Nam was he said "IT'S ON TV" ALI was way ahead of the times as he recognized REALITY of the global media "in our face"
Jika anda berkunjung ke cikampek karawang, pasti anda akan menemukan banyak yang <a href="http://karpetcindy.com/">Jual Karpet Karakter Bulu Rasfur Termurah</a> di pinggir jalan, harganya pun murah2. Anda bisa memilih motif yang anda suka. Disana pun ada <a href="http://rajadiranjangku.blogspot.com/">agen foredi gel</a> untuk mengatasi masalah pria dewasa. <a href="http://obatherbalkhususwanita.blogspot.com/">klik disini</a> jika anda menginginkan informasi tentang <a href = "http://obatherbalkuatdantahanlama.weebly.com/">obat kuat dan tahan lama pria</a>
We all have a tiny bit of Hitler lurking within. Human existance is a bubble, and we are trapped inside. A fleshy jail cell where we think and feel and attempt to interact with nature and society; the outside world. All the while bombarded with chalenges. Reproduction, careers, relationships, financial burdens and aging. Flash to Donald Trump, an angry young man molded by an angrier father with more money than God. My view of humanity has been very bleak for the last 30 years, and that view has been reinforced by recent developements. Sure, there are little rays of hope that MAYBE this small bit of cosmic matter we call Earth will survive in it's present state; covered with life and abundance, but in general I'd say we are screwed. The have's will continue to hold fast to their wealth, power and influence completely oblivious to the destruction they leave in the wake of their greed. In fear and confusion the have not's will continue to envy the have's. All the while this fragile thing we call life, in all it's grand diversity, is dwindling away and falling to ash and rock. Time for a reset folks.
I completely agree. Of course there will be some event that could trigger a war --especially if the administration is looking for an excuse. Trump as a "wartime president"! --Bannon can't wait.
The Republican President (aka Putins Puppit) had General Flynn, Chief Security Advisor, negotiating sanctions with Russia prior to the inaugeration. Highly illegal. Impeach.
Whatever kind of evil he is, it's important we constantly call him the "Republican President". Despite their occasional displeasure with him, Republicans are right in there with him on legislative goals, the consolidation of wealth and on the hate. We cannot allow any daylight between him and Republicans because at any moment he is likely to do something that turns voters away and/or forces him from office. At that moment the GOP will also turn away in an attempt to save themselves.
Are we ready to offer an alternative? Are we speaking our values? Or are we going to continue to fling facts and reason at people knowing that doesn't work? If we have not prepared voters with an alternative, the GOP will just dump their President and take their voters with them.
Learn to frame issues in terms of our values; learn to speak and write effectively. Thom's books on this are a great start.
Per your 2/9 bulletin. I'm not convinced that Trump will hand over power at he end of his term. I see his administration as likely to double down on gerrymandering and voter suppresion to make the 2020 debacle "elections" in name only--like his mentor in Russia. It will be peaceful as long as the next in line is one of his kids.
The comparison is hyperbole. The Clinton campaign, Obama administration, deep state, and corporate media made unusual acrobatic illogical leaps to make those conclusions. Most of the problem are those in government who want Christianity eliminated from our society. Take the atheist Clinton campaign, for example, with her incessant anti Christian campaign rhetoric and constant lying and cheating.
Trump won an overwhelming majority of the evangelical Christian vote. Some 80% compared to Clinton getting about 5%. Since it's been abundantly evident Democrats, especially establishment democrats, hate anything Christian, they'll make attempts to discredit anything he proposes.
Then, there's his patriotic appeal. For a long time, Americans have been told any thoughts and concerns about domestic issues was national socialism, or Nazism. Any serious discussions on healthcare reform which doesn't involve billionaires making money is called communism by democrats. Any infrastructure is said to be impossible by neoliberals. Democrats live from disaster to disaster, and leave no room to inject money into the domestic economy.
Trump wants to inject d domestic currency, but is being thwarted in his attempts by globalist elites unwilling to see domestic labor prosper.
Is he Hitler? Absolutely not. Not even close. Comparing him to Hitler is akin to comparing Obama to Pinochet, which would actually be a closer comparison.
Just wondering, if I cross a boarder without a visa or passport, am I not an illlegal entrant? Why do we say undocumented? If one is undocumented, has landed in our boaders, are is one not Illegal? I would change the PC language to Illegal Entrant! That sounds truthful and yet not so Alienated!!! Ha, get the pun!
Sorry, the Opposames (GOP and DEM PROGRESSIVES), need to stop the Idenity Politics and the Social Politics. If we don't focus on educational changes to build a worker base of 22nd Century types, we are going to be a nation of "Cupcakes" who can't read, write or have a thought worth listening to.
Best to all you millineal dunderheads - Have fun protesting nothing that matters or anyone cares about. Besides, your hoolagan friends are rioting and causing property damage and we old farts are blamiong you for that too. Gonna be a rough ride for the next 50 years. Ill be dead, someone elses problem. I went from 60's hippie, to 70's anti-war type, to 80's middle class worker, to 90's Baby Boomer wealth, to 2000 social securtity and retirement fund wine drinker and fishing slacker. Will be dead by 2040. Just about the time the debt (or the Giant Comet hits the earth), and all colapses. Charge up your AMEX cards around 2035 to max, you won't likely have to pay it off.
Capt'n Scinicle
It hasn't been just Johnson that has been responsible for the influx of foreign nationals. Under Dubya, our medical system has been fully stocked with foreign doctors. In the past fifteen years I have had a two Korean doctors, a Chinese doctor, a Mexican doctor, a Persian doctor, an Eastern Indian doctor, and a Phillippine doctor. Where did all of the White doctors go? I think the answer is, the professional class has been promised great authority lattitude and getting their pockets lined (Tom Price) and is being used to garner padded profits but also "compulsive compliant submissiveness" from people. The doctors are holding our health care and scripts hostage if we don't comply with their demands. These foreign doctors come from patriarchal, mysognistic, authoritarian, if not totalitarian, societies that are already on board with Right-wing thinking. White doctors seem to be ending up specialists that most of us can't afford (eg sport medicine or plasitc surgery).
As most of the world is not white, its clearly mean spirited and illogical to shift questions from immigration policy to shrill sounds about skin color.
US needs a long pause on any immigration, and then it should put standards on skills or assets for immigrants as does Canada and many other rational countries.
I don't think it matters who is in the WH. We all know that the DNC and the Democratic Party have sold out to the Deep State and profits. So, no matter what variation on a theme (an Obama or a Trump) the Deep State is still in control. On the campaign trail, the candidates are allowed to say anything that will get themselves elected, but once elected, the Deep State powers move in, have a little chat with the POTUS, scare the daylights out of him or do whatever it takes to have him do their bidding, and from then on it's business as usual; we have seen this since Reagan. The Democrats sent me a picture of Obama deep in thought, but if you looked at his eyes you could see panic and terror as the relity of his situation was hitting home. Trump is brash and will put up a fight so they will "manage" him; they will only tell him certain things, edit everything he comes in contact with, placate his massive ego; keep him happy, and guide his decisions to deliver what they want. Listen to his inaguration speech. Then look at who ended up around him (just like Obama with Emmanuel, Rubin, and Summers.) They may tip-toe around Trump, but they will be an organized team of the Deep State with a definite agenda of their own and now that the Right is in the saddle with a Right-wing Congress, Conservative SCOTUS, and a kid for a POTUS, they are going to make hay while the sun shines. The Millenials better get up off the bench and get out on the field if they want to have ANY hope of not ending up in a Neo-Feudal society as galley slaves with a copper ring around their necks, or an RFI chip under their skin (and you think I'm kidding about this.) These crazies want to take us back to 1840, if not 700 AD. Energizing the Millenials should be a key feature to any strategy. Even if they aren't old enough to vote, they can work at the various party HQs and begin to learn the ropes from the intro-level on up. And they can also be effective online combatting all of the Right-wing trolls who are out there posting any lie or derrogatory sting they can. (I even got a memo from some Rightie instructing the trolls to "use the Democrats words against them.") So, there is a lot that can be done by the younger ones that would be instantly helpful and cumulatively reinforcing and strengthening, too.
Thanks for the source, g.sherri! That's a good one.
You've probably seen blackboxvoting.org I imagine fractioning votes is why the recount was stopped in places where paper ballots could have been used as evidence.
The system is rigged; it is not simply rhetoric -- just not in the way that Trump imagines.
Republican state legislatures and Secretaries of State have been methodically purging Democrats from the voting rolls for decades by the millions, along with every other sleazy tactic they think can slip by public awareness.
The hard evidence of massive "election" fraud is extensive and overwhelming, while there is zero evidence of "voter" fraud. It's the biggest scandal in American political history and has rendered our already weakened democracy into a joke. For obvious reasons, the establishment power structure and their enabling corporate media mouthpieces choose to ignore it at all cost.
A good starting point to wake people up is Greg Palast's "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy." Brad Friedman has also done a lot of heavy lifting on the subject, along with many other honest and competent journalists, lawyers, and investigators who are desperately trying to break the media sound barrier.
I am deeply worried that his rhetoric around the system being "rigged" or the "fraudulent illegal immigant votes" is a set-up to him not leaving office. I have said that since last Summer, that if he was elected he won't leave. However, I'm not sure he's a diabolical genius in this pursuit, I think it's mor likely he's just a malignant narcissist who can't stand losing and is accidentially setting this scenario up. Either way, it's the scarriest thing I've ever witnessed!
The hustle and bustle and media flurry following destructive intentions, childish drama, inappropriate appointees and inhumane executive orders is planned chaos to mask the most major scandal our country is now suffering. A FOREIGN POWER HAS INTERFERED WITH OUR DEMOCRATIC ELECTION PROCESS and put a mentally unstable puppet in the white house. Is anyone even trying to investigating this? It is the foundation of everything else. The republican party has lied, cheated and stolen the election with the help of a dangerous foreign government and this fact is plowed under the rubble of massive outrage from dozens of other infractions. Mr Trump, mentally unstable as he is, is a master of distraction and sleight of hand. He knew he would win, which is why he set up the democrats to scream about peaceful transfer of power before the election so they would be seen as hypocrites if his 'win' were questioned. It was a total set up! His lies and 'mistakes' are intentional and masking much bigger issues. We need to focus on what is going on behind the scenes while juggling the circus thrown in our faces that is intended as red herring.
Political and religious thought constructs are the two most polarizing products of the human mind, forever dividing people, forever creating war. "My king protects me; your king threatens me. My god is true; your god is false."
Lofty concepts create their own reality and become more important than life itself, fanning fear and anger and hate, justifying the brutality of war, the slaughtering of soldiers and innocents alike. Kings and priests in flowing robes gaze down from on high at their enthralled multitudes and fawning disciples and expound upon the glory of it all, the selfless patriotism and heroic sacrifice, promising the riches of Earth, the marvelous afterlife, always in the future, just out of reach. All the while, these exalted demagogues bask in the wealth and power of the here and now as their people suffer and bleed.
"America First!" is a war cry of fear and hate. A Christian religion that divides is false. A selfish, greedy, power-hungry king wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross is just another petty, fascist overlord. History repeats itself, and humankind is one step closer to extinction.
I think of Trump as a man who is mentally ill. He has a psychological disorder. He must always be the biggest and the best which is why he can't let go of not winning the popular vote and not having the biggest inauguration turnout. He also does not understand that the president is not all powerful and must follow the constitution. He is not capable of doing that. The crisis that began with Reagan has continued unabated and may come to a head with Trump in the White House. He needs to be watched very carefully.
Trump is an INDEPENDENT who is exposing American 2-party System for what it is>(No diff between 1-party or 2-party System as System gets 100% of the vote) DOH
America and its Media has become {+"The Land of the BIG LIE" starting w/the JFK Coup where Media told us a Single man w/a BOLT=ACTION rifle shot JFK 4X in 6sec. Only TRUTH told was what Oswald said> "I'm a PATSY" All else was a BALD ASSED LIE and US Media has been propaganda every since starting w/Viet Nam war we fought to save Michellin Tyre Corporation's investments in 1000's of acres of rubber tree plantaions where NO Combat operations were allowed, BUT if an aircraft crashed there US Army map service surveyed/counted trees & issued documents to reimburse Michellin for damages inflicted on theri property by US Armed forces> what a bunch of crap where my take is 50000 miles ain't worth 20000 lives, IS IT?
Only REAL comparison of Trump w/Hitler is TRUTH that they could both say the establishment was SKEWED to favor those running the show to the detriment of the people> Hitler spoke TRUTH when he could say "You saw your GrandParents commit Suicide when their life savings were wiped out by war reparations imposed by Paris Versailles Treaty" Trump's similiarly tells us the economy is skewed in favor of Big Wigs of the establishment, hence he connected w/the common man, as Hitler did> So SORRY
As for Trump's so-called "Lies" there's a smattering of TRUTH in most of 'em> Example when he said 1000s of Muslims celebrated 9/11 in USA, he was RIGHT> On nat'l TV in every town in USA there were 1000s of Muslims celebrating 9/11 & I saw it myself DUH
When ALI was asked where Viet Nam was he said "IT'S ON TV" ALI was way ahead of the times as he recognized REALITY of the global media "in our face"
Jika anda berkunjung ke cikampek karawang, pasti anda akan menemukan banyak yang <a href="http://karpetcindy.com/">Jual Karpet Karakter Bulu Rasfur Termurah</a> di pinggir jalan, harganya pun murah2. Anda bisa memilih motif yang anda suka. Disana pun ada <a href="http://rajadiranjangku.blogspot.com/">agen foredi gel</a>
untuk mengatasi masalah pria dewasa. <a href="http://obatherbalkhususwanita.blogspot.com/">klik disini</a>
jika anda menginginkan informasi tentang <a href = "http://obatherbalkuatdantahanlama.weebly.com/">obat kuat dan tahan lama pria</a>
Sorry, this was supoosed to be a 'reply' to Drrichardpaul .
Wow, way to twist reality. Is this the hate radio spin? Interesting and frightening.
We all have a tiny bit of Hitler lurking within. Human existance is a bubble, and we are trapped inside. A fleshy jail cell where we think and feel and attempt to interact with nature and society; the outside world. All the while bombarded with chalenges. Reproduction, careers, relationships, financial burdens and aging. Flash to Donald Trump, an angry young man molded by an angrier father with more money than God. My view of humanity has been very bleak for the last 30 years, and that view has been reinforced by recent developements. Sure, there are little rays of hope that MAYBE this small bit of cosmic matter we call Earth will survive in it's present state; covered with life and abundance, but in general I'd say we are screwed. The have's will continue to hold fast to their wealth, power and influence completely oblivious to the destruction they leave in the wake of their greed. In fear and confusion the have not's will continue to envy the have's. All the while this fragile thing we call life, in all it's grand diversity, is dwindling away and falling to ash and rock. Time for a reset folks.
I completely agree. Of course there will be some event that could trigger a war --especially if the administration is looking for an excuse. Trump as a "wartime president"! --Bannon can't wait.
D, I wouldn't call it bitterness so much as abject fear for the survival of our species.
I love listening to President Trump haters for two reasons.
1. They are too dumb to understand that getting rid of Trump makes their problems 1000 times worse.
2. Their bitterness just energizes President Trumps base and you provide daily entertainment for his followers.
Thank you on both counts.
It's only a matter of time!
The Republican President (aka Putins Puppit) had General Flynn, Chief Security Advisor, negotiating sanctions with Russia prior to the inaugeration. Highly illegal. Impeach.
Whatever kind of evil he is, it's important we constantly call him the "Republican President". Despite their occasional displeasure with him, Republicans are right in there with him on legislative goals, the consolidation of wealth and on the hate. We cannot allow any daylight between him and Republicans because at any moment he is likely to do something that turns voters away and/or forces him from office. At that moment the GOP will also turn away in an attempt to save themselves.
Are we ready to offer an alternative? Are we speaking our values? Or are we going to continue to fling facts and reason at people knowing that doesn't work? If we have not prepared voters with an alternative, the GOP will just dump their President and take their voters with them.
Learn to frame issues in terms of our values; learn to speak and write effectively. Thom's books on this are a great start.
Thom -
Per your 2/9 bulletin. I'm not convinced that Trump will hand over power at he end of his term. I see his administration as likely to double down on gerrymandering and voter suppresion to make the 2020 debacle "elections" in name only--like his mentor in Russia. It will be peaceful as long as the next in line is one of his kids.
Jeff Baker, Asheville
The comparison is hyperbole. The Clinton campaign, Obama administration, deep state, and corporate media made unusual acrobatic illogical leaps to make those conclusions. Most of the problem are those in government who want Christianity eliminated from our society. Take the atheist Clinton campaign, for example, with her incessant anti Christian campaign rhetoric and constant lying and cheating.
Trump won an overwhelming majority of the evangelical Christian vote. Some 80% compared to Clinton getting about 5%. Since it's been abundantly evident Democrats, especially establishment democrats, hate anything Christian, they'll make attempts to discredit anything he proposes.
Then, there's his patriotic appeal. For a long time, Americans have been told any thoughts and concerns about domestic issues was national socialism, or Nazism. Any serious discussions on healthcare reform which doesn't involve billionaires making money is called communism by democrats. Any infrastructure is said to be impossible by neoliberals. Democrats live from disaster to disaster, and leave no room to inject money into the domestic economy.
Trump wants to inject d domestic currency, but is being thwarted in his attempts by globalist elites unwilling to see domestic labor prosper.
Is he Hitler? Absolutely not. Not even close. Comparing him to Hitler is akin to comparing Obama to Pinochet, which would actually be a closer comparison.