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  • Would You Give Your Cellphone & Password to The Police?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    SHOOT HIM THE FANGER {a limerick}

    Trump is more frightening than ISIS; -

    - he’s a constitutional crisis.

    Let’s express our anger

    by shooting him the fanger.

    Trump should see a psychiatris’.


  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The nominee gave his approval to the Senator to repeat what he had said. His spokesman verified it.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Power Corrupts. More power corrupts more. Nuff said.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    He is today's stooge for the Republican corrupt underworld which during Prohibition ruled Philadelphia. He comes through the underworld bank, originating in the German American Trust Company and National City Bank (now PNC), which since 1905 has mingled bad money with good till it was laundered through rackets, through 3 wars, through Haiti and Iran Contra, through Panama, the Caymans, and now internally through cash businesses such as fast food franchises connected to a network of riverboat casinos associated with Nevada casinos and some Reservation casinos. He has 34 offshore entities in the Panama Papers Dump.He has had financial association with Pence since 1988 when Pence first went on conservative Indiana talk radio. He purchased Mar-a-Lago for 5 million in 1983 from the M.Meriweather Post Foundation of Washington DC. That's what we call "a real steal" in Florida real estate terms. This is a person put into place to do all the things a career politician would never attempt. While all the monkey business and distractions are going on, we are getting set up for something really bad on an unexpected front- this is the way it has always been, but never so blatant as now. It is a real slap in the face of the righteous forefathers, such as only the mob can deliver with immunity from prosecution.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Since Obama is just another corportist shill on the militaristic path the US has followed for decades, his orderly following of Bush was not all that amazing. But Tump--The Duck--is a loose cannon. Hitler is really a stretch, though as has already been said on this thread there are similarities with Mussolini. The current right wing leader of Hungary, János Áder, also behaves the same way. But in a sense Trump has the mentality of a suicide bomber. He doesn't care what damage he does, who he hurts, or what people say. He probably likes the attention since, after all, he Has the Truth.

    What is sad is that if he was a real Nazi, suitably packaged as an American leader instead of a loud vest pocket dictator, there are millions of Americans who would gladly follow him. Most people are waiting to be told what to do. An uncultured thug who promises everything, is absolutely sure of himself, and gives the appearance of being rich (he could be broke) is enough to excite them. In that sense there is a similarity to Hitler. But history is littered with such louts, many of whom ran their countries into bad ends.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Well they say you can judge a person by the company they keep. So one would have to consider the evidence of Bannon being a Neo-Nazi and then proceed from there regarding the judgement of Trump's "alt-reality." The KKK and Nazis certainly have expressed their love for both Bannon and Trump.

    I'm more concerned about what our CIA already knows...Putin has successfully destabilized this country by putting Trump and the Teapublican Party in power...he knows what he has done. Never mind the golden shower videos, what if Putin releases info that proves Trump committed treason?

    Putin must realize Trump is a complete fool and has the info to get him impeached anytime he wants. The election was invalid plain and simple. Remember how we were going to strike back for the Russian hacking...???? Why was it called off??? Was it called off because Putin now has the power to throw this country into a civil war? We're looking at endless domestic unrest, a crashed economy, and god awful war in Iran now. Putin did this to us by manipulating Trump and the election...and the god damn CIA knows it.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    It is bad enough that Donald Trump is a bold-faced liar in his own right, but he is also surrounding himself with other bold-faced liars like Jeff Sessions, Steve Brannon, and Michael Anton (all three of whom he likes to quote). So it looks like Donald Trump intends to "lie his head off" (so to speak) until he gets impeached.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Hitler, are you guys out of your minds. Geez. Are you seriously comparing a man that murdered millions because of their religious beliefs, color even if they where handicapped to someone who simply wants to do his job and postpone entry for a few people from suspect well known terrorist countries just for a few months until they can confidently and safety allow them access to your country. WTF is wrong with you.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I do not believe that Donald Trump is a sufficiently deep thinking person to grasp the distinctions between fascism, conservatism and libertarianism. What is certainly clear is that his election reflects another giant leap in the direction of "new federalism" as contemplated by the conservatives who brought Ronald Reagan into the Presidency. What we must acknowledge is the fact that there is and never has been one America or a nation of Americans who share similar cultural norms. As one historian pointed out decades ago, we are much more of a "salad bowl" than a "melting pot."

    America never lived up to the promise of establishing equality of opportunity under the nation's systems of property law and taxation. Inherited wealth has been the source of political and economic power from the very beginning. Self-proclaimed conservatives have fought to conserve privilege, and they have often found allies in the ranks of those who proclaim to be liberals or progressives. Corporations have no ideology; they employ lobbyists from the ranks of Democrats and Republicans who will serve vested interest.

    So, no, I do not think Trump is a fascist. He is, no doubt, surrounded by a large number of opportunists hoping to take in their share of the spoils.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    If you ask me he is using Nationalism and fear to push his corporate policies. This seem to have more to do with money and power than any kind of patriotism. What does scare me is his infatuation with being a privilidged white male. We all need to see his tax returns. My guess he is hiding some serious financial problems much like his other investments that went bankrupt and maybe more. The other question is how much does Russia have to do with his investments. This all stinks to high heaven

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    He's too naive to actually BE Hitler. So I gave him a new name...Dumbshitler.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Must ask: (I like that this is out, but...) Why did Sen. Blumenthal share comments from a most likely private conversation? Cheap and now hearsay?

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I think of Trump more like the Mussolini to Putin's Hitler. I think as the realization sets in, over time, that Trumpistan is, after Crimea, the second client state in Putin's New Soviet Union, the analogy will make more sense.

    Where the analogy breaks down is that Putin's IQ, while immeasurably higher than Trump's, exceeds that of Adolf Hitler by a good margin and probably that of Stalin, too. Putin's not going to be out there parading around in starched uniforms with medals and sashes; he's going to continue to run things from behind the curtain in the Great Hall of Oz and let his puppets take all the flack.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    100% in agreement with the Trump/Hitler comparison. But while we listen to the WH lie and die like a Reality Show, the pipelines are a GO; the worst of the worst are heading Cabinets; the whole Supreme Court drama was Repugs at their criminal best; and, Internet Neutrality is in traitorous FCC hands. Shall I go on? And this despicable administration keeps on lying! One from Trump today: "The pipelines weren't so controversial"! This is the lie he will believe. And then there's Bannon...

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    There is little doubt that Donald Trump is an authoritarian demagogue. His behavior and actions are very consistent with those of other historical demagogues, including Hitler and his Nazi followers. This link that I am sharing below makes the case most strongly that trump is very much in the pattern of Hitler and other dictators. So my fellow Americans it is time to not only point-and-click, but to be part of the movements that are resisting trump. And please do not fall into the trap of believing that he is a fool or demented, or too narcissistic. That is not the point. The point is he subscribes to white nationalist supremacist thinking, and has surrounded himself with the likes of Steve Bannon. his actions thus far are quite consistent with those of other dictators, and they begin with identifying some group as the problem with the country, and rapidly tried to dismantle a free media. Sound familiar? Yes, it can happen here. And it is.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The good news is that Herr Drumpf is not clever enough to be another Hitler; our center-ring circus clown is barely more astute than the right-wing Republican base who voted for him. He is just goofy enough, however, to bungle the job so badly that America will likely sink to new depths of dysfunction, if the last two weeks is any indication.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Trump's behavior and rhetorical antics, if seen as just his Reality TV personality, appear abhorrently theatrical, but if he really is listening to Bannon, Michael Savage, Alex Jones, et al, then maybe in his Trumpian way he is attempting to attack the Deep State.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Trump is half way between the usual right wing Republican and Hitler. This half way postion of his is not of his making, but of ours, the people. We are wiser having more researched information about demagogues. Hopefully there are enough of us to overcome the rebellion of the whites-only crowd. He and the republicans in power can and probably will do a lot of damage to the common people. By the time they are done we will find ourselves in the early 1900 era type governance. I do not think that the common republican is awake to this danger and maybe he/she even wants to be there.

  • Is Trump A Fascist Or...Something Even Worse?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Although there are many similarities between Hitler and Trump, there is one area where Trump is NOT Hitler.

    Hitler was a master at manipulating and rallying public opinion; he knew what to say AND how to say it, to sway people to his views.

    Trump, on the other hand, is just a flaming asshole; and most people see right through his garbage-speak.

  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Donald Trump's position against the TPP and NAFTA was one of the few positions that he could support with HONEST arguments. So Democrats should support him on this issue.

    President Obam's confident boast that he would pass the TPP during last year's "lame duck" session of Congress was probably "the straw that broke the back" of Hillary Clinton's bid for President (she failed to take a stand AGAINST Obama's publicised lame-duck session TPP plan).

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Never has there been a finer example of gas-lighting on this forum than the fact-free doctrinal statement the good doctor has feverishly committed to us (#10). We should all be deeply appreciative for such a wonderful opportunity to glimpse into the out-FOX-ed mind of someone who has so thoroughly absorbed the upside-down, inside-out gospel of wing-nuttery.

    For our convenience, he has condensed the essence of the alternate universe and Republican game theory into a bite-size read -- like power-watching years of Rush Limbaugh and Fox Faux "News" hate and fear programming, fast-forwarded in one sitting while strapped to a chair with a piece of wood clenched in your teeth and a bottle of whiskey for anesthetic.

    ...Democrats and liberals forever responsible for the monumental policy failures and mortal sins of Republicans and neo-cons; fear of the "other"; Christians against Muslims; city folk against rural folk; Hillary the Wicked Witch; Trump the Great White Savior sent by GoDah to deliver white-MANkind from brown-skinned evil; an election not stolen; zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay...

    Thanks, Doc, for your mercifully brief catechism of deluded dogma -- a real eye-opener for anyone who still thinks it is possible that matter can coexist with anti-matter ... or truth with lie.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    A little story from Ithaca pertaining to your question about war with Iran.

    Beginning with Feb. this year the AM station 1470 AM WNYY discontinued carrying your program. I have been listening to your program since AA times on that station.

    It has quite a torch and can be heard almost all the way to Syracuse,NY on a clear day.

    Our local Low Power FM station took over to cover 2 hrs of your program but it is so weak that about 4 mi from downtown it gets blown away by the Christian Family Channel out of Rochester, NY- a 2 hr. drive away.

    But, Guess what 1470 AM replaced you with?

    Music from The Good Old Days. The fifties and early sixties. Happy music of the sort that has been used to calm the people in bad times or to distract them from an upcoming war.

    I am Austrian born and I do remember my history and all the mechanisms devised to make sure: NEVER AGAIN.

    We do not have those mechanisms, nor do we have the memory bank in America because most people who had that experience have died and/or because America signalled a new beginning and nobody wants to pass on misery to their kids.This creates some sort of info gap and makes it harder to recognize early where we are heading.

    I am telling you right here- the signs of future war(s) are showing themselves already, though , for American born people, in very subtle ways mostly.

    This should not let us overlook the in-your-face signs like,: the banning of "The Muslims",

    The Other.

    That is how it starts- someone is made to be The Other while all the Regular People say nothing, do nothing untill it becomes painfully obvious down the trail that the next Other will be them. At that point it is mostly too late to stop the runaway train.

    Yes, I do think that this administration will try another war. In war one can steal and make people disappear without consequence to most culprits.

    We are living in the most dangerous times since our Republic's conception and inception. These coming months and years will be our toughest test yet since the Civil War.

    Thom, thank you massively for what you commited yourself to and what you have taught me.

    Forward forever, backward never.

  • Trump’s Plan to "Make America White Again" Unveiled   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    I questioned the oracle Ouija: -

    - “Will you spell out some stuff which leads ya

    to point to your ‘Yes'

    that The Donald’s mess

    is stuff which off has peed ya?” …

    … “It’ll take several hours,

    but I’ll use my powers

    to spell out how Trump impedes ya.”


  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Elections are always stolen when your guy loses, never when you win.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I hope and pray the first nuclear missle launched by anyone from anywhere goes right up Trumps ass."

    Now here we have an intelligent comment.

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