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  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    All of this could have been avoided, had Democrats not cheated during the primary. Many people, myself included, couldn't in good conscience vote for the Democratic nominee because she cheated during the primaries. What's worse, voting for someone who doesn't believe in democracy and cheats, or someone who actually won because of democracy?

    You see, we can criticize Trump all day long, but he still won the election without cheating. (There is absolutely no proof Putin and the Russian government did anything. The only agencies proclaiming such are the same agencies which now have us at war with 8 countries. They are also the agencies which led to us during the Iraq war vote hearings, in which the Democratic nominee voted yes to illegal wars of choice, making her just as bad as Republicans on the topic.) Democrats decided that rewarding a cheater, simply because she was a woman with Democrat by her name and no other real reason, was going to be overlooked by millions of Americans. They thought presenting alternative facts and narratives to throw off logical thinking skills would help. They didn't realize some people have morals which say voting for the known cheater is akin to buying your child a candy bar after your kid stole a bicycle.

    Democrats also forgot they need to maintain a coalition. Yes, all politics is local. However, you must build a coalition with groups all over the United States, not just in cities. When urbanites believe they need Midwesterners to be wage slaves so they don't have to pay as much at the store; when urbanites call Midwesterners inbred; when urbanites say all Midwesterners are retards; when urbanites proclaim jobs aren't important to rural areas; when urbanites demand fealty to a known cheater; when urbanites forgot it takes everyone, then the coalition is forever broken. The fact is, urbanites with their forced globalism is killing rural America, and urbanites simply don't care. Urbanites only care about one thing: they care about maintaining corruption in politics. This was all evidence first hand by many Midwesterners. It's what broke the long-standing coalition between the working class Midwesterners and big city urbanites.

    Why is Trump President? Because urbanites don't care beyond the walls of their particular city. They, urbanites, proclaim and shout the praises of globalization, yet reject their own countrymen. They, urbanites, proclaim the virtues of free trade, at the expense of starving their own countrymen. They, urbanites, proclaim fealty to Islam, a religion known to demand the extermination of Christians and Jews since its inception, regardless of historical fact. They, urbanites, don't see the death and destruction they're causing in their own country, and want to send the same internationally. They, urbanites, are to be directly blamed for the downfall of the United States.

    How do we move forward from here? Democrats, first and foremost, must acknowledge they can't win without the Midwest. This will take urbanites swallowing their pride, and moving away from the sacred religion of globalization. They will also need to own up to the fact their party (I left the Democratic Party this cycle after perceiving Democrats weren't any less corrupt than Republicans.) cheated during the primaries and general election. Democrats will not win in 2018, because they still won't humble themselves. Democrats lost because of neoliberal policies and authoritarian regimes. They didn't see Obama was just as bad as Bush, and played games with the lives of the working class for their own selfish goals. No, Democrats aren't going to be winning for a long time, unless they repent of their murderous ways against the working class in the Midwest.

  • Trump’s Plan to "Make America White Again" Unveiled   8 years 2 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    JEOPARDY {a limerick}

    Our nation’s in frightening jeopardy

    ‘cause Trump is so dad-gum’ leopardy: -

    - He can’t change his spots

    as he calls the shots.

    {Hmmmm. What’s a rhyme-word for “jeopardy”?}


  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I have to agree with 2950-10K that War for profit become a gient part of our economy. Banning muslims can have big consequences. I hope that's not the guy who will start another world war. This guy is crazy and for sure you can't trust him.

    I agree with stecoop01

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The last time Republicans stole an election and an illegitimate "president" was installed, chaos reigned.

    When George W. Bush climbed up on that rubble pile after 9/11, even the people of Iran held candlelight vigils in solidarity with us. The world was with America and we were the good guys.

    When the "decision maker" climbed down from that rubble pile and lied us into elective wars of aggression, he became a war criminal. Fifteen years and hundreds of thousands of needless deaths later, the world is against America and we are the bad guys.

    Elections, stolen by Republicans, have consequences.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    We missed our chance to stop all this madness when Obama convinced Clinton to concede without cross-check and the Trump/Putin collusion being investigated and info released to the public. Too late now....extremely dark history has already been set in motion.

    War for profit has become a giant part of our economy, so it's not just Bannon that wants war with Iran, although unlike the other players who simply want to enrich themselves, Bannon wants war because he's a delusional nut case. I hope someone slips him some meds... that could be our only slim chance to avoid global conflict!

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Do US forces want to fight unjustifiable war against Iran ?

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I hope and pray the first nuclear missle launched by anyone from anywhere goes right up Trumps ass.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The mid-term elections in 2018 will be telling.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    If the left could win back the congress, then they could defund any Trump war ambitions.

    Since they seem unable to do this, they will have to live with what the mean old repubs

    can push through.


  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Just because they've been stopped doesn't mean they will continue to be. This is the rhetoric behind the "Bowling Green Massacre" flap. These "refugee" immigrants had every intention of causing a terrorist incident, but got caught. Meanwhile, we won't give our own citizens a sandwich a day at taxpayer expense. American citizens are being forced to work for their food stamps at minimum wage, and then have to buy cold food at inflated prices in order to use them.

    The call for suicidal border policies out of some sense of compassion for a drop in the bucket doesn't pass any test of logic.

  • Trump's Dangerous Iran Gamble   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I pray for peace...and for US Senators to be allowed to speak on the floor of the Senate.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    History serves as a warning beacon that we ignore at our peril:

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I find Trump's disrespect for the courts chilling. He is setting a bad example for the country and giving (a dog whistle) consent for other politicians to follow suit. The founders gave us three branches of government for a reason; it is a system of checks and balances, but the Right seems Hell-bent on tearing down all of our institutions so they can operate with impunity. Those who voted for Trump did so because they liked his brash style and were hoping he would challeng what is wrong (like the TPP), and not go around challenging what is good and best about our system.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I completely agree with KCRuger. Indeed, how is the financial community getting away with fraud, and how is Trump and all of the campaign candidates getting away with lying to us? If we purchase a car and they deliver a truck, we have the right of refusal. Why are we tolerating all of this exceedingly bad behavior out of all of these people? When do we stop indulging them and throw them the heck out??? I'm for recalling Trump if he's not going to deliver on his campaign promises.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Kend: While I completely agree with your post I do believe President Trump should not publicly criticize a seated judge. There are other ways to make his point is a less direct manner. Everyone better understand quickly President Trump is a take no prisoners kind of guy. I see a tremendous opportunity here in creating an app that diverts President Trumps tweets to a pool of a half dozen of his advisors where it could be filtered, altered, or deleted before it became public.

    BTW Thom. As you know, the first to mention Hitler loses the debate. Your constant intentional references to the aforementioned individual clearly proves that old saw is correct. Show some class.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    As a Canadian I can only wish we had a leader who put national security ahead of political correctness. Trump didn't put a ban on those seven countries, he just temporarily stopping people from entering the US for a few months until they can find a safe system to properly screen citizens from known trouble areas. Isn't the Presidents first priority national security.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Never forget: According to The Cook Political Report, updated 1-3-17, Clinton won the popular vote 65,844,610 (48.20%) to Trump's 62,979,636 (46.10%). (Votes cast for other candidates: 7,804,213 -- 5.70%).

    Odd -- there are no statistics about the "three to five million" walking dead and "illegal" brown people who allegedly voted for that "wicked witch" anywhere in the entire database of the human species, except on the Pervert's little twitter.

    Considering the opposite case, which cries out for a real honest-to-god investigation, if only we had the actual representative-democratic-republic of the People's Constitution that was promised to us and that would have honored fair elections and counted the seven million-plus mostly Democratic voters who were illegally purged and otherwise disenfranchised in the 2016 elections, then the Pretender to the Throne also would have lost the Electoral College by a similarly wide margin.

    "Woe unto us! Who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods?"

    Since the Great and All Powerful Republican Party committed massive election fraud, and nobody in the gilded power structure at King's Landing can be bothered with such trifle, the wretched of the Earth shall now suffer the illegitimate Mad King, wandering the darkened corridors (looking for illusive light switches) of the White Castle in his golden pajamas by night while issuing stacks of absurd royal decrees by day, which he doesn't even bother to read, penned by the scruffy Hand of the King who schemes to resurrect the Holy Wars.

    Such a poorly conceived script would be rejected by even a low-budget comedy troupe fallen on hard times. And yet, here we are, the captive audience in the "alternative facts" universe of Trump, Trump, Trump, rapid fire, splashy headlines, breaking news, 24/7.

    "We have met the enemy and he is us."

    Why would any terrorists bother to attack America when Republicans are doing the job for them?

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Obama took European example of social support for underprivileged and combined it with American realities. That was the beginning of Medicare and the end of Obama's career in politics. The worst thing about Medicare is that it gave a boost for Trump's victory on the elections.

    To do my homework investigated Medicare prerequisites.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Alas, every forum has its little ankle-biting trolls; at least this blog is blessed with ones who aren't too bright. It's well established that the Bobbsey twins, Granny Di and Ou8diot, never have much to say of great import, only snide and simplistic comments repeated over and over without much variation, which, sadly, they think are so clever. Really, their whole shtick is rather boring and irrelevant, not worthy of much response.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I'll say it again, it's all about oil, war for profit, and the madness of thirst for endless wealth....what else is there with these maniacs???...oh I almost forgot the fetish sex with young Russian girls! They'll use the next 911 hit ....probably a "dirty bomb"... to invade Iran.

    Comey's FBI, and the CIA won't be able to hide the treason emails guess is that a Russian patriot will leak them.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I understand that after the Reichtag fire, Hitler stood in front of the Reichtag and addressed the crowd saying that god is on his side and will help him avenge this brutal act (He set up). This almost sounds like what happened in 2001. Didn't Bush say pretty much the same thing. IMHO we are being set up for another Reichtag event like Hitler perpetrated in 1933. What other proof do we need. We must act NOW and rid the world of Republicans forever. I am sick of their shit. The American terrorist "christians" must be taught a lesson. It seems like they are setting up another Civil War because they are still pissed that they lost in 1865. I have newsfor them. This time we will not only beat them but we will prosecute and hang all involved. Perhaps the "christian" terrorists believe that the rapture is right around the corner. I have news for them. If they start anything, their rapture will be at the end of a rope and they will be buried in pig shit.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    I'll state the obvious - that those 'people' from the seven banned countries have been 'pouring in' for a long time, and a terrorist attack directed from a cell in one of those countries hasn't happened since, well, never. But suddenly we are in grave, grave danger if those people are let in. This is a typical Trump game - blame, distort, and fearmonger. I think Trump and his Rasputin sidekick would like nothing more than to see the ban overturned by the courts, and a major terror attack with a dirty bomb in a large city miraculously happen shortly after. That would give them all the excuse they need to impose near-martial law and attack some Muslim countries.

  • Has Trump Done Any "Swamp Draining" At All?   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Both of you are ,unfortunately,correct.

    Get ready to bend over and touch our knees the spell R U N.

    Then N U R.

    How do we shut down this looney toon country like France did?

    Does anybody know the Senate Bill # that poison pilled tha ACA in 2016?

    Thom mentioned it was a Rubio bill but did not state the number.

    I have tried to find it by searching the senate site but to no avail!


    And keep on fighting.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Whether you voted for Trump, voted against him, or didn't vote, we are all in the same boat now. If the captain of the ship is a serial liar (or worse, delusional), and runs the ship into the rocks to avoid a mirage, then we are all sunk. Today he lied about the crime rate. He lied about the media ignoring terrorist attacks. He lied about the danger of Syrian refugees. His spokesperson made up a story about a "massacre" that never happened. He lied about protestors being paid. He lied about how many people were at his inauguration. Can we trust him to keep us safe? No way. We have to protect ourselves from this mad Caesar.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Not to choose is a choice to let someone else choose...I can't make sense of it.

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