Recent comments

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The 90 million who changed history by not voting....and I'm feeling drained and swamped.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago
    Quote Old Kel:Well, the 49 million of us who did not vote for Trump, but did vote, are wondering why 90 million of us did not bother to vote. Not voting does not seem rational to me.

    When you're forced to choose the lesser of two evils, sometimes the best choice is not to choose at all.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Take my word for it, the Trumpers are not "waiting" for a terrorist attack to happen...they are actively planning it. Thousands of innocent Americans will be killed, and there will be "absolutely, solid, irrefutable evidence" the terrorist attack was committed by the ISIS or whatever the Middle Eastern enemy country dejour happens to be at the time.

    Undoubtedly, the dead will include "enemies" of the Trumpers; and I would not be at all surprised if happens September 11, 2017. The only question is "where?"

    Anyone want to start a pool?

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Well, the 49 million of us who did not vote for Trump, but did vote, are wondering why 90 million of us did not bother to vote. Not voting does not seem rational to me.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    As commander in chief, it s rational that Trump temporarily ban immigration from certain areas known to harbor Jihadist groups.

    Let the courts of the land do their duty, but we of the 46 plus million who voted for Trump support his actions,.


  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Judge Robart is in good company. Apparently, the main stream so called media has to be told how to do their job too. Trump's a TV personality. He knows about these things. Got his biggest role ever. Now, instead of "you're fired" it will be "I'm cutting your federal funds."

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    It is a real danger that a terrorist incident, real, exaggerated, or invented, will be used to justify an extra-constitutional state of emergency. The groundwork is being laid for this. The good sign is that some of the media are strking back at the falsehoods, particularly CNN, unlike during the Bush administration. But will they be able to stand up to be accused of being terrorist accomplices and forceably shut down in the name of national security. The bad sign is that the Republicans are making a Faustian bargain to get their agenda passed by enabling a neo-Fascist. It did not work for the ruling class in Germany in 1933, and it will not work for the ruling class in the US. By the time the state of emergency is proclaimed, it may be too late to reign him in. Perhaps we will be saved by Trump's incompetence. Perhaps the opposition won't get weak-kneed when confronted by accusations of endangering the country. However, I would not count on the Republicans to dump Trump unless he totally flames out. It will take a massive movement of non-violent resistance (more than computer clicks), and even then, the outcome is not certain. Watch out for violent inflitrators in protests inciting trouble as an excuse for a crack-down. It's an old FBI trick from the days of the Vietnam War protests.

  • Trump's Most Outrageous Tweet Yet   8 years 2 weeks ago

    There are those who claim that once you mention Hitler, you've lost the argument. But I don't even think you can understand this current situation without understanding what happened in Germany in the 1930s. 9/11 could have been our Reichstag Fire, but fortunately our people snapped out of it just in time. However, we now face an administration that clearly wouldn't hesitate to create an event like this to solidify their power. We have to keep talking about it.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 2 weeks ago

    @ Stopgap #15

    I don't know how well your theory will sit with Deepspace. If you consider the opposite of what I said, Deepspace is the dumbest bigot on this site, and you are runner-up. :)

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 2 weeks ago

    Yes Dianereynolds, As usual, you are mistaken. From now on, whatever you think and whatever Ou812 says, just consider the opposite, and you will always be right.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 2 weeks ago


    Deepspace is thankful for you, as long as you're here he won't be the dumbest bigot on this site.

  • Daily Topics - Monday February 6th, 2017   8 years 2 weeks ago

    The benign fascists in Europe, Britain, France, etc., were cought with their pants down when Italy, Spain and German Fascism metastasised. They wrote the program for manipulating the gullible members of the population that keep the IQ average down. Bannon and t rump have been studying Mein Kampf, Machiavelli, Orwell and Mussolini, not as cautionary tales, but as instruction manuals on how to do this for a long time. T rump, Bannon, and the Congressional fascists know what the nazis knew, that they have to act fast if they are to succeed. They want to drown the present benign fascist government in the bathtub so they can replace it with their own brand of Fascism.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    I must be mistaken. I was not aware Hillary Clinton was currrently the POTUS.

    Let's hope there is room in the sweat lodge for a jackass and a pigeon. Can birds sit cross- legged?

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Dianereynolds, You're satires on these rightwing, knuckle-dragging, treasonous, delusional Nazi/Facsist morons, that still think that Trump won the election are hilarious. You have these rubes down perfectly. Hell, if you were posting this on Brietbart, I'd think you were one of them.

    But of course we know that Trump DID NOT win the election! In fact, he lost the election by about 3 million votes. We know that what he won, was the "Electoral College," an institution used by the founders to appease the bigoted, xenophobic, rightwing religious fanatic nut bags of the Southern states to get them into the Union. Of course, we also know that this very institution has since been commondeered by these same treasonous bigots with the help of greedy billionaires and throughly unprincipled, Republican politians, using a variety of voter suppression techniques and voter intimidation to illegitimately swing the results their way.

    But keep up these great satires. They're funny as hell!

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    In the first two weeks of the honeymoon the leftie/socialists have so generously given President Trump, he has followed through with his promises and met the expectations of most of his supporters. They are obviously not the same as most posters here but I heard once, "elections have consequences" so get over it.

    Mr. Ed: Perhaps Thom's suggestion of 8 days of mindless meditation will help but before you go, please pre-post 8 days worth of venom so we have a weeks worth of entertainment. It may make it easier to breath while you are chanting.

  • Has Trump Done Any "Swamp Draining" At All?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    YOU are absolutely right Thom,trump has perpetrated the greatest con job in americn history.He has surrounded himself not with world class leaders but world class "greeders",all grovelling at the trough for a piece of the action,and at the expense of the americans that bought the lies and hatred that was constantly spewing out of his ignorant mouth.And it is time for a general strike in this country,just like France,shut down the whole country.We have the power if we just use it.

  • Has Trump Set the Table for the Reichstag Fire?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    THE WIZARD of ____ {a limerick}

    We distrust The Donald because

    he’s the “Wizard of {chaos} KayOZ”.

    We withhold our applause.

    Trump gives us pause

    with his notions as sick as Limbaugh’s.


  • Has Trump Set the Table for the Reichstag Fire?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    span.Apple-tab-span {white-space:pre}

    WORDS ENDING WITH “-UMPS” {a rhyme}

    Our culture’s degenerate, so now we have Trump’s

    grabbing the wheel and steering to dumps

    o’er roads full of potholes and unwieldy bumps, -

    - his passengers nitwits

    and idiotic chumps

    and deplorable dipsh..s

    like the Alt-Righter grumps.


  • Has Trump Set the Table for the Reichstag Fire?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #231e20}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 17.0px Helvetica; color: #231e20}


    Against The Donald are several rebellions,

    and against his minions, - deplorable hellions

    who’re stupid, but otherwise Machiavellians*.

    … {* “Machiavellian” = “scheming and unscrupulous”}


  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago


    is screaming from her grave


  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Trump is nothing but a con-man carnival barker. There is nothing to discover "in his heart" that differs from the excrement that issues from his mouth and overflows into his tweets. I'm thinking there's very little left to discover in his brain. Unfortunately, it's we who will pay the price. The Republicans took and are taking full advantage with their take-over of House and Senate, and the white supremicist infiltration is stomach-turning. The extent of this tragedy does not end with the economy, though. Cruz and 22 of his cohorts tried 44 times to privatize the National Parks; now they can do it with no fear of veto. The Dominion (7 mountains and all) are all set to take control with their version of "Christianity." They think the Catholics are liberals. And there are more of them in government than you imagine. Perhaps they and the skinheads can come to an agreement ... oh joy. And forget the social safety net.

    We need you more than ever, now, Thom. Thank you.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    The Fiduciary Rule rhetoric is weird to someone who is a licensed fiduciary. "Financial Advisor" isn't a legal term, it's a marketing device. Stop misleading your listeners about this topic. A Series 65/66 license is a fiduciary license for "Investment Advisors" a legal term. Love you Thom!

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    First and foremost, Predator Trump is a worthless liar. That is just the long-established fact of his life. You can't believe a damn thing he says, and you sure as hell can't trust him.

    Everyone knows that, especially his family, other people closest to him, and anyone who has ever had any interaction with him throughout his entire career as a completely spoiled scion of the wealthy elite, including politicians, business men and women, bankers, contractors, employees, beauty contestants, his own staff, and now even his new cabinet members.

    As this sick individual acts out his delusions of grandeur, the volatile traits of a twisted personality emerge unconsciously and uncontrollably, revealing a shallow and incurious mind, a short attention span and lack of focus, a vindictive nature, a malevolent narcissistic personality disorder that is likely clinical, an acute lack of empathy, a nearly total disregard for the wellbeing of others, a bigot, a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and a Hitleresque authoritarian streak that is the envy of tin-pot dictators everywhere -- all adding up to the worst possible combination of negative emotional and mental proclivities of anyone who has ever sat behind the desk of the most powerful nation on Earth.

    Now that he is fouling the Oval Office with the stench of selfishness, greed, and lust for power, the rest of our deeply concerned and disillusioned Western world are desperately realigning their already shaken view of the United States as the "leader of the free world" to the new reality of an unhinged, militaristic, plutocratic, fascist kakistocracy, arguably the greatest threat to the evolution of the universal and naturally human quest for democracy and for a sustainable environment in all of history.

    The only people left who seem totally oblivious to this unbelievably dire threat are the naive and the gullible, those brainwashed Americans who swallowed the lies and voted for this maniac, the 63 million who are but the tiniest fraction of Mother Earth's fragile and vulnerable inhabitants.

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Is there any logical reason for anyone to be surprised as Trump does what we thought he would do?

  • Trump Lends the Banksters a Hand   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Experts are indicating that the market has only been this overvalued twice in history....1929 and 1999, when the crashes were 89% and 50% respectively.

    Big money is getting out soon, as the bubble peaks, and then get right back in after the market dips well below 10,000. As always, the working class 401K holders won't be able to get out in time, and will be advised to ride it out....that's how the Wall Street crooks have things rigged. It's very difficult to move 401K investments quickly.

    The only safe place now is basically zero percent savings accounts in credit union banks or perhaps gold and silver.

    Oh.. the market is going to crash alright. The question is, will the Teabaggers block the bailout this time? There's no room to drop rates either...get the hell out now and good luck!

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