At least the Democrats have a replacement for the ACA, it's called single payer. Oddly enough, Bernie is the only one that speaks out for it though, which is why there is complete media blackout of him. "Single payer" and "raise the cap" quiet, let the Teabaggers kick us in the nuts again.
Before we allow any talk of reducing social security and medicare, let's demand that the pensions the parasites in Congress receive, along with their health care, is subject to the same scrutiny. You wanna take my retirement money you bastard better be prepared to feel some pain also. One way or another, whatever means necessary.
Google <gay talese big think failed> for his excellent take on today's journalism. Thom, while not formally a journalist, represents the antithesis of Talese's argument. Everything Talese says applies to the DNC. The nation has left these self obsessed groups in search of those who will work on behalf of Common People.
Its time for a General Strike. Hit the corporatists where it matters. Or we can wait until they chip away at everything so the Billionaires can become Trillionaires. WAKE UP! YOUR DISABILITY IS GOING AND NOBODY IS GOING TO CARE IF YOU INHALE THE COAL DUST OF THE BROKEN COAL MINES YOU WANT SO BADLY.
So, they DON'T have a replacement yet they've voted to repeal it for 8 years. Sounds a GREAT way to screw over the American public. So, they "say" they are going to give us health care that is cheaper, with more options so we can have our favorite doctors, BUT they have NO IDEA HOW? Is this the best democracy money can buy? How stupid are people.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It seems to me that all the chatter we’ve heard about the Constitution, some folks forgot to read the First amendment. Or maybe they just skipped it.
The constitution is our foundation. When the settlers and Colonist arrived on the shore of the New World many were escaping religious persecution. When the Continental Congress first met religious freedom was at the forefront and one of the most important rights that needed to be protected in our new government. They did not stipulate freedom of the Christian belief and discard all others. It was all inclusive, all religion. They did not say freedom of only our religion they said “make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof.”
Now I know many will say well he’s is not congress he is the President.
A foundation of any structure is tantamount to its strength and ability to survive the passing of time. If you start digging under, breaking up the foundation removing pieces of stone and mortar, eventually the structure will collapse. In many large buildings across the land and world there is something known as a corner stone. “A stone representing the nominal starting place in the construction of a monumental building usually carved with date and laid with appropriate ceremonies.” It is somewhat symbolic, sort like the heart of the building. If you remove the cornerstone the building will die.
The wedge shaped piece at the summit of an arch, regarded as holding the other pieces in place. An arch is the strongest structure in engineering design and construction. Many bridges around the world use arches to support massive amounts of weight. There are Arches all over the world made in ancient times. When these Massive Castles and Churches were made by stone masons, they used what is known as a keystone at the very apex of the archway. If you remove the keystone of any arch, the arches strength will fail and collapse under its own weight.
What we have is an Oligarchy, a few people in a strong governing class threatening to remove the cornerstone of our democracy. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of the Press is the Cornerstone of our society. The Corner Stone, the Key-stone is the essential, indispensable and basic tenants of our Democratic system. Our foundation is being challenged by one demagogue who lost the popular vote by three million and won about 27% of the eligible voting public. Our Democracy is already on life support from Citizens United and Corporations being granted personhood.
How is it that a Country who’s, Corner Stone is Freedom of Religion, declare war on a religion?
What are “We the people” going to do about it?
We already know what the Mango Mussolini is doing. TWEET!!!!!
ikeberltersen's (#8) has a moral compass that points true.
The false direction that fascist leaders and their naive followers point toward is not worthy of serious consideration in these perilous times.
Despicable lies, like claiming "the left pretends actions like this have never been taken before," are the tripping hazards on the wrong path. No one on "the left" (which is actually right smack in the middle) "pretends" any such nonsense at all, nor does anyone excuse Roosevelt's internment camps -- foolishly enacted during the widespread paranoia of the worst war in human history, the blind fear of a shocked nation that went way beyond any crass political calculations. To excuse Trump's vindictive pettiness, ethnic hatred, and arrogant bigotry by shamelessly citing such a dark and haunting period in our past is beyond the pale, even for Trump trolls.
The people who put this disgusting bigot in office are disgusting bigots themselves, making up less than 25 percent of eligible voters. The campaign promise Predator Trump made against an entire religion of 1.7 billion people is the red meat to satisfy the voracious appetite for hate of the lunatic fringe of morally bankrupt Christianists, who hold an intolerant worldview shared by white supremacists and terrorists everywhere, a miniscule fraction of the world's population.
Notwithstanding three non-lethal attacks of naturalized U.S. citizens who came from Iran or Somalia as children, "It's certainly the case that none of the major, deadly attacks carried out in the United States were carried out by people from these countries [Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen]," -- Erin Miller, who manages the Global Terrorism Database for the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland.
"Far from being foreign infiltrators, the large majority of jihadist terrorists in the United States have been American citizens or legal residents. Moreover, while a range of citizenship statuses are represented, every jihadist who conducted a lethal attack inside the United States since 9/11 was a citizen or legal resident," -- a New America study.
"Since 9/11, no one has been killed in this country in a terrorist attack by anyone who emigrated from any of the seven countries," -- William C. Banks, director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism at Syracuse University College of Law.
Virtually all experts and all studies from all think tanks and all universities concur that "...the bottom line is that adopting extremist views and committing horrendous acts of violence in the name of some "righteous" cause, be it religion or politics or just plain old hatred, isn't something that only Muslims, or Arabs, or immigrants do; between 2001 and 2015, more Americans were killed by homegrown right-wing extremists than by Islamist terrorists. Banning people from a few Muslim-majority nations won’t reduce the terror threat. And it definitely won’t eliminate it." -- updated by Jennifer Williams:
Pervert Trump and his army of brainless ogres who are lost in a right-wing nightmare, along with all other fundamental "radical 'religious' extremists," are the ones who should be banished from civilized society forever (not just temporarily) -- preferably to outer space where they can no longer damage the planet.
All that he had to do was have the State Department issue instructions to the U S Embassies to only issue visas, for the 7 affected countries, to Grandmothers that want to visit Grand children or similar instructions. End of problem. Could have been quite and just as effective. But he wants to pound his chest and look tough. Yet people are hearing a ban on Muslims.
A homegrown French, British or German Muslim terrorist can still fly to the USA with no visa required and attack our country.
It is very relevant especially when the left pretends actions like this have never been taken before and horror or horrors, by a revered democrat President of the United States.
As for the "temporary ban" let us all review those words "temporary ban" and remember these seven countries were listed by the two previous administrations. It was put in place until proper vetting procedures are reviewed and renewed.
Is it a political ploy? You bet. Obviously President Trump is spending his first few days doing what he promised the people who put him in office so don't act surprised when more actions supporting his campaign promises are enacted. I understand he will never be able to meet all the expectations of his supporters but I am pretty sure he will far surpass Obamas unfulfilled rhetoric that disappointed so many on the left.
Anyone who doubts that the t rump administration is anything other than a malignant fascist coup, isn't paying enough attention. This Psychopath in chief has no interest in anything other than his own power agenda. He is only a middle man in the daisy chain of command from the brilliant Psychopaths calling the shots to the psycho on the street. Being mad at t rump is like being mad at the sock puppet. If we survive this, it will serve as a historic example of the difference between agressive white supremacist ignorance and the intelligence of everyone else.
DianeReynolds: It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Relativism does not apply here. Does Trump honestly believe that these people are a threat, or is the ban a cynical political ploy?
I suspect many of those temporarily prevented from travel to the US or the 109 individuals caught mid-air in the temporary restriction felt a whole lot better than the 120,000-150,000 men, women, and children that were rounded up and put in internment camps right here in the US.
For those who like to live in the wayback machine world.
Jan. 14, 1942
"On this day in 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues Presidential Proclamation No. 2537, requiring aliens from World War II-enemy countries–Italy, Germany and Japan–to register with the United States Department of Justice. Registered persons were then issued a Certificate of Identification for Aliens of Enemy Nationality. A follow-up to the Alien Registration Act of 1940, Proclamation No. 2537 facilitated the beginning of full-scale internment of Japanese Americans the following month."
Let us all note that in 1944, the US Supreme Court backed up FDR's decision to imprison these select individuals.
Perhaps Gorsuch should refuse to proceed unless hearings are granted to Garland first. ’Twould chastise the Senate’s Repugnantans, - and ‘twould make an appeal to the nation’s dignity. … No big risk to Rightists, since Garland poses a choice which doesn’t involve a Lefty. … AND {as Shumer suggests}, a Garland might survive a 60% formula in the Senate. AND, were it not Garland but Gorsuch later, ‘twould validate Gorsuch as a legit Supreme. … Ie, Gorsuch, by so doing, could serve the honor of both Senate and Court.
A worldwide terrorist backlash does seem inevitable. The Trump "team" of slack-jawed mouth breathers just put every nation at greater risk, along with our troops on foreign soil, any American citizens traveling abroad, and especially guests and workers at soft targets like Trump hotels. Further terrorism, however, will give fascist plutocrats the excuse to ratchet up military expenditures (at the expense of social spending), which will make defense contractors and Wall Street even richer and marshal law more likely. That will complete the last steps to a totalitarian, fascistic state.
Trump will be the tin-pot dictator to which he has always aspired, and all the good Christian soldiers -- our own "religious" radical extremists -- will have the ultimate Armageddon battle between good and evil of which that they have always dreamed. It all plays right into the hands of the extremist crazies on the other ''side" who want the same exact thing.
Patriotism, religion, and greed are the most toxic products of the human mind. Our amoral idiocy will lead directly to the demise of not only our own species but most other life on Earth. We're running out of time to evolve a more harmonious mentality conducive to life rather than to death.
What do I think about "Shock & Awe strategy" As I posted months ago....the Fascists want a war with Iran, and It will be the last war we ever enter as the United States. They need to whip up the terrorists for another 911. That's what all the Muslim ban crap is about......then Bannon will have "Merica" on his side as we descend into a surreal hell of global conflict.
dianhow, deepspace: Fox News viewers are clinical victims of brainwashing. They view democracy like it's a football game. The important issues and truth don't matter as long as their team wins. Climate change is a hoax , Obama is coming to take my guns, there is a war on christianity, government is the enemy, etc. The Fascists/billionaires have them distracted with sht like helped make the coup a bloodless far anyway.
They are poorly educated by choice. Another way of putting it is they are "willfully ignorant." "Just plain stupid" describes a lot of them. Since they don't like being politically correct, bigoted white supremacist scum, f--king idiots, and greedy, selfish assholes is even more appropriate. They are the ones who should be rounded up, deported, and banned. Of course, no one else in the world wants them either.
Trumps runs on chaos & EGO> Unfit, Erratic, thin skinned, immature, spoiled , a very dangerous man . I shudder to think whats he will do in next 4 yrs. He must be some point. Dems must grow a pair and fight this man tooth and nail. US SUpreme Court is lost for decades... Our grand children will pay the price for that folly. I'm terrified of this ' man' and the ill informed, gullible, illogical , Fox fans / Voters who gave Trump the power to bring great harm to our country & the planet . The Poorly educated Fox Hannity Rush Drudge GOP loyal fans have 'spoken ..
#10 - where do you get the idea no visa is required to visit the us?
#9 - Do you think that might have been somethng to do with racism in america since obama was a black man?
#7 - Doesn't make it justifiable or right does it?
!942 was a little different than 2017
Don't you think?
At least the Democrats have a replacement for the ACA, it's called single payer. Oddly enough, Bernie is the only one that speaks out for it though, which is why there is complete media blackout of him. "Single payer" and "raise the cap" quiet, let the Teabaggers kick us in the nuts again.
Before we allow any talk of reducing social security and medicare, let's demand that the pensions the parasites in Congress receive, along with their health care, is subject to the same scrutiny. You wanna take my retirement money you bastard better be prepared to feel some pain also. One way or another, whatever means necessary.
Google <gay talese big think failed> for his excellent take on today's journalism. Thom, while not formally a journalist, represents the antithesis of Talese's argument. Everything Talese says applies to the DNC. The nation has left these self obsessed groups in search of those who will work on behalf of Common People.
Emergency solution:
extend Medicaid to everyone until they come up with a plan.
Senate might find that simple $100 per month payroll deduction
would keep it running forever.
Its time for a General Strike. Hit the corporatists where it matters. Or we can wait until they chip away at everything so the Billionaires can become Trillionaires. WAKE UP! YOUR DISABILITY IS GOING AND NOBODY IS GOING TO CARE IF YOU INHALE THE COAL DUST OF THE BROKEN COAL MINES YOU WANT SO BADLY.
So, they DON'T have a replacement yet they've voted to repeal it for 8 years. Sounds a GREAT way to screw over the American public. So, they "say" they are going to give us health care that is cheaper, with more options so we can have our favorite doctors, BUT they have NO IDEA HOW? Is this the best democracy money can buy? How stupid are people.
Amendment I
Of the US Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It seems to me that all the chatter we’ve heard about the Constitution, some folks forgot to read the First amendment. Or maybe they just skipped it.
The constitution is our foundation. When the settlers and Colonist arrived on the shore of the New World many were escaping religious persecution. When the Continental Congress first met religious freedom was at the forefront and one of the most important rights that needed to be protected in our new government. They did not stipulate freedom of the Christian belief and discard all others. It was all inclusive, all religion. They did not say freedom of only our religion they said “make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof.”
Now I know many will say well he’s is not congress he is the President.
A foundation of any structure is tantamount to its strength and ability to survive the passing of time. If you start digging under, breaking up the foundation removing pieces of stone and mortar, eventually the structure will collapse. In many large buildings across the land and world there is something known as a corner stone. “A stone representing the nominal starting place in the construction of a monumental building usually carved with date and laid with appropriate ceremonies.” It is somewhat symbolic, sort like the heart of the building. If you remove the cornerstone the building will die.
The wedge shaped piece at the summit of an arch, regarded as holding the other pieces in place. An arch is the strongest structure in engineering design and construction. Many bridges around the world use arches to support massive amounts of weight. There are Arches all over the world made in ancient times. When these Massive Castles and Churches were made by stone masons, they used what is known as a keystone at the very apex of the archway. If you remove the keystone of any arch, the arches strength will fail and collapse under its own weight.
What we have is an Oligarchy, a few people in a strong governing class threatening to remove the cornerstone of our democracy. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of the Press is the Cornerstone of our society. The Corner Stone, the Key-stone is the essential, indispensable and basic tenants of our Democratic system. Our foundation is being challenged by one demagogue who lost the popular vote by three million and won about 27% of the eligible voting public. Our Democracy is already on life support from Citizens United and Corporations being granted personhood.
How is it that a Country who’s, Corner Stone is Freedom of Religion, declare war on a religion?
What are “We the people” going to do about it?
We already know what the Mango Mussolini is doing. TWEET!!!!!
ikeberltersen's (#8) has a moral compass that points true.
The false direction that fascist leaders and their naive followers point toward is not worthy of serious consideration in these perilous times.
Despicable lies, like claiming "the left pretends actions like this have never been taken before," are the tripping hazards on the wrong path. No one on "the left" (which is actually right smack in the middle) "pretends" any such nonsense at all, nor does anyone excuse Roosevelt's internment camps -- foolishly enacted during the widespread paranoia of the worst war in human history, the blind fear of a shocked nation that went way beyond any crass political calculations. To excuse Trump's vindictive pettiness, ethnic hatred, and arrogant bigotry by shamelessly citing such a dark and haunting period in our past is beyond the pale, even for Trump trolls.
The people who put this disgusting bigot in office are disgusting bigots themselves, making up less than 25 percent of eligible voters. The campaign promise Predator Trump made against an entire religion of 1.7 billion people is the red meat to satisfy the voracious appetite for hate of the lunatic fringe of morally bankrupt Christianists, who hold an intolerant worldview shared by white supremacists and terrorists everywhere, a miniscule fraction of the world's population.
Notwithstanding three non-lethal attacks of naturalized U.S. citizens who came from Iran or Somalia as children, "It's certainly the case that none of the major, deadly attacks carried out in the United States were carried out by people from these countries [Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen]," -- Erin Miller, who manages the Global Terrorism Database for the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland.
"Far from being foreign infiltrators, the large majority of jihadist terrorists in the United States have been American citizens or legal residents. Moreover, while a range of citizenship statuses are represented, every jihadist who conducted a lethal attack inside the United States since 9/11 was a citizen or legal resident," -- a New America study.
"Since 9/11, no one has been killed in this country in a terrorist attack by anyone who emigrated from any of the seven countries," -- William C. Banks, director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism at Syracuse University College of Law.
Virtually all experts and all studies from all think tanks and all universities concur that "...the bottom line is that adopting extremist views and committing horrendous acts of violence in the name of some "righteous" cause, be it religion or politics or just plain old hatred, isn't something that only Muslims, or Arabs, or immigrants do; between 2001 and 2015, more Americans were killed by homegrown right-wing extremists than by Islamist terrorists. Banning people from a few Muslim-majority nations won’t reduce the terror threat. And it definitely won’t eliminate it." -- updated by Jennifer Williams:
Pervert Trump and his army of brainless ogres who are lost in a right-wing nightmare, along with all other fundamental "radical 'religious' extremists," are the ones who should be banished from civilized society forever (not just temporarily) -- preferably to outer space where they can no longer damage the planet.
All that he had to do was have the State Department issue instructions to the U S Embassies to only issue visas, for the 7 affected countries, to Grandmothers that want to visit Grand children or similar instructions. End of problem. Could have been quite and just as effective. But he wants to pound his chest and look tough. Yet people are hearing a ban on Muslims.
A homegrown French, British or German Muslim terrorist can still fly to the USA with no visa required and attack our country.
I would just say - "the current President". What else was being expedited during the edict on immigration? Shock & mirrors!
There is other news. We need to concentrate on that as well.
It is very relevant especially when the left pretends actions like this have never been taken before and horror or horrors, by a revered democrat President of the United States.
As for the "temporary ban" let us all review those words "temporary ban" and remember these seven countries were listed by the two previous administrations. It was put in place until proper vetting procedures are reviewed and renewed.
Is it a political ploy? You bet. Obviously President Trump is spending his first few days doing what he promised the people who put him in office so don't act surprised when more actions supporting his campaign promises are enacted. I understand he will never be able to meet all the expectations of his supporters but I am pretty sure he will far surpass Obamas unfulfilled rhetoric that disappointed so many on the left.
Anyone who doubts that the t rump administration is anything other than a malignant fascist coup, isn't paying enough attention. This Psychopath in chief has no interest in anything other than his own power agenda. He is only a middle man in the daisy chain of command from the brilliant Psychopaths calling the shots to the psycho on the street. Being mad at t rump is like being mad at the sock puppet. If we survive this, it will serve as a historic example of the difference between agressive white supremacist ignorance and the intelligence of everyone else.
DianeReynolds: It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Relativism does not apply here. Does Trump honestly believe that these people are a threat, or is the ban a cynical political ploy?
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Our body politic’s distressed,
by Trumpism sorely abscessed.
Not merely depressed
but fiercely wrest
and mangled at The Donald’s behest.
I suspect many of those temporarily prevented from travel to the US or the 109 individuals caught mid-air in the temporary restriction felt a whole lot better than the 120,000-150,000 men, women, and children that were rounded up and put in internment camps right here in the US.
For those who like to live in the wayback machine world.
Jan. 14, 1942
"On this day in 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues Presidential Proclamation No. 2537, requiring aliens from World War II-enemy countries–Italy, Germany and Japan–to register with the United States Department of Justice. Registered persons were then issued a Certificate of Identification for Aliens of Enemy Nationality. A follow-up to the Alien Registration Act of 1940, Proclamation No. 2537 facilitated the beginning of full-scale internment of Japanese Americans the following month."
Let us all note that in 1944, the US Supreme Court backed up FDR's decision to imprison these select individuals.
Kinda blows the hate Trump meme of the day doesn't it?
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 15.0px Helvetica}
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 15.0px Helvetica}
span.s1 {font: 14.0px Helvetica; color: #141923}
span.s2 {font: 11.0px Helvetica; color: #141923}
Perhaps Gorsuch should refuse to proceed unless hearings are granted to Garland first. ’Twould chastise the Senate’s Repugnantans, - and ‘twould make an appeal to the nation’s dignity. … No big risk to Rightists, since Garland poses a choice which doesn’t involve a Lefty. … AND {as Shumer suggests}, a Garland might survive a 60% formula in the Senate. AND, were it not Garland but Gorsuch later, ‘twould validate Gorsuch as a legit Supreme. … Ie, Gorsuch, by so doing, could serve the honor of both Senate and Court.
A rose by any other name ...
A worldwide terrorist backlash does seem inevitable. The Trump "team" of slack-jawed mouth breathers just put every nation at greater risk, along with our troops on foreign soil, any American citizens traveling abroad, and especially guests and workers at soft targets like Trump hotels. Further terrorism, however, will give fascist plutocrats the excuse to ratchet up military expenditures (at the expense of social spending), which will make defense contractors and Wall Street even richer and marshal law more likely. That will complete the last steps to a totalitarian, fascistic state.
Trump will be the tin-pot dictator to which he has always aspired, and all the good Christian soldiers -- our own "religious" radical extremists -- will have the ultimate Armageddon battle between good and evil of which that they have always dreamed. It all plays right into the hands of the extremist crazies on the other ''side" who want the same exact thing.
Patriotism, religion, and greed are the most toxic products of the human mind. Our amoral idiocy will lead directly to the demise of not only our own species but most other life on Earth. We're running out of time to evolve a more harmonious mentality conducive to life rather than to death.
What do I think about "Shock & Awe strategy" As I posted months ago....the Fascists want a war with Iran, and It will be the last war we ever enter as the United States. They need to whip up the terrorists for another 911. That's what all the Muslim ban crap is about......then Bannon will have "Merica" on his side as we descend into a surreal hell of global conflict.
dianhow, deepspace: Fox News viewers are clinical victims of brainwashing. They view democracy like it's a football game. The important issues and truth don't matter as long as their team wins. Climate change is a hoax , Obama is coming to take my guns, there is a war on christianity, government is the enemy, etc. The Fascists/billionaires have them distracted with sht like helped make the coup a bloodless far anyway.
They are poorly educated by choice. Another way of putting it is they are "willfully ignorant." "Just plain stupid" describes a lot of them. Since they don't like being politically correct, bigoted white supremacist scum, f--king idiots, and greedy, selfish assholes is even more appropriate. They are the ones who should be rounded up, deported, and banned. Of course, no one else in the world wants them either.
Trumps runs on chaos & EGO> Unfit, Erratic, thin skinned, immature, spoiled , a very dangerous man . I shudder to think whats he will do in next 4 yrs. He must be some point. Dems must grow a pair and fight this man tooth and nail. US SUpreme Court is lost for decades... Our grand children will pay the price for that folly. I'm terrified of this ' man' and the ill informed, gullible, illogical , Fox fans / Voters who gave Trump the power to bring great harm to our country & the planet . The Poorly educated Fox Hannity Rush Drudge GOP loyal fans have 'spoken ..