"Progressives" do not "object to making the voter registration accurate," so the entire premise upon which your argument hinges is totally wrong, insulting, and condescending -- even though you may not have realized that. (You are forgiven :--)). Please name one so-called "progressive" who objects to accuracy?
The reality is that local voter registration lists are never completely accurate in a large democracy of over 200 million potential voters, nor have they ever been nor ever will be. The reason is simple: The population is constantly in flux with thousands of people dying and moving every day, every week, every month, every year without someone notifying their respective election boards in a timely fashion. Life ain't always perfect and accurate in a bustling society.
In response to this very complex moving target, our many vigilant and highly honorable local poll workers and patriotic volunteers are continually updating their registration rolls the best they humanly can with the aid of ever-improving computer technologies.
Of course, there is always a lag time! How could there not be? But just because a name happens to appear erroneously on an outdated list, as it has not yet been duly purged, does not mean that particular person is going to vote in that particular precinct. In fact, such an outcome is virtually never the case.
Not too long ago, the FEC (I believe it was their study, anyway.) went back several elections and found only about 300 or so (maybe even less...?) errant "double registrations" and certain other illegal discrepancies involving active voters out of billions (a statistical irrelevancy), which maybe could be construed as fraud. Of those, however, most were adjudicated, for example, as misunderstandings about the hodgepodge of ex-felon restrictions in the different states, people who forgot they had already registered on a "motor-voter" card earlier and then inadvertently registered again at election time, or elderly people mistakenly believing that it was okay to vote for an invalid, housebound spouse still listed on the registration rolls.
Hilariously, most of the very few, very dumb criminals who actually did commit intentional double-vote fraud were found to be registered as Republicans. Go figure.
The other false assumptions inherent in your argument is that there are large criminally-minded hordes roaming the land who still might be registered in one place after registering in a second place, and who will spend an inordinate amount of their precious time bouncing back and forth in trains, planes and automobiles, voting in both their new precincts and their old ones. Now that is a hectic schedule for such minimal results!
Extraordinary accusations require extraordinary evidence. Show the proof. Can't? Didn't think so.
Or, more ridiculous yet: OMG, there are zombie herds of wild-eyed partisans slinking around the graveyards at night! They're hungry for dead people's brains and names, consuming and assuming identities for the purpose of casting a few extra votes here and there, which wouldn't make any statistical difference anyway, risking up to 10 years in prison for each violation.
What sane person would ever do that, pray tell? Don't you think if Republican liars and fanatic zealots, pushing the completely false meme of widespread "voter fraud," found even one, maybe even two, boneheads carrying out such a futile and bizarre suicide mission that their names would be plastered all over Faux Fox News, lie/hate radio, the far right-wing internet swamp, and Trump's Twitter feed every hour of every day?
The splashy chyron on corporate fake news TV would be screaming, "Aha! Evidence! Finally!"
Nope; didn't happen; won't happen, because...
There is NO voter fraud!
And no, meeester Truuump; neither are undocumented immigrants going to risk years in prison and/or deportation for all the reasons listed above, especially since every precinct in every state already requires legal documentation and an accurate signature that must match local registration rolls. (BTW, signatures are still the most reliable means of verification -- photos can be photo-shopped and ID's can be doctored much easier than a signature can be copied live by a stranger. Ask any handwriting expert.)
Sorry, those dang "illegal brown people" are just not stealing our elections, no matter how much lil' Trumpie, the spoiled brat, cries and pouts.
With all due respect, it is simply **WRONG** to make a false equivalency case, or to assume that it is merely "apolitical" because rich people are just trying to get richer.
Of course! The rich always try to get richer, because there is no end to greed. But how is that not wildly partisan, especially now in the dark days of our expanding kakistocracy/plutocracy? The last time anyone and their dog checked, the Koch heads and their copycat billionaire bastards have been spending millions and billions on anti-Obama, anti-Hillary, anti-Democratic, anti-liberal smear campaigns forEVER, which are invariably 100 percent in favor of Republican, libertarian, Tea Bagger, or otherwise fringe-swamp wing-nuttery. To the obscenely wealthy "takers," fascists, and plutocrats money is politics!
Inasmuch as your claim that "Both parties have benefited from voter suppression tactics..." , yes, you are correct, but only to a minor degree on the part of the Democrats compared to the Republicans.
Sadly, there have always been, election shenanigans and vote-stealing throughout the history of the so-called "United" States by every party imaginable that has ever been caught up in the machinery of our highly competitive, winner-take-all, contentious local, state, and national weird and strange election processes.
Certainly, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, and any other backroom, backstabbing operatives should be shamed and expunged from the party, either by more ethical party officials or by the rank and file in the next election.
Hillary and the Democratic establishment sure paid the heavy price for that little wink and nod, now didn't they? I'm sure every liberal/progressive/whatever dearly hopes and expects that every Democratic politician left standing will take this huuuge miscalculation to heart and will never forget the hard lesson.
However, to insinuate that the Republican voter suppression ID laws, that the "Interstate Crosscheck" con job, that deliberately dumping off faulty voting machines in heavily Democratic precincts in key states, that cutting polling stations, cutting poll workers, cutting early voting days and hours, and that carefully crafting similar election fraud schemes over decades -- conducted on such a massive scale, to the tune of millions upon millions disenfranchised Democratic voters, that it makes the more mundane, almost amateurish Democratic antics look like kids fighting in a sandbox -- is somehow not a "purely a Republican problem" is simply **WRONG** !
By all means, though, investigate both parties, and let the world see what shakes out.
I happen to have read all of Greg's Palast's books over the years and have watched all of his documentaries and most of his interviews, as well as the large volume of evidence that Brad Friedman and others have painstakingly brought to light. So, I'm not sure exactly what snippet from "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" was taken out of context to draw the conclusion that institutionalized Republican election fraud is anywhere close to being equal to the random high jinks of disparate Democratic operatives, or that it is somehow "apolitical" enough to discount the primary culpability of a formalized Republican initiative to commit extensive election fraud on an unimaginable scale.
Obviously, a much wider examination of the immensity of the problem is called for that should cause many grave concerns about the sorry state of our heavily battered democratic election process.
The Fascists stop at nothing both in gaining and then holding on to their power, which is why we needed NATO to oversee our election. It looks like crosscheck has become the election fraud weapon of choice....it works well for them, there's no obvious confirmation of the fraud during a recount. Underground patriots had been thwarting the Fascist's flipping success, thus the new non digital tactic of crosscheck.
The thing that's very odd about crosscheck is the lack of loud outrage from the democratic side...I haven't heard Obama, Hillary, the justice department, almost all of our elected officials, and of course the entire corpse media even mention it.
In fact lately I haven't heard much at all about the fraudulent election that just took place. Why aren't we all screaming out.. ..Putin, Russian hackers , Crosscheck, Comey, Giuliani, exit polls, etc.? Why aren't we screaming louder than the Koch Teabaggers when they incessantly screamed out Benghazi, Benghazi, emails, emails, lock her up? In fact Benghazi seemed to dominate the god damn news for years, and then the day after the election, boom, complete silence on it. Fake investigation after fake investigation until almost half of the voting population was brainwashed into thinking Hillary belonged in jail...of course they didn't know why, but hey, she must be crooked....LMAO. Throw in crosscheck with this media propaganda, help from Putin and Comey, and presto we have Fascism.
Trump is simply trying to put voter suppression and crosscheck election fraud on steroids so in the next election he can brag to Vlad that he won with 99% of the vote, beating out Putin's 98% victory...!!! Like I said, now that they have it, the Fascists will never let go of this power...no way in hell! Democracy is dead.
All I can figure is that people like the Obama's and Clinton's have the kind of wealth where the pain of complete economic collapse won't impact them....so they're just leaving the scene in a contented and quiet fashion.
But the rest of us have to fight for our liberty all over again.
i'm at a crossroads on this one. a few weeks ago (or perhaps a hundred years, given the alarming pace of this new administration) thom h. revealed a brainchild of the koch brothers called crosscheck [sp] which removed hundreds of thousands of voter ballots in poorer demographics in the battleground states. if the donald chooses to go down this road of voter fraud would the illegal removal of that many votes not come to light? i.e. donald would be percieved as shooting himself in the foot and america would learn the election had truly been hijacked? i know it is impossible for this outcome to occur, but would like to know more about the illegally removed ballots as i begin my return to sixties activism in our stark new transformed realm.
Everyone needs to see the Palast film, so that you'll know what they are doing when they are "cross checking" different state's voter lists. You just have to see it.
Faith, trust, and the fact that proven voter fraud is in the fives or tens out of tens of millions come to mind. In the mean time, Trump is doing stuff, so we should talk about that...unless he wants another election to prove his popular vote theory.
Thanks so much for your article, Thom. As a long time election judge who, along with my fellow judges in our area, has worked very hard to make sure that each person who comes to the polls gets all the help and opportunity he/she needs to express his right to vote, I can't begin to tell you how distressing this situation has become. I feel as though I just stepped 'through the looking glass', and everything is upside-down and backwards. Have I been naive all these years to believe so completely in our democratic election process? I don't think so. I still believe it's the right and privilege of every US citizen to freely participate in a fair and just election process.
Quote deepspace:(I suffered through "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" so that you don't have to. They were terrible reads by a horrible author!)
Thank you for taking that bullet for the rest of us, but, please, seek therapy, before it's too late. You do know that Ayn Rand was posthumously diagnosed as a psychopath, right?
Normally, I'm against book-burning, but I would gladly heat my home on her works!
Today, when asked how Republicans plan to pay for the scary clown's Great Southern Wall 15 billion dollar (minimum!) boondoggle, Paul Ryan responded by citing their usual magic fairy dust method of balancing the budget: "future economic expansion." He never explained, naturally, how the gargantuan bill would be paid if the future economy contracts, which is more likely.
More revealingly, he then stated with a straight face (a mug straight out of "The Munster Family" central casting) that they also would probably use the money freed up by "replacing Obamacare."
He must think everyone is as dumb as the brain-dead zombies who voted for The Pervert and his merry band of Republican reprobates.
"Oh, but Mexico will pay for it, believe me!" How many times did the Liar in Chief spit that whopper out? Lost track? Well, sorry, Enrique Pena Nieto is a real president and has a functioning cerebral cortex.
Paul Ryan's alternate translation: "Thousands of U.S. citizens will die every year from lack of healthcare in order to pay for a completely ineffective and unnecessary f--king fence!"
That's a pretty gawdamn high price to pay for fulfilling a stupid loudmouth's campaign promise of mister EGO MAN! I wonder how many piles of bodies stacked up in the hallways of our morgues will be Trump's gullible fools?
And how many will be those Dumbocrats who sat out the election or voted third party, because they bought into the right-wing smear campaign against Hillary, or because they were pouting about Bernie losing the primary?
Yes, Bernie should have won the primary; nevertheless, not voting for the top of the ticket in the general election is the same as preferring Trump over Hillary. Jesus H. Christ ... I bet all those "principled" liberals following their selfish consciences sure wish they could have that do-over!
As railroaders say after a derailment, "Well, it's too f--king late now, ain't it?"
I have heard from Progressives that object to making the voter registration accurate, and I cannot figure out why that position is taken. I personally don't care how many blacks or whites, or rich or poor are registered - I just want the accuracy. What is wrong with that position? If there are more of one type of person that is not registered, then so be it. I certainly don't want people taking on the identity of dead people and I wouldn't want people to vote twice. Is there anything wrong with making the whole process accurate, no matter what the mix might turn out to be?
While I agree with the bulk of your article, the sentence where you suggest that this is purely a Republican problem is **WRONG**. Both parties have benefitted from voter supression tactics - see Hillary's unexpected win over Bernie in Az (or was it NM?). This is an issue that ties more closely to "well funded" politicians than to any particular party.
And if you watch the Palast video you'll see that the voter supression you discuss is actually apolitical. It originates from the Koch brothers, who are behind it purely for their personal monetary gain.
What will become of Rove getting WI, MI and PA flipped from the polls? Russia means nothing. Comey's big mouth and Rove's influence to go into the program and switch the numbers is EVERYTHING. Why do we have our eyes off the ball?
If the Dems were smart, they would embrace this investigation and insist that it include the affects of voter ID laws, Interstate Crosscheck, outdated voting machines, long lines at urban polling places, provisional ballots that never get counted and all the other voter suppression tricks that keep winning elections for the Republicans, even when they lose the vote. Wake up, America. This is how Despots steal elections and maintain their grip on power forever!
If there is as much voter fraud as Trump says, I want an investigation and another election. We cannot continue with a POTUS that was elected in a self proclaimed fraudulent election. Re-instate Obama and have a second election after a full investigation.
If there is as much voter fraud as Trump says, I want an investigation and another election. We cannot continue with a POTUS that was elected in a self proclaimed fraudulent election. Re-instate Obama and have a second election after a full investigation.
Uncle Ralph and Bob Smith certainly have their feet on the ground.
Gary Reber's thoughtful and knowledgeable posting deserves to be mulled over seriously. I am so very much impressed by it--especially his recognition of the need for those capable of doing so to grow capital for investment--, but I am nonplussed by his advocating a flat income tax. We prospered most when labor was strong, wages were higher, and the highest income-tax rate varied from a ridiculously low 70% under JFK to 93% under FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower. Furthermore, Gary does not touch on the need to grow demand by increasing purchasing power. Why invest in an enterprise if one's prospective clients lack the buying power to purchase one's goods or services?
Also, Gary states correctly the need to grow the GDP. Brazil has successfully grown its GDP to the point that it is ranked as high as fifth among the largest national economies in the world. However, 50% of Brazil's population lives in dire poverty and its people fear venturing into the streets because of violence. We must therefore use ancillary measurements like the GINI index ("And yet, with the overall growth of wealth, inequality remains a persistent issue, especially in the United States. For the first time in this report series, Allianz calculated each country's wealth Gini coefficient -- a measure of inequality in which 0 is perfect equality and 100 would mean perfect inequality, or one person owning all the wealth. It found that the U.S. had the most wealth inequality, with a score of 80.56, showing the most concentration of overall wealth in the hands of the proportionately fewest people."--http://fortune.com/2015/09/30/america-wealth-inequality/) and the happiness index (yep, it's real--the US ranks 13th among nations and promises to sink further if public policy continues in the direction of depriving more and more of our people of the resources we require to live in dignity).
If people really increased entrepreneurial investment in proportion to the growth of their wealth, one could make a convincing case against the graduated income tax. In fact, however, society needs the revenue for repairing and modernizing ALL its infrastructures, for high-quality public education for ALL its citizens and residents, for housing for the homeless, for feeding the hungry, for caring for and capacitating its disabled, for ensuring one lives in dignity in one's old age, etc.
Wealth concentrated in the hands of a few private citizens seldom pays for such desperately needed investments, services, and assistance. And if the wealthiest few are allowed to "donate" to political candidates, the benefactors tend to be more beholden to those "donors" than to their true constituents. We are foolish not to establish a rebuttable presumption that those "donations" are illegal bribes prosecutable under criminal law.
Thanks to 20th-century government investment in electrification, highways, health care, Social Security, etc., the US was at one time the envy of the world. Now we lag behind most--sometimes all--other OECD countries in many categories as a consequence of our concentrating national wealth in the hands of the few. The power of wealth is also allowing the privileged few to transform our republican democracy into a kleptocratic oligarchy (called aristocracy by the writers of the Constitution).
There is no societal need for billionaires. Such wealth far surpasses an owner's ability, the owner's children's abilities, the owner's grandchildren's abilities to spend and invest his fortune in our economy; for this reason, he hoards vast amounts--untaxed and uninvested--often in illegal "offshore" accounts. The policy of concentrating wealth in the hands of the weatlhiest few always results in failure to serve well every citizen--a fact recognized and excoriated by Teddy Roosevelt--please see http://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2011/12/teddy-roosevelts-attack-e....
The site www.nobillionaires.com makes a convincing case for outlawing billionaires in society: all income and wealth over $1B should be taxed at 100%.
We will be a more vital society, a sounder society--both economically and morally--if we base public policy on an admonishment by a prophet who seemed to have today's GOP in mind, i.e., Isaiah; see Isa. 10:1-2 ("Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed.") and on Matthew 25:31ff, which teaches that the highest priority of society must be lifting up those of us most in need--not further enriching billionaires.
That's exactly what he thinks he is. This bold brillant man who makes great godly decissions. He knows his thoughts are the best, he has a great brain. His plan is the best plan. In King Donald we trust, UGH!!!
Whether they admit it or not, most of the dirty-dealing fascists, like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, their Wall Street toadies, the Rand Paul fringe of Libertarians, the revolting Tea Baggers in the House, and the whole sycophantic crowd of phony "conservatives" standing behind Herr Drumpf -- including the corporate Dem sellouts like Joe Manchin -- have a secret love affair with Ayn Rand and her hideously selfish philosophy of Objectivism, laissez-faire capitalism, "rational" (Yeah, right!) self-interest, egoism, and dishonestly romanticized rugged individualism.
Perhaps all of these modern-day "illustrious dunderheads" (The Illustrious Dunderheads -- 1942 by Frank Sullivan and Rex Stout) should take a cue from Ayn Rand's dopey fictional hero, John Galt, withdraw from our economy, and build their exclusive, rich-man's paradise somewhere far away from everyone else. Please!
Or, after the revolution, instead of facing firing squads, nooses, and guillotines, God's chosen few could be rounded up and enticed to "self-deport" beyond "The Great Southern Wall" and those poor little "brown people" all the way down to Antarctica with some, shall we say, poking and prodding. Then there wouldn't be any blue blood to sop up off the cobblestones in the town square. The butt of the planet should be far enough away to suit them and to leave the rest of us alone.
It's warming up really fast too, thanks to their oily enterprising ways. Maybe they'll even strike some black gold under the ice and snow to keep themselves happy for awhile. When it greens up a little, these towering geniuses should manage just fine, taking turns cooking, doing housework, tending the flock, and working the fields, without all of us disgusting common folks sucking on their teats.
(I suffered through "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" so that you don't have to. They were terrible reads by a horrible author!)
@ tduban #8:
"Progressives" do not "object to making the voter registration accurate," so the entire premise upon which your argument hinges is totally wrong, insulting, and condescending -- even though you may not have realized that. (You are forgiven :--)). Please name one so-called "progressive" who objects to accuracy?
The reality is that local voter registration lists are never completely accurate in a large democracy of over 200 million potential voters, nor have they ever been nor ever will be. The reason is simple: The population is constantly in flux with thousands of people dying and moving every day, every week, every month, every year without someone notifying their respective election boards in a timely fashion. Life ain't always perfect and accurate in a bustling society.
In response to this very complex moving target, our many vigilant and highly honorable local poll workers and patriotic volunteers are continually updating their registration rolls the best they humanly can with the aid of ever-improving computer technologies.
Of course, there is always a lag time! How could there not be? But just because a name happens to appear erroneously on an outdated list, as it has not yet been duly purged, does not mean that particular person is going to vote in that particular precinct. In fact, such an outcome is virtually never the case.
Not too long ago, the FEC (I believe it was their study, anyway.) went back several elections and found only about 300 or so (maybe even less...?) errant "double registrations" and certain other illegal discrepancies involving active voters out of billions (a statistical irrelevancy), which maybe could be construed as fraud. Of those, however, most were adjudicated, for example, as misunderstandings about the hodgepodge of ex-felon restrictions in the different states, people who forgot they had already registered on a "motor-voter" card earlier and then inadvertently registered again at election time, or elderly people mistakenly believing that it was okay to vote for an invalid, housebound spouse still listed on the registration rolls.
Hilariously, most of the very few, very dumb criminals who actually did commit intentional double-vote fraud were found to be registered as Republicans. Go figure.
The other false assumptions inherent in your argument is that there are large criminally-minded hordes roaming the land who still might be registered in one place after registering in a second place, and who will spend an inordinate amount of their precious time bouncing back and forth in trains, planes and automobiles, voting in both their new precincts and their old ones. Now that is a hectic schedule for such minimal results!
Extraordinary accusations require extraordinary evidence. Show the proof. Can't? Didn't think so.
Or, more ridiculous yet: OMG, there are zombie herds of wild-eyed partisans slinking around the graveyards at night! They're hungry for dead people's brains and names, consuming and assuming identities for the purpose of casting a few extra votes here and there, which wouldn't make any statistical difference anyway, risking up to 10 years in prison for each violation.
What sane person would ever do that, pray tell? Don't you think if Republican liars and fanatic zealots, pushing the completely false meme of widespread "voter fraud," found even one, maybe even two, boneheads carrying out such a futile and bizarre suicide mission that their names would be plastered all over Faux Fox News, lie/hate radio, the far right-wing internet swamp, and Trump's Twitter feed every hour of every day?
The splashy chyron on corporate fake news TV would be screaming, "Aha! Evidence! Finally!"
Nope; didn't happen; won't happen, because...
There is NO voter fraud!
And no, meeester Truuump; neither are undocumented immigrants going to risk years in prison and/or deportation for all the reasons listed above, especially since every precinct in every state already requires legal documentation and an accurate signature that must match local registration rolls. (BTW, signatures are still the most reliable means of verification -- photos can be photo-shopped and ID's can be doctored much easier than a signature can be copied live by a stranger. Ask any handwriting expert.)
Sorry, those dang "illegal brown people" are just not stealing our elections, no matter how much lil' Trumpie, the spoiled brat, cries and pouts.
It is ludicrous to believe otherwise.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
FACTS {a rhyme}
The Donald proceeds as if the facts
were A and B and C.
Yuuge mistakes by his Fox News flacks
‘cause instead they’re X, Y and Z.
@ russ h, post # 5:
With all due respect, it is simply **WRONG** to make a false equivalency case, or to assume that it is merely "apolitical" because rich people are just trying to get richer.
Of course! The rich always try to get richer, because there is no end to greed. But how is that not wildly partisan, especially now in the dark days of our expanding kakistocracy/plutocracy? The last time anyone and their dog checked, the Koch heads and their copycat billionaire bastards have been spending millions and billions on anti-Obama, anti-Hillary, anti-Democratic, anti-liberal smear campaigns forEVER, which are invariably 100 percent in favor of Republican, libertarian, Tea Bagger, or otherwise fringe-swamp wing-nuttery. To the obscenely wealthy "takers," fascists, and plutocrats money is politics!
Inasmuch as your claim that "Both parties have benefited from voter suppression tactics..." , yes, you are correct, but only to a minor degree on the part of the Democrats compared to the Republicans.
Sadly, there have always been, election shenanigans and vote-stealing throughout the history of the so-called "United" States by every party imaginable that has ever been caught up in the machinery of our highly competitive, winner-take-all, contentious local, state, and national weird and strange election processes.
Certainly, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, and any other backroom, backstabbing operatives should be shamed and expunged from the party, either by more ethical party officials or by the rank and file in the next election.
Hillary and the Democratic establishment sure paid the heavy price for that little wink and nod, now didn't they? I'm sure every liberal/progressive/whatever dearly hopes and expects that every Democratic politician left standing will take this huuuge miscalculation to heart and will never forget the hard lesson.
However, to insinuate that the Republican voter suppression ID laws, that the "Interstate Crosscheck" con job, that deliberately dumping off faulty voting machines in heavily Democratic precincts in key states, that cutting polling stations, cutting poll workers, cutting early voting days and hours, and that carefully crafting similar election fraud schemes over decades -- conducted on such a massive scale, to the tune of millions upon millions disenfranchised Democratic voters, that it makes the more mundane, almost amateurish Democratic antics look like kids fighting in a sandbox -- is somehow not a "purely a Republican problem" is simply **WRONG** !
By all means, though, investigate both parties, and let the world see what shakes out.
I happen to have read all of Greg's Palast's books over the years and have watched all of his documentaries and most of his interviews, as well as the large volume of evidence that Brad Friedman and others have painstakingly brought to light. So, I'm not sure exactly what snippet from "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" was taken out of context to draw the conclusion that institutionalized Republican election fraud is anywhere close to being equal to the random high jinks of disparate Democratic operatives, or that it is somehow "apolitical" enough to discount the primary culpability of a formalized Republican initiative to commit extensive election fraud on an unimaginable scale.
Obviously, a much wider examination of the immensity of the problem is called for that should cause many grave concerns about the sorry state of our heavily battered democratic election process.
The Fascists stop at nothing both in gaining and then holding on to their power, which is why we needed NATO to oversee our election. It looks like crosscheck has become the election fraud weapon of choice....it works well for them, there's no obvious confirmation of the fraud during a recount. Underground patriots had been thwarting the Fascist's flipping success, thus the new non digital tactic of crosscheck.
The thing that's very odd about crosscheck is the lack of loud outrage from the democratic side...I haven't heard Obama, Hillary, the justice department, almost all of our elected officials, and of course the entire corpse media even mention it.
In fact lately I haven't heard much at all about the fraudulent election that just took place. Why aren't we all screaming out.. ..Putin, Russian hackers , Crosscheck, Comey, Giuliani, exit polls, etc.? Why aren't we screaming louder than the Koch Teabaggers when they incessantly screamed out Benghazi, Benghazi, emails, emails, lock her up? In fact Benghazi seemed to dominate the god damn news for years, and then the day after the election, boom, complete silence on it. Fake investigation after fake investigation until almost half of the voting population was brainwashed into thinking Hillary belonged in jail...of course they didn't know why, but hey, she must be crooked....LMAO. Throw in crosscheck with this media propaganda, help from Putin and Comey, and presto we have Fascism.
Trump is simply trying to put voter suppression and crosscheck election fraud on steroids so in the next election he can brag to Vlad that he won with 99% of the vote, beating out Putin's 98% victory...!!! Like I said, now that they have it, the Fascists will never let go of this power...no way in hell! Democracy is dead.
All I can figure is that people like the Obama's and Clinton's have the kind of wealth where the pain of complete economic collapse won't impact them....so they're just leaving the scene in a contented and quiet fashion.
But the rest of us have to fight for our liberty all over again.
Didn't Bush2 try this already, and found something like 27 cases of minor "fraud"?
i'm at a crossroads on this one. a few weeks ago (or perhaps a hundred years, given the alarming pace of this new administration) thom h. revealed a brainchild of the koch brothers called crosscheck [sp] which removed hundreds of thousands of voter ballots in poorer demographics in the battleground states. if the donald chooses to go down this road of voter fraud would the illegal removal of that many votes not come to light? i.e. donald would be percieved as shooting himself in the foot and america would learn the election had truly been hijacked? i know it is impossible for this outcome to occur, but would like to know more about the illegally removed ballots as i begin my return to sixties activism in our stark new transformed realm.
Everyone needs to see the Palast film, so that you'll know what they are doing when they are "cross checking" different state's voter lists. You just have to see it.
Faith, trust, and the fact that proven voter fraud is in the fives or tens out of tens of millions come to mind. In the mean time, Trump is doing stuff, so we should talk about that...unless he wants another election to prove his popular vote theory.
I prefer to call him our "slight-of-hand president." I also like "Don The Con."
Thanks so much for your article, Thom. As a long time election judge who, along with my fellow judges in our area, has worked very hard to make sure that each person who comes to the polls gets all the help and opportunity he/she needs to express his right to vote, I can't begin to tell you how distressing this situation has become. I feel as though I just stepped 'through the looking glass', and everything is upside-down and backwards. Have I been naive all these years to believe so completely in our democratic election process? I don't think so. I still believe it's the right and privilege of every US citizen to freely participate in a fair and just election process.
Thank you for taking that bullet for the rest of us, but, please, seek therapy, before it's too late. You do know that Ayn Rand was posthumously diagnosed as a psychopath, right?
Normally, I'm against book-burning, but I would gladly heat my home on her works!
Today, when asked how Republicans plan to pay for the scary clown's Great Southern Wall 15 billion dollar (minimum!) boondoggle, Paul Ryan responded by citing their usual magic fairy dust method of balancing the budget: "future economic expansion." He never explained, naturally, how the gargantuan bill would be paid if the future economy contracts, which is more likely.
More revealingly, he then stated with a straight face (a mug straight out of "The Munster Family" central casting) that they also would probably use the money freed up by "replacing Obamacare."
He must think everyone is as dumb as the brain-dead zombies who voted for The Pervert and his merry band of Republican reprobates.
"Oh, but Mexico will pay for it, believe me!" How many times did the Liar in Chief spit that whopper out? Lost track? Well, sorry, Enrique Pena Nieto is a real president and has a functioning cerebral cortex.
Paul Ryan's alternate translation: "Thousands of U.S. citizens will die every year from lack of healthcare in order to pay for a completely ineffective and unnecessary f--king fence!"
That's a pretty gawdamn high price to pay for fulfilling a stupid loudmouth's campaign promise of mister EGO MAN! I wonder how many piles of bodies stacked up in the hallways of our morgues will be Trump's gullible fools?
And how many will be those Dumbocrats who sat out the election or voted third party, because they bought into the right-wing smear campaign against Hillary, or because they were pouting about Bernie losing the primary?
Yes, Bernie should have won the primary; nevertheless, not voting for the top of the ticket in the general election is the same as preferring Trump over Hillary. Jesus H. Christ ... I bet all those "principled" liberals following their selfish consciences sure wish they could have that do-over!
As railroaders say after a derailment, "Well, it's too f--king late now, ain't it?"
I have heard from Progressives that object to making the voter registration accurate, and I cannot figure out why that position is taken. I personally don't care how many blacks or whites, or rich or poor are registered - I just want the accuracy. What is wrong with that position? If there are more of one type of person that is not registered, then so be it. I certainly don't want people taking on the identity of dead people and I wouldn't want people to vote twice. Is there anything wrong with making the whole process accurate, no matter what the mix might turn out to be?
I wonder how many of us will vote at the mid-terms...hopefully a tad more that 60%.
Yes LEGEND - I agree - we need a new election. This one was definitely flawed.
While I agree with the bulk of your article, the sentence where you suggest that this is purely a Republican problem is **WRONG**. Both parties have benefitted from voter supression tactics - see Hillary's unexpected win over Bernie in Az (or was it NM?). This is an issue that ties more closely to "well funded" politicians than to any particular party.
And if you watch the Palast video you'll see that the voter supression you discuss is actually apolitical. It originates from the Koch brothers, who are behind it purely for their personal monetary gain.
What will become of Rove getting WI, MI and PA flipped from the polls? Russia means nothing. Comey's big mouth and Rove's influence to go into the program and switch the numbers is EVERYTHING. Why do we have our eyes off the ball?
If the Dems were smart, they would embrace this investigation and insist that it include the affects of voter ID laws, Interstate Crosscheck, outdated voting machines, long lines at urban polling places, provisional ballots that never get counted and all the other voter suppression tricks that keep winning elections for the Republicans, even when they lose the vote. Wake up, America. This is how Despots steal elections and maintain their grip on power forever!
If there is as much voter fraud as Trump says, I want an investigation and another election. We cannot continue with a POTUS that was elected in a self proclaimed fraudulent election. Re-instate Obama and have a second election after a full investigation.
If there is as much voter fraud as Trump says, I want an investigation and another election. We cannot continue with a POTUS that was elected in a self proclaimed fraudulent election. Re-instate Obama and have a second election after a full investigation.
Uncle Ralph and Bob Smith certainly have their feet on the ground.
Gary Reber's thoughtful and knowledgeable posting deserves to be mulled over seriously. I am so very much impressed by it--especially his recognition of the need for those capable of doing so to grow capital for investment--, but I am nonplussed by his advocating a flat income tax. We prospered most when labor was strong, wages were higher, and the highest income-tax rate varied from a ridiculously low 70% under JFK to 93% under FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower. Furthermore, Gary does not touch on the need to grow demand by increasing purchasing power. Why invest in an enterprise if one's prospective clients lack the buying power to purchase one's goods or services?
Also, Gary states correctly the need to grow the GDP. Brazil has successfully grown its GDP to the point that it is ranked as high as fifth among the largest national economies in the world. However, 50% of Brazil's population lives in dire poverty and its people fear venturing into the streets because of violence. We must therefore use ancillary measurements like the GINI index ("And yet, with the overall growth of wealth, inequality remains a persistent issue, especially in the United States. For the first time in this report series, Allianz calculated each country's wealth Gini coefficient -- a measure of inequality in which 0 is perfect equality and 100 would mean perfect inequality, or one person owning all the wealth. It found that the U.S. had the most wealth inequality, with a score of 80.56, showing the most concentration of overall wealth in the hands of the proportionately fewest people."--http://fortune.com/2015/09/30/america-wealth-inequality/) and the happiness index (yep, it's real--the US ranks 13th among nations and promises to sink further if public policy continues in the direction of depriving more and more of our people of the resources we require to live in dignity).
If people really increased entrepreneurial investment in proportion to the growth of their wealth, one could make a convincing case against the graduated income tax. In fact, however, society needs the revenue for repairing and modernizing ALL its infrastructures, for high-quality public education for ALL its citizens and residents, for housing for the homeless, for feeding the hungry, for caring for and capacitating its disabled, for ensuring one lives in dignity in one's old age, etc.
Wealth concentrated in the hands of a few private citizens seldom pays for such desperately needed investments, services, and assistance. And if the wealthiest few are allowed to "donate" to political candidates, the benefactors tend to be more beholden to those "donors" than to their true constituents. We are foolish not to establish a rebuttable presumption that those "donations" are illegal bribes prosecutable under criminal law.
Thanks to 20th-century government investment in electrification, highways, health care, Social Security, etc., the US was at one time the envy of the world. Now we lag behind most--sometimes all--other OECD countries in many categories as a consequence of our concentrating national wealth in the hands of the few. The power of wealth is also allowing the privileged few to transform our republican democracy into a kleptocratic oligarchy (called aristocracy by the writers of the Constitution).
There is no societal need for billionaires. Such wealth far surpasses an owner's ability, the owner's children's abilities, the owner's grandchildren's abilities to spend and invest his fortune in our economy; for this reason, he hoards vast amounts--untaxed and uninvested--often in illegal "offshore" accounts. The policy of concentrating wealth in the hands of the weatlhiest few always results in failure to serve well every citizen--a fact recognized and excoriated by Teddy Roosevelt--please see http://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2011/12/teddy-roosevelts-attack-e....
The site www.nobillionaires.com makes a convincing case for outlawing billionaires in society: all income and wealth over $1B should be taxed at 100%.
We will be a more vital society, a sounder society--both economically and morally--if we base public policy on an admonishment by a prophet who seemed to have today's GOP in mind, i.e., Isaiah; see Isa. 10:1-2 ("Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed.") and on Matthew 25:31ff, which teaches that the highest priority of society must be lifting up those of us most in need--not further enriching billionaires.
That's exactly what he thinks he is. This bold brillant man who makes great godly decissions. He knows his thoughts are the best, he has a great brain. His plan is the best plan. In King Donald we trust, UGH!!!
Whether they admit it or not, most of the dirty-dealing fascists, like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, their Wall Street toadies, the Rand Paul fringe of Libertarians, the revolting Tea Baggers in the House, and the whole sycophantic crowd of phony "conservatives" standing behind Herr Drumpf -- including the corporate Dem sellouts like Joe Manchin -- have a secret love affair with Ayn Rand and her hideously selfish philosophy of Objectivism, laissez-faire capitalism, "rational" (Yeah, right!) self-interest, egoism, and dishonestly romanticized rugged individualism.
Perhaps all of these modern-day "illustrious dunderheads" (The Illustrious Dunderheads -- 1942 by Frank Sullivan and Rex Stout) should take a cue from Ayn Rand's dopey fictional hero, John Galt, withdraw from our economy, and build their exclusive, rich-man's paradise somewhere far away from everyone else. Please!
Or, after the revolution, instead of facing firing squads, nooses, and guillotines, God's chosen few could be rounded up and enticed to "self-deport" beyond "The Great Southern Wall" and those poor little "brown people" all the way down to Antarctica with some, shall we say, poking and prodding. Then there wouldn't be any blue blood to sop up off the cobblestones in the town square. The butt of the planet should be far enough away to suit them and to leave the rest of us alone.
It's warming up really fast too, thanks to their oily enterprising ways. Maybe they'll even strike some black gold under the ice and snow to keep themselves happy for awhile. When it greens up a little, these towering geniuses should manage just fine, taking turns cooking, doing housework, tending the flock, and working the fields, without all of us disgusting common folks sucking on their teats.
(I suffered through "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" so that you don't have to. They were terrible reads by a horrible author!)
It elevates him to royalty, when in fact he is a public servant.