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  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Coffman won the election in November against a young woman who would have been an excellent congressperson. SHE would have loved to have a town meeting with all of those people showing up! When FDR became president in 1933 - the repubs in congress were getting so many letters from their people back home that they did not dare to go against FDR's programs. Even so - they eventually did. Too bad those repubs are too chicken to spend a month living like most of the rest of us live. Thank you, Thom!

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Oh God, Thom... I hope so!

  • The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I wrote and directed "The Gods Must Be Crazy," Thanks for referencing it. I'm the woman who gave Thom the tagline - Tag you're it. I love the show. I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of the book. Thanks for the righteous indignation. (Make sure it's me if you call me)

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Republicans are well practiced at obscuration and misdirection. I've not seen one who could answer a simple, direct, but controversial, question with a direct answer.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    what happened to coffman needs to happen to every republican congressman, with petition gatherers at every event, the petitions being for recall of the congressman engaging in the bogus scheme to costshift medical costs to the taxpayer in order that the uber rich might have their tax cuts. time for a revolution folks, if we take this sitting passively by, then we deserve the results, like what we got in november.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I ipersonally refer to hin as Boris Drumpf. Der Donald would work for me as well.

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    President Trump put the kibosh on the TPP today. Washed up lefties will deny it happened. President Trump received 57% of the Electoral votes, which much to the chagrin of the WUL, is how Presidents are elected in the USA. Workers and Unions are overjoyed.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Name calling diminishes the effectiveness of your argument. Do not lower your commentary to the level of right wing radio talk shows. You are articulate, very well informed and have much more credibility when you use a respectful tone and support your opinions with fact based evidence.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    We should not act like Republicans, we might not agree with his policies, but we can respect the office that he holds

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Nobody cares how you "take that," since your questions only reveal the thoughts of a small-minded bigot. Spend more time listening to your therapist and less time posting your delusions.

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I take that as a "yes" to question 1, and a "no" to question 2.

  • The Rise of a Left-Wing Tea Party?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    You are not trolls because you disagree; you are trolls for spreading despicable lies. This forum would be much better without your offal clogging up the pipes. Go away!

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    It is important to refer to IT as "KING DONALD", and when I see him in public I will also give him the "Hail Hitler" salute.

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Both of you people are repulsive, small-minded bigots, condemned by your own sick little thoughts. Go crap somewhere else; you foul the air the rest of us must breathe!

  • What Trump Means w/"Insurance for Everybody"   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Here, let me reword what comes through loud and clear to the majority of people in this country when they hear the "final solution" proposed by fringe wing-nuts:

    What they are advocating are two healthcare systems: one for the rich; one for the poor -- just like our justice system, just like our colleges. For Republicans, extreme capitalists, and other fascist types, it's always all about the money first, not the lives. Those who have it, are the privileged few who enjoy all the rights of our Constitution, proper education, proper healthcare.

    The poor and uneducated are expected to fight the rich-man resource wars, and when they return home, work the physically demanding, menial service jobs that can't be off-shored to low-wage countries with lax pollution regulations. Then, hopefully, when they inevitably become a burden to the oligarchical system, they will just fade away and die. That way the luckier, the healthier, the more educated, the more wealthy will pay less taxes and have more power.

    Right-wingers constantly push the meme that we are not a democracy, but rather a republic. Actually, we are neither; what our Founders suffered and died for -- a constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic, whereby ALL power resides with the People ... ALL the people -- has been supplanted with a bastardized, militarized, corporate-controlled plutocracy ruled by the filthy few, the worst predators imaginable, which is also called a kakistocracy. Or, just call it fascism; that has less syllables for smaller minds.

    If we had single-payer, Medicare for all, universal healthcare -- the same for everyone! -- and eliminated greedy insurance companies from primary (not secondary) healthcare, we could easily afford it, just like every other modern society in the world can. We could afford it even more, with plenty left over, if we also quit diverting public funds to the United States' ridiculous military empire sprawled all over planet Earth! Just the injuries alone that our soldiers sustain literally suck trillions of dollars out of our healthcare system over the course of their lives.

    Perhaps, Paul Ryan's guiding saint, Ayn Rand, in her crude, poorly written fiction, "Atlas Shrugged," was right when she concluded that all the wealthy elitist assholes should just move to some island somewhere and create their "paradise" oligarchical kakistocracy, where they can pout all they want and do their own gawddamn laundry. Then they won't be sucking off the labor and the wealth of the rest of us.

    Please, just go away and leave us alone. We'll manage just fine without supporting your fat asses!

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Anybody with a critical thinking brain & an internet connection could do the research & find out that Trump is a pathological liar among other psychiatric abnormalities. But. With that said, I hope he does renegotiate our disastrous trade deals which have devistated the working poor & middle class in this country. I have seen personally how Southern California has lost jobs in several manufacturing sectors, especially within the automotive field & aerospace. My dad worked in aerospace for 30 years, and here in the San Fernando Valley, a lot of that work either got shipped out of the country... or.... to other zero or low business/Corp tax states. We not only need to stop the bleeding of our labor to other slave wage countries, but to other states whom are trying to recreate the Confederacy in regards of having slaves working under their draconian anti union "right to work" [for less] laws.

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Two thoughts,

    Can Mr/Ms Manning vote under both names only in Chicago?

    Is he/she going to reimburse the taxpayers for his/her surgeries or was it covered under obamacare therefore it was free?

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I am unsettled with what Mr. Trump has said in his inaugeration speech and how he clearly is not speaking to us all. I am a first time opinion writer and have been part of the silent majority far too long. I know what i must do to stand against what is coming from our legislature, that is, speak up and help like minded people in my area of Wisconsin. I live in Representative Paul Ryan's district. There is a tough road ahead, but i have to stay focused and diligent. I am guessing this has been suggested by others, but in case not, the only way to influence Mr. Trump is to boycot ALL his products. Do not buy anything with the Trump name on it, do not play golf at any of his properties and do not stay in any of his hotels. I have dealt with bullies in my life and the only way to deal with it is to ignore them. It is the only thing that drives them crazy, but because he is going to be impossible to ignore we have to strike at his personal businesses. I do not use any of his or his family products or have stayed at his properties, but i can speak of this to others and hope by doing so it will give this man pause about his treatment of that verbal others. His personality is such that the only thing he will notice is the shrinking of his overly stated wealth. I feel that i am on to something that can and will affect Mr. Trump and his minions. I would like to call him my President, but will not until he actually helps all and not just the people he has brought into his political circle. I have this vision in my head of Mr. Trump sitting in his cabinet meetings getting council from 21 Mr. Potters, the bank president in the movie "It's a Wnderful Life."

  • What Trump Means w/"Insurance for Everybody"   8 years 5 weeks ago

    There can be affordable health care for all (even taxpayers and those that like their plans and/or have "Cadillac" plans through their emplyer.)

    I think the end result will be a very bare-bones plan available for they all US citizens who sign up for it with the caveat they cannot sue for malpractice except in cases of criminal negligence. Also, would only be approved for generic drugs and limited specialists.

    Everyone would be able to "buy up" for more convenience and services, specialists, and to be able to sue for malpractice. This would lower costs greatly, especially if Federal Medicaid payments for insurance are given to the states (who can more easily control costs) in the form of block grants.

    There will be health coverage for all afer the dust settles, I believe. Just with a much more bare bones selection of coverage for thise with subsidies, needed tort reform, and the ability for those who want more comprehensive coverage to buy up.

    That would be a good thing, especially considering that the current ACA is economically unsustainable, and punishes the responsible.

    Fortunately, the march to a "single payer" disaster has been not only stopped, but fortunately forced into full, disorganized retreat.

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    If Bradley Manning knew he was going to have his sentence reduced, I believe he wouldn't have changed his name to "Chelsea".

    I don't know how "far along" his transformation got, but it would be delicious irony if he permanently lost his "manhood "for nothing.

    Maybe he could make some money on the Maury Povich show: I changed sex to stay out of a male prison, now I want to change it back."

    Its a shame the Ringling Brother's circus is ending its reign. He would have been a great circus freak.

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Thom: It was Bradley Manning that spilled the secrets, Bradley Manning that pleaded for lesser charges, and Bradley manning that had his sentence commuted.

    The most outrageous thing about this issue was not his sentence, but how we are supposed to consider this guy a "woman".

  • Why Chelsea Manning Is Going Free   8 years 5 weeks ago

    It's amazing how typocritical the left and Dems can be. They feel that Manning betraying his country and telling harmful secrets is less harmful and morally better than exposing e-mails that had little or nothing to do with national security. If Clinton won, they would think nothing about Wikileaks exposure of Hillary's negligence and DNC primary election rigging.

  • The Rise of a Left-Wing Tea Party?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    The epitome of left wing condescention. Calling those that disagree with you trolls,

  • The Rise of a Left-Wing Tea Party?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Ou812, You're little bio a while back told us more than we need to know. You can step out of the closet now and quit hating yourself.

  • The Rise of a Left-Wing Tea Party?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Why, aren't you the clever little troll, nipping at the heels on the ass end of threads.

    Your points are always as diminutive as your posts -- but then, emptiness is expected from empty minds. Curt and concise, your marketing skills have served you well.

    However, irreverence is a difficult path at life's end, Grasshopper. May "Imus in the Morning" continue to light your way.


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