Recent comments

  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Donald Trump has NPD !!!

    Many psychology experts use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose mental conditions. DSM-5 criteria for NPD includes these features:

    • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
    • Expecting to be recognized as superior.
    • Exaggerating your achievements and talents.
    • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
    • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people.
    • Requiring constant admiration.
    • Having a sense of entitlement.
    • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations.
    • Taking advantage of others to get what you want.
    • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
    • Being envious of others and believing others envy you.
    • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner.

    Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others. Does this sound like Mr. Trump? You bet it does!

  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 5 weeks ago

    That is the problem. He doesnt care about Democrats that are more than 50% of the population. I believe you drank the koolaid. Im sorry.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    OMGoodness, Trump just called for Media Blackout of the EPA!!!!! Ok, now Im REALLY nervous.!!!!!!!!!!! That calls for some action, but what can we do about that? Ive already called my senators.......

  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 5 weeks ago

    As long as Trump is behaving like a Democrat, then other Democrats should get behind him and support him. Of course, as soon as he starts behaving like a Republican again, then Democrats should abandon him like a stinky sock. That is, after all, the American way.

  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 5 weeks ago

    @ Thom's questions:

    "So - what should progressives do?
    Should they work with Trump to help achieve one of their most important policy goals?
    Or would that legitimize a President who - regardless of what he says about the TPP - still poses a serious threat to American workers and American democracy?"

    ...all of the above!

    Since we're stuck with a completely illegitimate sexual pervert fouling the seat in the Oval Office, and a stolen election, the two-faced corporate Democrats better quit gazing at their puss-gut navels, join with progressives in their party, and get ahead of this circus clown!

    They need to squeeze him for all he's worth (which is almost nothing), salvage what they can for the benefit of the People (remember us?), and throw him back in the face of the Republican Party and the corporate-fake media, who enabled this fascist's rise to ultimate, authoritarian power.

    Hopefully, if the established Democratic Party can find their center of balance once again, they can divide Republicans' sorry asses and expose their utter hypocrisy on these vicious, job-killing "un-free" trade deals, which they have been pushing for decades to screw over American workers and widen the wealth gap.

    Fight back, gawddamn it!

    @ Ou812:

    Keep sucking the big one.


  • The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I don't believe President Trump cares what the Democrats do. He doesn't need Democrats to work with him. He is going to renegotiate the trade agreements. He'll succeed and become a working class hero. Democrats can either be part of the solution or become irrelevant.

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Outside, objective truth exists whether I say it or not. And no, you absolutely won't change my mind with false corporate news, (or swamp gas) lies, half truth's, and cherry-picked partial facts, of which you have no proof, whether you say so or not. Again, look in the mirror as you type, little troll.

    The first whopper is the recount snafu; the workers assigned the job were forced to run the same numbers through the same machines with different results. If anything, it exposed the foolishness of using error-prone machines in the first place, with faulty computerized tabulations that never seem to spit out the same results twice and that have no adequate paper trails.

    The machine count didn't match the voting rolls for at least two glaring reasons: the machines were off; the rolls were purged. The proof in the pudding, among much other evidence, is the wide disparity in the gold standard of exit polling, which was wildly off the mark in key states and demonstrated quite clearly that huge percentages of Democrats thought their votes counted when they obviously didn't. But that's only one, albeit critical, metric.

    Our state-run, third-world-country voting national nightmare should be replace by universal standards with good old old-fashion -- and much more reliable -- paper ballots, which can be recounted properly, monitored by the U.N., and where Republican-appointed judges with conflict of interest issues cannot arbitrarily shut it down.

    Anyway, the recount effort was never the larger story, even though that's what ended up in the shallow, blurb news that sucked up all the oxygen in the daily news cycles, of which you are evidently, sadly, an avid consumer. It was primarily initiated to expose the much more widespread fraud perpetrated by Republican Secretaries of State over decades, and to reform the system, so that it won't happen again in succeeding elections.

    There was never any massive voter fraud, which is just another Republican lie with absolutely no proof; however, there was massive election fraud with lots of proof. For obvious reason (which is too in depth to cover here in a blog post), the establishment -- including the Democratic Party unfortunately -- avoids the real facts like a plague.

    Of course, you would have known all this already had you done your homework and researched the references that were presented quite extensively on Thom's program numerous times (among the wealth of written-down, recorded, on-the-record material that is available if one cares to look), and even right here on this forum by several other members. Obviously, you don't peruse much information that exists in the wide world outside of your tiny bubble of right-wing misinformation and the superficial corporate infotainment framework.

    ...because you don't really give a damn about the truth that challenges your limited world view, do you, little troll?

    On the long odds that you might actually wake up from your deep stupor, here would be a good place to start a 101 entry level research program, from where you can then expand out to the many other reliable sources that are easily available in the vast body of knowledge in this modern era of mass communication, and begin your long journey back to mental health and reality: Greg Palast's "The Best Democracy Money can Buy."

    Honestly, you and your kissing-cousin trolls have been endlessly spewing out shallow, dead-end circles of total BS about hugely important issues that require serious, sober, much wider examinations to fully understand in the context of the bigger pictures from which they sprang. If you insist on clogging up this forum with little, meaningless, mind-numbing -- and, to be honest, simply boring -- lies and half-truths, which you've dug up from only God knows where, then you'll have to suffer through long, countervailing dissertations. Enjoy!

    BTW, I wonder how much Trump ass-kissers would be hollering and stomping their feet if the situation was reversed -- if he won the popular vote by millions, lost the undemocratic Electoral College, and millions of his voters were disenfranchised?

    Now, c'mon, you crooked little troll; be real for once. Don't lie with a straight face, with that big twelve-incher stuck in your avatar's mouth. Be intellectually honest.

    Otherwise, just go away and troll elsewhere. Or, like Stopgap advised, at least come out of the closet and quit hating yourself. :--((

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday January 24th, 2017   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Hi Thom,

    Trump claims that there were more than three million fraudulent votes cast in the last election...and since there was also meddling in the election from unknown actors overseas...let's reset. Three million illegals voting would have affected many races, not just his run for the White House. Obviously there are many pols who were unfairly denied their rightful place in the legislature.

    The President's ego needs validation. Fine....update the voter records and have a rematch. He will certainly win after all of those illegal voters are pulled from voter registration files, right?

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    The office of president is degraded by Trumpolini's occupation of that office.

    And I don't care if ridicule is "sophomoric." I only care if it's effective at rattling his little snowflake ego, and sometimes sophomoric insults can be the most effective.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Proper name: "Trumpolini"

    Job title: "troll-in-chief"

    "Trump", being a mash-up of "tush" and "rump", is best used as a substitute for the mild vulgarism representing the body part that one normally sits on. As in, "He lied his trump off", or "I slipped on the ice and fell on my trump," or "The Packers got their trumps kicked in Atlanta last weekend," or......

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I certainly hope so. I keep hoping for more Republicans to put country first, but the group that has done that is tragically small ... and only the very strong seem able to withstand the pressure of their Whips.

    I have been appalled at the attitudes displayed by these nominees. No respect for the senators questioning them and no interest in setting out their true opinions and/or plans.

  • Please Support Free Speech TV   8 years 5 weeks ago

    hey..guess the donation period is already over but still since just now i've got my paycheck from fast essay company so i've been wondering where i should i go to make a donation??

  • Will Republicans Let Trump Bring Our Jobs Home?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    ONLY a TITTLE of SANITY {a rhyme}

    What’s going well?

    Very durn’ little.

    We’re in a spell

    when America is brittle

    and headed pell-mell

    to a mental hospital

    where Trumpsters dwell

    with only a tittle

    of sanity,

    in inanity.


  • What Trump Means w/"Insurance for Everybody"   8 years 5 weeks ago

    It's my opinion the job of the government is to regulate. Everything else, including payment for health care is the responsibility of the user of the service. In the case of health care, insurance companies, provide a way to defray expenses. If an individual is unhappy with the service provided by an insurance company, he or she can change to another company. With single provider, you can't. Competition is good, monopolies are bad.

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Deepspace says "You can't say you won the Electoral College if all the votes weren't counted. Millions of Democrats were purged off the rolls with the "Interstate Crosscheck" scam, and millions more were disenfranchised through voter suppression laws and old, error-prone voting machines sprinkled around Democratic districts in key states, which spit out notable percentages of "unreadable" ballots."

    Another lefties excuse. You saying it doesn't make it true. Where's the evidence?, Where's the proof? The recount in Wisconsin resulted in MORE votes for President Trump. The recount in Michigan (before a federal judge cancelled it) showed more people in Wayne County (Detroit) voted than were registered. Probably won't change your mind, but those are the facts.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Republicans have a two-year window until the next election. They'll spend the first year ramming their f--k-the-people bills through Congress (which the blackmailed sexual pervert will have to sign). Then, they'll spend the second year working the refs in corporate media to blame everything on the Democrats. Once again, the idiotocracy will steal the election.

    Works every time!

  • China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    The "left" is only about 500 people, or whatever number makes up what remains of the tiny Communist Party in America these days. Everyone else, who the right-wing fringe thinks is the left, is actually the majority, when they are polled on generic liberal issues. Normal people only look like "the left" when you're about to fall completely off the extreme right side of the political stage.

    From the get-go, most liberals -- who are the middle -- were absolutely against the TPP, which would have already been dead on arrival in Congress. Trump is just grandstanding, yet again, by trying to take credit for something that most Democrats and Republicans would never have voted for anyway. (In private, most corporate Republicans were actually for it, but none of them wanted to give Obama any kind of "win.") Nevertheless, for everyone's sake, it is a good thing that he kiboshed it from his side of the equation. No argument there.

    Never forget, though, that every "un-free" trade agreement in history was always born from Republican DNA, over which both Presidents Clinton and Obama were clearly out of step with the base. They foolishly sold out to Wall Street and Republicans in their infuriating efforts to find common ground with their corporate campaign donors and their political enemies -- much to the chagrin of most liberals.

    You can't say you won the Electoral College if all the votes weren't counted. Millions of Democrats were purged off the rolls with the "Interstate Crosscheck" scam, and millions more were disenfranchised through voter suppression laws and old, error-prone voting machines sprinkled around Democratic districts in key states, which spit out notable percentages of "unreadable" ballots.

    It was a stolen election, and Trump is still the illegitimate Pretender to the Throne.

    The three million popular votes that Trump lost by were all workers too, as were the other 62 million Americans he never fooled. Also, most unions, other than cops, nearly always endorse Democrats, and their rank and file nearly always vote Democratic. Traditionally, the Democratic Party has always been the party of the workers, and the Republican Party has always been the party of the super rich.

    ...and La La land is populated by "overjoyed" wing-nuts. It's the meds.


  • What Trump Means w/"Insurance for Everybody"   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Well then, the people of Ontario should rally to reform their system too. After all, they are supposed to be a democracy; the people are supposed to have all the power to effect the changes that work for their best interests rather than only the wealthy few.

    The reason people don't have a supplemental is because they can't afford private insurance. If private insurance companies couldn't operate in the primary healthcare market, the providers, hospitals, medical equipment suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, etc. would only have to deal with just one entity, the government, in order to get paid. That would vastly simplify the system and naturally even out the costs, while still allowing them all to profit handsomely enough.

    Reining in costs doesn't have to come out of the hides of healthcare professionals either. Commonly, nearly one third of their overhead are just clerical forces that only exist to fight the insurance industry clerical forces, who purposely deny more and more claims in order for their companies and shareholders to profit more and more. Such out-of-control profit-taking accounts for most of their overhead, which, in America, used to be up to forty percent of the premiums, until they were restricted to only twenty percent, which is still too much.

    The government runs Medicare payouts very efficiently at only about three percent overhead, since it doesn't profit. Thus, more resources are available for paying all the legitimate claims. Plus, with Medicare-for-all, the extra tax people pay for a more stable single-payer system would be less than the premiums they now pay for private policies, which would no longer have to be paid.

    In other words, why should anyone profit off sickness and death? One of the biggest drains on healthcare resources is wasted on the money changers (insurance companies and their investors) who provide no actual healthcare. Relegate them to the realm of secondary healthcare, such as elective procedures, tummy tucks, face lifts, five-star private rooms, catered meals, or whatever turns their crank. The insurance industry could still generate a profit, and their policy holders could still enjoy privileged treatment for the extra money they can afford to spend. More importantly, their added benefits would not detract from anyone else who needs primary healthcare, such as for heart attacks, cancers, diseases, broken bones, or anything that is needed to maintain health and life.

    Also, higher education should be subsidized more substantially, so that more doctors, nurses, PA's, nurse practitioners, and whoever else, can be deployed to cover everyone in need. There are many, many intelligent people who would love to enter the profession but are discouraged to do so for lack of funding.

    It really comes down to a false ideological battle, where pure capitalism is pitted against pure socialism, where one can only exist without the other. Our founders called it "free enterprise" and "the commons," but they understood the dynamic as complementing rather than conflicting. Some aspects of a healthy society are better owned and operated collectively, and other aspects are better owned and operated privately.

    You don't want the government making TV's, cars, and shoes, for example. Neither, do you want private industry controlling public education, healthcare, police, prisons, wars, etc., or fouling the air, water, land, food, or anything else that we all equally depend on for life, liberty, and happiness.

    It also comes down to what the primary purpose of government is in the first place. Does it exist to benefit all or just the few?

    America became great by striving for the right balance. Of course, it was never perfect, and it never will be. However, it's the People's duty to make it a more perfect union.

    What is more important than people's health? The cost is money well spent with a return many times over.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Mike Coffman is only in office because of Koch money.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    .I don't think it degrades the office of president, as he is not a legitimate president. He lost the election, and was installed by stealth and deception- just as some past kings were installed by stealth and deception. I don't think "King" is too flattering for the "weak minded" followers, as it is less flattering than "president". But, if it is felt that we need to to clarify our attitude, we can expand the name to " King Don the Con" or " King Don John the con", or even "King Don John the con pawn", or just "KING CON" for short (like King Kong, stumbling through the city leaving destruction). His lineage traces back to the deplorable and infamous "house of Repugni-Con'' don't you know.

    On the other hand(s), I think the references to small hands, and what's lacking under the big tie could be a bit sophomoric. This focus on physical features perhaps is lowering ourselves closer to his level of immaturity, and could detract somewhat from the credibility of our critiques. The pretentious hairdo and gawdy spray-on face tan are free game, however, as those are his (questionable) choices, and are indicative of his poor judgement and intractable vanity.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 5 weeks ago

    I call him Donny-boy...and I feel quite certain he'd hate it.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    In addition to attending every townhall possible, both Republican and Democrat...there's still lots of 'rats' in them 'crats'.

    I suggest perusing the following.

    Finally, now is the time to dig deep and start giving that spart latte change ($5 per month?) to any progressive leaning 2018 candidate you support. They need to get organized now, not just in the 90 days prior to the election.

    So, come on candidates, announce you're running. We'll have your back

  • What Trump Means w/"Insurance for Everybody"   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Deep space:

    If you want to see a two tier health plan, you need go no further than Canada. I lived in Ontario for 6 years. OHIP, The Ontario Health Insurance Plan, provides wellness care for everyone. If one has supplemental insurance through their employer, you'll be able to see any doctor. (Most Doctors won't accept new patients unless they have supplemental insurance). Those without supplemental insurance, are relegated to a clinic if you are lucky you'll see an MD, if not you'll see a PA. You'll never see the same DR twice, plus plan on spending at least a half a day waiting to be seen. It's a mess for those at the bottom.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    "Are we about to see a repeat of those 2010 Town Halls in reverse?" I sure hope that happens, but I stongly suspect the Fascists will disregard our first amendment and figure out how to stifle oppositon. Given the two incidents that already happened, they're most likely spinning their webs right now and coming up with a plan to silence dissent....I'm not kidding about this either...just wait and see.

    The corpse media certainly will cooperate with them on silencing you see or hear anything about the hearings on radio or TV?

    BTW: Trump already answered us regarding what he will do about cuts to the social safety net...he has answered by his cabinet picks. Yes...he indeed lied to get elected...what a shock.

    I still don't understand why those who refuse to normalize him now were so quick to accept and normalize the election....A march like the one on Saturday should have taken place repeatedly days after the election right up until it was declared invalid. He didn't win the election and he is not a legitimate president. If only John Lewis could tell us what is in those classified reports...and why in hell did the Clinton's go to the inauguration???....that really was crooked!

    Putin will expand into territory that NATO will have to take action on....and Trump is in the White House..good luck with all of that. Tomorrow's history in the making would have been a lot kinder to the entire planet had we declared the election invalid....just saying.

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 5 weeks ago

    Lets hope we do see the Town Halls of 2010 in reverse. Unfortunately; "fake news" has morphed into "Alternate Facts"! If the uninformed see any bounce in their paychecks they wont even care about anything else, much less pay any attention. Sorry to be pessimistic but they have almost succeeded in their dumbing down of the masses by cutting education and polarizing any and all subjects that could use some good, old fashioned, "critical thinking!

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