Recent comments

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   8 years 4 weeks ago

    I believe that it was a strategic move. Not answering is also an answer in my opinion and we can make conclusion as well.
    pay for a research paper - learn some detail.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Thom's first sentence Is totally correct (as are the rest of them):

    "One of Donald Trump's first official acts as president was to sign an executive order that will make it more expensive for first-time and low-income homebuyers to buy and keep their homes."

    Diane's #5 entire post is totally incorrect (as usual):

    "Thom: When the first sentence in your post is totally incorrect, how are we to believe you?

    President Trump did nothing to make mortgages more expensive from what they are currently."

    Woefully deceived and/or willfully dishonest troll: How are we to believe you?!

    Below is just one quick and easy search of only a half page of Google -- a simple task that even Trumpist simians might be minimally capable of performing, at least on a good day when they get bananas for rewards. (Say, now there's an idea for your troll avatar...)

    ~~ Compliments of Mr. Ed ~~ }:--))

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Yup. It's pretty easy to spot avid consumers of Fox Faux News and their inbred cousins of anger/hate/fear/lie radio and internet indoctrination centers.

    My corner of the pasture happens to be ground zero in a bastion of redneck alternate reality. The sad little Trumpesque clowns, moseying along the rutted roads and broken sidewalks of our one-paper town, even dress up for the minor part they play as one dimensional characters in a fictional narrative of a poorly written dime novel. Somewhere north of middle age, white, male, look-alike ladies, gun belts tucked under big bellies, lots of camo, funny hats, wrapped in flags, and carrying crosses, these poor souls always seem so angry, hateful, fearful.

    It's a struggle to see into the real human being past the glaze of hollow eyes and adopted attitude. Forget having meaningful conversation; once they open their tobacco-stained lips, belch out beer breath, and begin grunting the monosyllabic monotones of their narrow worldview, it is obvious right away where they get their ...ah... "information." It doesn't even matter which character on the stage is repeating his or her rehearsed lines; it all sounds the same.

    One must love and respect the innocent souls hiding behind the cartoonish facades, of course, but the universal thought waves of wing-nuttery, which their over-stimulated, solidifying cerebral cortexes have naively absorbed from the non-news sources of "alternative facts," are certainly fair game for much mirth, merriment, laughter, and ridicule. It is so well deserved!

    Rarely do they see the humor they inspire, which is too bad. It would be good for them to lighten up and look around at the wider pond in which their tiny bubble floats.

    Come the revolucion!, this faction of fascist followers will no doubt be on the wrong side of the yellow police tape.


  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Isn't "a royalist controlled free market" within any government setting, just kind words for Fascism? In fact the Powell memo seems to be nothing more than a modern day Fascist manifesto....a roadmap for out of control individuals like the Kochs and Rupert Murdoch to follow.

    Speaking of Murdoch, never underestimate how the demise of the Fairness Doctrine gave rise to Fox News and the era of mainstream alternative facts. In my opinion this single individual and his broadcast have done more to undermine our democracy than even money in politics. It's very clear to me that the Fascists purposefully created a news environment where ordinary citizens would have difficulty untangling fact from fiction.

    Freedom of speech in the network media is fine as long as it comes with a warning label to all citizens who choose to consume it. Fox News needs to by law forced to drop the News part and rename itself Fox Right-wing Opinion..... I'm being kind.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Mr. Ed. You just made it another Christmas morning.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago
    Quote deepspace:who doesn't look like him and a bowl of mashed potatoes.

    And yet everyone knows mashed potatoes are soooo much better with "yellow" butter and brown gravy.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    The not so "Great" White Chief, after only one week on his toy throne, has to order boxes of new pens from China for his tiny pussy-grabbers to keep on signing executive orders against the whole disgusting existence of all those gawdamn little black, brown, olive, yellow, red, purple, green-skinned alien invaders, and anyone else who is not a rich, privileged, bigoted asshole or who doesn't look like him and a bowl of mashed potatoes.

    Sooo ... where is all the same hue and cry of outrage when the "Black King" (who actually signed less executive orders than most modern-era Republican presidents) was supposedly "ruling by degree" -- according to rabid dogs howling at the moon?

    Nothing but crickets heard from the swamp now...

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    I think he would like Lord Trump instead

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Thom: When the first sentence in your post is totally incorrect, how are we to believe you?

    Presidentt Trump did nothing to make mortgages more expensive from what they are currently.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Shelley -

    Honestly, I have to agree with you. That's what makes Thom special and a good listen, as well as a good commentator and debator.

    However... Having said that, we can still have some fun with things like this. Trump's use of catchy, debasing nicknames (he's done this for many years) sticks in people's minds and, as a clever mnemonic, reminds folks why they should dislike his opponent(s). Tunabout is fair play, at least on this one.

    You think??

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    One of my friends came up with the name Twitler, or Herr Twitler. I like that one, or, well, I don't LIKE it but I think it fits pretty well, and more and more as time goes by.

    There's gotta be a really easy to say, memorable, tow-to-three syllable catchy name that says it all. Anyone??

  • Odds of a Trump Impeachment? (w/guest Neil McCabe)   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Rules of House allow citizens to initiate Trump impeachment. Spread the Word.

    I'm with Impeach for Peace, a MN based organization. We have been making impeachment tools available to citizens since early 2006 (started under Bush). Upon the inauguration of Donald Trump, we have released a new version of our Formal Impeachment Petition, which is the only method layed out by the Rules of the House of Representatives for a citizen to initiate impeachment. More specifically, the rules layout that a citizen may submit a "memorial" to the House of Representatives listing facts related to the impeachable offenses of a government official. This method was successful in impeaching a federal judge in the 1800s. So, there is a precedent in addition to the rule. Our organization had previously put together a template based upon the successful memorial from the 1800s as a downloadable PDF. However, with the inauguration of Trump, we have updated our Formal Impeachment Petition as an online form that can be filled in by Americans, so that we might deliver these memorials to Congress. Because of this new format, we can track the progress of impeachment toward any particular government official, nationwide and state-by-state.

    You can read more about the historical research at this URL...

    The new Trump Formal Impeachment Petition is now active, and has already been receiving submissions largely by citizens who feel Trump is in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. You can find this new petition at this URL...

    You can also track the progress of this campaign state-by-state and nationwide at this URL...

    Here is the announcement our organization released upon the creation of this new version of the Trump Formal Impeachment Petition...

    Let us know if you have any questions.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Hoping some can help me out here. When America goes into debt, almost 20 trillion now who do they owe that money to. When I google it, it says mostly forgein countries so what does this mean Thom said " the national debt is a place for private savings" is the debt raised by some kind of bond or something

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Waiting for Dianereynolds comment.

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Hi Thom- Another terrific piece. After your last piece about voter purging & crosscheck scandal and the video of you and Palast- I forwarded your piece on to Emily's List, Sierra Club, LCV, Wilderness Society, Move On, Our Revolution, Diane Russell (in Maine). I did this after the revelation of the letter sent by the Black Caucus to the Justice Dept. What if all the progressive organizations actually informed their members about what Greg Palast has uncovered and if they thought they should find out the truth all sent in similar letters to the Justice Dept?? My point is that we need to have a way to communicate directly- share info/news like your Greg Palast story with people at these organizations that will actually read them and watch the video. I have a small group of friends and family here in Maine who I share your opinion pieces with- My brother John, who lives in Seattle, says he is, like me, an ardent fan of yours. Keep it up Thom- Keep hammering it. I honestly believe that the interstate crosscheck scheme is grounds for impeachment. D

  • Trump's New Bomb & Ban Policy Exposed   8 years 4 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    BIZARRELY ERRATIC {… a limerick; - extra points that all 5 lines rhyme …}

    Trump is bizarrely erratic.

    His persona is symptomatic

    of a mind with much static.

    He’s quite problematic.

    His effect on our nation: schismatic.


  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Thom, what is happening to your country and, therefore, the whole world!! Can't something be done to stop this maniac? I'd vote for you, Thom, if I lived there. When are you going to run for President? Everyone I talk to is so scared about what he will do - sorry, is doing. (I'm from Australia)

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    The post of mrorher above provides much food for thought. Thankyou.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago


    The surfs ,Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel ,are foaming at the mouth to put together bills and laws that he does not understand nor will he.None of his team are smart enough to realize that he can NOT be a King only a knight.

    What a sad scenario we have to live through.

    I am 64 and have never been more frightened in my life.

    I am also a white male.

    Go Figure.

    Please help us Thom!!!

  • The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable   8 years 4 weeks ago

    The "Powell Memo" was among my-era poli-sci's clues that a "sea change for the worse" was beginning. Sure 'nuff. Along came Reaganism and the early Neo-Cons and the WallSreet-oricurrented Democratic Leadership Council, and and and, - and now the Kochs and the current Heritage Foundation and Trumpismo and current mainstream Republicans and and and ....

  • Trump's Coming War on Voting   8 years 4 weeks ago

    The best suggestion I have heard lately was: 1) decide which issue or two you are passionate about; 2) find a local organization concerning those issues and physically show up and join; 3) if you have no local organization join and give online. Check out <>.

  • Are We In The Beginnings Of Totalitarianism?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    PERUSING the NEWS {a rhyme}

    Dismay continues to color the news.

    Everything’s bruise-colored, - blacks and blues.

    Trump himSelf, and his ragged crew’s factions,

    and the Republican Party’s unseemly reactions.

    And it seems that the Left-leaning opposition

    might not be able to come to fruition.


  • Trump's Coming War on Voting   8 years 4 weeks ago

    There are so many vital concerns to consider, I do not believe any one person can grasp it all ..., a quick update, if I may:
    << >>

    “These are attacks on our ancestral homelands,”

    "... These orders demonstrate that he is more than willing to violate federal law that protects the environment and protects our communities and protects indigenous rights for the benefit of oil and gas.”

    “You can’t drink oil. It’s so sad,”

    << >>
    << >>

    "... Still, the tribal elder continued to hold out hope that his prayers would be answered."

    “Have we as Native people ever been given a fair shake?” he asked.

    “Nah. But this time, the whole world is watching.”

    " . . . t h e . . . w h o l e . . . w o r l d . . . "

    " . . . i s . . . w a t c h I n g . . . ."

    << >>

  • Proof Petro Billionaires Are Running the White House   8 years 4 weeks ago

    After watching this episode I read a number of articles and understood it's not fully true. - one of them I found here.

  • Trump's Coming War on Voting   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Please do take seriously what Thom is speaking to in today's blog. It goes to the heart of our two-party democracy, which is wounded badly and barely standing.

    There IS election fraud!

    ...It IS being unpatriotically perpetrated by Republican state legislatures and their Secretaries of State, with a wink and a nod from U.S. Congressional Republican politicians and their too-friendly appointed judges.

    ...It IS being disingenuously ignored by Democratic politicians fearful of scaring off even more of their skittish voters and of being tarred all over the corpse media with the career-ending label, "sore loser!"

    ...It IS the duty of every citizen -- for whom our Founders bled and died in battle and to whom they handed a People's constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic -- to shout from the rooftops and to protest in the streets!

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