Recent comments

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    It appears that Trump is incompetent and more like a figurehead with a veto pen -- an executive order dictator. He's mostly following orders. The Kochs are behind the rapid climate change orders (they seem to believe global warming is good for us and we will evolve to cope with it).

    The Bannon executive is owned by Mercer and has a white nationalist agenda (only Bannon denies the "white" part). The two visions of fascism and privatization seem to be merging rather quickly.

    The Kochs finally arrived at their long dream of a "libertarian" American market fundamentalism society. That is, the new hegemony in Washington is what they bought. They own this mess. Trump doesn't know what he's doing and could be impeached, but the rest of the Washington firesale will go on. Privatization is the road to the anarcho-capitalist model.

    Finally, the GOP (Gaggle of Plutocrats) model is locked in. The ownership of all three branches of government is virtually hermetically sealed; it can't be breached. The election system is rigged to "elect" Republicans into perpetuity.

    Meanwhile, we are on the verge of financial Armageddon which could be the coup de gras of wealth extraction somehow attached to the dominionist vision of the evangelicals who found the rationalization for backing Trump.

    I think that's what we're working with and it isn't clear yet what the opposition is. Trump wants global surveillance and a lockdown on media. He's trying to bring the jackboot back and expand it. Btw, Kobach is behind the insane wall idea.

  • Trump's "Shock & Awe" Plan Uncovered   8 years 3 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    WE’LL RALLY IN DEFIANCE {a limerick}

    The Left won’t sit down in silence

    while Trumpsters perpetrate {violence} vi’lence

    ‘gainst principles long-standing.

    ‘Gainst our nation’s re-branding

    we’ll rally in vigorous defiance.


  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Notice how "wise" old Trump trolls are long on superiority attitude, condescending "advice," fact-free opinions, lame insults, and easily debunked falsehoods, and short on verifiable sources to back up their anemic analyses. Trump's Republican apologists seem to have adopted his reckless disregard for truth, refusing to acknowledge the facts laid bare right in front of them. The Hallmark Channel is about as deep as they are.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Quote from Thom's blog:

    Although Trump dropping out of the Paris agreement was something Trump flirted with on the campaign trail, he told the New York Times after his election in November that "he would [at least] keep an open mind about it".

    Nobody on the planet, except the Bigot in Chief himself, would describe him as keeping an "open mind."

    Of all the many and great sins Republicans have committed against humanity, climate denial is by far the most egregious. And now we have their chosen malignant narcissist who magnanimously promises to grant the world the beautiful gift of his great intellect to decide the issue once and for all, so that the rest of us may scurry about with our lesser lives and not worry about it.

    Well, he had better quit playing with his little twitter and hurry up! Humankind is rapidly losing its ability to mitigate the most deleterious effects of the worst disaster ever to threaten life on our "pale blue dot." Once Earth's average temperature reaches critical levels, when the planet begins belching out methane at an uncontrollable rate on a massive scale, it's game over. (Pat Elton #1 is absolutely correct!)

    The Holocene extinction, (or what climate scientists are increasingly referring to as the Anthropocene extinction--caused by human activity) is rapidly approaching; in terms of geological time, the rate of the great die-off will be lightening fast. It will be the world's sixth mass extinction event and the deadliest. Most species, including ours, will not survive it.

    In fact, it may have already begun. According to a collaborative study, including many prominent universities, published In 2015:

    "A group of researches from Mexico and the US wanted to compare the rate of extinctions in the last century to what is known as the “background rate”—the rate at which species have died off in previous centuries. They found that vertebrates, or animals with a backbone, were dying at a rate 114 times faster than the overall background rate for vertebrates, based on a conservative estimate." (by Cassie Werber, June 20, 2015)

    Many other peer-reviewed papers have arrived at similar conclusions, with some estimating that nearly fifty percent of land animals have been lost in just the last forty years. While many have fallen prey to human consumption, habitat loss, and pollution, a significant and growing percent are victims of climate change.

    With all the oily oligarchs ("oiligarchs") piped into the White House, the bankrupted billionaire and his den of deniers are progressing exactly backwards.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    News from the University of Chicago: New models suggest US harvest will suffer from climate change.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Check out the film "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. There is a grand conspiracy from wealthy billionaires to paid Republican operatives, Trump campaign advisors, and Republican State Legislatures all involved in stealing the election. There is an interesting part on the Koch bros and their efforts to get the pipeline built from Tar Sands Canada to their refinery in Texas. It is a stunning film that I viewed today on You Tube. Its a long film but covers a lot of ground. What Kris Kobach did with "interstate crosscheck" is criminal and he needs to be held accountable. I think if folks across America knew the truth of what happened in the run up to the election, the protests would help land the Trump presidency in impeachment.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    I wonder how long before the other countries in the Paris climate change agreement place sanctions on the United States? Afterall science proves that we will be a direct threat to their survival if we as a country allow Trump and his lunatic fringe continue unabated with their pipeline madness.

    BTW: Why did the national media cover Trump's invalid justice pick tonight? They didn't bother to cover Obama like that when he made the valid pick....and why was it not pointed out that an extreme right-wing crazy old fool from Kentucky blocked Obama's valid pick???? When will the corpse media realize there are far more citizens offended by right-wing conservative broadcasting than there are for's not even close....just look at the election results, even with election fraud, only about two out of ten eligible voters, voted for President "one" Inchworm! ...sorry, just had to do that for his Russian babes!

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    For anything serious to be done about global warming, it will have to get bad enough to inconvenience the corporate oligarchy---and that will have to be pretty damn bad. When sea level reaches the second floor of buildings in Manhattan, someone like Donald Trump (assuming he isn't still president, or maybe emperor) simply relocates to Denver or Salt Lake City. Conditions that cause suffering, death and destruction for millions, going on billions, of people, still don't necessarily effect him. When he has to relocate away from the coast, I bet he still doubles down on his denier stance.

    And we'll be doing what we always do: deferring to the despots.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Sorry to use this forum but I can't find any support or contact information--my Thom Hartmann RSS feed has stopped working. Can someone at the station help before I go into serious withdrawal???

    Thank you!

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Climate change is real but there is room for debate on how to approach it.

    Cost effective green energy tech will slow down the change.

    But guessing a few rough decades until practical fusion power solves the problem.


  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Just a suggestion: The best one I've heard is Trumplethinskin.

  • Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?   8 years 3 weeks ago

    Anyone who doubts climate change should google methane bubbles and look at all the methane that is just waiting for a little more ice melt to emerge and destroy it's immediate area in a fire ball or if large enough-the human race

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Mary: Remember the hysterical left and right I was speaking about? The post #21above is one of those.

    Proposals, plans the other guy created, specific numbers, etc, are all hate radio B.S..

    Breathe easy, don't totally accept anything you hear from either side. Use your logic. If your friend is now collecting $100/month in benefits, as much as the lefties want it to happen, your friend will not suddenly start collecting $59. Last week Thom was raving about a 50% cut so at least he is moving in the right direction. Give it a few months, you may actually get a raise.

    Cuts to existing SS retiree payments will not happen and Thom Hartmann knows it. More choices for future retirees is most likely the way things will turn out. Let's not panic until the plans are presented.

    For the next eight years many here will twist themselves into knots that no Boy Scout could undo. Try not to join them and you will be much more at peace with yourself.

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    The Heritage Foundation originally and then into Paul Ryan's proposed budget.

  • Should Thom refer to DT as King Donald?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    I'll be right back. I have to take a Trump..


  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    @ Mary # 18:

    Be wary of the "alternative facts" of the Trump trolls on this forum, whose only role is for entertainment purposes.

    I'm not sure which sources Thom used, but there is much written about the rollout of this latest proposal, made by Trump's own officials. Basically, they want to cut $10.5 trillion over 10 years from the federal budget, mostly out of the hide of Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Their regressive ideas came straight out of one of the worst right-wing swamps of extreme partisan ideology and misinformation imaginable called the "Heritage Foundation."

    Among many other reliable sources, it was reported on by "The Hill" and analysed by "Mother Jones," and it reveals a reduction in subsidies to Medicare of 41%, Social Security of 8%, and Medicaid of ?? (I don't have this percentage at the moment).

    Here's a quick synopsis of a recent article by Dylan Matthews over at "Vox":

    Another proposal by the Republican Study Committee seeks to drastically reduce spending on the health of citizens: Medicare -- $662 billion; Social Security -- $261 billion; Medicaid, CHIP and similar programs -- $1.6 trillion; food stamps, earned income tax credits, and other unnamed programs to help the underprivileged -- $2.2 trillion.

    If Trump and Republicans get their way, Medicare will be privatized; benefits means-tested; premiums increased; both Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages raised and means-tested; COLA's shrunken.

    Trump's picks for Secretary of Health and Human Services and for Office of Management and Budget -- Tom Price and Mick Mulvaney, respectively -- in their on-the-record history (and even at their confirmation hearings, albeit purposely vague), made no bones about their intentions to reverse almost a hundred years of progressive legislation that benefits everyday hard-working Americans.

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Mary asked,

    "Help needed.
    Last Thursday Thom said that Medicaid and Medicare were going to be cut 41% while Social Security was being cut 8%. I am looking for further information on this for a disabled friend.
    I've listened to Thom for years and know he doesn't just make things up. Does anyone know where this information came from or how I can get details about this?"

    Mary: Sometimes words are twisted and used to scare people. Your fear of your friends SS and Medicare being cut by 41% or even 8% being a great example. Take what you hear from lefty/socialists and righty/warhawks with a huge helping of salt. Both would not exist on the radio or television without making outlandish statements and using fear tactics to keep listener ship.

    Best to turn on the Hallmark channel. You will learn more and come away with a positive attitude.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday January 31st, 2017   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Hey Thom - Have you had Keith Ellis and/or Tom Perez on your show? The vitriol and anger about surrounding the DNC and Bernie/Hillary needs to be addressed. If they came on together to talk about how they are different/similar in their visions for the DNC may help. Radical idea - but could the DNC create a CO-Chair situation for them? There is certainly enough work to be done. I recently listened to Tom Perez on Pod Save America podcast I feel really strongly that his ideas about how the DNC should be confronting voter suppression is urgently needed. The interview is in the last 15 minutes of the podcast.

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Since the "president" has such a thick skin & seems to really care about being popular why don't we start bombaring his twitter with a hashtag (something clever to catch his attention). Then we use it to pressure him to get what the people actually want done! Imagine the power of the people actually affecting his actions...wouldn't that be great?

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Help needed.

    Last Thursday Thom said that Medicaid and Medicare were going to be cut 41% while Social Security was being cut 8%. I am loooking for further information on this for a disiabled friend.

    I've listened to Thom for years and know he doesn't just make things up. Does anyone know where this information came from or how I can get details about this?

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Alan Dershowitz: Acting AG Made a Mistake on Trump Exec Order, It Was ‘Political Decision’

    "On CNN tonight, Alan Dershowitz criticized acting Attorney General Sally Yates for instructing the DOJ not to defend President Trump‘s travel ban as long as she’s in the position."

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    With the firing of the Attorney General it might be important to remember that there is a difference between a Presidential Order and a law passed by the Congress.

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Any action against the President will take time and much hard work. Much of what the current comments are about- and which I agree with- go back to the election itself and the issue of whether it was fair or corrupt. Tom- I believe your audience could best serve their purpose and beliefs by contacting their reps, their local papers, and all of the national media & esp the Democratic Party to wake up & look at Kris Kobach who was on with Judy Woodruff last night - look into "interstate crosscheck" with an independent prosecutor and a team of investigators. When this happens, and if it is true that he purged the voter rolls in many states, then I think we may find a path forward. But so many scandals, the Kennedy assassination, the invasion of Iraq, etc have been covered up after the fact until someone digs into it. We all need to dig deep with Greg Palast.

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 4 weeks ago

    There is a very controversial issue here. Voting is supposed to be anonymous but after the scandal with Clinton's letters how can anyone feel save if the USA sending his vote online? On the other hand standing in a long line is unacceptable.

    I'm writing my essay on it.

  • Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security   8 years 4 weeks ago

    Rather than king, let's refer to it (not him, as he is not a reasonable human, but "it") as "the naked emperer." And let this be the final chapter of American fascism. There shall be no legitamizing this regime- Dems in power must call it what it is, and we must all fight for our social democracy with all our might. Or we shall lose our precious lifestyle while the whole world suffers. Zero tolerance for totalitarianism is the only solution. We must absolutely win the mid terms so we can impeach and be rid of it.

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