"First of all it's health insurance that needs to be reformed, not healthcare. The insurance companies are the ones that want it called healthcare reform...that distracts attention away from their massive fraud."
Thank you for clarifying that point. This dog eat dog insurance marketplace has American health care by the throat. Wee peeps are the little drops of blood left behind for scavengers to scarf up from the ground. I do not see how health is served in this environment.
Why aren't the Dems in the House and Senate screaming out single payer? .....don't they need votes in 2018 or something?.... hello! Geeez I forgot, that would be going on offense. ....rarely a democratic strategy. That would be just rude.
It's gone way beyond rude. It's downright dangerous - besides, a lot of those folks are personally compromised - on all sides - at least, it seems that way to me.
Polls clearly indicate single payer is by far the will of the vast majority. Instead we now have governance by and for only the billionaires, which is plain old textbook fascism. Well guess what...we the people can't afford this welfare program for the rich any longer.
I hear that.
Education and healthcare both need to be a cradle to grave right, and not for profit. Energy needs to be nationalized...Don't worry, the Koch's won't end up on food stamps. In fact nationalization of energy will be the only shot we have to slow down climate change.
I have no objection to any of that, if well and fairly administered.
It's just many times removed from imminent questions of daily survival that so many people are facing - not unrelated, but not the first priority when food and shelter are not easily obtained.
None of this will happen by simply being well spoken and polite."
Ok, I think being well spoken and polite has great value, especially when communicating with people who do not hear, or respond positively to anything else. My experience tells me, it's truth that turns the wheel. Unless I am swallowed by hypocrisy, I will speak the truth in whatever way communicates most effectively ... this, from someone who tends to speak and behave like a wrecking ball.
I kind of like the reception I get when people listen, and try to hear what I am saying. I also like how I feel when I do the same to others. I'm ok with polite behavior, so long as I don't have to lie.
I know it's life or death in too many places. Whose face do I scream in to change that?
And yes, this is an extremely dangerous moment in human culture. I hear the calls to resist and oppose ... in so many ways, this seems counterintuitive ... but it's over my head, so, I figure every one of us has our own basket to weave ... I do what I can, one breath at a time - and hope it makes a difference, somehow.
I trust you, and other people, to do the same in your own spheres of influence ... and hope we can work this complex puzzle between us.
Hey, I hear Trump's birth certificate is a fake....they say he was really born in Russia! That sounds pretty stupid doesn't it....well all you righties, your current election fraud president said that same dumb ass thing about the last president, and your president was serious when he said it. That same crazy man now has access to the nuclear codes ....just saying.
First of all it's health insurance that needs to be reformed, not healthcare. The insurance companies are the ones that want it called healthcare reform...that distracts attention away from their massive fraud.
Why aren't the Dems in the House and Senate screaming out single payer? .....don't they need votes in 2018 or something?.... hello! Geeez I forgot, that would be going on offense. ....rarely a democratic strategy. That would be just rude.
Polls clearly indicate single payer is by far the will of the vast majority. Instead we now have governance by and for only the billionaires, which is plain old textbook fascism. Well guess what...we the people can't afford this welfare program for the rich any longer. Education and healthcare both need to be a cradle to grave right, and not for profit. Energy needs to be nationalized...Don't worry, the Koch's won't end up on food stamps. In fact nationalization of energy will be the only shot we have to slow down climate change.
None of this will happen by simply being well spoken and polite.
(leighmf - #9) "... B. Insurance never loses, but it constantly threatens our lives with the need for disaster protection. T'ink about it...."
Isn't that what insurance is all about - like, if you pay up, you are somehow protected from disaster/damages ... if not, well, ..., not.
So. People do what they must ..., or not.
The good news for me is that life flows through the vital core one breath at a time - cleansing, nourishing and renewing every cell with every breath ... the root of health, and the greatest gift of life is this dynamic phenomenon: the breath of life.
I came to this realization at a time when medical procedures to 'save my life' (unavailable to me at the time) might easily have distracted my awareness from that threshold of receiving the breath, and letting it go ... one breath at a time ... not knowing whether it will return.
At this moment, I know without question, that life is a gift ... a blessing (however mixed) ... not to be owned or controlled - bought or sold ... only, to be accepted, embraced, and let go ... as it comes and goes, of its own accord ....
All else is peripheral.
All these stressful arguments about 'health care', and who owns what, or has to pay for what - or not ... how does this serve good health?
If, in the long run, the same exclusive interests wind up as the ownership class - why not accept that for what it is, and (like water) find other ways to flow?
And btw, I'm sure zero funding will be going towards treatment. Lock them up and throw away the key will most certainly be the model sought after. Poverty, income inequality, despair-all key components which lend to drug problems, none of this will be addressed. It's no coincidence that drug use has soared since the recession. People feel hopeless. And if the government doesn't care if I live or die due to lack of health coverage then why do they care what substances I use? They want all the control but none of the responsibility. If someone commits a crime to get their drug money we already have laws for that. So they're willing to say, screw responsibility to people societally, you're on your own. Oh, but we do want to enforce what you put in your own body, even if you're hurting no one in order to do so
I would begin by saying "unbelievable" but nothing is unbelievable, as far as bad policy goes, in this Trump nightmare we're living in. It's been proven the war on drugs was a failure. If the attempt is to give for profit prisons more "customers" then the plan should work like a charm. Personally, as a taxpayer I'm so done with paying to imprison people for decades over drugs. And personally, as someone who has struggled with addiction, I find these laws cruel. It is a disease and many who fall into the pattern of addiction have trauma they're trying to deal with.
It's such a blow to think about the fact that true bipartisan support was growing to address issues of mass incarceration and now that'll be torn down. The moral implications of our rate and length of incarceration in this country is sick. The fact that lobbyists work towards this I'm order to fuel their for profit prisons is sick. The fact that for profit federal prisons had such horrendous civil rights violations that the contracts were rescinded, but will most likely now be reinstated is sick. And the fact that American taxpayers can't have single payer health care, our social security is being torn apart, social programs for the betterment of society, but somehow there's enough money to fund this draconian prison system is sick. With every move this evil man makes I feel like weeping. I see what's coming and I wish I had the means to get the hell outta here. May God have mercy on the people of this country.
It should be more commonly known that Big Insurance owns the stock of B. Pharm, the mortgages and leases of Medical Facilities, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, and most insidious of all, Medical Supply Companies. Medical Supply Companies are the greatest bilkers of Medicare and insurance claims. They over-supply and over-bill. They sell the stuff of Lab Tests. Big Insurance also owns the stock of B. Banks. Though banks are not allowed to invest in corporations, B. Insurance can invest in both and create mutual pools through Trust Companies when their mergers are blocked, such as the recent blocking of the AETNA/HUMANA merger. B. Insurance never loses, but it constantly threatens our lives with the need for disaster protection. T'ink about it....
Ccctttt is right. It should be done state by state like Canada. Every state has different needs. By the way Andrew in some provinces in Canada there can be very long waits for none life threatening surgeries like knee, shoulder, hip etc. Up to a year. My neighbor just went to a private clinic fo knee surgery than cost him $7,500 rather then wait 7 months. Most Canadians also have private insurance here for all the things that are not covered by our provincial health care. Like meds, eye, teeth, therapy ambulance, etc. That costs me about $200 A month per employee. Also keep in mind Canada has 1/10 of the population of the US, about 36 million and we have ten times the resources the US has and here the government owns all mineral rights that help subsidize the healthcare costs. from my time in the US I can clearly see two things that would reduce costs immediately my eye drop is $16.00 in Canada, before my plan that covers 90%, and at the same Safeway pharmacy same mfg $125.00 in Scottsdale AZ that is just wrong and you have to stop these f ing law suits for medical stuff it is unbelievable how my commercials for lawyers there is on tv. I have never known of any lawsuit of any kind for healthcare up here. They all do their best and they are human they make mistakes, not having to pour out insurance coasts would reduce costs instantly.
Andrew, you are another clueless lib. As the left loves to point out, the original idea behind the ACA (i.e. individual mandate for health ins) was floated through the Heritage Foundation. But the left leaves out the most important facts. The Heritage Foundation ran the numbers and quickly found out that it would not work. Thus they abandoned the idea. I guess the democrat wizards of smart thought that they could make it work.
"They even took out the public option" Really? Are you that ignorant of history? The democrats removed the public option, remember? The democrats had all the power in 2009-2010. Obama could not even unite his own party behind the public option. So please, get your facts straight before you look more foolish that you already are.
Really? Would you care to back that up with some actual facts or data? Of course not. You can't. Typical left wing bomb thrower. Please continue living in your parent's basement because you have no clue what it is like in the real world.
America, at least the oligarchic land mass between Mexico and Canada, suffers 63 million fools who have been thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the world would be a better place by unleashing a vicious pack of war-dogs and greed-masters. They voted for nothing but pure, unabashed fascism -- a growing cancer that is ravaging our Constitution, mocking our Founders, and destroying our society.
Rather than laughing or showing false respect, the rest of the free world needs to take this deadly contagion very seriously and isolate the illegitimate government of this arrogant dictator in every way possible. Don't invite him or his thugs into your countries; protest against your politicians who try to normalize relationships; cut off all his self-dealing business ties; don't buy refined fossil fuels from his oil tycoons; don't renew contracts with his "defense" contractors; ridicule and shun his every authoritarian word and deed.
The violent, fascist ideology of these radical, white-supremacist, Christian terrorists needs to be quarantined before it spreads to other, still-functioning democracies.
I lived in Poland for several years and worked as an ESL teacher. They used to have a big problem with drunk driving, now they have all but eliminated it. Their solution? Real penalties. In Poland if alcohol is registered in your blood stream at all, you lose your car, and your driving priveleges for life. You are also subject to a huge fine or jail term depending on your record and the circumstances. People will not risk driving if they have had one beer. They will not get drunk late at night, for fear they will test positive driving the next day. Would americans risk their pickup truck just to drive home from the bar, or would they take a cab? Bring in meaningful penalties and the problem will cease. BTW in Europe, laws apply to police officers too, unlike North America where they are above the law, but that's for another comment another time.
In the Victorian era all drugs were legal, and available for sale at any drug store. There was no such thing as a prescription, you didn't need permission from anyone to buy any drug, including heroin. At some point, it was realized that almost 2% of the population were drug addicts! Thus began the horrors of the prohibition era. Now, after trillions have been spent and millions jailed, and an entire industry created around "recovery," the rate of addiction is....around 2%. There will always be people who want to alter their consciousness. Why do we need these thought police? Their meddling has cost far more lives than it has saved, and their 'help" has had no effect, except creating a nation of hypocondriacs and chronic meddlers.
you are just another person who hates Obama because he's black. I'm Canadian and even I know that the ACA is a Republican plan, previously known as Romneycare. They even took out the public option. God forbid that every American can see a doctor when they're sick like they can in every other Western democratic country on earth. Trump supporters are absolutely despicable. Deplarable does not even touch how low they are. I don't wan to see into the heart of a Klansman, but Trump cultists would literally rather have their kids die from easily preventable illness than have health care that came from a black president. You are sick, no pun intended.
I didn't realize that life-saving and life-giving health care and a family doctor was an imposition. Single payer health care is the only way to go, and it costs half what American health care costs or perhaps less. I haven't read the latest cost outrage. Don't bother replying with the usual BS about how Canada's system is terrible and wait times blah blah blah. I've heard them all and they are all lies spewed out by insurance tycoons, and right wing traitors. What could make you proud about thousands dying from treatable illness?Why would you prefer medical bills being the leading cause of bankruptcy? What kind of person thinks it's oK for parents to have to agonize over whether to bankrupt their familites or help a sick child? I don't know what kind of brainwashing they have in your schools or what they put in your water but evidently it worked. Look at your new "leader." I hope you know the whole world is laughing at you. Please don't blow up the world to prove how righteous, Christian, and tough you are. We promise to pretend to respect you.
You mean like lowering wages to 25 cents a day. Or is that too rich. Perhaps a bowl of gruel and a few corn cobs per day. Would that keep companies around? America is really in a race to the bottom. My only hope is that Canadians witness the drop in standard of living in the US and the fabulous wealth hoarded by the billionaires and realize that conservatism is only for suckers. The sad thing is that the lives that are being destroyed will increase the wealth of the people at the very top, but they are already so rich they won't even notice it. Before you call me a "commie" remember, Russia put your man in office and is the one really running your country now.
"Why should the guvmut steal my money to help sick people too lazy to work? The country would be better off if they all died and quit wasting resources. Then there'd be less DemocRATS and libtards bitching and whining and voting. Meerkkka first!"
...the inner thoughts of a typical right-wing zombie without all the spin and polish to make it sound justified, moral, or intelligent.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
ZERO-SUM GAME {a rhyme}
In our political games of the type “Zero-Sum”,
the Xes win the cookies, - but nary a crumb
remains for the Ys.
Best compromise. - - -
- - - Let’s heed democracy’s rule of thumb
that it isn’t wise
to polarize; -
- ‘cause only the Xes will win in the scrum.
(2950-10K - #12)
Thank you for clarifying that point. This dog eat dog insurance marketplace has American health care by the throat. Wee peeps are the little drops of blood left behind for scavengers to scarf up from the ground. I do not see how health is served in this environment.
It's gone way beyond rude. It's downright dangerous - besides, a lot of those folks are personally compromised - on all sides - at least, it seems that way to me.
I hear that.
I have no objection to any of that, if well and fairly administered.
It's just many times removed from imminent questions of daily survival that so many people are facing - not unrelated, but not the first priority when food and shelter are not easily obtained.
Ok, I think being well spoken and polite has great value, especially when communicating with people who do not hear, or respond positively to anything else. My experience tells me, it's truth that turns the wheel. Unless I am swallowed by hypocrisy, I will speak the truth in whatever way communicates most effectively ... this, from someone who tends to speak and behave like a wrecking ball.
I kind of like the reception I get when people listen, and try to hear what I am saying. I also like how I feel when I do the same to others. I'm ok with polite behavior, so long as I don't have to lie.
I know it's life or death in too many places. Whose face do I scream in to change that?
And yes, this is an extremely dangerous moment in human culture.
I hear the calls to resist and oppose ... in so many ways, this seems counterintuitive ... but it's over my head, so, I figure every one of us has our own basket to weave ... I do what I can, one breath at a time - and hope it makes a difference, somehow.
I trust you, and other people, to do the same in your own spheres of influence ... and hope we can work this complex puzzle between us.
Hey, I hear Trump's birth certificate is a fake....they say he was really born in Russia! That sounds pretty stupid doesn't it....well all you righties, your current election fraud president said that same dumb ass thing about the last president, and your president was serious when he said it. That same crazy man now has access to the nuclear codes ....just saying.
First of all it's health insurance that needs to be reformed, not healthcare. The insurance companies are the ones that want it called healthcare reform...that distracts attention away from their massive fraud.
Why aren't the Dems in the House and Senate screaming out single payer? .....don't they need votes in 2018 or something?.... hello! Geeez I forgot, that would be going on offense. ....rarely a democratic strategy. That would be just rude.
Polls clearly indicate single payer is by far the will of the vast majority. Instead we now have governance by and for only the billionaires, which is plain old textbook fascism. Well guess what...we the people can't afford this welfare program for the rich any longer. Education and healthcare both need to be a cradle to grave right, and not for profit. Energy needs to be nationalized...Don't worry, the Koch's won't end up on food stamps. In fact nationalization of energy will be the only shot we have to slow down climate change.
None of this will happen by simply being well spoken and polite.
Isn't that what insurance is all about - like, if you pay up, you are somehow protected from disaster/damages ... if not, well, ..., not.
So. People do what they must ..., or not.
The good news for me is that life flows through the vital core one breath at a time - cleansing, nourishing and renewing every cell with every breath ... the root of health, and the greatest gift of life is this dynamic phenomenon: the breath of life.
I came to this realization at a time when medical procedures to 'save my life' (unavailable to me at the time) might easily have distracted my awareness from that threshold of receiving the breath, and letting it go ... one breath at a time ... not knowing whether it will return.
At this moment, I know without question, that life is a gift ... a blessing (however mixed) ... not to be owned or controlled - bought or sold ... only, to be accepted, embraced, and let go ... as it comes and goes, of its own accord ....
All else is peripheral.
All these stressful arguments about 'health care', and who owns what, or has to pay for what - or not ... how does this serve good health?
If, in the long run, the same exclusive interests wind up as the ownership class - why not accept that for what it is, and (like water) find other ways to flow?
And btw, I'm sure zero funding will be going towards treatment. Lock them up and throw away the key will most certainly be the model sought after. Poverty, income inequality, despair-all key components which lend to drug problems, none of this will be addressed. It's no coincidence that drug use has soared since the recession. People feel hopeless. And if the government doesn't care if I live or die due to lack of health coverage then why do they care what substances I use? They want all the control but none of the responsibility. If someone commits a crime to get their drug money we already have laws for that. So they're willing to say, screw responsibility to people societally, you're on your own. Oh, but we do want to enforce what you put in your own body, even if you're hurting no one in order to do so
I would begin by saying "unbelievable" but nothing is unbelievable, as far as bad policy goes, in this Trump nightmare we're living in. It's been proven the war on drugs was a failure. If the attempt is to give for profit prisons more "customers" then the plan should work like a charm. Personally, as a taxpayer I'm so done with paying to imprison people for decades over drugs. And personally, as someone who has struggled with addiction, I find these laws cruel. It is a disease and many who fall into the pattern of addiction have trauma they're trying to deal with.
It's such a blow to think about the fact that true bipartisan support was growing to address issues of mass incarceration and now that'll be torn down. The moral implications of our rate and length of incarceration in this country is sick. The fact that lobbyists work towards this I'm order to fuel their for profit prisons is sick. The fact that for profit federal prisons had such horrendous civil rights violations that the contracts were rescinded, but will most likely now be reinstated is sick. And the fact that American taxpayers can't have single payer health care, our social security is being torn apart, social programs for the betterment of society, but somehow there's enough money to fund this draconian prison system is sick. With every move this evil man makes I feel like weeping. I see what's coming and I wish I had the means to get the hell outta here. May God have mercy on the people of this country.
We had amendment 69 in Colorado for single payer. The insurance companies dumped millions into advertising against it.
It should be more commonly known that Big Insurance owns the stock of B. Pharm, the mortgages and leases of Medical Facilities, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, and most insidious of all, Medical Supply Companies. Medical Supply Companies are the greatest bilkers of Medicare and insurance claims. They over-supply and over-bill. They sell the stuff of Lab Tests. Big Insurance also owns the stock of B. Banks. Though banks are not allowed to invest in corporations, B. Insurance can invest in both and create mutual pools through Trust Companies when their mergers are blocked, such as the recent blocking of the AETNA/HUMANA merger. B. Insurance never loses, but it constantly threatens our lives with the need for disaster protection. T'ink about it....
Ccctttt is right. It should be done state by state like Canada. Every state has different needs. By the way Andrew in some provinces in Canada there can be very long waits for none life threatening surgeries like knee, shoulder, hip etc. Up to a year. My neighbor just went to a private clinic fo knee surgery than cost him $7,500 rather then wait 7 months. Most Canadians also have private insurance here for all the things that are not covered by our provincial health care. Like meds, eye, teeth, therapy ambulance, etc. That costs me about $200 A month per employee. Also keep in mind Canada has 1/10 of the population of the US, about 36 million and we have ten times the resources the US has and here the government owns all mineral rights that help subsidize the healthcare costs. from my time in the US I can clearly see two things that would reduce costs immediately my eye drop is $16.00 in Canada, before my plan that covers 90%, and at the same Safeway pharmacy same mfg $125.00 in Scottsdale AZ that is just wrong and you have to stop these f ing law suits for medical stuff it is unbelievable how my commercials for lawyers there is on tv. I have never known of any lawsuit of any kind for healthcare up here. They all do their best and they are human they make mistakes, not having to pour out insurance coasts would reduce costs instantly.
Andrew, you are another clueless lib. As the left loves to point out, the original idea behind the ACA (i.e. individual mandate for health ins) was floated through the Heritage Foundation. But the left leaves out the most important facts. The Heritage Foundation ran the numbers and quickly found out that it would not work. Thus they abandoned the idea. I guess the democrat wizards of smart thought that they could make it work.
"They even took out the public option" Really? Are you that ignorant of history? The democrats removed the public option, remember? The democrats had all the power in 2009-2010. Obama could not even unite his own party behind the public option. So please, get your facts straight before you look more foolish that you already are.
"You mean like lowering wages to 25 cents a day."
Really? Would you care to back that up with some actual facts or data? Of course not. You can't. Typical left wing bomb thrower. Please continue living in your parent's basement because you have no clue what it is like in the real world.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
QUEL DOMMAGE!! {a rhyme}
“Holy sh.t!! What a shame!!” …
… that gummint proceeds under Donald Trump’s name,
and’ll never recover to sanity reclaim.
In French: “Sacre bleu!! Quel dommage!!” …
… that America’s undergoing sabotage
by Trump and his scruffy entourage.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
The news, - it us so yuugely unsettles,
like our tummies are pained by stinging nettles.
We need some courage, some strength, some mettle
to bring back our nation into finer fettle, -
- not stewing in the cauldron, in the Trumpian kettle.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Regarding Trump’s presser: …
Yet Trump’s fans continue to laud
this creature who is so yuugely flawed.
He is a fraud,
yet they remain awed.
His maraudings they blindly applaud.
America, at least the oligarchic land mass between Mexico and Canada, suffers 63 million fools who have been thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the world would be a better place by unleashing a vicious pack of war-dogs and greed-masters. They voted for nothing but pure, unabashed fascism -- a growing cancer that is ravaging our Constitution, mocking our Founders, and destroying our society.
Rather than laughing or showing false respect, the rest of the free world needs to take this deadly contagion very seriously and isolate the illegitimate government of this arrogant dictator in every way possible. Don't invite him or his thugs into your countries; protest against your politicians who try to normalize relationships; cut off all his self-dealing business ties; don't buy refined fossil fuels from his oil tycoons; don't renew contracts with his "defense" contractors; ridicule and shun his every authoritarian word and deed.
The violent, fascist ideology of these radical, white-supremacist, Christian terrorists needs to be quarantined before it spreads to other, still-functioning democracies.
I lived in Poland for several years and worked as an ESL teacher. They used to have a big problem with drunk driving, now they have all but eliminated it. Their solution? Real penalties. In Poland if alcohol is registered in your blood stream at all, you lose your car, and your driving priveleges for life. You are also subject to a huge fine or jail term depending on your record and the circumstances. People will not risk driving if they have had one beer. They will not get drunk late at night, for fear they will test positive driving the next day. Would americans risk their pickup truck just to drive home from the bar, or would they take a cab? Bring in meaningful penalties and the problem will cease. BTW in Europe, laws apply to police officers too, unlike North America where they are above the law, but that's for another comment another time.
In the Victorian era all drugs were legal, and available for sale at any drug store. There was no such thing as a prescription, you didn't need permission from anyone to buy any drug, including heroin. At some point, it was realized that almost 2% of the population were drug addicts! Thus began the horrors of the prohibition era. Now, after trillions have been spent and millions jailed, and an entire industry created around "recovery," the rate of addiction is....around 2%. There will always be people who want to alter their consciousness. Why do we need these thought police? Their meddling has cost far more lives than it has saved, and their 'help" has had no effect, except creating a nation of hypocondriacs and chronic meddlers.
you are just another person who hates Obama because he's black. I'm Canadian and even I know that the ACA is a Republican plan, previously known as Romneycare. They even took out the public option. God forbid that every American can see a doctor when they're sick like they can in every other Western democratic country on earth. Trump supporters are absolutely despicable. Deplarable does not even touch how low they are. I don't wan to see into the heart of a Klansman, but Trump cultists would literally rather have their kids die from easily preventable illness than have health care that came from a black president. You are sick, no pun intended.
I didn't realize that life-saving and life-giving health care and a family doctor was an imposition. Single payer health care is the only way to go, and it costs half what American health care costs or perhaps less. I haven't read the latest cost outrage. Don't bother replying with the usual BS about how Canada's system is terrible and wait times blah blah blah. I've heard them all and they are all lies spewed out by insurance tycoons, and right wing traitors. What could make you proud about thousands dying from treatable illness?Why would you prefer medical bills being the leading cause of bankruptcy? What kind of person thinks it's oK for parents to have to agonize over whether to bankrupt their familites or help a sick child? I don't know what kind of brainwashing they have in your schools or what they put in your water but evidently it worked. Look at your new "leader." I hope you know the whole world is laughing at you. Please don't blow up the world to prove how righteous, Christian, and tough you are. We promise to pretend to respect you.
I've read right wing comments that make your satirical one look like a proposition from Wittgenstein.
You mean like lowering wages to 25 cents a day. Or is that too rich. Perhaps a bowl of gruel and a few corn cobs per day. Would that keep companies around? America is really in a race to the bottom. My only hope is that Canadians witness the drop in standard of living in the US and the fabulous wealth hoarded by the billionaires and realize that conservatism is only for suckers. The sad thing is that the lives that are being destroyed will increase the wealth of the people at the very top, but they are already so rich they won't even notice it. Before you call me a "commie" remember, Russia put your man in office and is the one really running your country now.
Let each state run their own health care program.
Local support is important, and that is not going to come from
imposing a national system on everyone.
Republican-speak translated:
"Why should the guvmut steal my money to help sick people too lazy to work? The country would be better off if they all died and quit wasting resources. Then there'd be less DemocRATS and libtards bitching and whining and voting. Meerkkka first!"
...the inner thoughts of a typical right-wing zombie without all the spin and polish to make it sound justified, moral, or intelligent.
Does Mr. Trump alone make these decisions? Doesn't Congress have a say?