Cris Kobach's "cross check" must be stopped and made illegal, I can't believe that it is'nt being challenged in the courts, it uses non fact as it's base, where are the liberal "legal eagles" that have the knowledge and the money to take steps to stop this? Would the ACLU have a standing to challenge this, obviously peoples rights as citizens are being violated, though deception and no proof whatsoever of any criminal acts and no legal comparison to justify the destuction of voters abilities to legaly cast ballots this is truely a dangerous president that has been set . Keep up the great work Thom!
Cheeto Benito is following the classic fascist playbook to the letter and very possibly could be writing the last chapter.
Boasting "reform," an unregulated economy will be run by dark-money billionaires and big-corp bosses who will use the power of government to benefit the top one percent and their global monopolies. Trumpeting "law and order," the key security jobs will be commanded by war-mongering generals who will radically increase the size of the military-industrial empire spanning the globe and the police-surveillance state crisscrossing the nation.
The trillions it will cost to erase the last traces of democracy will be provided by the working poor. The blood that will be spilled to secure the world's dwindling resources will be provided by their sons and daughters.
Political power is being stripped from the people through fraudulent election processes and consolidated into fewer and fewer greedy hands. Domestic spending is being decreased; military spending is being increased; the press is being marginalized and intimidated; the public is being lied to and indoctrinated; dissent is being criminalized and prosecuted.
At the beginning of his presidency in his "Cross of Iron" address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Eisenhower (a Republican who sounded like today's liberals) spoke out against the true cost of militarization. At the end of his presidency in his farewell address, he warned future generations of the "iron triangle," describing it as the "military-industrial [-congressional] -complex."
Throughout American history, the major political parties have been guilty of undermining the democratic principles of the Constitution by varying degrees; however, since World War Two and especially during the Reagan era, the growth of fascism has accelerated. Then, as the uncompromising Republican Party strayed further to the right, dragging along the compromising Democratic Party, a corporate-friendly Supreme Court pushed both parties over the edge by turning politics into a big-money game far removed from the people.
The stage is set for the final act. On cue, hiss boo, enter the main antagonist, "F*ckface Von Clownstick." (Thank you, Jon Stewart!)
If Comey's extreme right-wing FBI no longer cares to protect "we the people" from hostile foreign intervention of our democracy, then by god they need to be privatized and no longer benefit from the wonderful non profit socialist jobs they have.
As far as I can tell, every cell communicates, every species has its own way of communicating (language) - including us humans ... would it help if we learn to use our language abilities to actually say something - to communicate?
I never have figured out why we can't get that waste cleaned up at Hanford - except that, maybe, someone wants that stuff to be accessible for current use. After decades of advocacy, activism, legislative and popular support (on all sides) for clean up of nuclear waste at Hanford ... why are those barrels of waste still seeping into the ground ... right next to a river at high ground?
Who, in the DOE/DOD keeps pulling the plug on cleanup/containment ... and why? Liberal lefties? Kinda vague.
I understand that nuclear medicine has made great strides. No doubt, fusion technologies are being developed that will provide more energy with less waste than existing power plants.
Even so, the problem of what to do with the waste looms large, along with questions of how to transfer investments and profits into technologies that do meet the energy needs of a healthy population.
Beyond all that, I encourage one and all to reach for the nuclear power source each one of us carries in every atom of every cell in our bodies and the presence of mind to recognize and accept our own potentials to function as healthy individuals in a healthy world ... that would be flexible and adaptable, I think.
I'm not qualified to argue science - climate or otherwise. From what I can see, jellyfish species have survived, even flourished through it all.
They are exceptional in their abilities to adapt and proliferate. They have intelligence, and are capable of combining populations to form complex organisms with designated functions that serve the whole entity ... just like us.
They thrive where others fail. They even clog filtering systems in nuclear plants (also, drilling stations and ocean going vessels?) forcing closure, and economic loss (which, of course, is the only loss we really count - other than "washed up liberal lefties" - and that, just for fun - right?)
And, with more pollution/toxicity, including radioactivity from nuclear power plants leeching into the environment (((including the oceans, where jellyfish live))) I can only guess who - or what - will survive ....
So, my sense is, jellyfish have much to tell us, if only we can learn their language, ... and listen. Chances are, most of us will not want to hear what they are saying.
I agree about your comment on "interstate crosscheck" . We can hope that there are folks out there, maybe in our intelligence agencies, that will expose through various means what's missing, the inside workings of the Trump team during the election, Trump's tax return, and especially the rigging of the election and his signing off on it- whistleblowers, hackers- get busy. There is so much to discover. Trump said he ordered his team to protect themselves from outside hacking and then blamed Hillary's campaign for not doing the same- he probably did both but I can't believe there aren't emails out there - conversations, directives, hints, that could get at the truth.
I agree with others, the Tea Party moniker leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But your point is well taken. I believe the only way to make this work in our favor is to keep the wheels of this revolution rolling faster and stronger. We need to make a lot of noise and initiate campaigns against every GOP congressmember running in 2018. Same for the Democrats who are closet conservatives. We need to get progressives in ofice or at the least liberal leaning moderates. Now is our time and we have a purpose. Revolt. Activate. Continue hitting the streets in larger numbers with signs, fliers and a voice. Make the people hear the truth. Show them the person running who will represent them, not the corporations.
I would never compare a liberal movement to the Koch's Teabagger Party. Progressives I know aren't very likely to be brainwashed by anyone, especially by crazy billionaires.
There's a big difference between a grassroots movement and a billionaire sponsored astroturf one. Progressives believe that truth is not a matter of opinion .....unlike the Teabaggers and their Fox Newsesque alternative facts.
I've come to the conclusion that to vote Teapublican is an admission to being a complete sucker in life. Under Fascist rule working class taxes are not going down and jobs are not coming back. Health insurance will be more unaffordable than ever, property tax will skyrocket when medicaid gets cut, and job loss will be back to the 2008 blood bath levels in less than a year. However the billionaires will make a fortune out of this misfortune...just like last time. If your not extremely rich and you vote Teapublican, you're a fool.
Victory at the ballot box isn't likely to happen until the election fraud is stopped. Crosscheck election fraud is never mentioned, even by progressive dems... ???
Putin did serious harm to the social and economic stability of this country and his plan will come to fruition soon enough. ...he knows Trump is a complete idiot. What Putin doesn't seem to know is that he has people close to him that want him stopped...and that will happen too....the old bomb under the table!!!!
Speaking of Ashville NY, many of Reed's offices in upstate are under sister protests once per week....I've been to them. Reed is a self serving con man much in the style of Paul Ryan....the sort Thomas Paine warned us about. He's kissing Trump's raggedy butt hoping for a position with the Fascists.
The only way to restore democracy is to be part of the solution intead of being a spectator who has many opinions but never votes or contacts their reps.
We have a stong base but too little amount willing to work at removing the corruption that has blanketed our Nation.
The GOP does not eat their own so the dictator Trump and his cronies can and will get awy with whatever they choose unless we get organized and fight back.
How about Progressive Party...or hey, take over the Independent Party...without losing the huge base of 42% of registered voters.
I will no longer support a candidate simply because they're 'better' than the other person, and I will continue to vote my consciense.
Personally, I don't think the Dems get it. My bet says 4 years from now it won't be a Sanders or Warren running against Trump, rather another Corporate Dem in a 3 button suit.
I would love to see a Liberal Tea Party develop. I wonder, though. Much of the neo-con tea party's power came from it's dogged mindlessness. For better or worse, liberals and progressives tend not to be doggedly mindless, opting more often to way over-think things.
Maybe we could harvest Trump's mindlessness and use it to our advantage to keep us focused and moving in the same direction long enough to neuter him (with a democratic senate and congress in 2018) then get rid of him with a massively decisive presidential victory in 2020.
Go ahead; be ashamed to be an American. Be very ashamed that we've allowed our country to fall this far. Then let's get off our butts and do something about it. No . . . let's do everything about it.
Switzerland has a higher life expectancy than does America. There is universal health care coverage in Switzerland, but the country does not have a single payer system. Non-profit health plans are sold by private companies. The government makes sure that the cost of the plans are affordable based on household income. The coverage is no doubt very extensive. In Europe, prescription drug costs are usually much more reasonable than in the U.S., and then on top of better pricing, countries have excellent health plans that cover most of the cost of drugs, so that citizens pay low fees to buy prescription drugs. Single payer is only one form of universal health care. Germany also does not have a single payer system. Great Britain has a national health care system which is directly supported by taxes, and not pased on paying indivivdual claims. It is like going to a Veteran's Affairs clinic or hospital in this country.
When people on this Web site write about the Democratic Party, they often have no nuance whatsoever. Some Democrats are and always have been very progressive on health care. They would have supported either a single payer system or tightly regulated non-profit health plans from private entities, such as exists in countries like Switzerland or Germany. Other Democrats were and are too skeptical and politically frightened to openly support a remake of health coverage through either a Canadian or Swiss approach. Many potential Demcratic voters never vote in Congressional elections, and many do not even vote for president. Poor education, alienation, whatever the cause, the Democrats have not been able to established a mechanism for trying to contact and reach a huge number of apathetic voters. Even though progressives cite polls where public opinion supports some univeral approach to health coverage, such as single payer, and cite Hillary having won the popular vote, these do not translate into a Democratic majority. Gerrymandering relates to the situation in the U.S. House. People have come to believe that government can't get things done, and there is some evidence for that. That tends to increase rather than decrease skepticism toward finding new and better policies and programs. Also, Americans have become judgmental rather than accepting of their fellow citizens, on the downward economic side. If you are doing well, you are good; if not, you are not so good, andmight be no good. People on the left remind me of Trump in one respect: they both have complained rather bitterly about the news media. Where did this get anyone? The overall socialization process has become distorted, many reject education as being a good thing, even among some supposedly educated people, and their opinion may be somewhat justified because of the ineffective nature of much of education, in civics, history, sociology, basic economic statistics, science, the arts, and in decency in respecting others on some basic level. International business is a fact of life for many companies. The situation ethnically and in terms of world view is complex. There is fear and prejudice, but there is also the necessity of acceptance and cooperation.
Things are not always completely black and white. People seek out what they find to be the easiest to understand answers to them, based on their past indoctrination, socialization, upbringing, thought processes, influences, or whatever you want to call it.
Peaceful but pointed protests, strong resistance to destructive ideologies, and widespread political dissent are the most effective ways to change society for the better.
People of conscience must never give up the fight no matter how difficult. Each person in his or her own way according to their own unique talents must find the right action to rattle the cages of an out-of-touch political establishment. The First Amendment encourages (demands!) citizens to be heard -- to write, speak out publicly, join a political party (unfortunately, we're stuck with a constitutionally mandated two-party government), run for office, contribute to progressive-minded groups, withhold support of organizations and businesses that promote regressive policies, pester politicians by showing up at their town-hall meetings and calling their offices, join protests and march in the streets, and, most importantly, vote for progressive politicians and encourage others to vote, vote, vote!
The most effective grass-roots movements of the past spread like wildfire and were too fierce to be extinguished by a cynical media and too strong to be defeated by an opposition on the wrong side of history. Through stubborn persistence, sooner or later, the truth always conquers the lie. At this pivotal moment, the sooner the better!
".... how can Democrats turn it into victory at the ballot box?" Answer: They can't. The Democratic party has wandered so far off course since FDR that it's unrecognizable in populist terms. If a new progressive party doesn't result from all of this, there is no hope.
Now you are suggesting the Democrat party copy the Republicans? I don't remember the Republican Tea Party breaking businesses windows and setting police cars on fire.
Besides, most Tea Party members have to go to work during the day and don't have time for looting.
Perhaps another tactic would be better, like not endorsing a candidate that stabbed the favorite in the back a half dozen times.
First, off with the heads of the Democratic Party leadership who gave us Hillary. The corrupt bastards, and there are many in the Senate and Congress who are the
servants of Wall Street -- just count the 450 or so superdelegates who endorsed Hillary before the primaries and you've got your enemies list.
The Billionaire thieves control the Executive and both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court is up for grabs. Marching and chanting and demanding are cathartic; but how can we actually pursuade the likes of Mitch McConnell, Jeff Sessions, Bannen, and Ryan? I fear that, we'll tire out in impotent displays and the Trumpers will keep on destroying 100 years of progressive steps. When I consider the environmental and financial regulations they've already trashed, I shudder to imagine four years of this!
I hate to be called a liberal "tea party"....that Republican tea party was funded by the Koch Brothers....this movement is GRASS ROOTS, which is awesome!
The Progressives should own the Tea Party. Given that the original Colonies were corporations, and the Boston Tea Party was a protest against the crown enforcing British East India Tea Corporation's right to tax coffee and tea. The New Tea Party should continually reinforce it's opposition to the Corporate retaking the American Government.
One of the core behavioral traits hampering humankind's evolution of consciousness, and therefore our species' survivability, is a stubborn penchant for seeing the world around us through the bleary lens of abstract ideology and preconceived notions -- the world how we think and wish it to be rather than how it actually is. The progression of anthropogenic climate disruption is not dependent on whatever opinions we may have about the science; it just plays out according to the laws of physics.
Virtually every species that has gone extinct did so because of an inability to adapt to adverse environmental changes, usually because there simply wasn't enough time to evolve. Like it or not, this is the exact dilemma in which we now find ourselves, one that we created! If we are to survive, along with most other species on the planet, the majority of people -- especially our representatives in government -- must recognize the fact of global warming, how critical it is, and the primary cause, which is the environmentally inharmonious actions of the human mind.
Only then will it be possible to release the more constructive energy and willpower of our collective mind that could mitigate the life-ending disaster looming on the horizon -- the world's sixth mass extinction event, the worst one of all.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress are doing the exact opposite of what is required by deregulating and enabling the criminal behavior of the most deviant among us, those who selfishly destroy life to satiate their perpetual greed and lust for personal power.
I have no idea what you are saying. "Talk to the jellyfish" I didn't know they could talk:)), but I'm not a washed up leftie.
BTW, generation of energy by Fossil fuels has killed and injured many more people than generating electricity by Nuclear Energy. Radioactive waste can be solved. It's not addressed, because you washed up lefties are either scared, or in the pockets of the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel folks know wind and solar don't have the capacity to support our energy infrastructure. The fossil fuel industry knows nuclear energy is the only energy source that can meet our energy demands now and in the future, hence the demonizing of nuclear energy with the help of the washed up lefties.
I predict more EPA scientists will be hitting the bottle. They are used to publishing facts which are unheeded already, so no one really cares what they say as employees. Though it is supposedly difficult to fire federal employees, I think the new agency head will hire non-biologists to issue permits which impact ESL's, water, and air and laterally promote biologists and ecologists out of the permitting process.
Cris Kobach's "cross check" must be stopped and made illegal, I can't believe that it is'nt being challenged in the courts, it uses non fact as it's base, where are the liberal "legal eagles" that have the knowledge and the money to take steps to stop this? Would the ACLU have a standing to challenge this, obviously peoples rights as citizens are being violated, though deception and no proof whatsoever of any criminal acts and no legal comparison to justify the destuction of voters abilities to legaly cast ballots this is truely a dangerous president that has been set . Keep up the great work Thom!
Cheeto Benito is following the classic fascist playbook to the letter and very possibly could be writing the last chapter.
Boasting "reform," an unregulated economy will be run by dark-money billionaires and big-corp bosses who will use the power of government to benefit the top one percent and their global monopolies. Trumpeting "law and order," the key security jobs will be commanded by war-mongering generals who will radically increase the size of the military-industrial empire spanning the globe and the police-surveillance state crisscrossing the nation.
The trillions it will cost to erase the last traces of democracy will be provided by the working poor. The blood that will be spilled to secure the world's dwindling resources will be provided by their sons and daughters.
Political power is being stripped from the people through fraudulent election processes and consolidated into fewer and fewer greedy hands. Domestic spending is being decreased; military spending is being increased; the press is being marginalized and intimidated; the public is being lied to and indoctrinated; dissent is being criminalized and prosecuted.
At the beginning of his presidency in his "Cross of Iron" address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Eisenhower (a Republican who sounded like today's liberals) spoke out against the true cost of militarization. At the end of his presidency in his farewell address, he warned future generations of the "iron triangle," describing it as the "military-industrial [-congressional] -complex."
Throughout American history, the major political parties have been guilty of undermining the democratic principles of the Constitution by varying degrees; however, since World War Two and especially during the Reagan era, the growth of fascism has accelerated. Then, as the uncompromising Republican Party strayed further to the right, dragging along the compromising Democratic Party, a corporate-friendly Supreme Court pushed both parties over the edge by turning politics into a big-money game far removed from the people.
The stage is set for the final act. On cue, hiss boo, enter the main antagonist, "F*ckface Von Clownstick." (Thank you, Jon Stewart!)
You have to hit bottom to bounce back.
If Comey's extreme right-wing FBI no longer cares to protect "we the people" from hostile foreign intervention of our democracy, then by god they need to be privatized and no longer benefit from the wonderful non profit socialist jobs they have.
As far as I can tell, every cell communicates, every species has its own way of communicating (language) - including us humans ... would it help if we learn to use our language abilities to actually say something - to communicate?
I never have figured out why we can't get that waste cleaned up at Hanford - except that, maybe, someone wants that stuff to be accessible for current use. After decades of advocacy, activism, legislative and popular support (on all sides) for clean up of nuclear waste at Hanford ... why are those barrels of waste still seeping into the ground ... right next to a river at high ground?
Who, in the DOE/DOD keeps pulling the plug on cleanup/containment ... and why? Liberal lefties? Kinda vague.
I understand that nuclear medicine has made great strides. No doubt, fusion technologies are being developed that will provide more energy with less waste than existing power plants.
Even so, the problem of what to do with the waste looms large, along with questions of how to transfer investments and profits into technologies that do meet the energy needs of a healthy population.
Beyond all that, I encourage one and all to reach for the nuclear power source each one of us carries in every atom of every cell in our bodies and the presence of mind to recognize and accept our own potentials to function as healthy individuals in a healthy world ... that would be flexible and adaptable, I think.
I'm not qualified to argue science - climate or otherwise. From what I can see, jellyfish species have survived, even flourished through it all.
They are exceptional in their abilities to adapt and proliferate. They have intelligence, and are capable of combining populations to form complex organisms with designated functions that serve the whole entity ... just like us.
They thrive where others fail. They even clog filtering systems in nuclear plants (also, drilling stations and ocean going vessels?) forcing closure, and economic loss (which, of course, is the only loss we really count - other than "washed up liberal lefties" - and that, just for fun - right?)
And, with more pollution/toxicity, including radioactivity from nuclear power plants leeching into the environment (((including the oceans, where jellyfish live))) I can only guess who - or what - will survive ....
So, my sense is, jellyfish have much to tell us, if only we can learn their language, ... and listen. Chances are, most of us will not want to hear what they are saying.
I agree about your comment on "interstate crosscheck" . We can hope that there are folks out there, maybe in our intelligence agencies, that will expose through various means what's missing, the inside workings of the Trump team during the election, Trump's tax return, and especially the rigging of the election and his signing off on it- whistleblowers, hackers- get busy. There is so much to discover. Trump said he ordered his team to protect themselves from outside hacking and then blamed Hillary's campaign for not doing the same- he probably did both but I can't believe there aren't emails out there - conversations, directives, hints, that could get at the truth.
I agree with others, the Tea Party moniker leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But your point is well taken. I believe the only way to make this work in our favor is to keep the wheels of this revolution rolling faster and stronger. We need to make a lot of noise and initiate campaigns against every GOP congressmember running in 2018. Same for the Democrats who are closet conservatives. We need to get progressives in ofice or at the least liberal leaning moderates. Now is our time and we have a purpose. Revolt. Activate. Continue hitting the streets in larger numbers with signs, fliers and a voice. Make the people hear the truth. Show them the person running who will represent them, not the corporations.
I would never compare a liberal movement to the Koch's Teabagger Party. Progressives I know aren't very likely to be brainwashed by anyone, especially by crazy billionaires.
There's a big difference between a grassroots movement and a billionaire sponsored astroturf one. Progressives believe that truth is not a matter of opinion .....unlike the Teabaggers and their Fox Newsesque alternative facts.
I've come to the conclusion that to vote Teapublican is an admission to being a complete sucker in life. Under Fascist rule working class taxes are not going down and jobs are not coming back. Health insurance will be more unaffordable than ever, property tax will skyrocket when medicaid gets cut, and job loss will be back to the 2008 blood bath levels in less than a year. However the billionaires will make a fortune out of this misfortune...just like last time. If your not extremely rich and you vote Teapublican, you're a fool.
Victory at the ballot box isn't likely to happen until the election fraud is stopped. Crosscheck election fraud is never mentioned, even by progressive dems... ???
Putin did serious harm to the social and economic stability of this country and his plan will come to fruition soon enough. ...he knows Trump is a complete idiot. What Putin doesn't seem to know is that he has people close to him that want him stopped...and that will happen too....the old bomb under the table!!!!
Speaking of Ashville NY, many of Reed's offices in upstate are under sister protests once per week....I've been to them. Reed is a self serving con man much in the style of Paul Ryan....the sort Thomas Paine warned us about. He's kissing Trump's raggedy butt hoping for a position with the Fascists.
The only way to restore democracy is to be part of the solution intead of being a spectator who has many opinions but never votes or contacts their reps.
We have a stong base but too little amount willing to work at removing the corruption that has blanketed our Nation.
The GOP does not eat their own so the dictator Trump and his cronies can and will get awy with whatever they choose unless we get organized and fight back.
Liberal Tea Party? sound bite?
How about Progressive Party...or hey, take over the Independent Party...without losing the huge base of 42% of registered voters.
I will no longer support a candidate simply because they're 'better' than the other person, and I will continue to vote my consciense.
Personally, I don't think the Dems get it. My bet says 4 years from now it won't be a Sanders or Warren running against Trump, rather another Corporate Dem in a 3 button suit.
I would love to see a Liberal Tea Party develop. I wonder, though. Much of the neo-con tea party's power came from it's dogged mindlessness. For better or worse, liberals and progressives tend not to be doggedly mindless, opting more often to way over-think things.
Maybe we could harvest Trump's mindlessness and use it to our advantage to keep us focused and moving in the same direction long enough to neuter him (with a democratic senate and congress in 2018) then get rid of him with a massively decisive presidential victory in 2020.
Go ahead; be ashamed to be an American. Be very ashamed that we've allowed our country to fall this far. Then let's get off our butts and do something about it. No . . . let's do everything about it.
Switzerland has a higher life expectancy than does America. There is universal health care coverage in Switzerland, but the country does not have a single payer system. Non-profit health plans are sold by private companies. The government makes sure that the cost of the plans are affordable based on household income. The coverage is no doubt very extensive. In Europe, prescription drug costs are usually much more reasonable than in the U.S., and then on top of better pricing, countries have excellent health plans that cover most of the cost of drugs, so that citizens pay low fees to buy prescription drugs. Single payer is only one form of universal health care. Germany also does not have a single payer system. Great Britain has a national health care system which is directly supported by taxes, and not pased on paying indivivdual claims. It is like going to a Veteran's Affairs clinic or hospital in this country.
When people on this Web site write about the Democratic Party, they often have no nuance whatsoever. Some Democrats are and always have been very progressive on health care. They would have supported either a single payer system or tightly regulated non-profit health plans from private entities, such as exists in countries like Switzerland or Germany. Other Democrats were and are too skeptical and politically frightened to openly support a remake of health coverage through either a Canadian or Swiss approach. Many potential Demcratic voters never vote in Congressional elections, and many do not even vote for president. Poor education, alienation, whatever the cause, the Democrats have not been able to established a mechanism for trying to contact and reach a huge number of apathetic voters. Even though progressives cite polls where public opinion supports some univeral approach to health coverage, such as single payer, and cite Hillary having won the popular vote, these do not translate into a Democratic majority. Gerrymandering relates to the situation in the U.S. House. People have come to believe that government can't get things done, and there is some evidence for that. That tends to increase rather than decrease skepticism toward finding new and better policies and programs. Also, Americans have become judgmental rather than accepting of their fellow citizens, on the downward economic side. If you are doing well, you are good; if not, you are not so good, andmight be no good. People on the left remind me of Trump in one respect: they both have complained rather bitterly about the news media. Where did this get anyone? The overall socialization process has become distorted, many reject education as being a good thing, even among some supposedly educated people, and their opinion may be somewhat justified because of the ineffective nature of much of education, in civics, history, sociology, basic economic statistics, science, the arts, and in decency in respecting others on some basic level. International business is a fact of life for many companies. The situation ethnically and in terms of world view is complex. There is fear and prejudice, but there is also the necessity of acceptance and cooperation.
Thanks, deepspace, that is exactly the encouragement we all need!
Things are not always completely black and white. People seek out what they find to be the easiest to understand answers to them, based on their past indoctrination, socialization, upbringing, thought processes, influences, or whatever you want to call it.
Peaceful but pointed protests, strong resistance to destructive ideologies, and widespread political dissent are the most effective ways to change society for the better.
People of conscience must never give up the fight no matter how difficult. Each person in his or her own way according to their own unique talents must find the right action to rattle the cages of an out-of-touch political establishment. The First Amendment encourages (demands!) citizens to be heard -- to write, speak out publicly, join a political party (unfortunately, we're stuck with a constitutionally mandated two-party government), run for office, contribute to progressive-minded groups, withhold support of organizations and businesses that promote regressive policies, pester politicians by showing up at their town-hall meetings and calling their offices, join protests and march in the streets, and, most importantly, vote for progressive politicians and encourage others to vote, vote, vote!
The most effective grass-roots movements of the past spread like wildfire and were too fierce to be extinguished by a cynical media and too strong to be defeated by an opposition on the wrong side of history. Through stubborn persistence, sooner or later, the truth always conquers the lie. At this pivotal moment, the sooner the better!
".... how can Democrats turn it into victory at the ballot box?" Answer: They can't. The Democratic party has wandered so far off course since FDR that it's unrecognizable in populist terms. If a new progressive party doesn't result from all of this, there is no hope.
Now you are suggesting the Democrat party copy the Republicans? I don't remember the Republican Tea Party breaking businesses windows and setting police cars on fire.
Besides, most Tea Party members have to go to work during the day and don't have time for looting.
Perhaps another tactic would be better, like not endorsing a candidate that stabbed the favorite in the back a half dozen times.
First, off with the heads of the Democratic Party leadership who gave us Hillary. The corrupt bastards, and there are many in the Senate and Congress who are the
servants of Wall Street -- just count the 450 or so superdelegates who endorsed Hillary before the primaries and you've got your enemies list.
The Billionaire thieves control the Executive and both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court is up for grabs. Marching and chanting and demanding are cathartic; but how can we actually pursuade the likes of Mitch McConnell, Jeff Sessions, Bannen, and Ryan? I fear that, we'll tire out in impotent displays and the Trumpers will keep on destroying 100 years of progressive steps. When I consider the environmental and financial regulations they've already trashed, I shudder to imagine four years of this!
I hate to be called a liberal "tea party"....that Republican tea party was funded by the Koch Brothers....this movement is GRASS ROOTS, which is awesome!
The Progressives should own the Tea Party. Given that the original Colonies were corporations, and the Boston Tea Party was a protest against the crown enforcing British East India Tea Corporation's right to tax coffee and tea. The New Tea Party should continually reinforce it's opposition to the Corporate retaking the American Government.
One of the core behavioral traits hampering humankind's evolution of consciousness, and therefore our species' survivability, is a stubborn penchant for seeing the world around us through the bleary lens of abstract ideology and preconceived notions -- the world how we think and wish it to be rather than how it actually is. The progression of anthropogenic climate disruption is not dependent on whatever opinions we may have about the science; it just plays out according to the laws of physics.
Virtually every species that has gone extinct did so because of an inability to adapt to adverse environmental changes, usually because there simply wasn't enough time to evolve. Like it or not, this is the exact dilemma in which we now find ourselves, one that we created! If we are to survive, along with most other species on the planet, the majority of people -- especially our representatives in government -- must recognize the fact of global warming, how critical it is, and the primary cause, which is the environmentally inharmonious actions of the human mind.
Only then will it be possible to release the more constructive energy and willpower of our collective mind that could mitigate the life-ending disaster looming on the horizon -- the world's sixth mass extinction event, the worst one of all.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress are doing the exact opposite of what is required by deregulating and enabling the criminal behavior of the most deviant among us, those who selfishly destroy life to satiate their perpetual greed and lust for personal power.
K Allen
I have no idea what you are saying. "Talk to the jellyfish" I didn't know they could talk:)), but I'm not a washed up leftie.
BTW, generation of energy by Fossil fuels has killed and injured many more people than generating electricity by Nuclear Energy. Radioactive waste can be solved. It's not addressed, because you washed up lefties are either scared, or in the pockets of the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel folks know wind and solar don't have the capacity to support our energy infrastructure. The fossil fuel industry knows nuclear energy is the only energy source that can meet our energy demands now and in the future, hence the demonizing of nuclear energy with the help of the washed up lefties.
I predict more EPA scientists will be hitting the bottle. They are used to publishing facts which are unheeded already, so no one really cares what they say as employees. Though it is supposedly difficult to fire federal employees, I think the new agency head will hire non-biologists to issue permits which impact ESL's, water, and air and laterally promote biologists and ecologists out of the permitting process.