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  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   7 years 52 weeks ago

    Who could have guessed it would be "W" to come to the aid of the Press?!! He's mellowed a little, I guess, since his time in Office. I wish the current administration would take heed from "W"'s words, but with someone like the present troll in the White House, and everyone else afraid of him and the bridge under which he lives, I doubt anyone will take heed.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   7 years 52 weeks ago

    It does seem ironic that people have rightly complained about infotainment and constraints of the mainstream media from reporting the truth ... for at least a few years ... and now that Trump makes the same complaint, we jump to protect authentic journalism ... understandably, now that The Donald is stacking the deck with his own marked cards ... it's just does not seem like the new game will be more fair ... but, is it a new game?

  • Aliso Canyon: The Invisible Disaster.   7 years 52 weeks ago

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  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 29 min ago

    Trump understands the difference between propaganda Fox fake news, the kind he promotes, verses the real news he wants to suppress....the kind that merely holds a mirror up to the truth of his fascist chaos.

    When hasn't Trump pulled the 180 on truth like this? His best defense is always distraction with offense. You can rest assured that when he's pointing his finger about anything, he and his accomplices have already committed that very crime. A good example was his accusation of voter fraud, simply meant to distract attention away from the election fraud that put the Teapublicans in power to begin with.

    Network news is at best brief with very little content of any value, but even that sheds too much light on the Trump/Teapublican lie unfolding before us.

    The first comment I made the morning after the election was...the Teapublican Party will no longer be able to fly under the radar and hide its intent. That is unless the media is silenced as in third world overthrows....which is what we are seeing.

    I guess the future all depends on how much citizens and our so called free press are willing to give up their first amendment rights. This also includes employees of the CIA and FBI. They can't all be right-wing extremists like Comey. Someone needs to be a true american patriot and do the right thing. The treason is no secret.....could it be more obvious?

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 1 hour ago

    One of the few positive things that Trump is inclined to do, in addition to getting along with Russia and avoiding another Cold War, is to delegitimize and perhaps break up the monopolistic MSM, long the mouthpiece of plutocracy and the deep state. Every attack Trump launches against that monstrosity of mind control is to be appauded, as we continue to oppose his regressive positions on the environment, human rights, etc. It's time that the left moved away from asinine analogies to Hitler and began to intelligently assess which parts of the resurgent populism/nationalism deserve our backing, and which must be fought against with all that's in us.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 4 hours ago

    What we are watching is the establishment of a fascist dictatorship. The Bannon administration is getting no pushback from the congress or senate; even the ones who were highly critical of Trump as a candidate started lining up to kiss his ass as soon as he became president. Bannon has announced as one of their priority projects the neutering of the Judiciary so that they don't question every decision the president makes. And, of course, the Supreme Court will soon be permanently populated with enough Trump "yes" people to insure that no interference is encountered from that front for the next several decades. So all they really need to do now is to squash the free press. That is a main priority on every dictator's to-do list. Look it up.

    We will soon have a dictator of the temperament of a Nero or a Caligula with unchecked power running the US. People keep comparing Trump to Hitler. Trump hasn't a fifth the brain power of an Adolf Hitler (who wasn't himself exactly a genius). Trump by himself is an undifferentiated blob of sociopathic narcissism. He needs Bannon to lend him form and direction. Bannon serves as a nozzle to direct Trump’s high pressure juvenile vitriol in semi-coherent politically philosophical streams so that Trump doesn't’t always come across as a toddler throwing a hissy fit.

    We don't have the will and the wherewithal (you need both) in any entity or institution to oppose the Trump regime. Half of the country thinks what's happening is just great and they're the ones with their hands on the controls.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 4 hours ago

    He's so vain, he probably thinks the news is about him.

    Other than reporting unethical activity, Presidential national blow-out expenditures, irreparable damage to the United States, and personal Presidential lifestyle costs to taxpayers, I hope his perceived media enemies take up a strategy of just not mentioning the name Trump at all, in any sort of coverage.

    Let the excluder be excluded!

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    It may not be fashionable but Trumps's assertion of fake news is correct based upon what I observe on CBS, ABC and NBC evening news shows. I watch them rarely but when I do the lead stories from the three major networks are almost always the same and it is about Trump, Trump, and more Trump. The House or the Senate is rarely discussed unless it is about Russia. And when was the last time there was an in depth interview done by broadcaster questioning a liberal or conservative or moderate senator, congressperson about Social Security, automation in the workplace, climate change, etc, real wage regression, The FED, etc.?So yes, it is fake news but they aren't lying per se. They just are providing pablum for the masses or magician tricks so the audience watches the shiny object while the real news isn't reported or worst distorted so we have the feel good story at the end of the program.

    CNN, MSNBC, Fox, are not any better. Each has their own agenda. If I must watch TV News I'll watch PBS or BBC. I prefer to get my news from multiple sources so I am not in the echo chamber. I also prefer to read the news instead of someone reading to me as if I were a child.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    If good government is supposed to be based on checks and balances,

    and if the press is considered the "the fourth branch of government"

    then its time they get checked from saying anything that sells papers.


  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    Actually, this is the second step, but I agree with your statement. The first step was 'telling' the news media what to say & what NOT to say. Simply not reporting important information and stories wasn't enough, so now this.

    The day after the election I said "These next four years will come to be known as the rape of America." Trump and his plunder monkeys will take all they want, well, all they can get. With all the 9/11 inspired unconstitutional laws already on the books (and more to come, I'm sure), the militarization of the police, the huge new capacity to retain large numbers of people that now exists and Trump's apparent distain for the Constitution, the already occuring disappearences are sure to worsen dramatically.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    How can you get any dumber News groups. They have the microphone they have the camera. The only thing lacking is brains, guts, and the ability to press the truth out of someone. All they have to do is keep on pounding on the news every night that they are being stonewalled from any knowledge of any activity in the white house. Apparently the NEWS hasn't gotten the news that there is a thing called the freedom of the press. Bunch of chickens!!

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    Write to your Senators and Congress person for a Special Prosecutor to investigate Trumps taxes, campaign and business for ties to Russia and Conflicts of Interest. We have a POTUS that was not vetted in any way. If he will not release his taxes, to the public, a Special Prosecutor will be able to look at them and decide for us.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 5 hours ago

    I would rather see Trump break up these news monopolies, rather than exclude them, but I do agree that they are purveyors of Fake News. If you think they are not delivering fake news based on their corporate agenda, then you must have forgotten the presidential primaries in their entirety.

  • Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?   8 years 6 hours ago

    And so it begins...the first step to a dictatorship has been taken - obstructing "unfavorable" news reporters and their employers. Next will be outright censorship; then 'disappearances'.

  • Is Trump Making America White Again?   8 years 8 hours ago

    Dianereynolds: "America has existing immigration laws."

    Indeed. But America's immigration laws will remain meaningless for as long as America's laws relative to the hiring of undocmented workers remain unenforced (said laws began to be ignored in 1987 and by the Reagan administration).

    So do you, dianereynolds, think that laws relative to the employment of undocumented workers should be enforced again just as Thom Hartmann does?

    Dianereynolds: "You have been beating the same divide and conquer (white vs. everyone else) drum for the entire time you have been on the air. You neglect to grasp the fact your drum has been beaten by voters in every local, city, and state elections for years."

    As a Marxian socialist, I am well-aware of the divide-and-conquer tactic; something which, to Marxists, is practiced by the capitalist class and its henchmen against the working class - against people of all pigmentations within the working class. But I'm not at all certain as to what you meant by your assertion that Hartmann is "beating the same divide and conquer...drum." Will you please unpack your comment, Diane?

    And will you also explain what it is that you mean by "white guilt'?

    Thank you.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 22 hours ago

    Well, it depends on who is suing who for what and why.

    The knife cuts both ways.

    For instance, Mike Papantonio sued the tobacco industry in the infamous landmark case that forced them to quit lying, acknowledge the science, place warnings on their products, and cease advertising to children, etc. That action has saved thousands if not millions of lives and greatly reduced the burden on the healthcare system.

    He, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and other ethical lawyers have also sued medical equipment providers and pharmaceutical firms for deliberately selling products that top management knew were lethal to large percentages of patients or caused life-long illnesses. These murderous bastards put profits over people and increased the patient load by leaps and bounds.

    Exxon Mobile knowingly lied for decades even after their own scientists proved beyond a doubt that burning fossil fuels causes global warning, terrible cancers, and poisons the air, land, and water everywhere. Think how all those negative effects ring up the cash registers in the doctors' offices and hospitals. That company screams out to be sued, and its den of thieves and killers need to have their asses dragged into court, found guilty, and thrown into the deepest, darkest dungeons.

    Instead, their former CEO was crowned Secretary of State.

    The biggest abusers of our judicial system are not little people at the bottom initiating frivolous lawsuits -- those idiots are usually weeded out pretty fast; it's the millionaires and billionaires milking their mega-corporate cash cows, assholes who sue anyone at the drop of a hat and clog up the courts with mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies and restructuring -- all on the taxpayers' dime!

    For instance, His Majesty, Trump the Faker, declared bankruptcy six times, screwing over lenders, investors, city governments, the IRS (He never paid any personal income taxes for almost a decade and called it "genius."), contractors, and workers, all the while living the life of a spoiled playboy and grabbing pussy. To date, he has been involved in at least 4,000 lawsuits, and counting, either as a defendant or as a plaintiff -- mostly because he was cheating people out of money.

    And yet, on January 20, 2017 -- a day that will live in infamy -- he was crowned as the king ...of the swamp.

  • GOP Wants To Treat Protesters Just Like Terrorists   8 years 1 day ago

    Americans, have been "realistically" sheltered domestically, from these kinds of ("extremist"),"fascist"), ("totalitarian rhetoric"), and (direct political assault), more ,or less since the end of WWII. The exceptions of course, were the McCarthy Era, extremeist anti communist lunacy of the fifties, the deceptions of Vitenam, J.Edgar Hoover, (Cointelpro), Watergate, and the lies leading to the profiteering fascist style false flag war in Iraq. Eeven those abominations of fascist lunacy, are nothing compared to the extreme dnger of (totalitarianism), and (corproate fascist oligarchy) represented by these insane, over the top fascists of the Trump administration, top to bottom. The nightmare scenario of these lunatics, runnng things in the White house had to have been dreamed up in Satan's think tank, metaphorically speaking. A paranoid, delusional classically "(malignant narcissistic personality disorder president)" diagnosed by a growing number of psychiatrists. They have signed an open letter to congress, and the media. They are literlly trying to warn everyone, that this president is ("INSANE"), extremely unstable, unpredicatable, and extremely dangerous, considering his positon. The restraints of politics on dealing with this clear and present threat to our society, and the human race are frightening and dangerous. All the classic signs of (totalitarian fascist techniques), and (power strategies) are there, plain as day. My generation witnessed over, and over again in countries from Indonesia, to Thailand where I served in 1972, to Africa, central America, South America, etc etc, the very same tacics of xenophbia, fear of "others", hispanics, blacks, muslims, Chinese,you name it they want you to be afraid of them. That's because a frightened person is easy to control. That's what they want. They want you to beleive everyone, but them is a criminal, and incompetent, exactly what narcissist Trump tries to do. They want to attack the press and replace open criticism with their own narrative, their own propaganda, that never sees, or mentions their theft, lies, murder, and debauchery. My dear fellow Americans left right, and center had better get their heads out of their back sides, and wake up before we find ourselves in a prison of our own making. It really is that bad. These lunatics have to go. "NOW!" before They start a conflagration to cover their debauchery, and theft.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    Deepspace don't forget what separates Americans from the rest of the world, your stupid lawsuits. It cost the end user a fortune. There needs to be a lot more talk about it.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    Hey Kend. Sorry for your loss too. Cancer is a tough one.

    Ha, yeah, my mom had a strong spirit and was always ready to speak her mind and argue with anyone, but in a friendly and humorous way (unlike me). They're probably both keeping up the good fight, looking down at us and laughing.

    You, Legend, and many others are right, no matter what healthcare system a country ends up with, the cost of the care is the number one problem for everyone involved -- patient, provider, insurance, taxpayer, consumer, government. As you know, in the U.S. the price of almost everything in the health industry is rising something like three times as fast as the average inflation rate of the economy in general.

    A lot of tough choices and no easy answers.

    I agree that given our political climate it's probably a bridge too far to expect a workable national plan that can cover everyone without being outrageously expensive. California is getting serious about it and may come up with something that could be a model for other states to adopt -- a universal, single-payer system that spreads the cost of premiums over the whole population in the form of payroll deductions that would go into a not-for-profit state program rather than into the coffers of for-profit private insurance companies. People could still purchase private insurance for extra goodies and non-essential secondary care, etc. Oregon and Washington may soon follow, possibly others when they see how it works.

    Still, whether it's state by state or national, somehow politicians and industry leaders will have to figure out how to rein in the costs, which means someone besides the little people must bite the bullet and learn the virtues of austerity. Eliminating, or at least capping off, the banksters and greed-heads on Wall Sreet, in the insurance industry, big pharma, medical equipment and supply chains, and the out-of-control, for-profit monopoly hospitals and physician associations would be a good place to start. As you said, people on both sides of the aisle need to come together to find a viable solution, perhaps rediscover the right balance between free enterprise and the commons, just as the founders of our countries tried to do.

    Coming to grips with the larger picture in the United States means that concerned citizens must ask fundamental questions. What is the purpose of government, to help the many or just the few? Does the economy work for us, or do we work for it -- is it nothing but a mindless machine that only benefits the operators pulling the levers at the top? What are our spending priorities, to squander blood and treasure in the endless wars of a world-wide military empire -- neoliberalism bordering on fascism -- that is stealing power and wealth from the People and building a modern feudal realm of kings and queens, landlords and serfs?

    Good sparring with you, Kend. Trump isn't ready to invade Canada and topple Trudeau just yet. But keep an eye on his tweets...

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    Deepspace, of course as a Canadian I would prefer our system over the US one. The US system appears to be broken. If you have wealth it is the best system in the world if you don't it is the worst. You should take Tommy's advice and create a state by state system it is much easier to implement. To me all of our problems implementing healthcare are because no one will talk about the true cost of healthcare. To have the single payer system you want be prepared to see your personal taxes increase at least 20 %. Be prepared to see your standard of living to drop drastically. Be prepared to have a massive "sin" tax, alcohol, cigs, hotels, flights, etc costs will triple. My same CC whiskey is $68 in Canada and $16 in AZ. Of course I would rather pay more for whiskey to give everyone good healthcare. But be honest to everyone who is going to pick up the tab. That is your average everyday middle class worker. That Ia why Obamacare is failing. The middle class person struggling to get by wasn't prepared for their massive increases to subsidize those who are less fortunate. If conservatives and liberals could just quit attacking each other for a second and find a solution in the middle that everyone could agree on we all win. This all or nothing approach will never work. Sorry about your loss. I lost my mom to cancer as well. Wonder if they are up there arguing like us.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    That's a neat site, Diane, for those who can do it - even for those who simply want to travel and see the world - even so, you need a source of income and some stability to move about that freely.

    A lot of people can't afford to move to a different neighborhood ((until forced to move on, by economic development.)) I figure, if I'm lucky and blessed enough to have a home, my priority would be to take care of it.

    I live close to where I was born - a place so beautiful, everyone wants to live here ... where the sun rises ((and sets)) over snow capped mountains with forested hills and mist shrouded valleys with orchards and fields, rivers and streams ... once owned by Japanese farmers, seized during WWII ...

    And now, the natural wonder and glory of this place is laced and bedecked with highways chock full of cars. Parking lots, shopping malls, gas stations, convenience stores, housing developments - and lots of folks with no home to go to, too - and so many people racing every which way ... an industrial hub, it is a cornucopia of change.

    Oh, and don't forget the fast food chains, and coffee shops, too.

    I love this place. I feel, if I have that kind of choice in the first place, I would rather stay home and keep working for health and peace in this world of quantum change ... where I know my way around, and have a legal right to be ((which, as it turns out, does make a difference.))

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    As Thom has so often suggested, there is always the option of becoming an expat.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 1 day ago

    You will never get reasonable cost health insurance as long as the health costs are as high as they are and increasing at a rapid rate. Simple procedures can cost thousands of dollars. I suggest medical Tourism. Leave this country and get reasonably priced healthcare. Airfare and hotel becomes a minor part of the cost.*

    I would like to see countries like Panama start advertising on TV. That would wake up the AMA. Our Senate recently upheld a law preventing the import of pharmacuticals. If you have expensive drugs go to another country and get them. Make it a vacation. The same is true for dental costs.

  • How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?   8 years 2 days ago

    Hi Randolph. Haha, I'm not sure if you were addressing Kend or me. Either way, you made good points.

    The history of the ACA, of course, has many subtleties, which are too involved to expound upon in a blog post. Suffice it to say that my limited understanding of the subject is derived only from memory and an acute interest in witnessing this pivotal event as it happened, since Max Baucus was my Senator at the time and the committee chairman.

    In spite of being a corporate Democrat, he accomplished many good things for the people in his long career; however, in this particular battle, he sold us out with a nod from Obama. To keep the insurance companies (Baucus' principle donors) on board, and in the naive hope to garner more support from the Republicans on the committee for the final vote, Baucus and Obama compromised too much by opposing the public option, which was the principal issue for progressive Democrats, who protested mightily.

    Establishment Democrats were fools for their misplaced trust and the Republicans were back-stabbers for reneging on their already meager support. The Cons abused the process by holding out a carrot while suckering the Dems into accepting every poison pill and time bomb they could possibly sneak into the final bill. They were committed from the very beginning to make Obama fail at absolutely every initiative he would ever attempt, especially "Obamacare." (Read, "When the Tea Party Came to Town" by Robert Draper.)

    Since the ACA has many bastardized parts adopted from the conflicted ideas of both parties, the history is very complicated. Some of the key components, for sure, were primarily Republican, hatched in the Heritage Foundation, such as the individual mandate and ensuring profits for the private sector through a combination of employer and individual premiums, along with vouchers and certain other indirect government subsidies. Nixon tried his own version but was stymied by Ed Kennedy who was holding out for his version of single-player, which never succeeded either.

    Republican efforts at so-called "reform" eventually petered out for lack of support from their own members. Romney, however, succeeded in Massachusetts by incorporating certain Heritage Foundation concepts. Single-payer efforts by Democrats go all the way back to the Truman Administration and are equally complex.

  • At What Point Do Trump Supporters Feel Betrayed?   8 years 2 days ago

    All has been said many times. P.T Barnum, and all the leaders of the past.

    When we fought the war with England, it was because the wealthy did not want to pay the English taxes. They wrote the constitution that looked as it gave the American people live,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and some guarantees.

    The Civil War were lies and just power grabs that many Americans died believing it was for states rights and or slavery.

    A lot of the hidden lies are being made visible. The existing parties will not resolve these issues, but will try their best to hide them.

    We need many Good Honest People to lead a grassroots revolt to take over and remove all the corrupt politicians and re institute a new United States of American for the people, by the people, and mostly of the people all participating!

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