Recent comments

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I heard this morning on Democracy Now that Mr Sessions only recused himself from a specific element of the investigation, the piece "...relating in any way to the campains for president ..." which might leave a bit of wiggle room. Just like he assumed there was no need to mention speaking to the Russian ambassador because they hadn't discussed the upcoming elections, is this 'recusal' just more semantic sidestepping?

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    The real question here is why have so many of trumps men been communicating with the Russians? What are they plotting or what information is being exchanged and at what costs? I smell a skunk (and it's not because California legalized pot) but there have been a number of Russians disappearing or arrested and killed lately is there some kind of exchange going on between the administration and the Russians?

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    As I tried to tell Thom today on the program, this is a trickle that will become a torrent and then a flood that Trump could stem by releasing his tax returns, if only he had nothing to hide. But then, the question is how can we rid ourselves of "All the President's Men?"

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Sessions simply must resign. He recused himself - so what? He will still be the Attorney General and will be able to influence if not outright control any investigation that is going on. If he was truly removing himself from any involvement, it would be the same as resigning, so let's go Jeffy....

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Deplorables and swamp monsters

    What we are seeing is an administration of deplorables and swamp monsters. Trump says it's a witch hunt. Asked about Trump's comment and what's going on; Jeff Sessions said, "double double toil and trouble."

    Dan, San Diego

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    History serves as a warning to future generations. What greater warning is there than how the concentration of wealth and power and the rise of authoritarianism invariably lead to the erosion of democratic societies and to the horrendous atrocities perpetrated by megalomaniacs who never quit seeking more and more, until they either die or are forcibly stripped of power?

    People are as unique as snowflakes, and melt away just as fast in their short time on Earth. Although it can be highly misleading merely to compare the superficial personality traits of today's autocrats to the individual personalities of yesterday's tyrants (e.g. Trump to Hitler), the same fundamental behavioral patterns that afflict certain humans beings and that repeatedly produce the same basic outcomes must surely be heeded.

    Egocentricity, self-aggrandizement, narrow-minded ideology, ethnic hatred, lack of empathy, selfishness, greed, and the other backward-evolving common denominators of fascist leaders and followers everywhere, are the shared sins of humanity that have caused all the wars and mass suffering down through the ages. How is it any different today?

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    It's so hard for cockroaches to scurry for the shadows under all those damn klieg lights and cameras! If Trump's henchmen were not colluding with Russians to influence our elections, then why did they lie about their conversations? Such a simple question is sure stirring up a lot of heated malarkey. The Attorney General doth protest too much, methinks.

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Tricky to discern the occasional truth DT may utter whether he's rambling or reading off TelePrompters and WHEN, and in what cronological order, he spits this out. Perhaps he's not as crazy as experts have diagnosed. His and his administration's constant throwing out conflicting statements is at best unsettling and at worst keeps those who question him less certain. Discussions about whether or not DT is an anti-semite doesn't matter to me me, because he's camillian-like, changing more of his statements than his philosophy. The fact sooo many of his children have love relationships with Jews does not make him a lover of Jews. (I think DT's heart is already jam packed with love of Donald and there's no room left for anything else.)The occasional (you're in toooo small a club, Thom!) reminders and comparisons to Nazi ways of manipulation and this so far not yet deeply investigated Russia involvement in our election is at the core of my beliefs and need to protect the freedoms I've grown to count on and appreciate in our democracy. My daily thoughts wrap around the protections I'd always thought were the framework for American life.

  • Thursday 2 March '17 show notes   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Deplorables and swamp monsters

    What we are seeing is an administration of deplorables and swamp monsters. Trump says it's a witch hunt. Asked about Trump's comment and what's going on; Jeff Sessions said, "double double toil and trouble."

    Dan, San Diego

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago


  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    (Dianereynolds - #10)
    "How about we catch some of these people before declaring or even hinting who did the deed. Your constantly fanning the flames without any evidence makes you look very small."

    Point well taken, Diane. (((((Personally, I think the Boston bombing was staged. Why so? The technical quality of the media coverage had the look of a high tech home movie.)))))

    ""Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people - or to make others - look bad".

    Actually, there is a lot of truth in that statement, not necessarily pointing to Jewish people - as in some who might want to instigate anti-Semitic conflict.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...:

    "Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice, in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present."

    "That torch is now in our hands."

    "And we will use it to light up the world."

    "Light it up?"

    Oh, Hey. Eat, drink and be merry ... no need not to prance now ...

    A new day is coming, the old is passing away ....

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    trump's strategy all along has not been out of a neo-nazi manual, it has been lifted directly from the chapters of mein kampf.

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago


    This is very reminiscent of the comments you made immediately following the Boston bombings. Remember your knee jerk reaction by saying this was exactly the type of bomb used by "white supremacists"?

    How about we catch some of these people before declaring or even hinting who did the deed. Your constantly fanning the flames without any evidence makes you look very small.

  • Trump Proves How Easy the Press Is Manipulated   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    PUTIN’s TAKE on TRUMP’s FAILURE {a double-limerick and an image}

    Which’d be the mood of Vlad?

    √ Would Mister Putin be glad

    to watch us go bad

    under Donald the Mad? - - -

    - - - OR √ Would Vlad be sad, …

    … since he’d lose the use of his tool,

    Trump the inveterate fool?

    Would he Like it or Not

    that America’s lot

    was to be strangled in an idiot’s drool?

    … Image of a drooling idiot:


  • Trump Proves How Easy the Press Is Manipulated   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    WORDS ENDING WITH “-essions” {a limerick} {extra points if all 5 lines rhyme}

    There once was a perp named Jeff Sessions

    who suppressed his indiscretions

    so’s to leave impressions

    of no Russia transgressions

    and no Blacks-and-Gays repressions.


  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Also from the speech:

    "Those given the high honor of admission to the United States should support this country and love its people and its values."

    "We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America, and we cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists."

    "And we must support the victims of crime."

    "I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims."

    "The office is called Voice, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement."

    ... can we make that retroactive?

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    "Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week’s shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies,"

    " ... we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms."

    "We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines ..."

    Ok. So, if it looks like a graveyard, and we can see that grave sites of specific individuals have been desecrated, then we know we have "disturbed the peace" for those who have been laid to rest. Not ok.


    I just have to ask ... how is it that we can desecrate sacred burial grounds, as we decimate sacred waters of life ... and somehow, because we do not acknowledge the error of our ways, if we even see it at all ..., that's ok?

    Hey. So long as I get my way ...?

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Well, I could actually picture Bannon sending his monkeys out to vandalize a confederate cemetery to make progressives look bad. It would be the same anti-semetic monkeys that are currently terrorizing Jewish communities. Trump's false flag alt right comment definitely has the filth of Bannon smeared all over it.

    BTW: Will Trump pardon Comey and Giuliani before he gets impeached? What in hell is the CIA waiting for?

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    The answer is soooo obvious I'm surprised you're even asking it. Makes me wonder. :D

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Does no one recall that the "Kansas City shooting" took place in Olathe, Kansas? You know, just down the street from similar events in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Public infrastructure must remain PUBLIC!!!!!!!

    NO Public "Private" partnerships!!!!

    No selling off our country!!!!

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Angry, racist statements escape from Trump's fat head like air out of a balloon, but conciliatory, ant-racist statements must be read slowly and deliberately from carefully prepared statements that sound distinctly un-Trumpish. The pained expression, whenever he goes against his nature and tries to appear magnanimous and all-inclusive, looks like he's squeezing his hemorrhoids. That this bumbling bigot inspires so many says a lot about the sorry state of Amerikkkan culture.

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Why is the mainsteam not talking about it??? ...YOU Thom, of all people know why the media is silent. Just like the rich - Money is the media's god too. They don't care one iota about the middle class, commoners, or the poor. And when you got money you could care less about having prejudice, in any way shape or form about anything. The communication industry is saturated with money generating garbage, period.

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I suspect the Berkley attack was perpetrated by his ilk, based on comments by Robert Reich made at the time. IDK if he still suspects so, but hey?..

  • Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    While I am a big fan of Thom Hartmann I think he's off base a bit on this one. I don't think the president was referring to Jews as being the culprits, but Democratic Party sympathizers. That false flag events happen is undeniable but is normally a tactic of the far right and used in a far more direct manner. e.g.. The recent events at UC Berkeley that included starting of fires seems obviously counter productive other than to make the students look like anarchists. I'm still half convinced that was false flag but it's difficult to prove when you don't have the perps in custody.

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