The egomaniacal pathological liar and sexual pervert flat out stole one of Bernie's primary issues, the bad trade deals! Hartmann has stated repeatedly that he totally agrees with Trump on that issue -- or at least his (empty) rhetoric on the campaign trail that was designed to fool voters, much like the rest of his hollow promises -- as do the majority of Democrats in Congress.
Obviously, you don't listen to Thom and are just pulling a list of liberal pundits out of your big, right-wing ass to add a thin veneer of credibility to your hackneyed talking points. Sorry, it ain't working.
Even though Bill Clinton and Obama strayed far off the reservation, so-called "free trade" always was and still is primarily a Republican issue that most Democrats fiercely oppose. If you think your fair-haired boy will fundamentally reverse thirty years of corporate, Wall Street policy, you are even more gullible than your shallow post indicates.
Puhlease! Quit spreading sophomoric lies on this forum that don't pass the smell test ...such as, "his own party calls him a traitor because The Big Picture is on RT (Russian TV)." Whatever turds are floating around in the wing-nut swamp that you are gnawing doesn't mean that misinformed fools grinding their own axes and spitting out worthless opinions speak for the whole party. Thom retains total independent control over the content of his programming and always has, no matter who may host the platform.
News flash: RT news segments, however (not political commentary programs like Thom's), are slanted toward the Russian point of view. Why would they not be? By comparison, Fox Faux News (evidently your favorite) is way off the charts on the lie scale and is nothing but an unpatriotic, shameless, over-the-top propaganda arm for the Republican Party, which only serves the interests of rich white men. Story for story, it makes RT news look like a paragon of truth. In fact, the F*cks News captive audience is more misinformed than people who watch no news at all, according to a recent, very in-depth industry study that has been widely circulated. Look it up. Break out of your tiny pen and range out into the wider pasture.
BTW: I really doubt you were ever a Democrat. That's a very common, and not very clever, hook that trolls notoriously use when they're posting on liberal blogs or calling in on radio programs. You're not fooling anyone there, Mensa Man.
If you actually were a Democrat once upon a time and did leave the party, well, then good riddance -- the party doesn't need wishy-washy, insincere, low-information turncoats not committed to real change. The anti-worker Republican Party of Corporate America and their Liar in Chief should fit you just fine.
Certainly the Courts must challenge this latest outrage. Homegrown terrorists are the actual problem that yearns to be addressed. The timing of the Muslim ban and Ryancare seem a deliberate distraction from 45s apparent treasonous ties.
No Clar, I am not a American and I see a countries government finally doing their job and putting its own citizens first. I am pretty sure most countries in the "free world" will follow your lead. This whole globalization thing isn't working anywhere and was a big mistake.
1. The State Department, FBI, CIA, and military intelligence, and all the numerous investigations done by the Republican Congress turned up nothing, zilch, nada. I'll go by their conclusions, not Granny Di's delusions.
2. No evidence; no facts; no nothing but slanted opinion and Clinton hatred. Mainstream working Americans include everyone, and the majority voted for Hillary. Again, fact vs Granny Di's delusion.
3. Unfortunately for your talking point, I happen to know very much about "Fast and Furious" and will stand by my synopses. It's extremely complicated, so very briefly: There were several operations conducted under Project Gunrunner that spanned both administrations. Two of the main ones: Operation Wide Receiver under Bush failed; Fast and Furious under Obama failed spectacularly. Stupidly, the latter did allow guns to "walk" over the border; they did make attempts to track them; they did absolutely screw it up big time and lost the majority, but not all. Ultimately, lower officials in the ATF and other agencies were held accountable. Bottom line: although much misinformation is out there in Lie Lie Land, the trail of primary culpability did not reach all the way up to the AG's desk or to the Oval Office. Again, I'll go by the conclusions of the numerous investigations, not Granny Di's delusions. Woman Hater? My, my ...drooling again, are you?
4. Non sequitur retort. Put glasses on, Granny, to improve reading comprehension. Never indicated, ever, that it's okay to have open borders. Obama's program turned the tide; border wall is dumb, waste of taxpayer money, and won't work. Get serious: continue Obama's deporting program; increase surveillance; crack down on work and visit visa programs -- most undocumented immigrants overstay; most importantly, put employers who hire them (to bust union movements) in jail and revoke their business license -- you'll see the numbers dwindle to almost zero. BTW, no immigrants from South America ever committed any terrorist attacks, and, as a group, they commit far less crime than any other, including good ol' white Christian boys.
5. Again, no facts, only empty rhetoric and false assumptions. Professors and colleges come in all stripes. The biggest danger to education are billionaires like the Kochs who donate money to buy influence over the curriculums to push corporate, libertarian economic theories, and religious indoctrination centers passed off as "higher learning." Look in the mirror, Granny, if you want a good laugh (metaphorically).
6. Again, poor reading comprehension and false assumptions. Never said they lean to the right or support Trump. They "cover" the right more than the left, because the MSM is the right -- the corporate right -- and they only care about making money, not what is "fair and balanced."
The simple fact is that salacious news (i.e. Trump) attracts more eyeballs; ergo, more air time, more money. Not opinion; hard statistics; look it up. Also, common wisdom, historical fact: "There is no bad press" -- meaning, even negative coverage helps name recognition and allows the victim card to be played that attracts voters.
Otherwise, by your logical fallacy, he never would have been elected, because even his base would have been scared away by all his negative coverage. Why do you think he constantly hammers the press, receives cheers from his crowds, and stays in the headlines? Get real, Granny; your naivety is showing.
7. Yet again, poor reading comprehension; false assumption. Never said the violence was by "righties." Now, you're just railing against straight-up, objective reporting. Get your head out of the ass of MSM, Fox Faux News, and breathe something else besides swamp gas, you'll find the proof. Do your own damn homework.
8. Signs aren't violence. Political speech is the most protected right in the Constitution, far more than any other right. No money from the billionaires; real grassroots. Sorry, if you can't handle the truth that your sexual pervert and liar is considered a very, very unpopular so-called president by the majority of the people. Democrats, and most everyone else, are rising up spontaneously and organizing on their own volition. Unlike authoritarian followers, they don't need billionaires holding their hands ...or grabbing their pussies.
9. "Enough said" ...for small vessels that can't contain very much. Half-true, half-lie, right-wing talking points prove nothing. Romney still hiding hundreds of millions from IRS offshore and complex financial arrangements, like most unpatriotic rich bastards.
10. And, why wasn't Obama able to fill those seats? Oh, that's right -- total Republican obstructionism. Works pretty well, doesn't it? Democrats should learn to do that.
11. Agreement. Kinda.
12. Agreement. Kinda. Democratic socialism is to pure socialism like regulated capitalism is to pure capitalism. "Leftie/progressive/liberal" ..."rightie/swamp-critter/conservative are just fun labels to draw lines in the sand. Underlying issues are the real battle.
13. I'm glad you are able to laugh at my comments. :--))
You heard that for all those years because it was true. However, it was for 8 years, not 71/2 -- Republican obstructionism commenced on inauguration day, January 2009. Read Robert Drapers' "When the Tea Party Came to Town." (Earlier version: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do.") FYI: I've read some of his books and articles; he seems to be a fair and objective investigative journalist/writer -- not even sure of his political affiliation.
Conclusion: Ha, nice ego dig there, Granny! But study that mirror before you accuse others of what you do constantly (projection). Again, false assumption -- I don't try to be right about anything or be anything but what I am -- a horse with no ego, when it comes to political discourse anyway. See, it's not about who is right or wrong; it's about what is right or wrong.
It is no great revelation, obviously, that everyone see things differently according to their own particular conditioning, which derives from their own sources of information and adopted viewpoints, however limited. In politics, unfortunately, policy affects everyone, either on the left or the right. In a democracy, therefore, everyone should and needs to speak up -- forcefully, when the issues are so critical. Let the chips fall where they may.
There is certainly nothing wrong with legitimate anger; it's a great motivator. Your own comments demonstrate that quite clearly. As the old saying says, "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention!" Look around the world. In case you haven't noticed: severe climate change; wars everywhere; massive suffering; extreme wealth disparity; dwindling resources; religious hypocrisy; societal collapse. Why is that?
The inexorable movement of time and outside reality is a matter of recognition, not about how we feel might about it -- or who is right or wrong about this or that piece or part.
Outstanding response. After 50 years as a DEM it was Hartmann, Goodman, Flanders etc. who caused me to leave the party. I voted for Trump. Hartmann is not paying attention as his own party calls him a traitor because The Big Picture is on RT (Russian TV). He won't admit that he & Sanders agree almost 100% with Trump on trade. His reporting on Ferguson (10 miles from me) was biased & WRONG. DEMS are not the party of my parents
Bullshit. There are still 33,000 Hillary e-mails floating somewhere. You have no idea of their content.
The Clintons are two of the most slippery individuals on the planet. Mainstream working Americans voted to that fact in November, 2016.
You are totally ignorant of Obama’s Fast and Furious gun scheme. Vast differences between the Bush program and Obama’s where there was absolutely no attempt to track the weapons and gun stores were forced to sell to known bad guys. There are books written on this debacle and I will let bore ass woman hater look them up for your perusal.
There is no vetting for people that wander across our open borders.
Please don’t attempt to tell us college professors are “right wing”. Even the leftie/socialists here will laugh at that stupid allegation.
The MSM is leaning to the “right”. They are Trump supporters? That makes your last ridiculous point look intelligent. Do you ever watch the evening news? Obviously not.
It is the “righties” that are causing the violence during the protest and BLM marches? Show me some proof. So far all we have are wacko kids who have too much time on their hands arrested for smashing windows and looting.
Yep! All those pre-printed signs that magically show up at “protest marches” are spontaneous. Give me a break. Leftie/socialists aren’t smart enough to focus on one cause.
Harry Reid. Ronmeys taxes paid. Enough said.
No argument there. Everyone of the politicians in DC should be run out of town, AFTER three additional Supreme Court Justices, 15 Federal Appeals Court judges, and 115 other judges are in place
See # 10.
Most willful progressives are leftie/socialists. The host of this board being a great example.
Laughable comments. ALL I heard for 7-1/2 years was those GD Republicans were blocking everything Obama was trying to do and how it was destroying the country. NOW the shoe is on the other foot so………….
Conclusion: Stop trying to be right all the time. Other people see it far different then you who wear blinders every time you are led out of your stall. Being pissed off and running around with your mane on fire all day is not good for your health.
More distraction from real issues, more 'alternative facts' to dizzy the masses. It's like being stuck on the tracks and watching a train approach. Thanks for the broad, universal perspective. Hoping my karma is up to snuff.
Well put! The scope of the problem is truly amazing. To think that 200,000 years of human evolution and 10,000 years of civilization have come to this!
The good news: This jewel of a planet still has about five billion years before the sun swells into a red giant. After Homo sapiens have died out and if Earth hasn't turned into another Venus, it's highly probable the remaining ecological systems will eventually cleanse the stain of humanity's brief existence and restore equilibrium in 300 million years or so. There still should be plenty of time left over for new species to thrive, evolve higher intelligence, and hopefully avoid all the madness -- the wrong turns and pitfalls of the heart, mind, and spirit that have led to our current, dead-end path.
Meanwhile, enjoy the ride to oblivion. If you're a compassionate and conscientious being, a protector of life with good karma, perhaps the great wheel of life, death, and reincarnation won't place you and your children in the hellish landscape of the near future.
Labyrinth's disingenuous and amateurish hit job is plagiarizing a Karl Rove tactic originally termed "dump-trucking,' whereby a partisan hack dumps so many lies in one communication that nobody can adequately counteract them all. And then, Diane, no doubt unknowingly, followed through with the second half of the tactic, which is to challenge someone to prove the negative of each lie in the load of crap, which of course is near impossible. It's also a classic Trumpesque technique of deflection and distraction.
Nevertheless, it is my duty as a citizen to fight back, point by point (skipping over the more inane ones). So, to return the favor, here is a load of real facts that are easily verifiable and over which trolls can stew and steam. Enjoy:
1. Pence's hacked emails included discussions about Department of Homeland Security (DHS) methods and procedures. Hillary's emails, albeit unwise, were very secure, were not hacked, were not criminal, and did not compromise any intelligence operations or state secrets whatsoever.
2. The thirty years of right-wing conspiracy-theory allegations against Hillary were adjudicated ad nauseam and proven completely false.
3. "Fast and Furious" was one of four operations of "Project Gunrunner," an ill-conceived program initiated by the Bush Administration and ended relatively quickly by the Obama Administration once it was exposed as a failure. Despite the best efforts of Darrell Issa and House Republicans' expensive witch hunt to pin the whole mess on Holder and Obama, the final reports concluded that the foolishness of "gun-walking" tactics were the fault of overly zealous lower officials in the ATF, DOJ, DEA, FBI, ICE, and DHS, primarily in the Arizona field offices of the ATF and the federal prosecutor.
4. The United States already has so-called "extreme vetting" that entails up to two years of vigorous screening by multiple agencies both here and abroad. Furthermore, Obama deported more undocumented immigrants (all serious criminals) than any other president, and under his administration more immigrants have left the U.S. than have come in.
Since 9/11, all attacks on our soil have been home-grown, with most being committed by white, male, radical Christian terrorists against Muslims, abortion clinics, gays, and other minorities who dared to offend Ameerikkkan Christianist sensibilities. None were committed by Muslims sneaking in from the seven countries on Trump's idiotic list.
5. Labyrinth: "And when I hear of teachers influencing students to think left wing, a media too complacent to do their job right and admittedly leans left. To see the open corruption, lying, collusion, civil disobedience, not to mention the history of the party whom have somehow conned black people by majority to vote for them......well...there's loss of credibilty." All of these totally ridiculous charges are based on nothing but blind partisan hatred and racial bias, and are beneath any response.
6. MSM are wholly owned subsidiaries of Big Corporate Ameica and certainly do not favor your distorted view of "the left," which is actually "the middle" -- when people are polled directly on the issues rather than through the lens of party affiliation. When did MSM ever favor Bernie, whose campaign platform addressed the really important issues with which the vast majority of Americans agree?
The greedy and lunatic fringes of the Republican Party -- in the pockets of unpatriotic billionaires and their transnational corporations -- always have and always will get much more air time and positive coverage than Bernie, Hillary, or any other Democrat. Trump is a prime example. Even their negative and salacious coverage works to the advantage of the poor little, persecuted right-wingers, because they love to play the victim card every chance they get.
7. The worst violence at the Berkeley campus -- exaggerated and conflated by corporate-sponsored media and swamp-news to make liberals look bad -- was perpetrated by an outside group(s) following their own agenda; they had no connection to the main body of organized student protests.
Milo Yiannopoulos, the Trumpist defender and promoter of pedophilia, whom the Berkeley students were protesting against, was denied to speak and thrown out (correctly) of CPAC and Breitbart by the right, once he was no longer deemed their fair-haired boy and hero of political incorrectness. Your insinuation that the "right" never restricts free speech is another provable falsehood. (Better use that great mind, of which you are so proud, to conduct some more "cross checking.")
8. Even though they are loud and in your face -- as effective resistance is supposed to be -- virtually all of the grassroots protests by truly patriotic citizens exercising their Constitutional right of dissent across every state in the union have been completely legal and largely peaceful. The scattered incidences of violence, which do not represent the movement as a whole, were hyped up by right-wing media and, again, were carried out by outside groups taking advantage of the situation, such as "Black Block" gangs, juvenile hoodlums, anarchists, and agent provocateurs, who were not at all connected to the millions of spontaneous and/or organized peaceful protesters.
Incidentally, it's another Republican big lie that the protests were funded by George Soros or any other liberal millionaire or billionaire, whose numbers, by the way, are tiny compared to the rich bastards on the right. In contrast, the phony teabagger-astroturf uprising was organized and funded by the Koch brother gigantic, spider-webbed network of fellow oligarchs, which is much better funded than even the Republican Party. Accusing Democrats of Republican-style fakery is yet another glaring example of psychological projection and subconscious guilt.
9. As far as double standards are concerned, give me a f*cking break! Your transparent attempt at false equivalency is both embarrassingly pathetic on your part and highly insulting to those Democratic representatives who, though you may disagree with their politics, have fought the good fight. Harry Reid never"used to routinely lie to the American public from the senate floor." That statement itself is a gawddamn lie! Cite one example, you hypocritical little pissant!
Harry Reid may be an establishment politician who has frustrated his more liberal left flank and angered his Republican colleagues on his right flank, and, yes, of course, he got some things wrong in his long and illustrious career -- who hasn't -- but he is a man of high integrity and never once stood in the well of the Senate and deliberately lied to the American people.
10. Nancy Pelosi "calling out for some Republicans head" (who well deserved it) pales in comparison to the decades-long, hysterical crusade of hate waged by Republicans and their army of flying monkeys that demonized the Clintons, Obama, Reid, Pelosi and every other effective Democrat and liberal who dared to stick his or her head above the trenches and fight back.
11. Your representatives, on the other hand --if you want to be as "intellectually honest" as you so condescendingly chide others to be -- are going down in history as stooges for the most criminally minded corporate monopolies and transgressors of Constitutional principles ever to hold the economic reins of power in the United States of America! Your pithy, one-sentence dismissal of Republican transgressions just doesn't cut it; it's a laughable effort to make it appear that you are "fair and balanced" and have a modicum of even-handedness. Sorry, you're not fooling anybody.
Get your head out of the asses of Republican propagandists and conspiracy-theory websites. Do some real "cross checking" and research the decades-long records of shameless Republican politicians who have abused their lordly perches to proclaim their so-called truths, which in actuality are huge corporate lies fed directly to the American people.
Although scoundrels in Washington D.C. certainly exist on both sides of the aisle, I dare you to compare the Republican overall historical record and overblown rhetoric to the Democrats' record, regarding climate change, nuclear proliferation, endless wars, out-of-control defense spending, greed-mongering imperialism, unfair taxation favoring the rich, for-profit healthcare scams, the de-funding of public education, starving entitlement programs that working citizens have earned, neglected and crumbling infrastructure, bad-mouthing the union movement that has benefited the middle class immensely in so many ways, work-place violations, minimum wage, equal pay for women, minority rights, voting rights, non-existent voter fraud, very real election fraud, etc., etc., etc.
We're all waiting for that long, in-depth dissertation from Labyrinth ...but we're not holding our breath either.
12. Repeatedly lumping progressives and liberals together with communists and socialists reveals your historical ignorance of those labels and is nothing but a bright marquee displaying your own divisive, "immature rhetoric," which you readily project onto others and which indicates an utter lack of self-awareness.
13. Labyrinth: "You can also keep trying to bash Trump in all he does, but those who voted for him see you as the Party of "NO" , petty and obstructive." This statement is perhaps your greatest hypocrisy of all. Every single one of Trump's problems are created by Trump himself and no one else. In a democracy, why, when, and under what circumstances, pray tell, should concerned citizens not call him out?!
After eight years of bashing and blocking absolutely everything Obama and the Democrats tried to do for American workers and their families, the real party of "NO" completely squandered their integrity and credibility. At this late date, for the good of the country and the world, every Democrat everywhere had better take a page straight out of the Republican playbook and learn to resist with every fiber of their being, especially now that Trump and his corporate-dirty enablers and apologists in Congress are busily screwing over the little people in every way possible while ceding our government and economy to plutocratic billionaires and militaristic fascists.
BTW: Your great and wonderful mind is also grossly misinformed about the intentions of our Founders and lacks even the most basic understanding of our form of government, for which the Founders bled and died. The false, extremist, wing-nut meme that we are "a republic, not a democracy" is just one more indicator of how extensive the brainwash on the right has become. The founding documents created a constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic with three equal branches, a two-party political system, and a protected press. In other words we are both a republic and a democracy, where states rights exist under the umbrella of and are subject to federal law. Read it and weep.
Moreover, all of these institutions derive their power from the People, e.g., from those who are protesting in the streets, which you so love to denigrate, as well as from the tens of millions of Democrats whose votes were disenfranchised for decades by Republican state legislatures and secretaries of state aiming for one-party rule. (Interstate Crosscheck; caging; voter suppression ID laws; intimidating registration drives; faulty voting machines; restricted polling places, days, and hours; House district gerrymandering; and on and on and on...)
Conclusion: Wrong! Sad! Your entire screed! Don't preach to the rest of us and brag about your "independence" and command of "facts," which obviously you have failed to "cross check" with any other credible sources outside the right-wing bubble of the "big lie and half-truths" that would make Joseph Goebbels giddy.
Far from being some kind of "proud" and enlightened "independent," your manifesto proves that you are nothing of the kind. Rather, you come across as just another troll on the far-right fringe of the political landscape, taken in by the shallow propaganda churned out daily by the Republican and Ayn Rand, libertarian think tanks. It would be a pretty safe bet that you voted for Trump, the pathological liar and sexual pervert, and that you probably also voted a straight Republican down ticket, perhaps with a few libertarian whack-jobs thrown into the mix.
Other than all that, Labyrinth doesn't seem like such a bad guy.
It occurred to me the other day that when you consider the entire breadth of human history: MADNESS IS THE NORM. Over the span of man's history, the human race has usually only advanced by crisis. Then in a very short time, wether by means of religion or propaganda, etc., the madness again becomes normalized, and again assumes a false but pervasive aura of credulity.
The madness of Trump is readily apparent to anyone that is even the least bit enlightened. But he is completely normalized by the corporate media, much of the religious-right and his Republican colleagues that refuse to question his sanity in any way. This despite his endless contradictions, inane and delusional accusations, blatant hypocrisies and nefarious actions that he has confessed too or even bragged about
Hence, the pattern of madness as the norm is perpetuated.
"Foxmerized" is a great term for Fox "News" addiction! I wonder how long before he actually proposes changing the name of the country to Trumpistan, with his narcissistic penchant for plastering his name on everything he "owns."
It's not just right-wing hate radio messing with Trump's little head, Fox News is doing a number on him too. My 80 year old mother, just like Trump, is foxmerized. She's been watching that god damn Fox News channel 24/7 for years. In know this because everytime I visit she has it on. I tell her straight to her face that she's being lied to, and she snaps back by asking how I know that I'm not being lied to. It's freaking hopeless.
Many friends, family, and at least half of the citizens in my hometown have descended into this same brain damaged darkness. To say I have a intense dislike for Fox News and right-wing hate radio is an understatement.
I ask my Teapublican voting friends why they think the billionaires still need their help, and most of them answer with the old 2nd amendment excuse..."the Democrats are going to take my guns away", holy crap, talk about right-wing propaganda messing with minds. ! This is what we are up against. Welcome alt-right to Trump world.
Not the details, of course, but the tone of the rhetoric is so reminiscent of the 1930s. We've seen unhinged despotism before and, unfortunately, it's not extinct, or even an endangered species.
Hmmm... I wonder. Is Trump really that off the rail, or is the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal working on a master plan to sink the Dems in 2018? He goes on air with his first speech reiterating his goal for making America great, then he gleans sympathy publically (Twitter) pointing accusatory fingers at a presidency that is over and out for being a schoolyard bully picking on him. So, we have a circle with Trump, Obama, and the (voting) public. Trump brings the public in and draws them close and personal, and then works on kicking Obama (and the Democratic Party) out. Could there be an agenda to the king's madness??? More shall be revealed. In the mean time, it doesn't help that the DNC has once again confirmed their party direction as being against working people and pro corporate; but they still want your money and your votes even though they are going to flagrantly stab us in the back every chance they get. Trump may very well succeed in overturning the flip-flop that goes on between the General Elections and the following Mid-Terms. People have really had it with the DNC and all of their corruption. Unless some party steps into the breach and catches the free-fall that is gathering momentum, I think we are going to see more from Fascism than this country (or the world) ever thought possible. People across the board are beginning to hurt economically. Trump has a message of "America and Americans first." Whereas the DNC and the (D) Party have no message of hope; their message is same-old-same-old message of corruption, being bought off, no jobs, and a lot of hot air that translates "nothing and more nothing." I really think there is a chance that Trump will take us straight into the Right-wing wet dream if the Dems don't get their collective heads out of the sand or some party like the Greens don't catch fire.
Based on the apparent ease with which the base accepts as fact whatever Trump says, there's more than one mind that's been damaged. It won't really matter if there is one investigation or twenty. The outcome has already been determined in their minds. The prospect of this new reality is frightening. I've witnessed my own brother's decline into madness after so many years of Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Fox & Friends. There's something going on here and it's really baaaaad.
I actually feel a great deal of empathy for him (don't think he wanted the job in the first place and probably knows he is in over his head.) I don't think HE is not as dangerous as the power hungry team around him that is power crazed. I think they like him being a huge distraction so they can ram as much deregulation and corporate friendly policies into place before the wheels come off their cart. Bannon is the guy who scares me most.
How do we convince the 20℅ of Americans that the guy who they all identify with is out of control bat crap crazy? We keep his itchy finger off of the trigger while giving him enough rope until he gets tripped up in it and hangs himself. It's the itchy nuclear finger that we need to keep from writing our destiny.
The TV news media is obsessed with the Russian hacking of the election but is ignoring the probable influence of Putin over Trump! A POTUS under the thumb of Russia can be very damaging to the USA! Malcolm Nance's book spells out this influence very clearly!
@ hgovernick:
Ooohhh ...bad choice!
The egomaniacal pathological liar and sexual pervert flat out stole one of Bernie's primary issues, the bad trade deals! Hartmann has stated repeatedly that he totally agrees with Trump on that issue -- or at least his (empty) rhetoric on the campaign trail that was designed to fool voters, much like the rest of his hollow promises -- as do the majority of Democrats in Congress.
Obviously, you don't listen to Thom and are just pulling a list of liberal pundits out of your big, right-wing ass to add a thin veneer of credibility to your hackneyed talking points. Sorry, it ain't working.
Even though Bill Clinton and Obama strayed far off the reservation, so-called "free trade" always was and still is primarily a Republican issue that most Democrats fiercely oppose. If you think your fair-haired boy will fundamentally reverse thirty years of corporate, Wall Street policy, you are even more gullible than your shallow post indicates.
Puhlease! Quit spreading sophomoric lies on this forum that don't pass the smell test ...such as, "his own party calls him a traitor because The Big Picture is on RT (Russian TV)." Whatever turds are floating around in the wing-nut swamp that you are gnawing doesn't mean that misinformed fools grinding their own axes and spitting out worthless opinions speak for the whole party. Thom retains total independent control over the content of his programming and always has, no matter who may host the platform.
News flash: RT news segments, however (not political commentary programs like Thom's), are slanted toward the Russian point of view. Why would they not be? By comparison, Fox Faux News (evidently your favorite) is way off the charts on the lie scale and is nothing but an unpatriotic, shameless, over-the-top propaganda arm for the Republican Party, which only serves the interests of rich white men. Story for story, it makes RT news look like a paragon of truth. In fact, the F*cks News captive audience is more misinformed than people who watch no news at all, according to a recent, very in-depth industry study that has been widely circulated. Look it up. Break out of your tiny pen and range out into the wider pasture.
BTW: I really doubt you were ever a Democrat. That's a very common, and not very clever, hook that trolls notoriously use when they're posting on liberal blogs or calling in on radio programs. You're not fooling anyone there, Mensa Man.
If you actually were a Democrat once upon a time and did leave the party, well, then good riddance -- the party doesn't need wishy-washy, insincere, low-information turncoats not committed to real change. The anti-worker Republican Party of Corporate America and their Liar in Chief should fit you just fine.
Now go away, Troll. Git, git -- back to your pen!
Certainly the Courts must challenge this latest outrage. Homegrown terrorists are the actual problem that yearns to be addressed. The timing of the Muslim ban and Ryancare seem a deliberate distraction from 45s apparent treasonous ties.
No Clar, I am not a American and I see a countries government finally doing their job and putting its own citizens first. I am pretty sure most countries in the "free world" will follow your lead. This whole globalization thing isn't working anywhere and was a big mistake.
I think the ban should be chellanged in the courts. It is just so wrong. Doesn't make us safer, just makes the US look bad to the free world.
1. The State Department, FBI, CIA, and military intelligence, and all the numerous investigations done by the Republican Congress turned up nothing, zilch, nada. I'll go by their conclusions, not Granny Di's delusions.
2. No evidence; no facts; no nothing but slanted opinion and Clinton hatred. Mainstream working Americans include everyone, and the majority voted for Hillary. Again, fact vs Granny Di's delusion.
3. Unfortunately for your talking point, I happen to know very much about "Fast and Furious" and will stand by my synopses. It's extremely complicated, so very briefly: There were several operations conducted under Project Gunrunner that spanned both administrations. Two of the main ones: Operation Wide Receiver under Bush failed; Fast and Furious under Obama failed spectacularly. Stupidly, the latter did allow guns to "walk" over the border; they did make attempts to track them; they did absolutely screw it up big time and lost the majority, but not all. Ultimately, lower officials in the ATF and other agencies were held accountable. Bottom line: although much misinformation is out there in Lie Lie Land, the trail of primary culpability did not reach all the way up to the AG's desk or to the Oval Office. Again, I'll go by the conclusions of the numerous investigations, not Granny Di's delusions. Woman Hater? My, my ...drooling again, are you?
4. Non sequitur retort. Put glasses on, Granny, to improve reading comprehension. Never indicated, ever, that it's okay to have open borders. Obama's program turned the tide; border wall is dumb, waste of taxpayer money, and won't work. Get serious: continue Obama's deporting program; increase surveillance; crack down on work and visit visa programs -- most undocumented immigrants overstay; most importantly, put employers who hire them (to bust union movements) in jail and revoke their business license -- you'll see the numbers dwindle to almost zero. BTW, no immigrants from South America ever committed any terrorist attacks, and, as a group, they commit far less crime than any other, including good ol' white Christian boys.
5. Again, no facts, only empty rhetoric and false assumptions. Professors and colleges come in all stripes. The biggest danger to education are billionaires like the Kochs who donate money to buy influence over the curriculums to push corporate, libertarian economic theories, and religious indoctrination centers passed off as "higher learning." Look in the mirror, Granny, if you want a good laugh (metaphorically).
6. Again, poor reading comprehension and false assumptions. Never said they lean to the right or support Trump. They "cover" the right more than the left, because the MSM is the right -- the corporate right -- and they only care about making money, not what is "fair and balanced."
The simple fact is that salacious news (i.e. Trump) attracts more eyeballs; ergo, more air time, more money. Not opinion; hard statistics; look it up. Also, common wisdom, historical fact: "There is no bad press" -- meaning, even negative coverage helps name recognition and allows the victim card to be played that attracts voters.
Otherwise, by your logical fallacy, he never would have been elected, because even his base would have been scared away by all his negative coverage. Why do you think he constantly hammers the press, receives cheers from his crowds, and stays in the headlines? Get real, Granny; your naivety is showing.
7. Yet again, poor reading comprehension; false assumption. Never said the violence was by "righties." Now, you're just railing against straight-up, objective reporting. Get your head out of the ass of MSM, Fox Faux News, and breathe something else besides swamp gas, you'll find the proof. Do your own damn homework.
8. Signs aren't violence. Political speech is the most protected right in the Constitution, far more than any other right. No money from the billionaires; real grassroots. Sorry, if you can't handle the truth that your sexual pervert and liar is considered a very, very unpopular so-called president by the majority of the people. Democrats, and most everyone else, are rising up spontaneously and organizing on their own volition. Unlike authoritarian followers, they don't need billionaires holding their hands ...or grabbing their pussies.
9. "Enough said" ...for small vessels that can't contain very much. Half-true, half-lie, right-wing talking points prove nothing. Romney still hiding hundreds of millions from IRS offshore and complex financial arrangements, like most unpatriotic rich bastards.
10. And, why wasn't Obama able to fill those seats? Oh, that's right -- total Republican obstructionism. Works pretty well, doesn't it? Democrats should learn to do that.
11. Agreement. Kinda.
12. Agreement. Kinda. Democratic socialism is to pure socialism like regulated capitalism is to pure capitalism. "Leftie/progressive/liberal" ..."rightie/swamp-critter/conservative are just fun labels to draw lines in the sand. Underlying issues are the real battle.
13. I'm glad you are able to laugh at my comments. :--))
You heard that for all those years because it was true. However, it was for 8 years, not 71/2 -- Republican obstructionism commenced on inauguration day, January 2009. Read Robert Drapers' "When the Tea Party Came to Town." (Earlier version: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do.") FYI: I've read some of his books and articles; he seems to be a fair and objective investigative journalist/writer -- not even sure of his political affiliation.
Conclusion: Ha, nice ego dig there, Granny! But study that mirror before you accuse others of what you do constantly (projection). Again, false assumption -- I don't try to be right about anything or be anything but what I am -- a horse with no ego, when it comes to political discourse anyway. See, it's not about who is right or wrong; it's about what is right or wrong.
It is no great revelation, obviously, that everyone see things differently according to their own particular conditioning, which derives from their own sources of information and adopted viewpoints, however limited. In politics, unfortunately, policy affects everyone, either on the left or the right. In a democracy, therefore, everyone should and needs to speak up -- forcefully, when the issues are so critical. Let the chips fall where they may.
There is certainly nothing wrong with legitimate anger; it's a great motivator. Your own comments demonstrate that quite clearly. As the old saying says, "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention!" Look around the world. In case you haven't noticed: severe climate change; wars everywhere; massive suffering; extreme wealth disparity; dwindling resources; religious hypocrisy; societal collapse. Why is that?
The inexorable movement of time and outside reality is a matter of recognition, not about how we feel might about it -- or who is right or wrong about this or that piece or part.
Outstanding response. After 50 years as a DEM it was Hartmann, Goodman, Flanders etc. who caused me to leave the party. I voted for Trump. Hartmann is not paying attention as his own party calls him a traitor because The Big Picture is on RT (Russian TV). He won't admit that he & Sanders agree almost 100% with Trump on trade. His reporting on Ferguson (10 miles from me) was biased & WRONG. DEMS are not the party of my parents
Mr. Ed:
More distraction from real issues, more 'alternative facts' to dizzy the masses. It's like being stuck on the tracks and watching a train approach. Thanks for the broad, universal perspective. Hoping my karma is up to snuff.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
ODE to THE DONALD {1.60 limericks and a note}
O Donald, with your spirit sublime
you lead us to wondrous prime.
So melodiously sweet
as you speak and you tweet,
you bring us to song and to rhyme.
We glow as the First.
Our glory has burst
into history as the best of all time.
… … [[Note to the Poetry Editor: …
I submit this ode sardonically
Trump au contraire is ironically
the depths of the dregs.
Our nation begs
to be led in ways less moronically.]]
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
re Healthcare, - by Repugnantans we’re being “Gobsmacked’. Re-spell this term as “GOPsmacked”.
Well put! The scope of the problem is truly amazing. To think that 200,000 years of human evolution and 10,000 years of civilization have come to this!
The good news: This jewel of a planet still has about five billion years before the sun swells into a red giant. After Homo sapiens have died out and if Earth hasn't turned into another Venus, it's highly probable the remaining ecological systems will eventually cleanse the stain of humanity's brief existence and restore equilibrium in 300 million years or so. There still should be plenty of time left over for new species to thrive, evolve higher intelligence, and hopefully avoid all the madness -- the wrong turns and pitfalls of the heart, mind, and spirit that have led to our current, dead-end path.
Meanwhile, enjoy the ride to oblivion. If you're a compassionate and conscientious being, a protector of life with good karma, perhaps the great wheel of life, death, and reincarnation won't place you and your children in the hellish landscape of the near future.
Labyrinth's disingenuous and amateurish hit job is plagiarizing a Karl Rove tactic originally termed "dump-trucking,' whereby a partisan hack dumps so many lies in one communication that nobody can adequately counteract them all. And then, Diane, no doubt unknowingly, followed through with the second half of the tactic, which is to challenge someone to prove the negative of each lie in the load of crap, which of course is near impossible. It's also a classic Trumpesque technique of deflection and distraction.
Nevertheless, it is my duty as a citizen to fight back, point by point (skipping over the more inane ones). So, to return the favor, here is a load of real facts that are easily verifiable and over which trolls can stew and steam. Enjoy:
1. Pence's hacked emails included discussions about Department of Homeland Security (DHS) methods and procedures. Hillary's emails, albeit unwise, were very secure, were not hacked, were not criminal, and did not compromise any intelligence operations or state secrets whatsoever.
2. The thirty years of right-wing conspiracy-theory allegations against Hillary were adjudicated ad nauseam and proven completely false.
3. "Fast and Furious" was one of four operations of "Project Gunrunner," an ill-conceived program initiated by the Bush Administration and ended relatively quickly by the Obama Administration once it was exposed as a failure. Despite the best efforts of Darrell Issa and House Republicans' expensive witch hunt to pin the whole mess on Holder and Obama, the final reports concluded that the foolishness of "gun-walking" tactics were the fault of overly zealous lower officials in the ATF, DOJ, DEA, FBI, ICE, and DHS, primarily in the Arizona field offices of the ATF and the federal prosecutor.
4. The United States already has so-called "extreme vetting" that entails up to two years of vigorous screening by multiple agencies both here and abroad. Furthermore, Obama deported more undocumented immigrants (all serious criminals) than any other president, and under his administration more immigrants have left the U.S. than have come in.
Since 9/11, all attacks on our soil have been home-grown, with most being committed by white, male, radical Christian terrorists against Muslims, abortion clinics, gays, and other minorities who dared to offend Ameerikkkan Christianist sensibilities. None were committed by Muslims sneaking in from the seven countries on Trump's idiotic list.
5. Labyrinth: "And when I hear of teachers influencing students to think left wing, a media too complacent to do their job right and admittedly leans left. To see the open corruption, lying, collusion, civil disobedience, not to mention the history of the party whom have somehow conned black people by majority to vote for them......well...there's loss of credibilty." All of these totally ridiculous charges are based on nothing but blind partisan hatred and racial bias, and are beneath any response.
6. MSM are wholly owned subsidiaries of Big Corporate Ameica and certainly do not favor your distorted view of "the left," which is actually "the middle" -- when people are polled directly on the issues rather than through the lens of party affiliation. When did MSM ever favor Bernie, whose campaign platform addressed the really important issues with which the vast majority of Americans agree?
The greedy and lunatic fringes of the Republican Party -- in the pockets of unpatriotic billionaires and their transnational corporations -- always have and always will get much more air time and positive coverage than Bernie, Hillary, or any other Democrat. Trump is a prime example. Even their negative and salacious coverage works to the advantage of the poor little, persecuted right-wingers, because they love to play the victim card every chance they get.
7. The worst violence at the Berkeley campus -- exaggerated and conflated by corporate-sponsored media and swamp-news to make liberals look bad -- was perpetrated by an outside group(s) following their own agenda; they had no connection to the main body of organized student protests.
Milo Yiannopoulos, the Trumpist defender and promoter of pedophilia, whom the Berkeley students were protesting against, was denied to speak and thrown out (correctly) of CPAC and Breitbart by the right, once he was no longer deemed their fair-haired boy and hero of political incorrectness. Your insinuation that the "right" never restricts free speech is another provable falsehood. (Better use that great mind, of which you are so proud, to conduct some more "cross checking.")
8. Even though they are loud and in your face -- as effective resistance is supposed to be -- virtually all of the grassroots protests by truly patriotic citizens exercising their Constitutional right of dissent across every state in the union have been completely legal and largely peaceful. The scattered incidences of violence, which do not represent the movement as a whole, were hyped up by right-wing media and, again, were carried out by outside groups taking advantage of the situation, such as "Black Block" gangs, juvenile hoodlums, anarchists, and agent provocateurs, who were not at all connected to the millions of spontaneous and/or organized peaceful protesters.
Incidentally, it's another Republican big lie that the protests were funded by George Soros or any other liberal millionaire or billionaire, whose numbers, by the way, are tiny compared to the rich bastards on the right. In contrast, the phony teabagger-astroturf uprising was organized and funded by the Koch brother gigantic, spider-webbed network of fellow oligarchs, which is much better funded than even the Republican Party. Accusing Democrats of Republican-style fakery is yet another glaring example of psychological projection and subconscious guilt.
9. As far as double standards are concerned, give me a f*cking break! Your transparent attempt at false equivalency is both embarrassingly pathetic on your part and highly insulting to those Democratic representatives who, though you may disagree with their politics, have fought the good fight. Harry Reid never "used to routinely lie to the American public from the senate floor." That statement itself is a gawddamn lie! Cite one example, you hypocritical little pissant!
Harry Reid may be an establishment politician who has frustrated his more liberal left flank and angered his Republican colleagues on his right flank, and, yes, of course, he got some things wrong in his long and illustrious career -- who hasn't -- but he is a man of high integrity and never once stood in the well of the Senate and deliberately lied to the American people.
10. Nancy Pelosi "calling out for some Republicans head" (who well deserved it) pales in comparison to the decades-long, hysterical crusade of hate waged by Republicans and their army of flying monkeys that demonized the Clintons, Obama, Reid, Pelosi and every other effective Democrat and liberal who dared to stick his or her head above the trenches and fight back.
11. Your representatives, on the other hand --if you want to be as "intellectually honest" as you so condescendingly chide others to be -- are going down in history as stooges for the most criminally minded corporate monopolies and transgressors of Constitutional principles ever to hold the economic reins of power in the United States of America! Your pithy, one-sentence dismissal of Republican transgressions just doesn't cut it; it's a laughable effort to make it appear that you are "fair and balanced" and have a modicum of even-handedness. Sorry, you're not fooling anybody.
Get your head out of the asses of Republican propagandists and conspiracy-theory websites. Do some real "cross checking" and research the decades-long records of shameless Republican politicians who have abused their lordly perches to proclaim their so-called truths, which in actuality are huge corporate lies fed directly to the American people.
Although scoundrels in Washington D.C. certainly exist on both sides of the aisle, I dare you to compare the Republican overall historical record and overblown rhetoric to the Democrats' record, regarding climate change, nuclear proliferation, endless wars, out-of-control defense spending, greed-mongering imperialism, unfair taxation favoring the rich, for-profit healthcare scams, the de-funding of public education, starving entitlement programs that working citizens have earned, neglected and crumbling infrastructure, bad-mouthing the union movement that has benefited the middle class immensely in so many ways, work-place violations, minimum wage, equal pay for women, minority rights, voting rights, non-existent voter fraud, very real election fraud, etc., etc., etc.
We're all waiting for that long, in-depth dissertation from Labyrinth ...but we're not holding our breath either.
12. Repeatedly lumping progressives and liberals together with communists and socialists reveals your historical ignorance of those labels and is nothing but a bright marquee displaying your own divisive, "immature rhetoric," which you readily project onto others and which indicates an utter lack of self-awareness.
13. Labyrinth: "You can also keep trying to bash Trump in all he does, but those who voted for him see you as the Party of "NO" , petty and obstructive." This statement is perhaps your greatest hypocrisy of all. Every single one of Trump's problems are created by Trump himself and no one else. In a democracy, why, when, and under what circumstances, pray tell, should concerned citizens not call him out?!
After eight years of bashing and blocking absolutely everything Obama and the Democrats tried to do for American workers and their families, the real party of "NO" completely squandered their integrity and credibility. At this late date, for the good of the country and the world, every Democrat everywhere had better take a page straight out of the Republican playbook and learn to resist with every fiber of their being, especially now that Trump and his corporate-dirty enablers and apologists in Congress are busily screwing over the little people in every way possible while ceding our government and economy to plutocratic billionaires and militaristic fascists.
BTW: Your great and wonderful mind is also grossly misinformed about the intentions of our Founders and lacks even the most basic understanding of our form of government, for which the Founders bled and died. The false, extremist, wing-nut meme that we are "a republic, not a democracy" is just one more indicator of how extensive the brainwash on the right has become. The founding documents created a constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic with three equal branches, a two-party political system, and a protected press. In other words we are both a republic and a democracy, where states rights exist under the umbrella of and are subject to federal law. Read it and weep.
Moreover, all of these institutions derive their power from the People, e.g., from those who are protesting in the streets, which you so love to denigrate, as well as from the tens of millions of Democrats whose votes were disenfranchised for decades by Republican state legislatures and secretaries of state aiming for one-party rule. (Interstate Crosscheck; caging; voter suppression ID laws; intimidating registration drives; faulty voting machines; restricted polling places, days, and hours; House district gerrymandering; and on and on and on...)
Conclusion: Wrong! Sad! Your entire screed! Don't preach to the rest of us and brag about your "independence" and command of "facts," which obviously you have failed to "cross check" with any other credible sources outside the right-wing bubble of the "big lie and half-truths" that would make Joseph Goebbels giddy.
Far from being some kind of "proud" and enlightened "independent," your manifesto proves that you are nothing of the kind. Rather, you come across as just another troll on the far-right fringe of the political landscape, taken in by the shallow propaganda churned out daily by the Republican and Ayn Rand, libertarian think tanks. It would be a pretty safe bet that you voted for Trump, the pathological liar and sexual pervert, and that you probably also voted a straight Republican down ticket, perhaps with a few libertarian whack-jobs thrown into the mix.
Other than all that, Labyrinth doesn't seem like such a bad guy.
It occurred to me the other day that when you consider the entire breadth of human history: MADNESS IS THE NORM. Over the span of man's history, the human race has usually only advanced by crisis. Then in a very short time, wether by means of religion or propaganda, etc., the madness again becomes normalized, and again assumes a false but pervasive aura of credulity.
The madness of Trump is readily apparent to anyone that is even the least bit enlightened. But he is completely normalized by the corporate media, much of the religious-right and his Republican colleagues that refuse to question his sanity in any way. This despite his endless contradictions, inane and delusional accusations, blatant hypocrisies and nefarious actions that he has confessed too or even bragged about
Hence, the pattern of madness as the norm is perpetuated.
Uncle Ralph - Just like Lenin, Hussain, Kim Jung Un et al
Oh! Don't take me guns away
Just take my brain... please!
Lah Lah Land
Geez we just made a movie
"Foxmerized" is a great term for Fox "News" addiction! I wonder how long before he actually proposes changing the name of the country to Trumpistan, with his narcissistic penchant for plastering his name on everything he "owns."
It's not just right-wing hate radio messing with Trump's little head, Fox News is doing a number on him too. My 80 year old mother, just like Trump, is foxmerized. She's been watching that god damn Fox News channel 24/7 for years. In know this because everytime I visit she has it on. I tell her straight to her face that she's being lied to, and she snaps back by asking how I know that I'm not being lied to. It's freaking hopeless.
Many friends, family, and at least half of the citizens in my hometown have descended into this same brain damaged darkness. To say I have a intense dislike for Fox News and right-wing hate radio is an understatement.
I ask my Teapublican voting friends why they think the billionaires still need their help, and most of them answer with the old 2nd amendment excuse..."the Democrats are going to take my guns away", holy crap, talk about right-wing propaganda messing with minds. ! This is what we are up against. Welcome alt-right to Trump world.
Not the details, of course, but the tone of the rhetoric is so reminiscent of the 1930s. We've seen unhinged despotism before and, unfortunately, it's not extinct, or even an endangered species.
Hmmm... I wonder. Is Trump really that off the rail, or is the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal working on a master plan to sink the Dems in 2018? He goes on air with his first speech reiterating his goal for making America great, then he gleans sympathy publically (Twitter) pointing accusatory fingers at a presidency that is over and out for being a schoolyard bully picking on him. So, we have a circle with Trump, Obama, and the (voting) public. Trump brings the public in and draws them close and personal, and then works on kicking Obama (and the Democratic Party) out. Could there be an agenda to the king's madness??? More shall be revealed. In the mean time, it doesn't help that the DNC has once again confirmed their party direction as being against working people and pro corporate; but they still want your money and your votes even though they are going to flagrantly stab us in the back every chance they get. Trump may very well succeed in overturning the flip-flop that goes on between the General Elections and the following Mid-Terms. People have really had it with the DNC and all of their corruption. Unless some party steps into the breach and catches the free-fall that is gathering momentum, I think we are going to see more from Fascism than this country (or the world) ever thought possible. People across the board are beginning to hurt economically. Trump has a message of "America and Americans first." Whereas the DNC and the (D) Party have no message of hope; their message is same-old-same-old message of corruption, being bought off, no jobs, and a lot of hot air that translates "nothing and more nothing." I really think there is a chance that Trump will take us straight into the Right-wing wet dream if the Dems don't get their collective heads out of the sand or some party like the Greens don't catch fire.
Based on the apparent ease with which the base accepts as fact whatever Trump says, there's more than one mind that's been damaged. It won't really matter if there is one investigation or twenty. The outcome has already been determined in their minds. The prospect of this new reality is frightening. I've witnessed my own brother's decline into madness after so many years of Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Fox & Friends. There's something going on here and it's really baaaaad.
I actually feel a great deal of empathy for him (don't think he wanted the job in the first place and probably knows he is in over his head.) I don't think HE is not as dangerous as the power hungry team around him that is power crazed. I think they like him being a huge distraction so they can ram as much deregulation and corporate friendly policies into place before the wheels come off their cart. Bannon is the guy who scares me most.
How do we convince the 20℅ of Americans that the guy who they all identify with is out of control bat crap crazy? We keep his itchy finger off of the trigger while giving him enough rope until he gets tripped up in it and hangs himself. It's the itchy nuclear finger that we need to keep from writing our destiny.
The TV news media is obsessed with the Russian hacking of the election but is ignoring the probable influence of Putin over Trump! A POTUS under the thumb of Russia can be very damaging to the USA! Malcolm Nance's book spells out this influence very clearly!
Is it going to get worse?
Stopgap: Please show us where Labyrinth's comments are off base or not factual?
Other than calling Hillary Clinton a felon, I thing he/she hit the nail on the head in her/his post. The felon part has yet to be proven.