Recent comments

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Facing the facts regarding the "in your face" climate changes will never be addressed by anyone involved in the current fascist slither

    There is no leader on this earth yet that will lead humanity to address these matters

    Kindly remember that abuse and disregard for our planet is also worldwide and, to reiterate not just a western phenomena

    Our local movements and efforts appear futile to change anything

    Most of my contacts are squabbling over celebrities and arguing with each other on a variety of social medai platforms walking into oncoming traffic with a cell phone in hand gazing at a driver as though he just landed from mars and HE is in the wrong place

    Concepts such as 'common sense', 'self respect', 'manners', 'consideration', 'self reliance', 'honour of elders" and so on appear to have been subconsciously or deliberately removed from human psyche


  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Shouldn't the President be forced to given the trademark on his own name? We are supplying the brand name with an implied presidential seal of approval. Is it so implausible that he could legally change his first name to President and be known for ever as President Trump?

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    "I have squandered my resistance ..."

    I'd forgotten how these words so encapsulates our times. Are we faced with voters who are punch drunk fighters, so beaten down by the times, that they "took some comfort" from a whore in Trump Towers?

  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Kindly give me FEEDBACK: Are my rhymes appropriate at your website?

  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    TRUMP’S DOIN’S {a rhyme}

    Much of Trump’s doin’s tend ruthlessly


    and touted with mouthin’s quite truthlessly

    phony in

    most regards. He’s {uncouthly} couthlessly



  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    WIKILEAKS DUMPS {a rhyme and a coda}

    I’d think that a Wikileaks dump

    might implicate President Trump

    and pop his bubble,

    and shred him to stubble,

    and get ‘im in deep-doodoo trouble.

    … Coda:

    With me it’s okay

    that Wiki’s leaks flay

    the hide off the C I A.


  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    REPUBLICANS are SCROOGES {1.20 limericks}

    The Republican Party’s a Scrooge.

    Their Healthcare fraud is Huge.

    Their Rich are okay

    that their Minions say,

    “It’s the American Way” …

    … and “a Voter’s a stoopid Stooge.”


  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    SYNOPSES ‘bout CYCLOPSES {a rhyme and an image}

    Wearied of news ‘bout the Trumpian Cyclopses,

    I just skim thru the news’s short synopses

    re these monsters, - who sadly aren’t merely mythic

    but Really among us in ways horrific,

    diseasing our nation in ways morbific. …

    … My time is by skimming much better spent

    ’til Trump and his ilk at last have done went.

    - - - Image: an orange-topped Cyclops:


  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    SKIP ‘EM O’ER {a limerick}

    My rhymings, just skip ‘em o’er

    if my stuff is too much a bore.

    To relax, I compose ‘em,

    then too often impose ‘em.

    Your patience I might {have outworn} of outwore.


  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    SHOO the PREZ {a limerick}

    Our nation’s become unglued,

    by a prez with a psyche so crude.

    He oughta be sued, -

    - or at least be booed,

    then tarred-and-feathered, then shooed.


  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Kend the real question is who are we and what kind of world do we want to live in?

    If we want to keep the earths temperature stable for humanity to thrive and evolve we might be better keeping it within certain perameters to allow us to do that.

    The earth does not belong to the rich and powerful, the ones who are exploiting the earths resources and driving the use of fossil fuels and polluting our bodies and lifes precious planet. We are treating life in a dispicable fashion with little or no regard to the outcomes of our choices. In a cause and effect universe you may find the Earth our Mother will become uninhabitable for humans if we continue down this path.

    The choice is always ours we can begin to halt the melting of the snowflake and create a world not just for the rich and powerfull but for the highest good of all . Remember conciousness considers consequence. We have to raise conciousness to change conciousness .

    The answer to halting man made global warming is follow the money .Eliminate money make it all totally transparent and visible .Nothing changes appropriate behaviour faster than the light of public scrutiny .


  • What The Wikileaks Dump Tells Us   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    BURNED BRITCHES {a rhyme}

    His bridges he’s burning

    so he can’t retreat,

    so he won’t be returning

    to the catbird seat.

    We voters are learning

    to escalate our spurning

    of The Donald concerning

    his being so yuugely off-beat.

    He’s causing his own defeat.

    {His defeat will be Oh so sweet.}

    … Coda:

    HIs pants-on-fire, his Britches aflame,

    Trump has only himSelf to blame.


  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    (Kend) - #20)

    "What is in question is, is the world still warming, ..."

    I'm not well informed, but my guess would be yes, the earth is warming ...

    and cooling - simultaneously, in perpetuity ....

    My questions would be:

    What part do humans play in serving - or disrupting - the complex dynamic equilibrium that compels those changes?

    And, what can I, as one human - or we, as communities - do about it?

    I would suggest there is great similarity, and dynamic common ground between natural earth/climate cycles of change and human generated changes? Singling out percentages of global warming caused by human behavior might contribute to proof that something is out of whack - that something needs to change - still just one aspect of the whole equation.

    If that process is necessary to changes in law, finance and standards of practice in the industries, in the time it takes to complete that analysis, it would serve the whole economy, and quality of life all around to go ahead and work on changing those things we can impact - domestically, and personally.

    Meanwhile industrial waste continues to mount.

    And time _is_ of the essence.

    Just look at the garbage produced by industrial society ... the detritus of war ... nuclear waste ... sewage from factory farms ... untold volumes of toxic pollution from industrial institutions - and their products - pouring into the air ... into the waters ... into the lands, and everything that lives and grows there ... ((or not.))

    Does anyone really have any doubts about the need for humans to change what we do, and how we do it? Why waste time debating what percentage of that change is for humans to do?

    I don't know what controls changes in the earth and climate.
    I only know I have to live with them (((or not))).

    It is clear to me that human waste - industrial and domestic - is one thing I can at least work on - starting with my own life and choices - like not using products from industries proliferating toxic waste ..., maybe even picking up my own garbage and cleaning up my own mess.

    "Also is the earth warming a bad thing. If you live in Canada, China, or Russia I would say no. Throwing billions out to the Solindra's of the world isn't working very well."

    ... uh, ...,

    Why those three countries? Because they have cold climates that humans could live in more comfortably if it warmed up a bit ...leading to the conclusion that investing in alternative energy is futile?

    I wonder if the root of the problem has more to do with humans' lack of awareness, flexibility and mobility - neglecting inborn energies and forces - as in we establish ourselves in stationary habitats and expect the world to turn around us ... that seems out of rhythm with the ebb and flow of nature's waves ... a disruption of global symbiosis.

    "For those of us old enough to remember not to long ago we where all going to freeze to death because of global cooling. That was proven science at the time as well."

    Yes, that reinforces awareness that science is constantly redefining itself, as more is revealed. The problem comes when industries, societal paradigms and human minds are not flexible and open to change required to keep pace with evolving sciences and awareness as we grow ((or not.))

    All the more reason to pull off the blinders wherever we can.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Kend (#23):
    You are obfuscating the issue and misconstruing the words. Of course the climate changes; that's not the point. Of course science is an ongoing learning process; that's not the point either. And we are not talking about following what the masses may or may not believe. The laws of physics are not dependent upon belief systems or opinions.

    The primary issue facing humankind and all life on Earth is that the climate is rapidly changing toward a most terrible future. We are fast approaching a tipping point when we will lose our ability to mitigate impending ecological disaster, very possibly the worst in the history of organic evolution.

    You are simply wrong. There is just no other way to put it. Global warming is all too real, and humans are totally responsible.

    That debate is over! Our best scientific minds, using the most advanced tools and methodolgies available, have reached a nearly unanimous consensus. They are as sure about human-induced global warming as they are about the effects of gravity. Science still does not understand exactly what gravity is, but there is no debate about the reality of it.

    There also is no serious debate about the only real solution, which is to quit pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as soon as humanly possible before it's too late. There are no other viable options in the time left before the tipping point. They don't know exactly when that will happen, but they know it's dangerously close.

    In science, ignorance is not bliss.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Yes deepspace the scientific debate is over on climate change the climate has been changing on earth for millions of years and it always will. The science still isn't settled on the warming part and how much humans are responsible for. Science is never settled. "Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the M is silent"

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    The scientific debate is over. Every lame, confused argument to the contrary is the easily debunked "misrepresentation of the facts" disseminated by fossil-fuel industry propagandists and their well-connected, so-called scientists who sold their souls for the riches of the world, or by the odd-ball huckster trying to make a quick buck on the latest conspiracy book du jour hawked to the fringe.

    Those stubborn few who still deny the deadly seriousness of rapid global warming (ACD -- anthropogenic climate disruption) and the incontrovertible fact that it absolutely is caused exclusively by human activity -- burning fossil fuels -- should ask themselves this very simple question: "If I'm so unwilling to believe the solid consensus of 97% (Actually, it's more like 99%.) of climate scientists, why would I so readily believe the 3% (1%) in the pocket of the industry?

    No answer ...just the chirping of crickets.

    But then, logic, common sense, and truth never were the currencies of the gullible in Lie Lie Land.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    If you want to argue about the positive outcomes of leaving your children and pets locked up in a car on a hot day, that's your business. Personally, I going with the 97% of the scientific community that has studied the effects of climate change extensively over the last 40 years.

    But who am I to disagree with the party that, in their infinite wisdom, saw fit to hand over the codes to the nuclear arsenal to a mentally unstable, pathologically lying, thin-skinned hypocrite?

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Stopgap. No one is denying climate change. The climate will always change. No one is denying that humans pollution has something to do with it. What is in question is, is the world still warming, there is a big difference between the two and what percentage of the warming is caused by human behaviour. Also is the earth warming a bad thing. If you live in Canada, China, or Russia I would say no. Throwing billions out to the Solindra's of the world isn't working very well. For those of us old enough to remember not to long ago we where all going to freeze to death because of global cooling. That was proven science at the time as well.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Obviously to climate change deniers who question the effects of greenhouse gasses, the debate on wether it is safe to leave your dog or young child closed up in an automobile on a hot day is still debatable.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Global Warming was decades in the making, and reversing it will take decades. Trivial attempts don't count. From the movie Avatar; "They're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain."

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Am I the only one who is sick of watching billions and probably now trillions of dollars spent on "global warming" to see absolutely no reduction in tempature or green house gasses. Do we not have to ask our selves where all of this money is going if we see no results. I believe that money would have been much better spent on health care or education. For thirty years I have heard the oceans are rising yet they haven't changed. It is time we had a serous debate on this and get undisputed facts from both sides.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    The basic question facing mankind is when do the interests of the few supersceed the interests of the many ?

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    We need to educate the world using only 6% of the land mass of the USA you can grow all the energy needs of your country using HEMP takes in 4 times the amount of carbon dioxide than trees . Make the skies blue again !!!


    Can subsitite for so many non rewneable resources

    End Depedance on fossil fuels . Dependance is Humanitys Achillies heal.

  • Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!   7 years 50 weeks ago

    kentw, Scotty11, and RFord are absolutely right about just how dangerous ocean acidification coupled with greenhouse gases is, especially after methane explodes into the atmosphere.

    Carbon dioxide is the trigger; methane is the bullet -- estimated by climate scientists to be thirty times more potent as a heat-trapping gas. Once CO2 drives up the global average temperature to critical levels, massive amounts of methane molecules (CH4), presently encased in ice crystals called methane hydrate, will bubble up from the oceans, permafrost, and, to a lesser degree, certain types of rock sentiments, such as sandstone and siltstone, causing the planet to get even hotter -- much more quickly than the rate of CO2 release -- in terms of geological time scales.

    This relatively sudden methane burst will rapidly increase ocean and atmospheric temperatures to unimaginable levels. The rate of increase, however, will be the real killer. Most sea and land species will go extinct, because they won't have enough time to evolve and adapt to such extreme temperatures.

    The Permian mass extinction 250 million years ago was the worst of the five in Earth's history. Up to ninety-six percent of life in the sea perished, and seventy percent on land. Our present rate of carbon release and temperature increase is on a trajectory that is markedly steeper than the Permian event. It is certainly within the realm of possibility that all complex life forms will perish in what is being dubbed as the "Anthropocene" sixth mass extinction.

    In the far distant future, if archeologists and historians (perhaps aliens) dig deep enough to excavate the rubble of our civilization and figure out what happened, Mensa Man, the "genius" tax evader, and his tribe of mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers, will likely be the main exhibit in a museum dedicated to the worst evildoers of all time.

    lindsncal (#2): Excellent point! These illogical, self-serving bastards are so damn shallow and transparent!

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    "Should the patients control the insane asylum?"

    "leighmf - Sorry! The inmates HAVE taken over the asylum."

    "Hephaestus- no need to apologize- I know it happened long ago, the question is, should it be allowed?"

    Complex question. Who has the power to "allow" - or influence behaviors and boundaries effectively - to what effect, by what means? The very term "insane asylum" and all it brings to mind reflects, and reinforces insanity that resides in such environments.

    Whatever your circumstance, ultimately, you control yourself, and manage your own behavior, or someone else will - institutional, or otherwise.

    In AA, they say, it's a 'Save Your Own Ass Program'.

    The court used to send you there before prison or the psych ward.

    The psych ward will process your paperwork, keep records, dispense medications ... and ...?

    That probably depends on who you are, how you identify, culturally, and ... how you behave ... attitude ... posture ... willingness to get real with the truth - even when the rest of the world does not agree with, or accept what you see - and walk in peace, no matter what.

    The ability to do that without going bat sh!t crazy might earn you a pass - or not ... here we find seeds of psychopathy that blossom into "Cognitive Dissonance" ... a quality of contradictory perspectives, attitudes, postures, and behaviors that contribute to the carnival of errors we see in this era.

    ... and yes, " this too shall pass...."

    Shall we give thanks for that?

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