Recent comments

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I expect very little from either the Republicans or the Democracts. We live in a very ideologically-divided society. Thomas Paine would be astonished to learn that superstition remains pervasive in the belief systems of people in the 21st century. He would not be astonished by the extent of greed, corruption, inequality and crime that plagues us. In his essay "Agrarian Justice," he offered measures that would have brought these to an inevitable end. At this point in our history, we may be beyond the point of no return. The time may now be here to consider allowing states to secede and go it alone or in combination with other states in which the people share a common set of fundamental values. In my own country I would work for the elimination of elections of citizens to legislative public office. We should discuss selecting legislators by lottery, from a pool of people willing to serve if selected and who have passed what amounts to a civil service examination to determine basic competency. Without political campaigns and fund-raising we are bound to get better representation of the public interest in our legislative bodies.

    Edward J. Dodson, M.L.A.


    School of Cooperative Individualism

  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    TRUMP is like KIM JONG-UN {a limerick and an image}

    The only difference there be a-

    -bout Trump and the head of Korea:

    One’s black on his top,

    one wears an orange mop.

    Both look like pets they call “chia”.

    … Image:


  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    A Trump-fan suggests that Trumpism proves “Social Darwinism” correct. … I rhyme against such an idea:


    Is Trumpsterism a “survival of the fittest”?

    No. We’re evolving toward the nit-wittest

    controlling our nation’s ominous fate.

    Stop evolution before it’s too late!!


  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    Your screwed-up regime you need to reboot,

    or else you’ll continue your foot to shoot; -

    - but MUCH better us would it suit

    if please you quickly would scoot

    so that governance could take anOther route.

    Please at least yourSelf recuse

    from the presidential doings which you yuugely abuse.

    America’s paying ‘way too much dues.

    You from your office we’d gladly excuse.


  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    INTERVENTION {a limerick} {extra points that all 5 lines rhyme}

    With troubles of his Own invention,

    Trump needs an intervention …

    … toward the prevention

    of his fast declension.

    We hold him in vast reprehension.


  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; min-height: 22.0px}

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    Trumpsters and Rightists misjudge it,

    the world’s situation.

    So their grounds for an ill-fated budget

    will cause our ruination.

    The set of facts they smudge it

    with their stupid fixation

    on money-making schemes

    in Neo-Cons’ dreams

    ‘bout military expansions

    and plutocrats’ mansions

    which are built by Wall Street and Oil,

    while everything else roils in spoil.


  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Labyrinth (#10): "I am proud to be an independant [sic] because I use my mind and the facts (cross checked) to decide on things."

    Proverbs 16:18: "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

    Expand the mind and reach out further, beyond the lies stated as facts.

  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    Conservatives got themselves Trumped; - he

    smushed ‘em like Humpty Dump-ty.

    IS it the end of the road

    on which they heretofore strode

    in their silly self-righteous mode? …

    … OR will more of 'em cease to crawl

    at The Donald’s beck and call?


  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Pence email was on AOL. A public site. Hillary's email was on a private server. Big difference in security.

  • Has the Right Wing Media Driven Trump Crazy...?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    His fingers are shorties,

    but My how they’re fleet

    as Trump tweets his sorties,

    firing tweet upon tweet.

    He’s aggressively snorty

    in his Trump Tower suite.

    He’s Twitter’s most prominent twit,

    overdoing it quite a bit.

    It seems that this twitty putz

    has gone quite wholly nuts.

    Yet also his tweeting actions

    serve him well as smoke-screen distractions.


  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Labyrinth, If you are going to tell us the facts, please document your facts and show your sources for these facts. Otherwise, it comes off like a bunch of rightwing FOX propaganda.

    While your comments were long on accusations, there was not one iota of evidence or documentation.

    For instance, regarding all your accusations about Hillary, there were not any specific crimes listed. Nor any specifics on how Obama's "open border policy" actually resulted in terrorist attacks. And no evidence to back up any of your other accusations.

    Accusations alone, are not facts!!!

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Indiana has a long history of odd governors who have done odd and even criminal things while they were governors. Trump connections to Pence in Indiana date back to 1983, the year Trump acquired Mar-a-Lago, a 23 acre Palm Beach Estate for 5 million, and the year Pence went on the air on right wing radio.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Wow. U type good and fast!

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Problem is, you seem to allow your progressive mentality interfere with good sense.

    After all, WHERE did Pence's Emails hurt national security ? Where as, lets face it, the Democrat party tried to put a felon in the white house in 2016. We knew a hell of alot of the crap Hillary tried and pulled during her 30 years of so called public service and for the most part, regardless as to how damaging , dispicable, illegal or careless it was....people gave her a pass. And that is just the things we found out about. I could say that about many things regarding Obama too....

    Namely quadrupling spending on fast and furious that got people killed.

    Or the seemingly open borders policy he had where if you can make it to America - that's part one, but you have to stay good to stay here. That bad policy might sound all warm and fuzzy to outsiders, but was getting our citizens killed. Yes, many can lament the 9/11 attacks and how Bush failed, but how about counting up all the terror attempts and attacks on our own soil during Obama's reign.

    I am proud to be an independant because I use my mind and the facts (cross checked) to decide on things. And when I hear of teachers influencing students to think left wing, a media too complacent to do their job right and admittedly leans left. To see the open corruption, lying, collusion, civil disobedience, not to mention the history of the party whom have somehow conned black people by majority to vote for them......well...there's loss of credibilty. Now i'm not saying the right is pure as the wind driven snow by any means, but when have they resorted to routine breaking of the law by citizens ?

    When's the last time you saw the right throw speakers out of college campus's ?

    Or resort to violent protests ? March around whining about things they couldn't possibly change ? The litiny of bad behavior abounds on the left with very few being committed on the right.

    Point being, people will judge the left, liberals, progressives in the same boat as communists, socialists, etc with every like stupid action.

    And your representatives aren't much better. Harry Reid used to routinely lie to the American public from the senate floor. Pelosi the walking gaff machine is always calling out for some Republicans head....but conveniently forgets that Democrats have done the same if not worse.

    People such as I are tired of seeing the obvious double standard. We are tired of progressives / liberals / socialist etc. trying to make things more complicated or tell / force us to live how they think we should.

    The so called "Muslim Ban" is a GREAT example. ANYONE that has read the founding documents of this country, realizing we are a Republc...not a democracy, and having read Trumps executive action to ban travel from 7 terror supporting countries because they do not meet our vetting standards can NOT honestly claim it was Unconstitutional. If you do, your Intellectually dishonest. And THAT has been an ever growing problem with the left. They have often allowed their passions to over-ride common sense and honesty.

    AND, we see that out there believe it or not. Its a big factor in why you didn't get your felon in office. So you can be angry and set fire to Berkley if you like, but that's not productive. You can also keep trying to bash Trump in all he does, but those who voted for him see you as the Party of "NO" , petty and obstructive.

    As they used to say, you can either be a part of the problem or part of the solution. If I were given to any party (doesn't matter which) I think they should start by finding out the facts (rather than enrage people based on half truths), come up with objections or suggestions regarding changes, show that its not for some selfish cause and that would should smooth over alot of the immature rhetoric that has been so often slung from both directions

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Thomm you have a spelling error in you column. It should read: If the Republicans had any sense of sane. They are the biggest nuts that existed in the historty of our country, with Pumpkin head leading the charge. Every day he says something goofy. And the idiot Newscrews run after him like a hungry bulldog chasing after a pice of meat.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I'm well aware that being a Christian Supremacist, Pence is far more dangerous than even Crooked Donny. By surrounding himself with alt right nuts like Pence, Trump has shown us that he was already brainwashed by sites like Breitbart News propaganda long before the election.....his paranoid phone tap tweet makes perfect sense when you consider the alt reality he lives in.

    We can only pray that Trump's madness between now and getting the Senate back doesn't lead to a global catastrophe. I'm sure there will be national outrage when the collusion is exposed, and at that point Pence will not be accepted as the new so called President. One way or another It's going to be economic and social chaos ......a lot of pain for all of us..

    This is the stuff nightmares are made of, and I'm sure the rest of the world is just as worried as we are. Putin however is euphoric.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Well; I never really thought the human "condition" would render itself to 1/5 ( 20%) of Republicans catering to Faschism" in step". But; I evidently am corrected by the Potentate. What a sad state of affairs. The question is, and damn sure beggs; are we gonna let this go forward? I have thought many times he will fall on the dagger and still hes up and running.

    Not a betti'n but: This seemingly as of now, has leggs as they say. Campaigning is one thing, and lying while doing such is ok. As sitting president, I say misuse of office, slander, etc. Criminal offences. Felonies ????

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    We have double standards.

    Just as gender had double standards for decades. Remember back in the day ...when the chick who slept with guys was a whore, loose or easy.. The guy on the otherhand was a stud, a cool dude.

    It appars the Republicans are the studs and the Democrats are the whores.

    We need to fight for and be treated equally.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    It seems propaganda goes viral but rarely the truth does. We need to shout this loud and clear and not let it get buried like everything else the Trump administration does. When the GOP opens their mouths they should be looking in the mirror, as we all know its Us against Them. They hold all the power like never before and we can't trust them to police themselves because the GOP does not eat their own. The only thing they are experts at is brainwashing the low informed, those unwilling to think or research for themselves. Demand action, sign petitions write letters call your Reps go to their offices. Don't let them hide like cockroaches. Public servants..... my ass!

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Lock him up, lock him up

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Just human behavior is all

    We just give it identity of one form or other

    In this case political

    The important thing is to get anger and frustration out there in a public area via blogs, blasted facebook, bleeding other instant communication means whilst being targeted by 'big data' gathering and being followed

    What is happening to mind?

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I have a new name of Republicans: I call them RAGS, as in Rightwing American Garbage. Also, FOX News stands for Fucking Old Xenophobes.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 51 weeks ago


  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Hi DLS (#24). Excellent question! Since no one else tackled it yet, I'll throw in two cents.

    Every sentient being in this sector of the galaxy shares your sentiments except a minority party of the pale-skinned subhuman species of flying monkeys known as RepubliCONS, flitting around the subterranean regions of the North American landmass on planet Earth.

    Last year, Thom had on some kind of expert on history and the Constitution who explained it, although I can't remember all the convoluted details.

    The takeaway: Unfortunately, the Constitution gives wide latitude to the Senate, and McTurtle, a master manipulator who knows how to pull the legalese strings, found a way to violate the spirit of the Constitution if not the letter. Your tax dollars at "work."

    Still, it was immoral and unprecedented to delay Obama's pick for almost a whole year. As an "opposition party" (McTurtle's favorite phrase back when he was Minority Leader), the Democrats should absolutely consider this a stolen seat, grow a spine, filibuster, and refuse to confirm Neil Gorsuch.

    Since Merrick Garland was cynically denied a fair hearing, most Democratic voters should agree that tit for tat is highly warranted, in this case anyway. After all, "principled" intransigence certainly never hurt the Republicans politically.

    Of course, McTurtle will just blow up the filibuster and get Gorsuch confirmed anyway with a simple fifty-one vote majority.

    Republicons can only "win" by lying, cheating, and bending rules into pretzels. The electorate needs to have that reality etched into their collective brain.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Trying to normalize the childish behavior of Putin's Poodle is no easy task. Trump trolls should be applauded for their tenacity if for nothing else.

    Haha, your new avatar is perfect! Beware; the Liar in Chief's apparatchiks may try to set up a secret meeting with you to receive further instructions from Moscow. Be sure to share the minutes with the rest of us ...and the gazillion investigations about to bust loose.

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