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  • Rumble - Why More Cops in Schools - Instead of Counselors?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Along wіth іntеllесtuаl development, mоtіvаtіоn аnd сlаrіfісаtіоn of gоаlѕ аnd ideas fоr ѕtudеntѕ are іn line wіth thеіr bаѕіс роtеntіаl аnd social trеndѕ.

    Thе tоtаl development оf thе ѕtudеnt іѕ nаuѕеоuѕ аѕ іndіvіduаl differences bеtwееn thеm аrе expected, ассерtеd, undеrѕtооd and рlаnnеd.

    Exреrіеnсеѕ іn аn institution or school muѕt bе organized іn ѕuсh a ways by virtual counselors than corps аѕ tо соntrіbutе tо thе total development of thе ѕtudеnt.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Deepspace #23: Exactly, truth is never a matter of opinion, although in the minds of some, like Diane and Michele, truth and common sense mean very little, the team is all that matters, even if the players on that team grab the pussys of the cheerleaders without their permission.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I have a question.

    When McConnell did not advise or vote on consenting or not consenting to the Supreme Court Nominee, did he violate the constitution and could the cases that came before the Court or the upcoming ones claim harm and bring a case before the Supreme Court that McConnell violated the Constitution and Owes the American People an Up or Down Vote on Obama's Nominee before another Nominee can be presented?

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    The constant drumbeat of lies that authoritarian leaders rely upon to sow confusion and to maintain their grip on power is not what destroys democracy. Each individual follower who believes the lies bears the greatest responsibility. The whole is not separate from the parts.

    An outward clash of abstract ideologies between opposing political camps won't resolve anything of consequence and will do nothing to advance the evolution of society. The real battle takes place deep within the minds of individuals, and the outcome depends on whether or not they can ultimately distinguish a simple truth from a simple lie, beyond the complex emotional and intellectual process of doing so.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I believe on his past actions and statements that Mr. Sessions should have never have been approved by congress to hold the office in the first place and I hope Republicans in conservative districts pick others or run themselves for office so that what they care about can go through. The "not me" republicans should be voted out by those who put them in.

    In my area their are too many people that automatically vote for the republican endorsed candidate without looking at who the person is and what they vote for or against.

    I am primarily a democrat and am waiting for an independent revolution from the millennial generation.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Bottom line here...the military industrial spy complex knows full well which party will spend us into bankruptcy on war and spying...and so does Putin!

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    This is common sense Hep....Comey informs congress that his FBI is reviewing superfluous emails "pertinent?????" to an investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server just days before the election. At the same time the FBI had plenty of info regarding Russia's interference in throwing the election to the Fascists, but a letter to congress to defame Clinton, obviously in Comey's mind anyway, seemed appropriate even while our democratic process was under attack by a hostile foreign power to achieve those same exact results. Then boom, right after the election, not a word about Benghazi and emails....give me a fnn break.

    Tell me the election results are valid! I'm sorry but millions of citizens who would have voted democratic got dumped off the voter roles.This coupled with the FBI and Russian propaganda is just plain old third world crap. Now we are all going to pay a very heavy price for this fraud unless something is done to reverse the madness very soon.

    Given his recent tweets, in my opinion Trump needs to be drug tested...He was most likely up all night on illegal stims before he posted the recent paranoid tweets. This man has accesss to the nuclear codes.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Sorry! Theses comments appear to be getting personal and immature

    Please come back de Anne Marc and Palindromedary

    Let's get some common sense, rational argument and resoned debate

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I'm guessing the whole cabinet needs to be investigated.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    For the next RUSSIAN presidential election, lets make sure Dimitri Medvedev(sp?) gets re-elected. Russia was so much nicer when DM held the reins. And turn-about is fair play.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Nice. You're so dang clever, Granny!

    Now it's time for your nap.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Thank you Mr. Ed. It wouldn't be a complete Christmas day without some of your bile poured out for all to see.

    BTW, you have the wrong end of the horse as your avatar.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Uh oh, the Bobbsey twins, Granny Di and Imus, are clacking their teeth again ...must be feeding time.

    Ho-hum, the same, tired insults repeated over and over in identical, oh-so-clever wording, as in every one of their other prosaic posts, reveal nothing of substance -- illogical, false equivalent, unsubstantiated claims. Shoo! Back to your sty!

    Nobody, who hasn't missed the whole point, is claiming that Democrats are suggesting it is intrinsically nefarious that politicians or campaign officials meet or conduct photo ops with Russian diplomats, ambassadors, or representatives (those who are not spies, that is) in the normal course of everyday Washington D.C. business. That would be a very stupid point to make, one only a Trump troll, of course, would insinuate.

    The issue is why, specifically, did Trump's various campaign officials feel compelled to hush up and/or lie not only about the meetings themselves but also about the substance of the pursuant conversations, especially in light of numerous ongoing and looming investigations into substantive allegations that a foreign power meddled in our national election.

    Furthermore, in-depth investigations conducted by the FBI and CIA -- not at the behest of the Democratic Party -- along with much independent investigative journalism, are all pointing to violations of the Logan Act, which absolutely forbids, at the risk of imprisonment, unauthorized citizens to negotiate policy with foreign governments. If a mere political campaign with no authority whatsoever promised Putin ahead of time that a potential administration would lift sanctions put in place by an administration currently in power, that would be a very clear and very serious violation of Federal law.

    As they say, in politics the cover up is always worse than the crime. Look how Republicans for years crawled up Hillary's butt with a huge magnifying glass over nothing but invented scandals, hyperbole, and hysteria!

    If the roles were reversed, and Hillary's campaign was suspected of colluding with Russian spies to swing the election and breaking other Federal laws in the course of such a border-line treasonous crime, can anyone seriously assert with a straight face that this shameless, hypocritical Republican Congress would not be spending tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, taxpayer dollars and thousands of hours of precious government time on endless investigations until she was hounded out of power -- and rightfully so?


  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Hey Michele Bachmann: try not to choke on what I'm about to say....Every citizen and elected official who cares about functional democracy needs to openly declare the election invalid.

    That means at the very least, zero cooperation with the arbitrary power of the current executive branch, but unlike McConnell's eight years of obstruction, our democratic elected officials have a legitimate reason to resist. I suppose the best case scenario would be, we the people, demanding a redo of what was a fraudulent election. Your Crooked Donny only got around 20% of the eligible vote and lost the election by millions even with the cross check and russian interference. climb down off your high horse.

    You righties really crack me up with your matter how much bull Breitbart and Fox propaganda fill your tiny heads with...the world is not flat and never will be.

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Absolutely! Privatization threatens to destroy the very fabric of our democracy and that which makes our country great: the power of the people! This is the REAL enemy that America should face, and its already here.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    You washed up lefties have way overplayed your hand. Pelosi was photographed have dinner with the same Russian, that AG Sessions meet with, after denying she meet him. Maybe she should resign. Schummer photographed with Putin, it doesn't get much better than this. One of you WUL's, stated that the election needs to be declared invalid:)). Who would that be? Who is the person who declares elections invalid? You folks better quit while you are behind. The Democrats already 'shot down' the washed up lefty put up for leadership of the Democratic Party. I hope you ignore my advice and continue with this foolishness. Watching you implode (or explode) will be better than fireworks on the Forth of July :).

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Had any of you idiots actually researched the questions asked of Sessions in the order they were asked and answered, you would understand that he did nothing wrong. By choosing to recuse himself Sessions just derailed your arguments and forced you to move on to another reason to hate anything to do with the administration.

    You are beyond comical and I think if you continue down this path you will destroy your leftie/socialist image to the point where even the normal members of the Democrat party won't have anything to do with you.

    You are being played and have been for the last eight years and will continue to be for the next two terms.

    Time to put on your vagina hat and go march to your cause of the day.

  • Dr. Michael Eric Dyson: A Sermon to White America   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    NEWS-SYNOPSIS {a rhyme}

    Plentiful’s our nation’s turmoil

    via Trumpsters and those who resist; -

    - via fans of the orange-thatched gargoyle

    and a yuuge bunch of folks who are p.ssed

    {folks who jerk back in recoil,

    wishing Trumpism didn’t exist}.


  • Dr. Michael Eric Dyson: A Sermon to White America   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    WE WHITEYS ARE AT FAULT {1.60 limericks}

    We Whiteys are much to blame

    for much of America’s shame.

    From the arrogance of Custer

    to supremacists’ bluster,

    our claim to virtue is lame.

    We should grieve

    that we don’t achieve

    the “democracy” we acclaim.


  • Dr. Michael Eric Dyson: A Sermon to White America   7 years 51 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    AMERICA DISHEVELED {1.20 limericks}

    Pols have our nation disheveled

    by hypocrisies many-leveled, …

    … proceeding darkly,

    sneakily yet starkly.

    In this they have long-since reveled.

    By this we are yuugely bedeviled.


  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    A witch would be an upgrade for him.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Well DON'T just stand there!! Badger the hell out of Sessions like they did to Hillary for the same bullhooey. They deserve the same treament for EVERY piece of garbage they threw at us when they were a minority.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    Putin has arrested/murdered many/most of the hackers he employed to throw the election to Trump and the Fascists.

    I know Thom doesn't want to hear this, but....

    The election fraud had many objectives: lifting sanctions so Tillerson's Exxon can have access to Russian crude, Trump owes Putin at least 700 million, Putin wants to expand into NATO areas, Putin wants our economy destabalized, Putin wants military cooperation from Trump in Syria, and finally Putin as a brutal dictator wants to be normalized. Trump's out of control right-wing extremism/idiocy makes Putin look like a legitimate leader on the world scene.

    The election needs to be declared invalid. Putin has snuffed out our democracy, and he's about to achieve all of his objectives.... unless the CIA steps forward soon with the truth.

  • Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?   7 years 51 weeks ago

    I am as sure that Jeff Sessions will have nothing to do with investigation into Russian involvement in the campaign as I am that Trump, having turned his business interests over to his kids (who remain advisors to his administration) will experience no conflict of interest in performing his presidential duties.

    In the end, it really matters most what Uncle Vlad thinks. I'm sure he'll do the right thing.

  • Trump Wants You To Denounce Your Neighbors, Just Like That One Guy... Hitler!   7 years 51 weeks ago

    When I was a kid there was a saying, "Mommy is a commie. You gotta turn 'er in." I guess that era is returning.

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