How many times does "El Trumposo" have to lie and/or contradict himself before talking heads stop acting like ANYTHING HE SAYS is worthy of attention or anything other than mockery. My only qualm is that Pence will survive. If a Russian agent selects a Vice President and a cabinet--are those selections any more legitimate than the election of the Russian agent? It is time to go "trans-Constitutional" and hold a "do-over."
Everyone makes really good points, all of which succinctly deconstruct any argument against common-sense solutions and ethical imperatives.
Flyguy, although I strongly disagree with his conclusions, has also contributed an important element to the larger debate by offering a sincere concern for the difficulties of implementing the elegance and simplicity of a Medicare-for-all plan in view of our hopelessly complex and polarized political climate.
Straw-man arguments and transparent deflections, calling for procrastination and slow transition away from a spectacular example of unbridled capitalism utterly failing, offer valuable insight into the inherent stumbling blocks of a deep-seated, intransigent ideology that clouds good judgment and correct action.
What are the proper roles of capitalism and socialism in a functioning society that works for all the people? In which sectors does capitalism work best, where does it not, and when does it require regulation? Where does socialism, without a profit motive, make the most sense and become the most moral choice? Or, in our Founders' words, what is the appropriate balance between free enterprise and the commons?
When the path is clear, why wait? Great movements of history, capturing the explosive energy of the people, happen surprisingly fast.
All Congress would have to do is approve a Bill that resets Medicare to 0 for all new Members. It would cover pregnancies from day 1, and would work exactly the way Senior coverage does. Participants would still have to find a supplemental for Prescriptions and other care, the way we Seniors do, but with so many millions of new people in the program, even with the built-in percentage of shrinkage for fraud, it would cover everyone who needs insurance, and the supplemental plans would have healthy people along with us older and less well folks. But the Republicans DON'T WANT to cover even us seniors, let alone make it simple for everyone else. We'd still need to have the right for Medicare to negotiate a lower cost of prescriptions, and they'd need to cover transplant maintenance druga for far longer than just three years after a transplant, but it's all possible, if they'd just push their noses back into place and buckle down and do some work for a change.
Actually, a Medicare-for-all system with 300 million members would work far better than the current system. Currently, Medicare takes care of aged, ailing individuals in the main, while leaving the rest of the population to pay a double burden: financing Medicare via the FICA tax, while at the same time paying out exorbitant premiums for private insurance, with its steep overhead, unchecked price increases, burgeoning copays, vicious exclusion policies, and death panels. The percentage of healthy individuals in the 300-million deep insurance pool would be far higher, which would mean lower premiums overall, not to mention a collective sigh of relief from the removal of the number-one source of anxiety in daily life: getting sick, losing your job, and then losing your insurance, so that you are bankrupted and die in the gutter. That's healthcare in America. Obamacare is, if you'll excuse the expression, a bandaid on this hopelessly diseased system, which isn't surprising, given that it was originally a Republican plan intended as a massive giveaway to the insurance "industry" (actually a racket more than an industry).
Medicare for all. So simple! Is that too simple for Americans to get? Of course, insurance companies get it...that's why they don't want money in it. What the money barons want is not what citizens want. We want health care. They don't want us to. No money in it. Simple. We lived in Canada for three years and participated in the Alberta Health Care Plan (part of the Canada system). We paid no premiums for insurance. But, we paid taxes in place of premiums...and those taxes did not hurt us whatsoever. In fact, when we needed insurance, no poblem. Our first baby was born for a $5 (CND) hospital registration fee and her mother stayed in the hospital for 6 days...just to make sure all was well for both. Then I had acute appendicitis. I was rushed 90 miles to a hospital and operated on that very night. My wallet did not hurt like my body did! Medicare for all works! Americans must understand that Medicare for All works. Our Canadian friends know that...and would never, ever give it up. Listen to them! My12 Canadian cousins would ask you to listen to them! They will tell how wonderful it is never to worry about going bankrupt or a house taken away because of medical bills. In fact, their preventive health care, acute, and long term care enables them to contribute to a better economy for them and their fellow citizens. They like it for the neighbors to have care. Is that not good? Everyone gains. America! Do it!...Medicare for All!
Good points, 2950-10K! The people who do not know how to govern are now in charge of governing. All they could do before was to obstruct. Bob Dole said that the Republican party used to be a party of ideas. That was quite a while ago. Your advice about taking care of your money appears sound. Yeah - when this crash inevitably occurs - those guys in charge now will not know what to do at all. They will be like Herbert Hoover all over again. I pray that there will be some sane and decent minds among them who will rise up.
The fact that in 2017 the wealthiest country on the planet still doesn't have single payer is a hell of a tribute to the right-wing propaganda machine....thaaaat's Socialism!
The Dem's should be shouting out single payer loud and clear. That and raise the cap!
Speaking of right-wing propaganda...the stock market has been a massive fascist propaganda tool since November. It hasn't been this overvalued since 1929...and most of us know the rest of the story.
United States Corporate "effective" tax rates are already among the lowest rates paid in the world and consumer debt has never been higher. Right-wing spin points to the rally being tied to Trump's promise to cut corp tax rates. There's a little problem with this, how do you cut a zero percent effective tax rate for Exxon and many others like them.???? It's a big lie.
All you hard working citizens with 401K's...get out now....I'm serious. You won't be able to move your money fast enough if you wait for the first so called correction. Congress won't be able to fix it this time...the Tea Party will block a bailout. To make matters worse, Pence is very likely to be president when this crash happens. They're not going to know how to fix it.
Thom, hoping you can see this here. Tennessee's rush to privatize everything has hit it's first snag. Fall Creek Falls is a beautiful park.
Single payer systems are wonderful conceptually. They work best with small homogeneous societies and the SMALLER the society, the better it works. I think that what the progressives and Bernieites are missing is the huge effort to convience 300 million of us to switch to a single payer system overnight. Talk about Culture Shock! What might be more practicle is to have a transition plan. The country cannot realistically shut down all the private insurers as that would have a very negative effect on our economic model. Watch the 401k and Individual IRA's take major hits, not to mention the legal challenges of the Feds forcing private business Out of Business! Be pragmatic! Perhaps a transitional plan to move the Health Care System towards Single Payer over a period of years doing such things as moving the model from Private For Profit Insurance to Not for Profit Insurance and begin to extend Medicare from 65 to 55 to 50 to 40, etc. Let the market impact be more digestable and move forward towards the end goal of Universal Health Care. One could argue that medical school be federally funded or supported. With the cost of med school VERY high, students going into health care are not going be so eager to be MD's with the level of pay that comes with single payer model. There has to be some real deep thought and effort to accomplish this. All the yelling and screaming about Obama Care, ACA and Pharma and Health Insurance companies, and health care costs will accomplish nothing but a stand off between free market capitalism and Demo Socialism advocates. Moving 300 million + from where we are today to where the progressive's want to go is VERY EXPENSIVE, DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING and requires the entire country to work together. Nobody EVER discusses the challenges. Even if 200 of the 300 million of us were to rally in the streets every day 24/7, the current system we have cannot be dismantled and switched over fast, efficiently, fairly, easily, etc.
Think about it......Great Idea - Hard to Accomplish. The USA could switch to a NON FOSSIL FULE model eaiser. You are talking about 1/3 of our GDP fliping to a new and untested or rationally inposed model.
I have no personal gripe with our current system. Why do all the single payer participants want to come to our facilities in the USA when they are REALLY SICK! Because we provide the best health care in the world, yes, it is expensive. You get what you pay for. It is not fair and equal, but life is not fair and equal.
I am now on Medicare and I actually like it. The main drawback is finding providers that take MC. If one spends time and effort to search, one can find good care. However you may have to wait. Under a single payer, you have to wait longer for services that are not deemed critical. And what is critical to you may not be critical to the SYSTEM. There are a lot of pro's and con's to be looked at. In summary, I would really like to see Bernie and his minions, bring forth a reasonable, well thought out, researched transition plan that can be commuicated and debated with out emotion. Will anyone come forward with a reasonable transitional model? Current environment says NOPE - Not going to happen! It will take some real solid mass leadership and effort to gain the support of a majority of our citizens to bring the USA to a single payer model. And it will take years! My guess is 10 to 15 years.
Single payer systems are wonderful conceptually. They work best with small homogeneous societies and the SMALLER the society, the better it works. I think that what the progressives and Bernieites are missing is the huge effort to convience 300 million of us to switch to a single payer system overnight. Talk about Culture Shock! What might be more practicle is to have a transition plan. The country cannot realistically shut down all the private insurers as that would have a very negative effect on our economic model. Watch the 401k and Individual IRA's take major hits, not to mention the legal challenges of the Feds forcing private business Out of Business! Be pragmatic! Perhaps a transitional plan to move the Health Care System towards Single Payer over a period of years doing such things as moving the model from Private For Profit Insurance to Not for Profit Insurance and begin to extend Medicare from 65 to 55 to 50 to 40, etc. Let the market impact be more digestable and move forward towards the end goal of Universal Health Care. One could argue that medical school be federally funded or supported. With the cost of med school VERY high, students going into health care are not going be so eager to be MD's with the level of pay that comes with single payer model. There has to be some real deep thought and effort to accomplish this. All the yelling and screaming about Obama Care, ACA and Pharma and Health Insurance companies, and health care costs will accomplish nothing but a stand off between free market capitalism and Demo Socialism advocates. Moving 300 million + from where we are today to where the progressive's want to go is VERY EXPENSIVE, DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING and requires the entire country to work together. Nobody EVER discusses the challenges. Even if 200 of the 300 million of us were to rally in the streets every day 24/7, the current system we have cannot be dismantled and switched over fast, efficiently, fairly, easily, etc.
Think about it......Great Idea - Hard to Accomplish. The USA could switch to a NON FOSSIL FULE model eaiser. You are talking about 1/3 of our GDP fliping to a new and untested or rationally inposed model.
I have no personal gripe with our current system. Why do all the single payer participants want to come to our facilities in the USA when they are REALLY SICK! Because we provide the best health care in the world, yes, it is expensive. You get what you pay for. It is not fair and equal, but life is not fair and equal.
I am now on Medicare and I actually like it. The main drawback is finding providers that take MC. If one spends time and effort to search, one can find good care. However you may have to wait. Under a single payer, you have to wait longer for services that are not deemed critical. And what is critical to you may not be critical to the SYSTEM. There are a lot of pro's and con's to be looked at. In summary, I would really like to see Bernie and his minions, bring forth a reasonable, well thought out, researched transition plan that can be commuicated and debated with out emotion. Will anyone come forward with a reasonable transitional model? Current environment says NOPE - Not going to happen! It will take some real solid mass leadership and effort to gain the support of a majority of our citizens to bring the USA to a single payer model. And it will take years! My guess is 10 to 15 years.
One of the great benefits of going last is that you have the opportunity to learn what works well and what doesn't work well with the systems in the other countries. Then you can come up with the best healthcare system.
Medicare for all is exactly what Bernie called for last night in his clear-minded response to the big lies and half-truths that Trump the Faker presented to Congress, for which all the Republican fascists stood and cheered:
Ha! "Irritable bowel syndrome" is what old fools suffer when they swallow pathetic Republican lies their whole lives and then are forced to face hard truths at the end, e.g., washed-up trump trolls who project their own psychological problems onto others -- a subconscious plea for help.
Democrats won the larger, moral victory with a clear conscience. Republicans lied and cheated, kicked and scratched their way to a sad, hollow victory, which will forever haunt them. That's what future generations (if they survive climate change) will read in the history books. In the meantime, the real losers must live out their miserable lives constantly trying to justify the unjustifiable. Good luck with that.
Wow. A fake, so-called "president" stumbled through a painstakingly rehearsed prepared speech by reciting from a teleprompter. Very impressive ...for an orange buffoon with low intelligence and fake hair who can barely string two four-word thoughts together on his own without drifting off into Lie Lie Land on some incoherent tangent.
If your irritable bowels can stomach an honest person with high intelligence and genuine hair who can state obvious truths in a concise and straightforward manner without cheat sheets and an arrogant attitude, watch Bernie's response:
Ah! Another day another bitter shot of venom from a frustrated loser. Do you think your side looked a little pathetic last night? I thought Wasserman Schultz and Ellison were particularly classy. Even Van Jones commented on how President Trump looked and acted presidential. OOPS!
In our little redneck town, back when the tea-baggers were hot, one of my buddies, an Iraq war vet, had the boots put to him by four Koch brother-sponsored protesters simply because he was wearing a pro-Obama pin. He had to go to hospital. Others were charged with blocking traffic without a permit, while some even fired their weapons into the air inside city limits. Across rural Meerkkka, such violence was not uncommon.
By the same twisted logic, which right-wing trolls sputter and spew to lie about the peaceful, albeit loud, grassroots protests springing up after Trump's so-called "election," the fraction must represent the whole; ergo, by extension, all those Tea-publican Astroturfprotests back in the day were violent and all the brain-dead participant/conspirators were criminals.
The fact is that with millions and millions of people opposing this so-called "president" -- the enemy of the people (his words describing the free press) -- only a miniscule percent have resorted to violence, which is not condoned or tolerated by anyone else serious about effecting change. Whenever there is widespread political resistance and wherever large crowds gather, small fringe groups and individuals (with a good sprinkling of agent provocateurs) will always use legitimate protest as cover to act out their own agendas.
Of course, swamp-wing propagandists already know that. The truth is never their point; false portrayal is. If you want to witness real crowd violence, look no further than the many, many videos of Trump the Demagogue firing up his fever-eyed minions at rowdy, over-the-top campaign rallies. "...I'd like to punch 'em in the face, believe me! Take 'em out on a stretcher! I'll pay for the lawyers..."
#Dianereynolds: Are you sure these BLM protesters aren't Republicans? Are you sure the CIA isn't behind them? The CIA was behind distributing drugs to all the Flower Power children back in the 1960's to derail the Peace Movement. And the government sold hard drugs down into East LA (Oliver North) to derail any dissent there over our appartheid practices. How about the Right MSM branding Bernie voters as "violent" because some guy at the DNC Nevada Convention picked up a chair and then put it down again? These people are the commerce class; they will say or do anything to get their way: "The ends justifies the means" crowd. Don't be too quick to believe them; demand proof first.
How many times does "El Trumposo" have to lie and/or contradict himself before talking heads stop acting like ANYTHING HE SAYS is worthy of attention or anything other than mockery. My only qualm is that Pence will survive. If a Russian agent selects a Vice President and a cabinet--are those selections any more legitimate than the election of the Russian agent? It is time to go "trans-Constitutional" and hold a "do-over."
Everyone makes really good points, all of which succinctly deconstruct any argument against common-sense solutions and ethical imperatives.
Flyguy, although I strongly disagree with his conclusions, has also contributed an important element to the larger debate by offering a sincere concern for the difficulties of implementing the elegance and simplicity of a Medicare-for-all plan in view of our hopelessly complex and polarized political climate.
Straw-man arguments and transparent deflections, calling for procrastination and slow transition away from a spectacular example of unbridled capitalism utterly failing, offer valuable insight into the inherent stumbling blocks of a deep-seated, intransigent ideology that clouds good judgment and correct action.
What are the proper roles of capitalism and socialism in a functioning society that works for all the people? In which sectors does capitalism work best, where does it not, and when does it require regulation? Where does socialism, without a profit motive, make the most sense and become the most moral choice? Or, in our Founders' words, what is the appropriate balance between free enterprise and the commons?
When the path is clear, why wait? Great movements of history, capturing the explosive energy of the people, happen surprisingly fast.
What are Democrats waiting for?
Why are you still waiting for the Democrats?
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
UNLIKE THE ROCK {a limerick}
’Tis likely our nation will falter
if the “facts” Trump continues to alter.
A “factual” fable
makes a policy unstable,
unlike the Rock of Gibraltar.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 19.0px Helvetica}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 19.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 19.0px Helvetica; min-height: 23.0px}
span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}
HIS FOLLOWERS WALLOW {a rhyme and a coda}
‘Bout EVERYthing Trumpish we’re disappointed;
EVERYTHING ‘bout it is yuugely disjointed.
Yet in his wake his followers follow;
yet in his swamp his followers wallow.
He’s after all the Prince they’ve anointed.
… Coda: - Images -
His followers like his draining the swamp
so that in it his minions can happily romp.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
THERE ONCE WAS A …. {a limerick}
There once was a fraud from {New York} Noo Yawk
who knew how to gesture and {talk} tawk
so’s to sell his {schlock} schlawk
to customers who’d squawk
their hurrahs for a laughing{stock}stawk.
All Congress would have to do is approve a Bill that resets Medicare to 0 for all new Members. It would cover pregnancies from day 1, and would work exactly the way Senior coverage does. Participants would still have to find a supplemental for Prescriptions and other care, the way we Seniors do, but with so many millions of new people in the program, even with the built-in percentage of shrinkage for fraud, it would cover everyone who needs insurance, and the supplemental plans would have healthy people along with us older and less well folks. But the Republicans DON'T WANT to cover even us seniors, let alone make it simple for everyone else. We'd still need to have the right for Medicare to negotiate a lower cost of prescriptions, and they'd need to cover transplant maintenance druga for far longer than just three years after a transplant, but it's all possible, if they'd just push their noses back into place and buckle down and do some work for a change.
Actually, a Medicare-for-all system with 300 million members would work far better than the current system. Currently, Medicare takes care of aged, ailing individuals in the main, while leaving the rest of the population to pay a double burden: financing Medicare via the FICA tax, while at the same time paying out exorbitant premiums for private insurance, with its steep overhead, unchecked price increases, burgeoning copays, vicious exclusion policies, and death panels. The percentage of healthy individuals in the 300-million deep insurance pool would be far higher, which would mean lower premiums overall, not to mention a collective sigh of relief from the removal of the number-one source of anxiety in daily life: getting sick, losing your job, and then losing your insurance, so that you are bankrupted and die in the gutter. That's healthcare in America. Obamacare is, if you'll excuse the expression, a bandaid on this hopelessly diseased system, which isn't surprising, given that it was originally a Republican plan intended as a massive giveaway to the insurance "industry" (actually a racket more than an industry).
Medicare for all. So simple! Is that too simple for Americans to get? Of course, insurance companies get it...that's why they don't want money in it. What the money barons want is not what citizens want. We want health care. They don't want us to. No money in it. Simple. We lived in Canada for three years and participated in the Alberta Health Care Plan (part of the Canada system). We paid no premiums for insurance. But, we paid taxes in place of premiums...and those taxes did not hurt us whatsoever. In fact, when we needed insurance, no poblem. Our first baby was born for a $5 (CND) hospital registration fee and her mother stayed in the hospital for 6 days...just to make sure all was well for both. Then I had acute appendicitis. I was rushed 90 miles to a hospital and operated on that very night. My wallet did not hurt like my body did! Medicare for all works! Americans must understand that Medicare for All works. Our Canadian friends know that...and would never, ever give it up. Listen to them! My12 Canadian cousins would ask you to listen to them! They will tell how wonderful it is never to worry about going bankrupt or a house taken away because of medical bills. In fact, their preventive health care, acute, and long term care enables them to contribute to a better economy for them and their fellow citizens. They like it for the neighbors to have care. Is that not good? Everyone gains. America! Do it!...Medicare for All!
It is a prescription for disaster.
Good points, 2950-10K! The people who do not know how to govern are now in charge of governing. All they could do before was to obstruct. Bob Dole said that the Republican party used to be a party of ideas. That was quite a while ago. Your advice about taking care of your money appears sound. Yeah - when this crash inevitably occurs - those guys in charge now will not know what to do at all. They will be like Herbert Hoover all over again. I pray that there will be some sane and decent minds among them who will rise up.
When is Alan Funt going to come into the camera shot and tell America, "YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA!!" -and it's all been a very bad joke?
The fact that in 2017 the wealthiest country on the planet still doesn't have single payer is a hell of a tribute to the right-wing propaganda machine....thaaaat's Socialism!
The Dem's should be shouting out single payer loud and clear. That and raise the cap!
Speaking of right-wing propaganda...the stock market has been a massive fascist propaganda tool since November. It hasn't been this overvalued since 1929...and most of us know the rest of the story.
United States Corporate "effective" tax rates are already among the lowest rates paid in the world and consumer debt has never been higher. Right-wing spin points to the rally being tied to Trump's promise to cut corp tax rates. There's a little problem with this, how do you cut a zero percent effective tax rate for Exxon and many others like them.???? It's a big lie.
All you hard working citizens with 401K's...get out now....I'm serious. You won't be able to move your money fast enough if you wait for the first so called correction. Congress won't be able to fix it this time...the Tea Party will block a bailout. To make matters worse, Pence is very likely to be president when this crash happens. They're not going to know how to fix it.
Thom, hoping you can see this here. Tennessee's rush to privatize everything has hit it's first snag. Fall Creek Falls is a beautiful park.
Single payer systems are wonderful conceptually. They work best with small homogeneous societies and the SMALLER the society, the better it works. I think that what the progressives and Bernieites are missing is the huge effort to convience 300 million of us to switch to a single payer system overnight. Talk about Culture Shock! What might be more practicle is to have a transition plan. The country cannot realistically shut down all the private insurers as that would have a very negative effect on our economic model. Watch the 401k and Individual IRA's take major hits, not to mention the legal challenges of the Feds forcing private business Out of Business! Be pragmatic! Perhaps a transitional plan to move the Health Care System towards Single Payer over a period of years doing such things as moving the model from Private For Profit Insurance to Not for Profit Insurance and begin to extend Medicare from 65 to 55 to 50 to 40, etc. Let the market impact be more digestable and move forward towards the end goal of Universal Health Care. One could argue that medical school be federally funded or supported. With the cost of med school VERY high, students going into health care are not going be so eager to be MD's with the level of pay that comes with single payer model. There has to be some real deep thought and effort to accomplish this. All the yelling and screaming about Obama Care, ACA and Pharma and Health Insurance companies, and health care costs will accomplish nothing but a stand off between free market capitalism and Demo Socialism advocates. Moving 300 million + from where we are today to where the progressive's want to go is VERY EXPENSIVE, DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING and requires the entire country to work together. Nobody EVER discusses the challenges. Even if 200 of the 300 million of us were to rally in the streets every day 24/7, the current system we have cannot be dismantled and switched over fast, efficiently, fairly, easily, etc.
Think about it......Great Idea - Hard to Accomplish. The USA could switch to a NON FOSSIL FULE model eaiser. You are talking about 1/3 of our GDP fliping to a new and untested or rationally inposed model.
I have no personal gripe with our current system. Why do all the single payer participants want to come to our facilities in the USA when they are REALLY SICK! Because we provide the best health care in the world, yes, it is expensive. You get what you pay for. It is not fair and equal, but life is not fair and equal.
I am now on Medicare and I actually like it. The main drawback is finding providers that take MC. If one spends time and effort to search, one can find good care. However you may have to wait. Under a single payer, you have to wait longer for services that are not deemed critical. And what is critical to you may not be critical to the SYSTEM. There are a lot of pro's and con's to be looked at. In summary, I would really like to see Bernie and his minions, bring forth a reasonable, well thought out, researched transition plan that can be commuicated and debated with out emotion. Will anyone come forward with a reasonable transitional model? Current environment says NOPE - Not going to happen! It will take some real solid mass leadership and effort to gain the support of a majority of our citizens to bring the USA to a single payer model. And it will take years! My guess is 10 to 15 years.
Just food for thought!!
Healthy Thoughts to All...........
Single payer systems are wonderful conceptually. They work best with small homogeneous societies and the SMALLER the society, the better it works. I think that what the progressives and Bernieites are missing is the huge effort to convience 300 million of us to switch to a single payer system overnight. Talk about Culture Shock! What might be more practicle is to have a transition plan. The country cannot realistically shut down all the private insurers as that would have a very negative effect on our economic model. Watch the 401k and Individual IRA's take major hits, not to mention the legal challenges of the Feds forcing private business Out of Business! Be pragmatic! Perhaps a transitional plan to move the Health Care System towards Single Payer over a period of years doing such things as moving the model from Private For Profit Insurance to Not for Profit Insurance and begin to extend Medicare from 65 to 55 to 50 to 40, etc. Let the market impact be more digestable and move forward towards the end goal of Universal Health Care. One could argue that medical school be federally funded or supported. With the cost of med school VERY high, students going into health care are not going be so eager to be MD's with the level of pay that comes with single payer model. There has to be some real deep thought and effort to accomplish this. All the yelling and screaming about Obama Care, ACA and Pharma and Health Insurance companies, and health care costs will accomplish nothing but a stand off between free market capitalism and Demo Socialism advocates. Moving 300 million + from where we are today to where the progressive's want to go is VERY EXPENSIVE, DIFFICULT, TIME CONSUMING and requires the entire country to work together. Nobody EVER discusses the challenges. Even if 200 of the 300 million of us were to rally in the streets every day 24/7, the current system we have cannot be dismantled and switched over fast, efficiently, fairly, easily, etc.
Think about it......Great Idea - Hard to Accomplish. The USA could switch to a NON FOSSIL FULE model eaiser. You are talking about 1/3 of our GDP fliping to a new and untested or rationally inposed model.
I have no personal gripe with our current system. Why do all the single payer participants want to come to our facilities in the USA when they are REALLY SICK! Because we provide the best health care in the world, yes, it is expensive. You get what you pay for. It is not fair and equal, but life is not fair and equal.
I am now on Medicare and I actually like it. The main drawback is finding providers that take MC. If one spends time and effort to search, one can find good care. However you may have to wait. Under a single payer, you have to wait longer for services that are not deemed critical. And what is critical to you may not be critical to the SYSTEM. There are a lot of pro's and con's to be looked at. In summary, I would really like to see Bernie and his minions, bring forth a reasonable, well thought out, researched transition plan that can be commuicated and debated with out emotion. Will anyone come forward with a reasonable transitional model? Current environment says NOPE - Not going to happen! It will take some real solid mass leadership and effort to gain the support of a majority of our citizens to bring the USA to a single payer model. And it will take years! My guess is 10 to 15 years.
Just food for thought!!
Healthy Thoughts to All...........
trump has advocated for single payor in the past. i don't think he has the political capital to do what is right.
3 cheers for single payer health care.
But suggest it be introduced on a state by state basis.
Canada started with one province, and it slowly became
popular across the entire country.
One of the great benefits of going last is that you have the opportunity to learn what works well and what doesn't work well with the systems in the other countries. Then you can come up with the best healthcare system.
Medicare for all is exactly what Bernie called for last night in his clear-minded response to the big lies and half-truths that Trump the Faker presented to Congress, for which all the Republican fascists stood and cheered:
Ha! "Irritable bowel syndrome" is what old fools suffer when they swallow pathetic Republican lies their whole lives and then are forced to face hard truths at the end, e.g., washed-up trump trolls who project their own psychological problems onto others -- a subconscious plea for help.
Democrats won the larger, moral victory with a clear conscience. Republicans lied and cheated, kicked and scratched their way to a sad, hollow victory, which will forever haunt them. That's what future generations (if they survive climate change) will read in the history books. In the meantime, the real losers must live out their miserable lives constantly trying to justify the unjustifiable. Good luck with that.
Wow. A fake, so-called "president" stumbled through a painstakingly rehearsed prepared speech by reciting from a teleprompter. Very impressive ...for an orange buffoon with low intelligence and fake hair who can barely string two four-word thoughts together on his own without drifting off into Lie Lie Land on some incoherent tangent.
If your irritable bowels can stomach an honest person with high intelligence and genuine hair who can state obvious truths in a concise and straightforward manner without cheat sheets and an arrogant attitude, watch Bernie's response:
Ah! Another day another bitter shot of venom from a frustrated loser. Do you think your side looked a little pathetic last night? I thought Wasserman Schultz and Ellison were particularly classy. Even Van Jones commented on how President Trump looked and acted presidential. OOPS!
BTW, Thanks, yet another Christmas morning. How's healing that irritable bowel syndrome working out for you?
In our little redneck town, back when the tea-baggers were hot, one of my buddies, an Iraq war vet, had the boots put to him by four Koch brother-sponsored protesters simply because he was wearing a pro-Obama pin. He had to go to hospital. Others were charged with blocking traffic without a permit, while some even fired their weapons into the air inside city limits. Across rural Meerkkka, such violence was not uncommon.
By the same twisted logic, which right-wing trolls sputter and spew to lie about the peaceful, albeit loud, grassroots protests springing up after Trump's so-called "election," the fraction must represent the whole; ergo, by extension, all those Tea-publican Astroturf protests back in the day were violent and all the brain-dead participant/conspirators were criminals.
The fact is that with millions and millions of people opposing this so-called "president" -- the enemy of the people (his words describing the free press) -- only a miniscule percent have resorted to violence, which is not condoned or tolerated by anyone else serious about effecting change. Whenever there is widespread political resistance and wherever large crowds gather, small fringe groups and individuals (with a good sprinkling of agent provocateurs) will always use legitimate protest as cover to act out their own agendas.
Of course, swamp-wing propagandists already know that. The truth is never their point; false portrayal is. If you want to witness real crowd violence, look no further than the many, many videos of Trump the Demagogue firing up his fever-eyed minions at rowdy, over-the-top campaign rallies. "...I'd like to punch 'em in the face, believe me! Take 'em out on a stretcher! I'll pay for the lawyers..."
I highly doubt your theory because most republicans were at work.
#Dianereynolds: Are you sure these BLM protesters aren't Republicans? Are you sure the CIA isn't behind them? The CIA was behind distributing drugs to all the Flower Power children back in the 1960's to derail the Peace Movement. And the government sold hard drugs down into East LA (Oliver North) to derail any dissent there over our appartheid practices. How about the Right MSM branding Bernie voters as "violent" because some guy at the DNC Nevada Convention picked up a chair and then put it down again? These people are the commerce class; they will say or do anything to get their way: "The ends justifies the means" crowd. Don't be too quick to believe them; demand proof first.