Recent comments

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    The Trump, Assange, and Putin megalomaniac triangle strike again. Has anybody heard the so called President of the United States speak out against Assange, who just exposed our CIA's entire hacking arsenal? Hell no! Nor has our corpse media mentioned how strange that is. Oh I realize Assange claims to be the good guy exposing what is already out there...bull crap.

    We haven't seen the likes of Putin since the days of Caligula and Assange won't leak a single email from the Kremlin. Thousands of innocent women and children were just massacred in Allepo and their blood is all over Putin's hands.... that's who he is.... and our Donny has a man love for him.

    All I can say is many many anonymous patriots obviously now have the tools to go after all of the god damn Tories out there...McConnell, Ryan, Tillerson, Sessions, Bannon, the Trump family...all of them.

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    45s Tweets are meant to add profit for main stream entertainment news cycles.

    His consistent lying and distorting facts, such as about Guantanamo, temporarily distract from the main issues: Russia ties and failure to release his tax returns. It will be 'We the people' that ultimately bring him down as Rachel Maddow pointed out. We must never normalize this administration. Call Legislators. Mail a Postcard; include a copied article with comment to Individual Congress critters. Remember that there are more of us than them. We are stronger together.

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    leighmf - Sorry! The inmates HAVE taken over the asylum

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Should the patients control the insane asylum?

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    The really sad part is that nearly one-fourth of America's eligible voters are so indoctrinated by decades of heavy propaganda they can't escape the maze of dark, narrow tunnels drilled into their deadened minds. They can't view themselves objectively as they are, as they are seen by those who have not wasted their time and energy -- their lives -- mesmerized by Fox Faux News, hate radio, and the lunatic bubble-sphere on the internet.

    Why do so many have to suffer for the lunacy of such a tiny faction of greedy, self-absorbed racists and fascists? What happened to the "greatest democracy on Earth?" Where is that fantasy of the "shining city on the hill?"

    Do you want the red pill or the blue pill, to remain in blissful ignorance under a Republican, predatory, plutocratic kakistocracy or to wake up to the harsh realities and force the Democratic Party back to its roots as the party of the people?

    (The original color of the pills from "The Matrix" are reversed to reflect the difficult choice voters must face in our unfortunate, constitutionally mandated, two-party system. Devising some sort of system to allow "instant runoff" or "ranked choice" voting would give third parties more leverage over the platform issues and weaken the iron grip of the establishment parties, so that people could vote their conscience without ultimately wasting their vote.)

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    I'm hoping the top guards of the military know better than to give orangeolini any true codes and just give him a fisher-price multicolor chatter phone.

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    trump has no political capital and his only hope of completing a first term is to get us in a war as soon as possible. will it be korea, the middle east, russia, africa? the landscape changes daily, stay tuned.

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    T-Rump voters always blame the wrong people for all the crap that's been going on in this country ever since Nixon and Reagan. It's hard to fight billion dollar brainwash. The Neo-cons do the same thing that the Nazis did. They take advantage of human frailties, like fear, ignorance and greed in order to fool the people. That's how the Nazis did it and that's how the Neo-con Republican party infiltrators are doing it. They are the, "swamp snakeheads," that have invaded the United State's government. We must stop them now or it will be too late, maybe ending up in a civil war.

  • Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Trump is like the right wing trolls on this site that make up facts and believe them.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Mr. Ed: I don't think I have ever read posts from a more bitter, sick individual. Do you read the garbage you type? You truly do suffer from hoof and mouth disease.

    Your constant need to be the last poster on every topic proves you are one of "those people".

    Over the top idiots got Hillary defeated and Trump elected, so in your brains battle with reality, look in the mirror. You helped put him in office. Thank you for your efforts.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    In the diseased mind of Steve Bannon, the stupid f*cking white man who originally conceived and designed the Muslim ban and then convinced der Fuhrer Dummkopf to implement, it is completely -- one hundred percent! -- about racism and has nothing whatsoever to do with the threat of terrorism.

    Trump apologists who think otherwise are either despicable liars and racists themselves or, at the very least, goddamn gullible fools who squandered their votes on a den of snakes. King Joffrey the Manboy and his clan of white supremacist advisors should be hounded and shamed from office until they slither back into the deep swamp whence they came far, far away from civilized society and the reins of power.

    Virtually all of our most knowledgeable terrorism experts have stated loudly and clearly that this ridiculous ban will only increase the likelihood of terrorism by reducing our ability to effectively counteract it. The military absolutely requires the vital cooperation of the good people in those troubled lands. Instilling hatred and resentment against America -- in effect, "mission-creep" toward a religious war between Christians and Muslims -- is exactly the wrong policy.

    So why are Amerikkkan fascists really trying to ban Muslims?

    For a glimpse into what motivates these sick bastards, if you can stomach it, peruse "The Camp of the Saints," an unbelievably racist, 1973 French novel by Jean Raspail -- Steve Bannon's bible and a favorite of the alt right:

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Thom, twice last week you commented that Bill Clinton was one vote in the Senate from being removed from office. The real number is 17 votes. GOP got 50 votes to remove but needed 67.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    I can't WAIT till he comes face to face with the new "friends" he made!!

  • GOP Leadership Doubles Down on “DumpsterCare”   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    PSALM 426 {a limerick}

    “… and bring it Thou to nought,

    the mayhem which Trumpites have wrought

    across our land.

    Strengthen our hand,

    or else the farm we’ll have bought. ….”


  • GOP Leadership Doubles Down on “DumpsterCare”   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    CAJOLING DOESN’T WORK {a limerick}

    The White House staff tries cajolery

    to cope with The Donald’s a.s-holery.

    But it doesn’t suffice

    to make him nice.

    He’s ‘way too {uncontrollable} uncontrollary.


  • GOP Leadership Doubles Down on “DumpsterCare”   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    STORMS {1.60 limericks}

    Trumpismo blows in storms

    which ravage our nation’s norms,

    which destroy our terrain.

    Our prospects wane.

    Give us some anti-Trump reforms!!

    Not merely inane,

    Trump is our bane!!

    We should be up in arms!!


  • GOP Leadership Doubles Down on “DumpsterCare”   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    The “CON” Way {a rhyme and an image}

    Kellyanne’s way

    is that of a Con.

    Whatever she has to say

    is a fib from hither to yon.

    … Image:


  • GOP Leadership Doubles Down on “DumpsterCare”   7 years 50 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    HEALTH INSURANCE {1.60 limericks}

    The Republicans we adjure

    to retain the way we insure

    through the A C A,

    through Obamacare’s way.

    Don’t take too much a detour. …

    … Or better, let’s say

    that “single pay”

    would give us a better cure.


  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Actually, he has nearly 63 million voters, who can't grab their asses with both hands.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    If the ban were about Muslims, then there would certainly be more than 6 countries.

    The countries chosen for the ban have governments where the background of the

    person can not be checked.

    Trump may be advocating other bad policies, but on this he is absolutely correct.

    And, guessing most of his 44 million voters concur.


  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    I live in a red state that's wasting taxpayers' time and money by trying to pass an insanely idiotic Sharia law ban. Much like the "English Only" policy, it's a solution in search of a problem. That "judges might get confused" is one of the loony-toon legislators' main line of reasoning, which was actually put in the record, I kid you not! At least future historians will have a good laugh ...if we have a future.

    In all this much ado about nothing, notice that hardly anyone on the cutting edge of Nothing News ever mentions the primary reason that the world is breeding so many terrorists and creating so many Muslim refugees: Bush and Cheney's war crime that blew up the Middle East, perpetuated by Obama -- this according to our own military intelligence assessments, and every other independent analysis ever conducted.

    With the already out-of-control military-industrial-complex under the command of Generalissimo Trumpnino, who doesn't even have command of his own mind, the chaos should only intensify, as will the profits on death and destruction.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Hope your correct. Especially about Comey!

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    ,,,because Kend speaks for "most" of the people in the free world.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    Our City of Lino Lakes MN recently instituted an English only policy for Government Communication. I wrote about it in a local online news venue called MinnPost. What I said also applies to the Muslim Ban. This is at best a solution in search of a problem.

  • The Trump Crackdown Begins   7 years 50 weeks ago

    How about we ban and deport the entire treasonous executive branch? The recent "Russian" wikileaks are meant to create misinformation and shift blame for the Putin directed DNC hacks onto the CIA. Trump and Bannon know the gig is almost up and that the CIA can bring them down in a and seizure of devices ....and boom, handcuffs.

    Given the recent wikileaks info, does anyone doubt now that the CIA has the smoking gun regarding the collusion? They gathered it right from the Kremlin. The CIA is going to prevail on this one. Comey and Guilliani will be implicated in the election fraud all as well.

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