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  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Also don't forget to mention that 77% of that 2 billion dollars was negative press for Trump as opposed to 64% negative for Hillary Clinton.

  • Day Topics - Thursday March 16th, 2017   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Jerry Anthony We need a stand alone National Presidential Voters paper ballot issued by the Federal Government (USA) to all State Governments that comes with a thumb print of the Voter. End of problem.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Tom, in your discussions on campaign spending you forget to mention all the free airtime and coverage that Trump got from media. He received an estimated 2 billion dollars of free coverage during the campaign since he declared his candidacy. If you add that in he actually used more money than any other candidate in history. It was not that money in politics doesn't matter as some conservative pundits say it was that he used money from a third party that is basically unaccounted for. So money in politics does matter no matter where it is coming from. Did conservatives just find another loophole to get media coverage for their candidates; yes!

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    ...says the supporter of the liar about wiretapping the Trump Tower, the liar about sending detectives to Hawaii that were gathering evidence to prove Obama was not born there, the liar that had a replacement for Obamacare, the liar that says he didn't know Putin, the liar that said he couldn't release his taxes because he was under audit, the liar that said the unemployment numbers were phony but now are spot-on, the lair that took credit for the January economic numbers even though he wasn't in office yet, the liar that blamed his generals for losing Navy Seal William Ryan Owens in Yemen, the liar that said that Obama had previously approved the raid, the liar that lied about the size of his crowds at the inauguration…

    By why waste anymore of my time trying to prove anything to those that will support as their leader a pathological lying, misogynist, racist, thin-skinned, arrogant, pile of garbage that can never admit that he was wrong about anything. In fact, these adoring hordes can't even find the slightest reason to disagree with him.

    Yes, we are being set up by these Trumpanzies that are chocking on the shit that gushes from this filthy pig's ass as they are constantly trying to explain why what he said, is not what he really meant.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    You are being set up and you are clueless.

  • Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Diane, I know this thread is closing, but I think you may have misunderstood what I said. So, let me take a minute to break it down.

    (Dianereynolds - #25)
    "You are correct in your comment the left needs an icon like Limbaugh or Hannity. I don't believe Thom Hartmann will never fill that roll."

    I should have pared those posts down so you could see what I was saying. Here, let me repost what I actually said ... I think, as a stand alone, you might hear it differently:

    (k. allen - #22)
    "Sometime within the last couple of years, _some folks_ started saying "the left" needs a media icon like Limbaugh or Hannity/Beck."

    "I go, "Why?!"

    "I don't identify as "right" or "left" - that framing is two dimensional, mono-minded, and does not begin to provide ground for in depth examination and real solution building. It engenders a cattle chute mentality and sets people against each other based on mutual misunderstanding and mistrust.

    "Not helpful."

    "Coalage keeps bringing that up, along with repeated reprisals of the "we-won-you-lost-get-over-it" meme which seems like a complete waste of time, and empty argument to me - like a tug of war with no rope. What are you guys pulling on, anyway?

    Thin air?"

    "... It's all verbal diarrhea to me. If those folks have taught me anything, it is that I do NOT want to be like them - not one way, or another."

    In short, I think Thom would be wasting his time trying to fill that roll, and I do not think people of "the left" need bombastic, fact free, partisan talking heads any more than those on "the right" as the media generated conversation keeps a dys/misinformed populous at each others' throats, and well distracted with straw men, red herrings and false flag arguments.

    "It is easier for (Thom) to believe what he says and his audience laps it up as facts."

    See, that's odd. It just shows how differently people see the same things. I have that very same impression about the Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck junket. Seriously. Same thing with pumping up the fear factor. It seems to fly every which way ... someone must have left the fan on.

    "Give Tucker Carlson a watch. He may be a model your side needs to copy."

    Which side is "my side" Diane? Who are you talking to?

    I don't like to take sides. I also do not like partisan punditry and gross factionalism ... as far as I know, it is unconstitutional to support that kind of obtuse opposition within the government ... speaking of going by the constitution ... shall we fact check that?

    "As for those "industrious immigrants" I spoke of from 140 years ago, when they came to America they wanted to assimilate. Todays immigrants come in and all too many insist on changing American culture to that of the country they immigrated from. Big difference."

    Were your people among that wave of immigrants - post Civil War industrial era? From what little I know, it was a rough ride. You had to be tough to survive. It might be revealing to examine what "The American Dream" looked like to that generation compared to others.

    I think every cultural group that immigrates contributes to an ever changing diverse American culture, each in their own way. When it stops changing, it stops being America. Since when, in the "land of the free" is an individual not allowed to honor their own roots and traditions?

    ... well, come to think of it ..., since the beginning - if you consider the lives of imported slaves and displaced people who already lived in this land, and called it home for ages ...

    And really, it does seem to me that Anglo-European settlers in this land were - and still are - intent on imposing their own values and ' changing American culture to that of the country they immigrated from ... not such a big difference ... just, different cultures, this time.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Personally, I think that Pence is at the bottom of all the White House leaking. The instant that Trump took the oath of office, he outlived his usefulness to the Republican party, and then and there, became their greatest liability…and of course, Pence is the leader that the modern day Republican party lusts for.

    Therefore, what is the best way for them to dispose of Trump? Drive him mad with leaks? Maybe if they can make him crazy enough, even his ardent supporters will be willing to except Trump being removed from office. However, it won't be easy, as his supporters are equally insane, and lets face it, so are Pence, Mitchell and Ryan. The difference being, they don't come off quiet as clownish.

    It is amazing though to see how many clowns piled out of the clown car once they drove it into the White House. No wonder Barnum and Bailey is closing.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Vegasman56 - No leader = no revolution!

    Status Quo

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Ever sense Trump has become president along with speaker of the house Paul Ryan and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell the crazy people are coming out, and frankly it scares me to death. I wonder what Europeans and people from down under are thinking what level of intelligence the average American have, without a doubt it's not very high. Trump and his cabinet wants to destroy the America we have built for the average working families, by taking away our security in retirement and healthcare which should be a wright not a privilege. We have to come together and fight this Republican aggression that is on this we have at this time. Some the ways we can fight this is getting some facts correct my turning back to our history and learning from mistakes that we have made, and the improvements that has made our country that moved us forward to a better life for people who work for a living the people who we send to represent us in Congress and in the Senate, to that them know that we are watching them, we are counting every time they represent the Plutocracy, (Rule by the wealthy), which will not be tolerated.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    If the Republican factions are hell bent on forming a circular firing squad, all I can say is "Ready, aim, fire!"

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    My guess is that Bannon recently caught wind of Ryan expressing his feelings about the likelihood of Trump's impeachment or forced resignation. Ryan and McConnell both want Pence in as President. They know he would readily sign all of their Koch/Teabagger legislation.....and Bannon knows Pence would replace him.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    I thought that Breitbart and Trump were asshole buddies. Why would he use the press? He can just give him a little tickle and whisper in his ear that he is jelous of Ryan and daddie's love for each other.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Well Thanks DS.

  • Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    I'll bet you that every single Kochroach Governor uses a seperate email. We believe that Snyder does, too.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Very doubtful since there's only Sanders and a couple others that are Progressives. The Democrats are neoliberal and wish to continue maintaining the Status Quo with health industry.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Bannon is a Koch man as Breitbart has always been Koch media source. Ryan also answers to Koch's. Koch's do NOT want any social safety net...especially Health Care. They protect and fight for their ALEC corporations! So, what I'm guessing is that Ryan's plan isn't to Koch's liking and using Bannon to push Ryan further right.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Interesting that Mad Dog Mattis says that climate change is due to man and CO2. At least one cabinet member accepts science.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Well said, Oldskoold. People who preach empty rhetoric and call it religion while supporting bigoted policies that exclude the poor and the disadvantaged are nothing but despicable hypocrites and are the biggest drags on society.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    A republican house divided cannot stand; any chance the Progressives will get their s&*% together and push it over?

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    I would love to be able, in mind and body, to predict the outcome of the fight brewing amoungst these facshist fools that have "caught the car". Unfortunalely; I am afraid they are on a course that will leave all of them unscathed from any discomfort. Hell; they all have bunkers and prvate planes (2% ers of our economy) to escape to when the pitchforks and torches start getting close to them. If they don't they are fools of the highest order. I am still "shocked and appalled" that these Southern "church going" idiots elected the bastard! I hate to simplify this to such a low level but; (other than the voter supression trick and Russia and mysogony) it is "true blue racism and greed" that has caused us to be in this situation. By "true blue" I mean Southern Democrats who are hypocrites. I have seen it (latent racsism) all of my 60 years...... The most segregated day of the week remains between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 on a Sunday! I say a lot of southerners have some repenting to do......And, might want to go to the barn and sharpen their pitchforks for when they realize just exactly what they have enabled!

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Too much capitalism, and far less democracy. GOP not smart enough to give us a 21st century infrastructure.

  • Is Breitbart Setting Off A GOP Civil War?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    And may the worst men lose, all of them, on the right and in the wrong.

  • Do Republicans Understand the Point of Healthcare?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    In the century-old political debate about healthcare in the United States, the primary concern of conservative ideologues has seldom risen above their love of money to include empathy and compassion for the sick and the dying. For all its flaws, at least the ACA threw a lifeline to 20 million; by all accounts, the Republican replacement will cut that line.

    To the larger dilemma, every problem inherent in both the ACA and AHCA plans centers around an ideology that to profit on sickness and death is a good thing. Insurance companies meet financial goals by collecting premiums and denying claims. For the sake of protecting billionaires' cash cows, Republican and Democratic compromisers and appeasers have created a Gordian knot that can only be solved by taking away the profit motive.

    Widen the risk pool to include every human being; ban a predatory industry with its ridiculously high premiums from primary healthcare; pay for it with much smaller, graduated deductions from everyone's paychecks; include an equivalent graduated tax on the wealthy who derive their incomes by other means besides payroll; pick up the slack with a tiny fraction of the trillions wasted by the Pentagon.

    And, to the delight of those on the right who place the importance of money over lives, a single-payer system run by the government can pay everyone's legitimate claims with much less paperwork and only a two to three percent overhead, as opposed to the private sector that, before the ACA, was stealing thirty to forty percent primarily to enrich the few at the top of their pyramid scheme while generating needless mountains of mind-boggling paperwork and extra hassle.

    Ah, if only life were so simple!

  • Do Republicans Understand the Point of Healthcare?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    I will not leave the country to get a tooth pulled. I prefer to keep jobs in America not outsource my needs. Isn't that what the left is also all about?

  • Do Republicans Understand the Point of Healthcare?   7 years 49 weeks ago

    Healthcare is a Right and is not complicated if you support Medicare for All!

    It has the lowest overhead, complete access to all physicians, crosses state lines, would eliminate Medicaid, is supported by a line item tax, would allow for the greatest bargaining power for pharmaceutical prices, and all citizens can purchase supplemental insurance.When you get past the lies of both parties, it really is that simple! Obamacare was NOT the long term solution since it was a sell out to Big Pharma and Big Insurance, so it had absolutely NO Cost Containment! So, there is one big problem: Big Pharma and Big Insurance continue to own both political parties. Medicare for ALL would return Healthcare back to the people and out of the hands of these for-profit industries. And before someone responds about us having the "greatest healthcare in the world", consider this article in the New England Journal of Medicine: 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

    Christopher J.L. Murray, M.D., D.Phil., and Julio Frenk, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.

    N Engl J Med 2010; 362:98-99January 14, 2010DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp0910064

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