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  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    You're too kind in your wrath. Valid commentary on what transpired... but the real truth is that we live in an oligarchy... not a democracy.. one that cannot be expected to value people over "things." Our civil religion is based upon getting all one can to the detriment of others... our nation's logo says justice.. equality... things that declare we all matter. We don't. As citizens we are little more that indentured servants... serving the few that benefit from unfair tax codes and privileges only afforded to the wealthy. America was and is ran for the benefit of those that run it... or in the case of Republicans via their core theology-Calvinism..., ruin it for the rest of us.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    "this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper..." Not Trump's of course, ours.. the unpowered.. the citizenry. As long as we cling to an idealism that has become a cliche... vis-a-vis the "marketing collateral" used to sell America as a "great nation" we aren't and have not been since WW II when we banded together to defeat world domination by a fascist regime.. only to see it eroded by greed and self-interest. We are now dominated by a "Christian Reich" and America will never be the same country I served... and can no longer feel proud of.. as Trump's presidency is a watershed event in our history and as all historians affirm: history is always written by the winners, not the losers .. IE the American people. To proclaim we still live in a democracy is little more than propaganda... not a truthful analysis of what is, not what ought to be. Bucolic wisdom was ignored among Trump's base: the grass is always greener over a septic tank." And the "gomers" that voted for and still support Trump will never retreat from their ideal that some crotch-grabbing "messiah" that will save America for "Jee-suz". Pat Robertson and the Falwell brothers thinks so.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Once again a lowly pigeon makes my day.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Personally, I filed Bill Clinton's "big lie" in the trash bin along with Benghazi, the 33 thousand emails, Whitewater and all the other bullshit Republican witch hunts brought about by these filthy, lowlife, lying, despicable scumbags of the Nazi/Fascist GOP and their treasonous attempts to bring down the Clintons. Bill Clinton's "big lie" had nothing to do with anything other than the personal life of the Clintons, no matter how much the Republicans, in their self-righteous fanatical dedication to bringing down our democracy, tried to make it something more.

    Bill Clinton lied about a question that Republicans had no business asking in the first place. But thanks to Ken Starr's endless fishing expedition, they finally found a lie that they could trap Clinton into making.

    Our democracy officially ended when the Supreme Court made George W. Bush president. It has been on life-support ever since. The question is: did the electoral college pull the plug? Hopefully, in next years elections we can start to raise democracy from the ashes. There is still a pulse!

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Democracy cannot survive the corpse media machine that provided Crooked Donny with $billions$ in free campaign coverage.

    I doubt anyone that posts on this site watches network news, but if you happened to, you would never even know the Democratic Party exaggeration here. Case in point, since the primary, Bernie Sanders by far the most popular politician in the country has been blacked out totally.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    George W Bush lied US into Iraq and we will be paying for it forever.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Firing Squad?...Revolution...How about simply stripping them of their power and sending them back home to live among those who's lives they've so sorely impacted...perhaps they can spend time 'unbuilding the wall', serving at soup kitchens (or eating there) and donating time at health clinics.

    Much better than turning them into martyrs...instead we'll turn them into responsible, caring adults...

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Our democracy is almost all gone already! He will be a Fascist leader of a Fascist government by the end of his term if allowed to stay. There are only 4 or 5 honest people in congress presently, the remaining need to be executed by firing squad!

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The leaks Trump wants Sessions to investigate are the ones that expose Trump as a liar, as those transcripts did.


  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    An equally probing question is whether democracy can survive Bill Clinton's lie. See my more extended comments.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I thought Bill Clinton's Presidency did more good than harm, and that relentless Republican policies are driving the Nation to ruin - regardless of Trump's obvious flaws. Nonetheless, those of us on the leftist side probably need to acknowledge that a great deal of the current national political cynicism and incapacity to sort out leaders' truth from falsehood probably derives from a 90's original sin: Bill Clinton's big lie. Perhaps it wasn't impeachable, and perhaps it was borderline legal (aside from the grand jury testimony problems). But it was colossolly unethical and an unforgiveable breach of public trust by the President - of whom we must expect more than simply the absence of technical illegality. Bill should have resigned 18 months before his term ended. If he had, the nation could easily now demand and expect the same of Trump. Even Nixon knew when enough was enough. And Al Gore would have been much more likely to be President...and then...and then... Finally, none of this was Hillary's fault and could never have then been a vicarious issue in her subsequent campaigns.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Support the free press. Subscribe to at one newspaper, two if you can afford it. Write pro-journalistic letters thanking your news magazine or newspaper for specific revealing anti-Trump coverage. Use your imagination. Read and put into practice Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century Paperback – February 28, 2017

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Keep the peasants ignorant is a deliberate and well known ploy by the elite throughout millenia

    This is why they destroy what works continuously


  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Since 50% of the worlds Billionaires proclaim(d) to be (or have been) Christian.

    6 Teachings of Jesus that Contradict the American Dream

    Jesus calls us to discard our idol of the American Dream, to prevent materialism from hindering our pursuit of God. Let’s not allow our stuff to obstruct God’s work.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I checked my map for the quickest route from Suckerberg to *uckerberg and it shows the Huckabeerg route. Beware of the Oompa-Loompas and especially the Vermicious Knids along the way.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Instead of Tweeting he could just post on Facebook.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Now that I think of it…Putin would never let Zuckerberg become president…and to all a goodnight.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Populated with Orange Trump Trolls, you could tweak it to "Suckerberg" or "*uckerberg" ...

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    While I would probably be opposed to making Zuckerberg president, I might be persuaded to endorse changing the name of the United States to "Zuckerberg". It kinda has a nice continental ring to it and would sound great on newscasts. "Today in Zuckerberg, blah, blah blah…." It would be cool at the UN too!… "We now recognize the ambassador from Zuckerberg". Imagine being the Zuckerbergian ambassador to China or France or Egypt or Israel. Hell, they wouldn't know what hit them. This may, indeed, be the solution to all our foreign policy dilemmas. You're welcome!

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The most unqualified candidates to represent the vibrant citizenry of a functional democracy are hoggish businessmen sporting shiny three-piece suits and puffed-up generals bedecked with splashy medallions -- ladder-climbing "leaders" full of themselves, who tend to hold the myopic view of the unwashed masses as nothing but useful idiots to satisfy the sordid predilections of a rat pack of like-minded predators. In the shrunken cerebral cortexes of these egocentric madmen, we barely sentient bipedal humanoids are no more significant than workers who cut into profits, consumers to overcharge, or cannon fodder to clear a bloody path to the "enemy's" buried treasure, aka natural resources.

    A true democracy is run neither as a business nor as an army; it is a safe harbor for all, a home for the enlightened and the inspired as well as the downtrodden and the suffering, a refuge for family and friends -- a wide variety of colorful people who aspire to a wide variety of worthwhile vocations beyond wealth and power, violence and warfare. Frustrating their delusional, megalomaniacal ambitions even further, tycoons and tyrants cannot simply fire, jail, or kill all those worthless "takers" with whom they are so burdened -- the old, sick, disabled, drug addicted, unemployed, or poorly educated, who are unable to feed taxes and warm bodies into the greedy killing machine.

    In a fake democracy like ours, corralling a minority with susceptible minds into a suffocating prison from which to broadcast fear, hate, and ignorance may fool the slumbering masses for awhile; eventually, however, the over-medicated majority will stir from self-induced, made-for-TV happy dreams and see the waking nightmare of their lives sucked dry, their wealth gone, their hopes and dreams dashed, their children slaughtered in wars for profit. All for what, to make a few oligarchs even richer?

    At that point, only one real question remains: Is it too late to throw off the yoke of tyranny? As our moment in the sun quickly passes, with a White House overrun by ruthless billionaires and barbaric generals, and a compliant Congress and Supreme Court fat and happy with servile houseboys and parlormaids, are we too far down the fascist rabbit hole to fulfill the altruistic aspirations of our nation's forefathers for a more perfect union? Is this latest iteration of feudalism our final chapter?

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Well, there is no sense picking out a weekend horror movie to watch.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I do not want another billionaire as POTUS but was pointing out that some are better than others. Gate and Buffet have both signed pledges to donate 50% or their wealth. I think that Zuckerberg did also. Gates, Buffet and Zuckerberg did not get it all from Daddy. I am sure that all have some faults. Obama was a truly self made man. Bernie Sanders is also.

  • Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I find it interesting how the left would only consider a multi millionaire if they are in computer/ web type industry or a athlete, actor but not a self made business women or man in any other industry. All of the three that legend mentioned Buffet, Gates and Zuckerburg are know for their relentless, ruthless business practices. Especially when it comes to their partners and employees. But Democrats do believe the rules are there for the greater good but not for politicians they all end up extremely wealthy some how.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    You read it right. The American dream.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    You read it right. The American dream.

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