Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has reportedly empanelled a Grand Jury in the Trump Russia investigation.

If this is the kind of scandal we get with an oligarch in the White House, why would anyone want another plutocrat -- like Mark Zuckerberg -- to take his place?

Silicon Valley has given us the personal computer, the iPhone, and the gig economy.

Could it also give us our next president?

And if so - is that really what's best for the country?

In a move that has virtually everyone thinking "presidential run", Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has hired pollster Joel Benenson - the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign - to work as a consultant for his personal philanthropy.

Zuckerberg recently hired former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe to work at the same charity.

He's also been travelling across the country in recent months to talk with "average Americans".

Do we really need another oligarch presidential candidate?

Just the scandals that the financial connections of Trump have given us are just mind-boggling.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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