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  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    For profit prisons. Tax money won't cover it forever as greed keeps increasing. Going to have to start hitting up inmate families for more bucks to pay for "cell rental", utilities and maintenance. Cost of living, no matter where you live.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Mike, you will drive yourself insane trying to absorb all of Thom's past wisdom. You'll feel like a rich kid in a candy store with no parents around and it can be inebriating!

    We're just happy to have you with us going forward!

    But it is fun being able to pull up dates out of my feeble mind (Powell memo, '71; Buckley, '76) thanks to Mr. Hartmann's persistance!

    Hell, I've been attaching Powell's PDF to every email I've sent since Thom first schooled me about it 14 years ago!

    I love you man....welcome to the fight!

    Paul in PHX

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Long sentences in prisons under harsh conditions and without any real effort at rehabilitation came into fashion in the 80's and 90's as Republicans succeeded in associating crime with race. Witness the Willy Horton ad run by the first George Bush. Lock 'em up and throw away the key, was and remains, among the reactionaries appinted by Trump, the guiding principle. In their world, the only proper response to crime is brute force.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    ***Money***MONEY***MONEY!!! Get it here folks! Just open your private prison and rake in those tax dollars from the common worker. Make big money now in private prisons. Offer going fast, act now!! .. (Just like private schools. But you get to go home at night over there.)

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    america has figured it out, just follow the money. privatized military and privatized incarceration interests are among the nations top political donors.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago


    I enjoyed the show today on Progressive Voices internet radio.

    The Thom Hartmann program taught me more about the Powell Memo and Buckley vs. Valeo than any other source.

    Today I discovered a blog, .

    The blogger, Jim, began last fall to focus most of his podcasts, summarized on the blog, to what he is calling "The Powell Movement".

    I just downloaded all 15 such podcasts so far. I just listened to the first, from November 7th, 2016. I found it excellent, so I am listening to the rest now.

    Maybe you could contact Jim and invite him on the Thom Hartmann show. He is very entertaining, and also has a great sense of humor.

    -Mike Monett, Dayton, Ohio

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    ikeberltersen: Yes, when it comes to profiteering from war matériel and the resulting warfare, all other considerations (say, human life) are inconsequential.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    DH (#7): "Think of the US as a storm. Trump is the equivalent of the tornado sirens now being sounded." Spot on! And yes, many Dems have shown that they are every bit as hawkish as their Republican war-mongering counterparts. I have to wonder how many Dems who ultimately condemned the invasion of Iraq have jumped on the 'Russia is our enemy, we'd better do something about it' bandwagon. Seems like a claim that Putin is a thug is reason enough for them to put us on a path to nuclear war with Russia. I see no difference between Dem fearmongering over Russia and Republican fearmongering over Iran. Both countries are regional powers and if there's one thing that the US foreign policy establishment cannot abide it's a regional power that is not fully submissive to the great US of A.

    Deepspace (#14): Another criminal aspect of our 'defense' industry is the out of control sale of arms across the world, pushing nations to procure more lethal weaponry to protect themselves against other nations bristling with arms bought from America. We have truly become the monster that the world should fear. And as long as uninformed citizens buy the propaganda that we are somehow in constant danger from nations with a military a fraction the size of ours, this insanity will continue.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    ErinRose: Hah! Thanks for the correction. Yeah, inflation marches on. An old saying correlates an ounce of gold to the price of a good suit, no matter what age in history it is purchased; of course, in the circle of power elites, good is never good enough.

    Diane: Sorry, ain't buying your rewrite of history.

    Although every president has failed to rein in North Korea's nuclear weapon program to one degree or another, at least Bill Clinton's efforts brought the world together in dealing with this paranoid regime and succeeded in slowing their program almost to a halt -- the most successful effort so far. The world breathed a collective sigh of relief. Sure, it was far from perfect, but it was a new beginning that showed real promise in an extremely difficult and complicated relationship that stretches back to WWII -- if the original agreement was allowed to evolve further in holding the regime's feet to the fire.

    Then along came the Village Idiot and his "Axis of Evil" speech in 2002, which, along with other idle threats, over-the-top speechifying, and ineffective aggressions, which directly resulted in North Korea breaking off the agreement, kicking out the inspectors, and exiting the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. It was under the Village Idiot's wise tutelage -- not Bubba's -- that their program shed all constraints and began churning out nuclear bombs as fast as they could.

    Though your humor is appreciated, an old sitcom is not the best place to seek advice. Sooo... what exactly, pray tell, would President Diane (shutter) do to "nip it in the bud"??? Enquiring minds want to know.

  • Daily Topics - Thursday August 3rd, 2017   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Hi Thom,

    I'm a fan, BUT your gold commercial seems to have been slowed down a touch, which makes you sound as though you are slurring your speech. I know you have not stroked or been drinking, but on that recording, you sound like it. Maybe you can replace it?



  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    #deepspace: (No. 14) Well said! (One correction, though, it's FIVE thousand dollar suits, and one thousand dollar pairs of shoes.)

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Is Trump the No.1, threat in the world? No, especially since the Congress has just passed some laws hamstringing the office of the presidency and requiring that any aggressive moves much first be passed through the Congress for approval. Considering the House holds the purse strings, these laws have teeth.

  • The "Better Deal" Platform   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I actually think the "Better Deal" is a terrible slogan. Not only does it imply we are all just working stiffs with no real power it also ignores the millions of us who are independent business people or working in the "gig" economy. I am no longer donating to DNCC. I am only supporting smart candidates who promote Green Energy, Healthcare for all, Pro-Choice, and Social Justice. I think we really need a Green New Deal. Thanks Thom.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    TRumpel-stilt-skin, the Everlasting Gobstopper.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    If Clinton considered the matter resolved, then why did he insist on international inspectors? The same inspectors that Bush thought we could do without!

    When Bush nixed the Clinton deal, that resulted in the removal of the inspectors.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    FACT: Two PSYCHOLOGICALLY UNHINGED leaders of nuclear armed nations. One in N. Korea, the other in the Oval Office. What could go wrong?


  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago


    I provided no viral images as none were needed. Just Bill Clintons speech to the American public on the matter that he considered resolved.

    "Today, after 16 months of intense and difficult negotiations with North Korea, we have completed an agreement that will make the United States, the Korean Peninsula, and the world safer. Under the agreement, North Korea has agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities. "

    Your bringing GW Bush into it a decade later is comical. Aren't leftie/socialists the party of trust, no inspectors needed. I thought inspections was the job of the leftie loved UN.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Pres. Trump has sub-zero emotional intelligence and obviously no empathy. He has no ability to put himself in the shoes of the North Koreans or anybody else, including the millions of S. Koreans who live a few miles from the border and would be "collateral damage" to his "fire and fury." Like many bullies he can see advantage and self-enhancement in taking on what he believes is a weak opponent and he also seems to have a morbid fascination with nuclear weapons. What a bad combination of factors for us all!

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The reason he's the number one threat to the global community is that he's willfully ignorant. He has no intrest in learning anything that doesn't benefit him financially. The American government cannot be run as a business and even if it could it should not be run by a man who has been so financialy irressposible for the majority of his adult life. Kim jung un is a threat that much is true however his threat cannot be nuetralized by essentially eradicating a region of the planet. Cobra Commander er. I mean Trump knows nothing of diplomacy and unfortunatly he's too stubborn to admit that he doesn't or to take the advice of the people who do know because it would further tarnish his already inept presidency

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Actually, Barney Fife, AKA George W. Bush made sure that there were no inspectors on the ground in Korea. How smart was that?

    I don't expect conservatives to read anything that is not on Fox News or some Nazi/Fascist rightwing news site, but I've included the link below anyway

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Perhaps we should not have followed the 1994 Bill Clinton solution to dealing with the North Korean threat, we will give you free stuff if you guys promise not to pursue nuclear weapons. Barney Fife may have taken the wiser approach.

    A refresher course for the boreass woman hater.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    yeah.. we could vaporize a few million with a nuclear strike.. and besides, they "ain't got Jee-suz like we do."

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    AS TS Eliot wrote: This is the way the world ends... not with a bang, but with a whimper... or should that be revised to read "..... but with a whiner" seems fair as little Donnie frets over his penis size. We have come a long way from Clinton's "oral office" to Trump's bathroom where he ponders his penis size in competition with Putin's. Trump is truly "pubic enemy no 1" and if he is successful in getting us in another world war, public enemy no 1.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Both Public & Pubic Enemy No 1 Trump is greatest threat to societies around the globe. All because he is obsessed with his penis size. Like Putin, Donnie will do anything to reassure himself that he has one.... if not the "greatest." Many wars have been prosecuted over that human failing... and now we face another perhaps. especially since Mueller is closing in. It's either launching a "superbowl" sized strike or firing Mueller. And my my how the "Christian Reich" sees him as their "messiah" bringing on a new world order. Side bar: I wonder what Putin thinks of Trump's threat... isn't he obligated to support N Korea via his own support agreement?

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Republican Evangelical boobs Psalm 23:4

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art Nuc-u-lar Military Industrial Complex with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

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