Recent comments

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago


    People have opinions without references. At least people who think for themselves. You on the other hand have probably never had an original thought, an original idea, or have any idea what the word original means. Try exercising your middle school dropout brain, and post some ideas. Stop attacking others who have the courage to express their ideas. What are you afraid off?

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Erinrose has just posted a totally uninformed post that is just about The same level as Dianne or OU812. Try adding some references to that Erin.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday August 9th, 2017   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The words of Trump to North Korea sounded like Stephen Miller to me.

  • Who Is Worse For America - Trump Or Pence?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    No one that I have heard on alternative media has been talking about anything good Trump has been attempting or denigrating the forces that have been blocking him. Don't forget, Trump killed the TPP, and he is very focused on trade and trade agreements. He also has been attempting to forge an alliance with Russia to end all wars; something that all of the Right leaning in both parties don't want. Trump is outspoken and volitile in the way he presents himself, whereas Pence is a trained lawyer and is very cool-headed. But Pence is also a religious ideologue and if POTUS would not hesitate to force a Christocracy on us, and I have nothing good to say about that. Trump may be scary, but Pence is a bona fide threat.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I'm getting really tired of nothing but trashing Trump; it's getting very old and tired. Also, no one is giving Trump any credit for trying to forge an alliance with Russia to end all warfaring in the Middle East. There is NO WAY I'm going to blindly bash Trump and side with the Demorats. As far as I am concerned, between what Bill Clinton did, what Barack Obama did, and what Chillary Clinton wanted to do to us, the Demorats are DOA. And I would also like to note that both the (R) and the (D) have been putting into place across this whole country laws that now prohibit Third Parties. And another thing is that Congress has now passed laws hamstringing the office of the POTUS, so all of this panic about what Trump will do is a tempest in a teapot. The real danger now is the bloody bipartisan Congress which supports ENDLESS WAR.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Aren't we in an oligarchy already?

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect wrote "Alarming parallels of history escalate,"

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    If it was not on Fox News the White House does not know about it.

  • Trump Unhinged w/ "Fire & Fury" Rant   7 years 27 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000}
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    Please, - no nukes for these two.

    Just microwave ovens will do

    to heat up their Gerber’s™.

    With nukes they’re disturbers;

    they’ll make the world go adieu.


  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Trump says he will respond to Korea with "fire and fury"......I think he's arrogant and unbalanced enough to do just that, but he'll be stopped. One thing I'm certain of, and it bears repeating, he's going to make a giant foreign policy mistake.

    I'm still betting that he'll bomb Iran's nuclear facilities....he has plenty of support for that catastrophic blunder.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Trump hasn't mentioned the Bannonesque mosque attack because his Foxaganda channel most likely did not cover it. Do you really think Trump is any more informed than the average Fox viewer?

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Have to start setting up multiple high resolution cameras around the entire perimeter with sound ability. Enough is enough of this goofy hatred! ..Go see a shrink (psychiatrist) if you want to do something looney!

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Blasted internal politics is going to end in world conflagration

  • Who Is Worse For America - Trump Or Pence?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Trump is scary due to his erratic nature, disorganized mind, racist leanings and impulsive tendencies, just to name a few! However, Pence is very intelligent, well spoken, and a religious ideologue who has the mental clarity and political savvy to implement his bat crazed agenda! I am very Luke warm about his replacing Trump!

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Thom, maybe I'm "on the rag" (sorry ladies), or perhaps the recent full moon is affecting me, but Jesus, can't you pick a more important topic to discuss? Fine. Some loonie throws a bomb into a mosque at 5:30 AM injuring no one (I suspect the timing was intentional) and Trump doesn't get on Twitter and condemn it. OK, that's predictable. It was a terrorist attack, no doubt. So are the daily multiple acts of violence against our own citizens by crazed cops in which people ARE killed, and Trump's response? "Hey, don't worry about bumping their little heads on the way into the back seat".

    You want something to engage your readers? Why don't you throw out the pissing match that we, the USA, are engaged in with North Korea over their nukes? Today they threatened to nuke Guam. And we're taking them seriously? Anyone that graduated high sfchool knows that if that happened (much less a strike on Palo Alto), we'd turn the north end of that tiny peninsula into a glass parking lot within, say 37 minutes!

    Of course, that drags China into the equation, and now we really DO have a problem, involving millions of lives, not tens or dozens. So why aren't you focused on issues like "why is the USA, with ten fold the military might of any other country on the planet (thanks to our generous trillion dollar annual budget) posturing over this "North Korean threat"?

    I have to say, sometimes your topics strike me as sophomoric. Sorry.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    So, I see mention of Trump's silence on this attack in the left leaning media...any mention in the most widely read or viewed outlets? CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox (that last one was a joke folks).

    We'd better be able to get out the vote in 2018...and perhaps ask Jimmy Carter if he'll oversee a UN oversite of our elections this time around.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    btw...i thought it, too, was obvious, but i 'flagged it as offensive' anyways...

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    This outrageous silence is because the potential victims of this attack were Muslim, right?

    ha ha ha...that's a rhetorical question, right? could the answer BE any more obvious...? a bomb goes off on your watch and...SILence?

    ha ha kill me thom...

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Stopgap has an excellent point here. Villication has been the Republican strategy for a long time. Remember Dukakis,'s wife, Kitty, who burned an American flag at an anti-war rally. Pure bullshit. Then there's the Swiftboating of John Kerry, also a tissue of lies. And let's not forget that Ken Starr was not the original Whitewater Prosecutor. That was a man named Robert Fiske who was replaced because he was about to end the investigation.

    Republicans have turned character assasination into an art form, ratcheting up the hate whenever possible. Is it any wonder the party has devolved into TrumpWorld?

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Found this interesting post on LinkedIn today. Don't know if there is confirmation of this.

    On the same day that Donald Trump traveled to Bedminster, New Jersey to begin his vacation, a private plane belonging to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich arrived at nearby Newark International Airport. Abramovich isn’t just any Russian oligarch; he’s very close to Vladimir Putin, and his wife attended Donald Trump’s inauguration in January (source: link). This flight pattern was uncovered by Juha Keskinen, who has been tracking the relevant flight information for some time (source: Juha Keskinen). Flight plans of private planes can be publicly tracked online, meaning the owners of these planes have less privacy in their travels than they sometimes think they have.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Dear Ronin: Thank You Very Much for your great comments. . This country was never a democracy. For a short time in the late 60's early 70's it had a chsnce to be one. That hope was destroyed by the Lewis Powell memo and the ensuing war on the Working class etc that followed it.

  • Who Is Worse For America - Trump Or Pence?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Trump is a wreckless idiot itching to press the nuke button, but Pence can actually get legislation passed that would satisfy every republicans' dreams, and turn this country back hundreds of years.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Well, as you know Thom, we're not really a "democracy". We are, as you've written and as academia and other sources have pointed out, an Oligarchy. We are essentially a neo-fascist nation with a survallence state. So, to reframe your question correctly, can the Oligachy survive Trumps lies? The answer is an obvious "yes", just as it survived Hillary's lies, treason, and rigging of the Democratic Primary against Bernie. The only real question is where the Oligarchs are taking us? But then I think you already know.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Dreamer... as the Whitehouse said a few weeks ago, they now control all three branches of government so they cannot be stopped.

  • Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    You are too kind. The US Congress is the largest brothel on earth and thee are no members that do anything but use their "pimps" financing to maintain a career. Al Franken even expressed his goal was to live out his wotking life as a Senator... getting pay check and benefit package for life. Mavericks like Sanders was and is refreshing.. but factually he is as effective as a fart in a hurricane. Note how democrats still try to "make nice" versus attacking that crotch-grabbing fascist in the Whitehouse? Joe Biden for decades was the glad-handing face of the Democratic party... now it's Franken... both "bllisters on the ass of progress." Poster children of Democrats. When all know party members that dealing with Republicans is like going to a wife swapping party... and coming home alone.

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