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  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    A particular characteristic of many Scavengers of prey is that they keep the head clean when feeding lol

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The Republican MO is to post whatever Fake News that they want and call it fact (or in this case post it as fact). Then call Fact Fake News. Post 10 is typical. If you have read my posts I post a lot of reference.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    As an Independent, I view BOTH parties as Compleatly Corrupt now, but here's FACTs

    In 1985 I did the diagnostics pkgs for a nuclear driven laser test at Los Alamos Labs that Obsoleted ALL ICBMs> US could Vaporize the Kremlin w/in Seconds of an ICBM launch Reagan did a western short of a high noon showdown w/a Russian holding an AK-47 & Reagan held a shotgun w/a nuclear symbol> He said 2 words "Your Call"> His meeting w/Gorby was held up until we could test the nuclear laser & get data> ended ColdWar

    In 1990 I designed an ultra light weight digital IR camera for a missile interceptor in polar orbit w/idea it could track an east-west ICBM trajectory, and change orbit to intercept it

    Point is> Our military capability is way beyond what anyone thinks> NoKo is primitive & you'd thik an insane dictator would think twice about being VAPORIZED by himself

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Generalissimo Trumpnino chooses "his" generals very carefully, meaning they had better not countermand his pathetic tweets. Besides, this fool is too stupid to be clued in.

    What is it about Republican presidents anyway that they are so easily played by their foreign adversaries? Is it really just plain stupidity and nothing more? And their voters are so proud of themselves. Sad.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    deepspace: You'd think that one of those "glorified generals" would clue Trump in on how bin Laden yanked Bush the Youngers chain....look where that got us. Kim jong-un is pulling the same shhtt on Donny.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    If you want to know the real Trump, ask the women he has assaulted, including the woman who at the age of 13 crossed his path. I still cannot and will not forgive anyone who voted for this self puffed frat boyish animal.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Trump doesn't push the button all by himself. One would hope the military would, distasteful as the concept would be to our form of government, recognize him as not in possession of his faculties were he to give the order for an unprovoked nuclear first strike, and refuse to let it happen.

    Even if he has used the meager resources of his country to build an underground Moonraker complex for himself and his cronies, Kim Jong Un knows that were he to launch a nuclear first strike, he would have to spend the rest of his days in that complex, as vulnerable as anyone else down there to the ensuing savagery when the food and water ran out.

    Trump, being all bluster and posturing, should be one of the first to recognize another "leader" who engages mostly in buster and posturing. If he takes Kim seriously because he takes his own posturing seriously, it's 25th Amendment time.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    "... for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

    larm007 (#11) drilled down to the inconvenient truth.

    Trump is made in America, the quintessential product and inevitable outcome of a culture mired in pettiness, selfishness, greed, and violence. We the People deserve him.

    Both establishment parties are responsible, but it is the exasperating complacency of the whole citizenry that has wrought this evil empire over the decades, a brutal military-industrial complex smothering the globe with over 800 fixed military bases in over 70 submissive nations, fleecing taxpayers for 600 billion a year in blood money, 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending.

    "Force projection" is a euphemism for violence and greed on a scale never before imagined, the worst blight in all of humankind's savage history, devouring everything in its path, including millions upon millions of broken and wasted lives. Less than 4.5 percent of the world's population gobbles up over 25 percent of the world's resources, while half the planet suffers in poverty and disease, with 800 million literally starving to death this very moment. "American exceptionalism" is nothing more than our legacy as the "ugly American."

    There is no honor in warfare. Yet, a long-term, steady drumbeat of high-decibel propaganda as well as heavy subliminal messaging has indoctrinated an entire population into believing that the primary patriotic duty, indeed a religious duty, is to feed the beast. We have descended deep into Machiavellian madness and have dragged the world down with us.

    Glorified generals wear dazzling displays of medals across their puffed-up chests and wield awesome weapons of death and destruction every chance they get. Slick politicians wear thousand-dollar suits and lie, cheat, and steal to enrich themselves at our expense. Needless to say, the empire's most galling enemies are those few citizens of conscience who dare to speak out and fight back.

    "We have met the enemy and he is us."

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I've long thought that as the walls continue to close in on him, Trump will have a complete break from reality prompting a very ugly ending, one massive in scale. He's a textbook megalomaniac and terrified that the Russian investigation will uncover his shortcomings as a businessman, a failure that thrust him into involvement with Putin's Russian mafia and money laundering...thus my "Crooked Donny." Putin wins, he has destablilized this country "big league."

    Oh well, so much for rhetoric, now like many others I half expect to wake up to a world that virtually overnight will never be the same again.... The thing about Trump, something Putin, Kim jong-un, in fact most of the world knows...he's such an easy button to pun intended.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The creature in the White House was installed there by the 13 richest families in the world, including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Koch brothers, et al to do nothing but start World War III. That's what they want and they want it in order to devastate the United States and get it to give up its sovereignty so they can gather it up with the rest of the other countries they've conquered and furnished with central banks and call it their New World Order. We must do what we can to stop this crazy nut before he gets us annihilated!

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Yes, Trump is is the entire succession list. We are definitely in deep do-do. As we invade other countries because their government is 'corrupt' or they are accussed of human rights abuses, we don't look at ourselves. We're guilty of the same things right here in the US and dare to call ourselves "the greatest country on earth". That probably was true for a short time in our history after WWII, but no longer....somehow we have been in military conflict for 93% of the time since 1776. Only 11 of the wars were declared. And the present one isn't declared, either. We're just plain greedy as well as being the 21st century's Roman Empire. I am not optimistic. BTW, I firmly believe WWI, WWII, Viet Nam and the wars in the middle east all involved False Flags. Proud to be an American? Not me.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    anyone know what happened on Game of Thrones last week? i'm pretty sure that it was more realistic AND interesting than THESE dragons...

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago


    Where are YOUR references? What you posted, has no references, is it your opinion based on nothing, or are there unquoted references?

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    It already is too late. Regardless, Trump was elected by a small portion of the population. In 2016, both candidates were strongly opposed by much of their own voting bases, for many of the same reasons. This is why roughly half of all US voters rejected both, and either voted third party or withheld their votes. (Check official 2016 election results.) In the end, Clinton won the most votes, Trump won the most electoral votes, so that's what we have to deal with.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Look back. Democrats have been a party of war for a very long time. We just sometimes pretend otherwise.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The US has been seen by the international community as the greatest potential threat for some time now. Think of the US as a storm. Trump is the equivalent of the tornado sirens now being sounded.

    What the world community sees is a US hell-bent on suicide. While the Rs have worked all year to build support for a war against China (via Korea at the moment), the Ds have worked just as hard to build support for a war against Russia. This has worked to bring Russia and China together, resolving their many years of conflicts in view of a potential world threat -- us. The American people, meanwhile, seem to be like deer frozen in the headlights of an oncoming 18-wheeler.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Thom, why are you playing loose with facts now? Has D.C. Gotten to you? Libya is not Republican politics but Neo Con. Both the Clintons and Obama followed their war mongering selves into Libya, destroyed the country and murdered Qaddafi. Clinton in her famous cackle we came we saw we killed, ha ha ha, bragged about this. You can't blame the Republicans for that. Obama admitted it was a total failure. Libya had free education, free health care, free electricity, etc. and etc. When Qaddafi was born Libya was the poorest country in Africa by any measure. When he died it's people were the most affluent with more riches on the horizon. Turns out in addition to oil, Libya sits on an ocean of water, future gold. He was killed to further Hillarys ambitions. Now Jahadists and the CIA run the country. Her fault, Obama's fault. Admit it.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I lay it at the feet of the people that voted for Trump. Never has such an obviously degenerate, narcissistic, immoral conman been swept into the presidency on such an enthusiastic wave of nationalistic, bigoted fanaticism. When that many people refuse to see the light of day and only see what they want to believe: Trump is what you get!

    Fortunately, many are starting to see the light. Hopefully, enough will come to their senses before it's too late. And that includes people that I still call friends.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Drew the rats out of the hole!!! Why are you so against references? Opinion based on nothing is exactly that. Erinrose cannot post a reference for his post. Thus it is meaningless jibberish, just like all of Dianes and OU812's posts.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    What is really rediculous is the inability of this administration to have a clear, coherrant voice, Tillerson says wants to have talks, Trump want to nuke them. You can say good cop, bad cop but do they watch American TV??? No matter what you say about the Obama administration, at least we had sanity.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Scavengers of prey: The two types are New World and Old World, often scavenging on carcasses. Some traditional Old World type are not closely related to the other types. A particular characteristic of many Scavengers of prey is that they keep the head clean when feeding. A group of Scavengers of prey is called a wake.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    america has taken wrong steps in the past and paid the price. lyndon johnson's reversal of kennedy's viet nahm pullout in 1963 is a painful memory for all from that era. the fabricated bush wars in iraq and afghanistan are another mis-step our grandchildren will be paying for. the question is whether the majority of america will find this sabre rattling exercise to keep the republicans and trump in office credible. i fail to see how anyone with a brain could stand for it, especially with our fabled cia waiting in the wings to mission impossible the north korean equivalent of trump out of existence.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I think Pence is a radical religious fanatic that is certainly dangerous and a sycophant of major proportion, but not as ignorant as Trump in most regard and less prone to pull the trigger.

    It is a pathetic choice, then next in line is Paul Ryan. Isn't it stunning that the Republican party has morphed into such a batch of losers.

  • Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Attaboy, Thom! And Yes, Donald Trump is public enemy #1. We don't need to empower a country like North Korea by making inflamatory statements. They wouldn't dare make a first strike on the US. They know it. We know it. The entire world knows it. So what do we have to gain by stooping to this adolescent saber rattling? The worst fears of the voters that refused to vote for either Trump or Clinton are now being realized.

  • Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Every time I am feeling really low I sit back and think there is probably a Mrs. Legend and I instantly feel better.

    Merry Christmas Ou812

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