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  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    #Ronin: What's a "ceelstail endowment"? Is this a typo for "celestial endowment" or something? Please explain.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I blame the judiciary where this is concerned. It just goes to prove that the SCOTUS is a filthy mess of corruption and should be dismantled completely so we can reconfigure it such that there are no more political appointments; that We, the People, vote for who goes on that bench and there are elections every two to four years to gain a seat. We need to clean out that rats nest of evil. If they were a legitimate SCOTUS, they would have vacated Citizens United, and be calling for the AG to arrest and prosecute the Koch brothers for influence peddling, bribery, and the purchase of the office of the POTUS. As long as Americans stand by and allow all of this, things are only going to get worse.

  • A Reality Show Presidency?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    It's vacation time.

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Congratulations Legend. As long as this continues, your post should be added:

    As George Carlin said, to paraphrase, "You want to know how stupid people are? Just consider how stupid the 'average person' is, then realize that half the people are more stupid than that".

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    No, people are just trying to build their own theories. The 2016 election was complicated. The parties in power selected candidates who were strongly opposed by much of their own voting bases, for some of the same reasons. This is why roughly half the country rejected both, and voted third party or withheld their votes. Now Google the official 2016 election results. Clinton got the most votes, Trump got the most electoral votes, and none of it had anything to do with Russia, or the Kochs, or (fill in the blank).

    As for Democrats: The Dem voting base had long consisted of the poor and middle class, for the common good. The Clinton admin. split this base wide apart in the 1990s, and the past 8 yrs only confirmed that this split is permanent.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I assume this is about race and the pet anti-Jewish stereotypes? Rothschild Banks aren't prevalent in the US, and aren't among the top players here. Rockefellers today have no more political influence than any of the Anglo firms. There is just a toxic strain of anti-Semitism among today's liberal bourgeoisie.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The oligarchs have been fully in charge in the government since the 1980s.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    The Rothschild’s and the Rockefeller’s (along with their underlings like the Koch criminals) have been pulling all the strings for nearly 100 years. This is only more transparency of a plague that has destroyed our democracy. Trump and all his alt-right idiots are only actors that are doing an amazing job of distracting the media and public from the real agenda of the billionaire oligarchs

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    A country, a vitally important and influential country, not to mention the richest by GDP has become a sad "dog and pony" show

    What a shame!

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I hear all the time from Thom's rightie guests that the election was legit. They all go out of their way to say it. It's about time for progressives to go out of their way to state the truth....the election was not legit ....god damn it.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Not long ago the Kochs openly supported Hillary over Crooked Donny and she promptly rejected that support. I'm sure their feelings for Trump haven't changed. They're confident they'll get their Teabagger President installed before the year is out...the tax cut battle will happen under Pence.

    Charles Koch is 83 years old with David Koch not far behind, and they're still obsessed with money and power....these guys have to be totally whacked out even more than old man Trump.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    America's not that lucky.

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    I can not wait for trump to say how he was elected. He was put into office by the Koch Brothers to do as he is told. Since they are exposing themselves it cannot be much longer before they tell him "HE IS FIRED"!

  • Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs   7 years 27 weeks ago

    Getting my MBA I learned what America stands for: Jesus saves, Moses invests... Republicans take. It follws our civil religion... the religion of our founders... Calvinism. The "chosen" are the wealthy... they are thus "entitled" to pursue their "ceelstail endowment" by taking form the "not chosen" IE the not so wealthy.. succinctly, the rest of us. They take a solemn oath: "On my honor, I'll do my best... to help myself and cheat the rest" America will never change until we scrap our civil religion in favor of one that implements the Declaration of independence... IE that all are created equal... and endowed by creqtor, not just the self-proclaimed "chosen" AKA Republicans.

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 27 weeks ago

    West Virginia is second only to Texas for GDP growth in the first quarter of 2017

    To celebrate, Jim Justice, newly elected governor, switched political parties. Justice who ran as a Democrat, announced today he is becoming a Republican.

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    Diane: Give me a freaking break. I have Teabagger family and friends and know many more just like you. They all wear those goofy make America great again caps, that were made in China, and they all voted for Trump.

    Good luck with the market not crashing, hasn't been this inflated since 1929.

  • A 21st-Century Form of Indentured Servitude Has Already Penetrated Deep into the American Heartland   7 years 28 weeks ago

    Thank you for this info!! I agree and will read your article. It's really screwed up what's happening to us with both parties. I think we need coalitions not parties.

  • The Republican Quest To Repeal Obamacare Is Dead. Is The Republican Party A Serious Political Party?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    As long as FOX news has plenty of sponsors, the Republicans will remain a serious threat to American prosperity and security!

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    Diane lives in such a factless world. Do you remember what Bush did to the economy.

    The economy under Democrats link

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago


    The Tea Party and Donald Trump are not a matchup. The Tea Party wanted a conservative in the WH. Get this once again, Donald Trump is not a Republican. They want him out as much, if not more, than the Democrat party does.

    The delightful conundrum for leftie/socialists, Trump or Pence? Christmas again for those on the conservative side of the aisle.

    The Stock Market is up because business has confidence they will receive favorable treatment with the Republicans in office. This should be no surprise and if you were wise enough to ignore the investment advice from radio bobbleheads who have been proven wrong for decades, you could now be running totally on profits made over the last couple of years. At this point you would be in a position to laugh and ride out any sudden corrections and still be miles ahead of those who constantly preach gloom and doom. A fact that must grate heavily on those that do practice what they preach.

    Thom has claimed over and over the working class has no money in the stock market. He declares that only the wealthy own stocks. If his meme is really a fact, why would you care if the Stock market crashes? Being the "profit" hating fools leftie/socialists are, I would think you would cheer on a total collapse of Wall Street. The "rich" would be dragged down to eating the same dog food you are forced to purchase with your SNAP benefits. Then, who would be left to pay for the free electricity, internet, college, public transportation, and healthcontrol you so loudly proclaim are the "commons"?

    Don your black pajamas, march to the broom factory, and make up your collective minds as to what the hell you really want.


  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    Isn't Pence the poison pill that makes impeaching the orange fellow untenable?

    Consider the actual damage that a competently-run Pence administration would unleash on America, while dunderhead Don's clown show simply wanders about aimlessly, mumbling aloud [tweeting] whatever comes to mind, in between news dumps of the next seditious or treasonous behaviors by him and his acolytes.

    In any case, does anyone think that Senator McConnell would step up to the task? Or that any of the sycophantic Republicans would challenge their Dear Leader - no matter how vile?

    Interesting note: Senator is the only true anagram for treason....

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    I don't think they are going to impeach Trump. I think he will still be president three and a half years from now. People are very slow to react to things; this has always amazed and baffled me. I'm not sure if it's just Americans or just people in general who seem to be more willing to accommodate nonsense than step up and out and do or say anything. It takes a lot for people to get riled up, and even then it usually amounts to a tempest in a teapot. All we have to do is look at history and everything from the Roman circus and the gladiators to the WWII camps on one hand to the intentional bombing of Pearl Harbor on the other to motiate people and to realize that people don't react quickly to things and are more comfortable giving in and accommodating whatever is going on. I can't help but wonder if this is nature or nurture. Have we all been taught to tolerable the intolerable?

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    Not much chatter about Trump and T-Rex 's frustration over the recent Russian sanctions vote either????? Treason anyone?

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    The Dems should block the impeachment and make the Teabaggers suffer with the numbnut, at least until the midterms. The market is certain to crash by then anyway, which brings up another issue. The extremely inflated stock market is a direct result of the new fraud friendly government. Stocks shot up starting the exact day after the election and it hasn't slowed. If this isn't proof of Wall Street fraud, I don't know what is. Why isn't the alarm being sounded for 401K holders? Hopefully Thom will get some experts to talk about this....before the working class gets slammed.

    It's my guess that Trump and will distract from impeachment by bombing Iran's Nuclear facilities....Korea is far to risky. Israel wants us to do their dirty work and our military industrial spy complex wants to cash in on another endless war. Meanwhile Putin's not about to relent on his Eastern European adventures, which is where I think global conflict would most likely start. We're screwed.

  • Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?   7 years 28 weeks ago

    You know, thinking on it, I like the concept of the Dems taking over the House in 2018...very long shot I agree. That would change the dinamics of who would be VP if Pence moved on up...or a Agnew/Nixon scenario where Ford was moved into the VP position when Agnew resigned...paving the way for Ford to become Pres.

    Perhaps those further up the food chain are/should be considering some of these alternate scenarios, rather than a simple 'Oust Trump'

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