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  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    And Wall Street is still 1929 delirious.

    The Goldman Sachs cabinet members will not be able to stop or fix the crash!

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    So a few public servants have finally figured out that Trump is not a sound minded individual... well ffnnn congratulations to them. Great, now we only have to worry about the fact that he's still an illegit public servant with supreme executive powers that will enable him to launch a non nuclear strike triggering a nuclear strike.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Get money out of politics... very, very simple

    Get lobby out of politics... very, very simple

    It should not require milions of dollars to get to be potus

    It should not require the influence of lobby to get to be potus

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Just having nuclear weapons, let alone thinking you will them, is a sign of craziness. Just think how catastrophic they are! Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Looking back does anyone now think we should have used the horror and destruction of a nuclear weapon to achieve 1962 foreign policy objective most Americans now probably can't even recall? Diplomacy is what got the Russian missiles out of Cuba (and OUR missiles out of Turkey and able to strike Russia). How much better if we had had on-going diplomatic relations with Cuba instead of treating them like a demon nation because Castro's Revolution threatened our desire to continue to control Cuba for our purposes, for our economic gain .JFK before he was president said we treated Cuba like our whorehouse. No surprise Cubans were glad to see the US-supported dictator Batista go and welcomed a leader like Castro who gave them hope of dignity and true independence.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Six of one, half dozen of another: does the Congress really possess cooler heads to protect us from a sudden swoop into war, or will the Neo LibCons abuse their authority and plunge us into war because their owners want bigger and more profits? Either The Donald takes us to war because of a bruised ego coupled with a hot temper, or the Congress (together with their bed partners; the mass media outlets,) are going to take us to war as a business model. Take your pick: slow and planned, or sudden death? And still this country sleeps on... I tried to talk to a man today about things and he went from being pleasant and jovial, to being abrupt and pushing me out the door. People just don't want to hear it. They think if they ignore it, the Free Market is going to take care of it on its own. What can one say? Stupid is as stupid does. I just wish they would stop dragging the rest of us down the rabbit hole!

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    President Trump is doing what the President of the most powerful nation in the world is supposed to do when a evil dictator threatens attack a territory of yours. What the hell is he supposed to do. Run and pretend nothing is happening. That worked great in Libya. Are we to stop standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves. If we always did that we would be speaking German right now.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    One finger, one button...that is a scary thought. Actually 5000 nukes in the arms of the United States...ostensibly to keep the that should keep you awake nights.

    Just how many wars/skimishes/overthrows/conflicts has the US supported/instigated since WWII? 25? 50?...and here we are with one finger poised over one button...yikes!

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Isn't dropping an atomic bomb declaring war?

  • Conservatives Have a Habit of Starting Little Wars, and They're Getting More and More Stupid!   7 years 26 weeks ago

    what do I have to do to post on facebook the above post:

    Conservatives have a habit of starting little wars with Ronald Regan

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Does T. Rump (sorry, I can't bring myself to call him President Trump) scare me with his 'quick draw' threats and insults? You bet! We're all going to die because the two most immature, thin skinned psychotic dictators in the world started hurling insults and threats at each other. If these two want to fight, give them each a hammer and put them in a cage. Let everyone else stay home and watch them instead of the other way around.

    Still, I think all this posturing is chaff to take our attention away from the Russian thing. If (When) it's found that Russia & T. Rump stole the election, I don't want then President Pence taking over. If the Russians helped the republicans steal the election, the election, itself, should be thrown out, then we'll have yet another special election but without Diebold's help this time. Since Hillary and her cohorts cheated, too, Bernie will run against ....Pence??

    As for taking away his right to push the button without any input from anyone else or any other official okee dokie, ABSOLUTELY!! How could it have ever been this way in the first place?! Who gave just one man that kind of power? That must have happened back when seemingly qualified men were voted in.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    DEMAND from Your Congress Person, that IMPEACHMENT process begin IMMEDIATELY!

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    The solution would seem to be Ban trump. He seems to become crazier by the day.

  • Who Is Worse For America - Trump Or Pence?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    The difference might be between dying immediately (Trump) or dying by a thousand cuts (Pence).

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    And yet, his most ardent supporters will still be thinking along the lines "Nuke 'em till they glow" without a single rational thought about the consequences. As evidenced by the fact that he still has any support at all in polling, there are people for whom "reality" is whatever TV channel they're tuned into at the moment.

    Question: How do we prevent such people from voting? Or better still: How do we prevent narcississtic sociopaths from running for POTUS? Surely we should require some basic mental health standards for Presidential candidates. Trump and "W" have clearly demonstrated how dangerous and destructive the Presidency can be in the hands of a wannabe dictator in the former, or a malleable fool in the latter.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Revolution or apocalypse? Your choice.

  • Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority   7 years 26 weeks ago

    How we got to the point of North Korea: They almost mock the president for not passing or doing anything. This is dangerous. You'll force him to pass or do anything! I don't give a damn if he doesn't do a single thing.. if he passes or does something bad it can, and may, severly damage our lives. We need good things done, and passed. Not bad things! (Doesn't anyone think before they open their mouths anymore??) Words and bad actions start wars..

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   7 years 26 weeks ago

    It is always a pleasure to read your article, bless the Actu auto author for a great inspiration. Pascal From

  • Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions   7 years 26 weeks ago
  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    i'm starting to think you're a bit 'watered down'. that you know what's going on but are, maybe, afraid to just say it. it's not like i blame you. i've spoken to others in america who have said they were afraid...

    but it's very simple, the answer. same as most other american atrocities, like illegally invading other countries. money's to be made...

    it's been cowboys and cowbodys since the beginning...there's them and then there's the cattle. and what cowboy empathizes with their 'wares'?

    lock em up. kaCHING!

    kill em and get their resources. open up a bank. it's the american way, i thought. at least that's the way your history looks...the 'indians', hawaiians, phillipinos, cubans, vietnamese, cambodians, laotians, salvadorians, guatemalans, chileanos(i just, i think, made that up. but i liked the feel of it. no offense intended to those morons that put so much into 'spelling accuracy'. it's about communicating. if the point is gotten across than it's ok), iraqis, afghanis, lebanese, somalians...and STILL many others...might agree...

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Why can't we figure out prisons? For the same reasons we can't figure out social justice. The US continued the old European model of authoritarianism which we have continually told ourselves that we transcended. Predatory capitalism, corporatism and social darwinism eventually obliterated Jeffersonian democracy, with a brief respite known as the New Deal. Now it's full steam ahead to the 19th century, then on to feudalism. We are authoritarian and violent. We love to make people suffer to assuage our own feelings of low self-worth.

  • Who Is Worse For America - Trump Or Pence?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    It is all part of an agreement that trump made with the Koch Bros in either March or April 2015. Trump runs for President in 2016. If he wind than He leaves most likely after 6months to a year in office on some phony scandal and trump becomes President and completes the destruction of the working class unions minority groups poor seniors detc etc etc. Trump receives a very large amount of money from this . This was told to me in april of 2015 . He heard the agreement with his own ears. In some ways the Koch Bros don't have to worry about Trump keeping the agreement because he is such a lunatic he will self destruct anywsay. Tell deveryone you know about this . Make it go viral. I would do it myself but I don't know how to use social media. Thank You very Much.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    Why can't we? Duh. Capitalism. Profit. Practically free labor. Social control.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    I think you all have missed the boat. You don't have a crime and punishment problem and whether prisons are private or government run makes no difference. You have a drug problem. You built entire neighbourhoods full of welfare dependent single mothers. What the hell did you think would happen. You taxed the money right out of those neighborhoods, all the businesses have left and now all they have is their dope. Those poor kids. No where to go but down. Build a great economy, full of well paying private sector jobs and all your problems go away.

  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    The prisons have been privatized and corruption prevails - rewards for putting people in prisons. Transfer prisons back to government management. Foloow the successful programs of other countries such as Norway.

    Revise the penalties for offences. In my opinion, some people should not be incarcerated. Now, people who have committed murder, terrorist activities and such deserve harsh penalties for their actions.

    Thank you for this forum and all you do Thom


  • Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?   7 years 26 weeks ago

    America is run by the biggest idiots in the world when it comes to prisons and punishment. Don't expect much. ..Get out and VOTE after analyzing your candidate! Stop goofing around with other things. Informed voting determines the kind of life you will live! Or even IF you will live!

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