Clinton campaigned on a consensous foriegn policy. And what is the consensous? Essentially the right wing Israeli belief that perpetual war in the Middle East with all the Arab states and Iran makes Israel safer. It is no accident that Trump has done exactly what Clinton and Obama did and would do. He flowed to the left of Clinton during the campaign because he sensed a vaccuum and saw an oppurtunity to discourage Democrats by offering an antiwar stance that used to be their position. Hillary of course was oblivious to this. I notice the headline above as though it is some sort of revalation: HRC says she will defend Israel and push for a 2 state solution. Qaddafi was for a two state solution long ago. Ridiculous. Trump just depressed her turn out by appealing to leftists with his anti war rhetoric. He also defferentiated himself from the herd of Republican primary candidates. Clearly he is a con artist and this (the anti war vote) was an easy mark for him. It is more shocking there is no anti war wing of Democratic Party any long. No economic policies either, just diversity nonsense. The disparity in income and opportunity is driven by class not race or gender. Do you think Chelsea would have gotten into Stanford if she were born in a trailor park in Palm Desert?
The generals are running the show now, folks. If this prime time address was intended to be a "policy statyement" it fell flat on its face. Trump spent the first third of his thirty minute prime time address spewing platitudes about the brave men and women of our military while the camera panned the camo clad soldiers seated in front of this fat babboon. Just to get the juices flowing, I suppose. Then he essentially issued a series of ambiguous (at best) talking points that rang as hollow as his void campaign promises. "We're going to WIN, trust me! We got a great strategy but we're not going to talk about it because it might give an advantage to the enemy!" BULLSHIT, you moron! You haven't got a clue. Meanwhile the military-industrial-congressional complex churns on in endless war profiteering. It sickens me to think of the number of people I encounter that are buying this garbage.
#hankgagnon: I don't get your point about the US not going to war with N. Korea because of China? North Korea is filthy rich in minerals and other resourcerss that US industrialists would LOVE to get their hands on. China has nothing to do with it. Trump's rash and threatening rhetoric caused quite a stir; this is why the Congress has just passed laws prohibiting the POTUS from doing anything like try to initiate an attack without the consent of the Congress. And since the House controls the purse strings, the POTUS must abide. I don't see the Congress wanting to go to war with N. Korea because that is one busy bee that has a big sting; unlike so many of the poorer Middle Eastern countries who have oil in the ground but no money to extract it. The Middle Easterners are just sitting ducks, but N. Korea is manned by a lunatic. Let's hope N. Korea's governing body is able to keep Kim Jong-Un from doing anything off-the-cuff.
This is similar to my perceptions of Trump that I may have recently posted here. However, while I have revised it somewhat, it is still pertinent to President Goofballs lates BS.
I miss President Obama’s refreshing negotiating liberal leadership after the George W. Bush tough-guy’s invented war.
Conservatives are not well-equipped for complex situations we now face where the terrorist enemy is hard to determine and find. Conservatives need self-identifying actions like starting wars, which really serve to divert the public’s attention away from the massive wealth inequality that dooms 43 million Americans to poverty with nine million of the poor working full-time. It would be cheaper to pay the enemy to do what we want them to do.
Rather than 16 years of war, $5 trillion, I support liberals who can deal with domestic challenges, like our precarious electrical grid which needs upgrading. Invite conservatives to focus on real problem solving. Problem solvers will never create ideal solutions, but they are better than war-makers who get a lot of Americans killed.
When politicians scapegoat some foreign dictator as a way to divert our attention from our real domestic problems, like upgrading 150,000 drinking water systems, then they are no better than their targets, like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, condemning his people to militaristic poverty. Some easily-fooled Trump “patriots” need a patriarch and king. Thinking for myself, I do not.
hankagnon has a great point! Most of the gas consumption in the world is in Wars. Those heavy vehicles suck gas like it's endless - getting rid of excess fuel reserves we have. And a bonus! The price of gas will go up! And the profits get umm.. missing - yea that's it.. uh missing... Everyone wins when you're rich!
Anyone notice during Trump's speech on Afghanistan that he was doing the heavy breathing thing again, like he has shortness of breath? Could be why he took the golf cart during the Europe trip while everyone else walked. It might be a medical condition; but then again it might just be that his tummy girdle is too tight.
Impeachment or the 25th Amendment, I think are the only possibilities. I do not see him resigning. That would be an admission that he did something wrong. When was the last time he admitted that he did something wrong?
Can you imagine what will happen to the value of the Trump name either way?
USA will never go to WAR with North Korea. For one simple reason: The top 1% who would like to control everything and THE MONEY. The American Traitor Corporations need China to continue their FRAUD on American workers. Trade with CHINA and betrayal by American Corporate Gangsters of their fellow Americans relies on China too much!
Now, a FAKE WAR in the Middle East against some new Boogey Man the Military Industrial Thugs, RepubliCONS, WALL STREET and AMERICAN BIG OIL CREATE will happen, it's only a matter of time! Even the some Treachouros Democrats are in on this Scheme to enrich BIG OIL, The TOP 1% and BIG Military Defense Contractores.
War in the Middle East is good for them (Military Industrial Thugs, RepubliCONS, WALL STREET and AMERICAN BIG OIL THUGS). ......For everyone else NOT SO GOOD!
- Middleclass and Poor Americans Die and get maimed for life going to battle to enrich these cowards who sit in cushy offices and rarely ever send their own Flesh and Blood in Harms way during War time.
- We already spend more than half our Budget on Defense. Yet the Defense Contractors, their lobbyist, and Right Wing RepubliCONS who live in Mansions out side of Washing DC make Trillions more of the American Taxpayer when we go to war in the Middle East eating up significantly more of America's Taxpayer Budget taking away from much needed Infrastructure rebuild, Social Services and other Domestic needs our country has. Also driving up the Deficit and raising Taxes at every level on Middle Class American workers. Of course the TOP 1% have plenty of loop holes, deductions, Tax Credits, and Tax Breaks that sheild them for the higher taxes, They say its legal. Of course it is theyr were the ones who bribed the RepubliCONS in Washington to pass those laws.
- War in the Middle East cause OIL, and Gasoline to skyrocket. Enriching the top 1%, BIG OIL, and Walll Street. For the Average American it is nothing more than another TAX increase. The Over priced Fossil Fuel prices we pay durinf WAR TIME goes directly to the TOP 1%, The RepubliCONS and BIG OIL. Is funneled right out of the country and into Cayman Island , and Switz Bank accounts gone forever and stolen from Americans and the Amaerican Taxpayer!
Now, both Bannon and General Flynn are gone; the two non-war voices in the White House. The question is, did Trump fire them because HE had differences with them, or was Trump required to get rid of them because the Deep State wants to merrily continue making war without any detractors raining on their parade?
During Trump's campaigning days, we heard lots of rhetoric about what Trump was going to do for the people of this country. Soon after he took office, he suddenly did an about face. I read an article that said Al Gore was given 100 million dollars by the Shadow Government (industrialists) to not contest the Florida count and allow Dubya to become president; and that is why Gore backed off. (I have since seen articles claiming that Gore is part of the Illuminati set.) And this same article claimed that Trump was offered 20 billion dollars, if he would do a 180, and carry water for the Deep State, and the NWO. I have no way to verify this, but it sure would explain a lot; and it's very tempting to think there is some meat on that bone.
PhillipHenderson, I agree with everything you said except the point that Trump is a billionaire. Since Trump won't show us his taxes, there is no proof that Trump is a billionaire, nor is there any proof that his debts don't out weigh his assets. And until he proves that he is a billionaire, I wish the media would quit referring to him as a billionaire until he steps up an proves it by releasing his taxes.
I believe that the thing Trump most fears about the Mueller investigations is that it may well expose the fact that his is not a billionaire at all. This would be a humiliation that Trump could not stomach and is probably more important to his ego than anything relating to collusion with the Russians or any crimes or treasons that he might be guilty of.
I went to Penn with Donald Trump. He paid for his homework in our class. His first act of ""firing anyone" was in 1967, when he had a freshman, Curt W., barred from his fraternity, for upstaging him at a dance. Curt could do the mashed potatoes. Everyone wa doing the twist. He got the girls to look at him that way, and Donny did not like that. That is sort of why he fired Bannon - upstaging. The man has not grown in 50 years.
i have been blogging about Donald Trump for one year now. This is a worthwhile link to my blog.
We all need to stay vocal. Karma and Domino theory will eventaully defeat him. And, like OJ, I thnk he sort of wants it. He certainly wants the fight. It;s all he knows.
Trump's bar is set at the same level as the 30% who still support him, a very low mark based on a credulous mental state. I call it gullibility. If Crooked Donny hadn't been born into money, he'd be milking the disability system right now, just like many of his supporters I'm willing to bet.
It appears three out of ten people are very easy to hoodwink and Trump is certainly a member of this sad truth. Look how easily Putin has messed with him.
White Supremacist is an old Aryan Pagan occult. I have been trying to read a book by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. The book is title "The Occult Roots of Nazism" Secret Aryan cults and their influence on Nazi ideology. It is a heavy read. It mention a 'Dark Sun Disk'. Monday the 21st of August there is total eclipse of the sun.
When the moon darkens the sky, this represents a dark disk with fire on the edges. That is a symbol from this occult. Then there is a dark disk that the Nazi used in ritual ceremonies. I saw a flag at Charlottesville with is dark disk on it.
Donald Trump is like a crazy uncle who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and talks about the racist, homophobic stories he sees on his favorite Internet websites. This uncle believes in conspiracy theories such as the United States government bombed the World Trade Center and that no children were killed in Sandy Hook. The difference is that this uncle is a billionaire and was elected president of the United States. He repeats such lies because he is misinformed and uninformed. He refuses to believe any stories in the mainstream media because they write stories critical of him. Anyone who is critical of him is a liar in his mind. We have elected a stupid man to lead us. He has proved that you can be rich and stupid.
Here is another bogus right wing fabrication about scaring the pants off of the evil Muslims. They will tell you that Thomas Jefferson ordered the Barbary Pirates, who were Muslim, to be defeated to protect trade on the high seas. True. But then they add the lie that Jefferson ordered the sailors to go to the villages where the muslim pirates lived and kill their families, burn their homes and destroy their fields. Nope, that is not true but that is what they want the current U.S, President to do.
And there are plenty who would welcome the order. When I was a youth I joined the U.S. Marine Corps. In basic training we broke formation with the same screamed out chant over and over during the day: "Sir, the Marine Corps is a hundered and eighty six years of death, hell and destruction! Kill, kill, kill!"
Actually, most of the stuff he believes, he pulls right out of his ass. The man is crazy. I grew up around crazy. I know crazy when I see it. The man is crazy. No doubt about it!
So are most of his Republican buddies and supporters. But most have sense enough to keep a lid on their craziness. They understand that their crazy ideas are not as popular as Fox News would have you believe. They realize that most people actually do believe in facts, not their failed fantastic policies that are all about making the rich richer.
Their last three or four Republican presidents have failed miserably, but as a result, they think that the level of crazy ideas and policies were simply not crazy or extreme enough. Enter Donald Trump.
Trump is merely crazy Republicanism blowing up in their faces. Some Republicans when looking at Trump are asking…are we really that crazy? The answer is yes!
Trump is at best a pathological narcissistic liar; at worst, an ignorant, nepotistic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fascistic, neo-nazi, with uncountable conflicts of interest pathological narcissistic liar He should be "locked up".
and it didn't come clear to me until recently...with all these going ons and seeing trump's reaction...
now, first of all, let me get this out of the way...i believe elections are rigged. that there is no democracy in that country and never was, truth be told...
presidents are business representatives, plain and simple...and it's VERY easy to see who they're working global warming and free reign to oil companies...hmmm...oil's well that earns well'? pardon my poetic liberties...if not my brazenness...(is that a word?) case noone's noticed, may i bring to your attention that, despite what i read to be popular dissent a is that euphimistic enough for genocidal invasions for profit? look're putting yourself up as an intelligent, insightful man...and what? you're scared to speak about what you know? b/c, seriously...if you don't know the work of zinn, blum...chomsky...why am i even adDRESsing you or anyone who thinks you know what you're talking about...
but here's the punch line...AND the best part IS...that whoever is reading this before deleting it(it'll NEVER make it to the site. i knew that before i started writing). YOU the person reading it, deciding...will have seen this...and remember this, what i said...
here's what i figured out...
why on EARTH did 'the powers that be'/bankers, rich 1$/the companies they own/are associated know...the ones that dictate policy to their reps, the politicians? why did they install trump? noone WINS an election...there's ALways a way to jimmy the results...sometimes they almost get caught, would figure that Bush's people(jr) couldn't even get THAT right...but hey...they got away with 9/11, right? despite the organizations of riDICulously credible people from around the world with contradictory evidence that you all seem so ok with...i do NOT MIGHT seem that way...but that is VERY much part of the story...
what that govt will even do to its own people to control them...
there everywhere now, internetwise...cameras...drones...cellphones...i'm not worried...i've got nothing to hide...and we know i'm not paranoid...but that was what a lot of 9/11 would seem to've been about...that and a 'reason'(without any apparent logic) to invade iraq...and afghanistan. again. i'd go into how amazing it was that it took, what? like 10 yrs to find that guy, right? between the most sophisticated tech in the world...or at LEAST access to...AND the mossad. AND the millions in reward money...gee. i wonder what that might mean to some poor village person...'the chance to live a new life in america as a millionaire, many times over...relocation and protection, 24/7(not that they have a good track record on following up on their promises/treaties, etc, once they get what they want...
despite all took that long to find this guy? that bin laden guy...
and then, OOPS...there goes his body in the
or maybe i'm just a paranoid fool...
so here's what i came up with...i'm watching a president foment a civil war(i made the long story short, since there was SUCH a verbose intro. hope you don't mind)...i know someone put him up to it...but to what purpose...
here's a theory...THE ideal of a totalitarian type regime is complete control...but shit...that's aMERica...not some POElice state, right? ; - ) but if there's an exCUSE to impose martial let's say, a civil war?
it's not problem for THEM...they've been militarizing the police in major cities for years now...anyone who's been paying ANY attention should understand everything i've said matter how flippant...
and as you sit there shaking your head at the impossibility of what i just said...please tell me this...who killed kennedy, malcolm x, kennedy, the reverend martin luther king and countless others in countries around the world...? to install whatever regime/control they wished to be there...?
i don't live there anymore...haven't for years...i got tired of being amongst a people that didn't know what to do about, other than mostly ignore, hunger and homelessness. you given the word 'civilized' a bad haven't a CLUE as to what humane means... and it comes as no surprise to me that you would do the same with other countries(weapons of mass destruction? do you have any iDEa of what iraq looks like NOW? and it's only one of MANY countries that the US has, through mostly covert means, raped and pillaged...legitimized, modern day pirates...wearing the white hat and continually reminding us who saved the world from speaking Nazi for the last 70 yrs, while they were busy killing a lowball count of 20 million innocents by burning them like bbq(napalm), blowing their bodies to pieces, leaving them to be found by surviving family and friends...this is your government in action AND your tax dollars at work... consider this the cheapest education you'll EVER have...and if you don't keep your eyes WIDE open, it'll catch you as off guard as the jews in europe...and trust me...your neighboring countries will be no kinder to you than countries like the US...or Britain were to the jews on the boats trying to escape THEN...they turned them away...and ignorance will be no a mexican who you taunted with a wall and racial you are native to that land...karma's a bitch thom...that country was founded on the blood of nations that the govt had made treaties with. 100, more or less. not one was kept. not. one. that same insensitivity is what you all are experiencing now...and the govt's just POISED to push buttons and clean up the mess...remember where you heard this's the ONLY explanation i can come up with that makes ANY sense about 'why TRUMP? ' and why is he doing what he's doing, playing the racist card...? it doesn't make's not like HE's making those decisions...he's just reading the script...i expect a change soon enough that will make what i'm saying here correct or(hopefully) not. good luck, either way...i'm outta there...
Two months ago it was election rigging, then the Russians, now the nazis. Anything to keep in front of a microphone. Must be tough but there is always next weeks engineered drama to keep the hatred rolling.
Be careful Thom, here's yet another area that the right-wing not only dominates the conversation but actually changes the language. Every troll and rw blogger now makes sure they emphasize the world "socialist" in Nazi party as in "National socialist German workers party" So Nazi's are not rightist as they are but actually left wingers because they use "socialist" in the term Nazi. Fascists are actually "socialists" not really right wing at all. This is not just creeping into the discourse, it's coming in on a tidal wave. Just turn on C-span and you'll hear it if there is a book review on or a conservative meeting.
Incidentally, Alt Right would mean "Old" Right in German and far from sanitizing, it actually indicts them as the Nazis they really are.
I'll state the obvious, my own opinion....Putin has been emboldened by Trump, he's wants his old Soviet States back, and NATO is unprepared to stop him. At the very least refer to Pussy Riot videos if you want an idea of who the real Putin is. The Eastern Europeans know what time it is and with Trump in command of the largest military machine in history, these remain sleepless times for many. My guess...Trump will committ a giant "military" foreign policy mistake and then resign quickly, all this as the market crashes....we'll be ffkkk.
#Thom: I don't understand why you are spending time agonizing over Trump's Va. comment; there are bigger things going on. Have you seen the video tape of military vehicles (hundreds of them) rolling into Chicago at four o'clock in the morning? Rahm Emanuel is in the process of "gentrifying" Chicago just like they did Manhattan by driving out all of the blue collar people and making the place so expensive no one but the rich can live there. This will be the second city the NWO has taken over. They are doing all they can to provoke the citizens so Emanuel can declare Martial Law and start murdering Americans in our own streets; posse comitatus. Meanwhile, you go on about the latest stupid thing Trump has said. Trump is always saying off-the-wall things; then he will turn around and say the exact opposite. Meanwhile, these military vehicles are rolling!
The generals are running the show now, folks. If this prime time address was intended to be a "policy statyement" it fell flat on its face. Trump spent the first third of his thirty minute prime time address spewing platitudes about the brave men and women of our military while the camera panned the camo clad soldiers seated in front of this fat babboon. Just to get the juices flowing, I suppose. Then he essentially issued a series of ambiguous (at best) talking points that rang as hollow as his void campaign promises. "We're going to WIN, trust me! We got a great strategy but we're not going to talk about it because it might give an advantage to the enemy!" BULLSHIT, you moron! You haven't got a clue. Meanwhile the military-industrial-congressional complex churns on in endless war profiteering. It sickens me to think of the number of people I encounter that are buying this garbage.
#hankgagnon: I don't get your point about the US not going to war with N. Korea because of China? North Korea is filthy rich in minerals and other resourcerss that US industrialists would LOVE to get their hands on. China has nothing to do with it. Trump's rash and threatening rhetoric caused quite a stir; this is why the Congress has just passed laws prohibiting the POTUS from doing anything like try to initiate an attack without the consent of the Congress. And since the House controls the purse strings, the POTUS must abide. I don't see the Congress wanting to go to war with N. Korea because that is one busy bee that has a big sting; unlike so many of the poorer Middle Eastern countries who have oil in the ground but no money to extract it. The Middle Easterners are just sitting ducks, but N. Korea is manned by a lunatic. Let's hope N. Korea's governing body is able to keep Kim Jong-Un from doing anything off-the-cuff.
This is similar to my perceptions of Trump that I may have recently posted here. However, while I have revised it somewhat, it is still pertinent to President Goofballs lates BS.
I miss President Obama’s refreshing negotiating liberal leadership after the George W. Bush tough-guy’s invented war.
Conservatives are not well-equipped for complex situations we now face where the terrorist enemy is hard to determine and find. Conservatives need self-identifying actions like starting wars, which really serve to divert the public’s attention away from the massive wealth inequality that dooms 43 million Americans to poverty with nine million of the poor working full-time. It would be cheaper to pay the enemy to do what we want them to do.
Rather than 16 years of war, $5 trillion, I support liberals who can deal with domestic challenges, like our precarious electrical grid which needs upgrading. Invite conservatives to focus on real problem solving. Problem solvers will never create ideal solutions, but they are better than war-makers who get a lot of Americans killed.
When politicians scapegoat some foreign dictator as a way to divert our attention from our real domestic problems, like upgrading 150,000 drinking water systems, then they are no better than their targets, like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, condemning his people to militaristic poverty. Some easily-fooled Trump “patriots” need a patriarch and king. Thinking for myself, I do not.
hankagnon has a great point! Most of the gas consumption in the world is in Wars. Those heavy vehicles suck gas like it's endless - getting rid of excess fuel reserves we have. And a bonus! The price of gas will go up! And the profits get umm.. missing - yea that's it.. uh missing... Everyone wins when you're rich!
Trump's breathing.
Anyone notice during Trump's speech on Afghanistan that he was doing the heavy breathing thing again, like he has shortness of breath? Could be why he took the golf cart during the Europe trip while everyone else walked. It might be a medical condition; but then again it might just be that his tummy girdle is too tight.
Impeachment or the 25th Amendment, I think are the only possibilities. I do not see him resigning. That would be an admission that he did something wrong. When was the last time he admitted that he did something wrong?
Can you imagine what will happen to the value of the Trump name either way?
USA will never go to WAR with North Korea. For one simple reason: The top 1% who would like to control everything and THE MONEY. The American Traitor Corporations need China to continue their FRAUD on American workers. Trade with CHINA and betrayal by American Corporate Gangsters of their fellow Americans relies on China too much!
Now, a FAKE WAR in the Middle East against some new Boogey Man the Military Industrial Thugs, RepubliCONS, WALL STREET and AMERICAN BIG OIL CREATE will happen, it's only a matter of time! Even the some Treachouros Democrats are in on this Scheme to enrich BIG OIL, The TOP 1% and BIG Military Defense Contractores.
War in the Middle East is good for them (Military Industrial Thugs, RepubliCONS, WALL STREET and AMERICAN BIG OIL THUGS). ......For everyone else NOT SO GOOD!
- Middleclass and Poor Americans Die and get maimed for life going to battle to enrich these cowards who sit in cushy offices and rarely ever send their own Flesh and Blood in Harms way during War time.
- We already spend more than half our Budget on Defense. Yet the Defense Contractors, their lobbyist, and Right Wing RepubliCONS who live in Mansions out side of Washing DC make Trillions more of the American Taxpayer when we go to war in the Middle East eating up significantly more of America's Taxpayer Budget taking away from much needed Infrastructure rebuild, Social Services and other Domestic needs our country has. Also driving up the Deficit and raising Taxes at every level on Middle Class American workers. Of course the TOP 1% have plenty of loop holes, deductions, Tax Credits, and Tax Breaks that sheild them for the higher taxes, They say its legal. Of course it is theyr were the ones who bribed the RepubliCONS in Washington to pass those laws.
- War in the Middle East cause OIL, and Gasoline to skyrocket. Enriching the top 1%, BIG OIL, and Walll Street. For the Average American it is nothing more than another TAX increase. The Over priced Fossil Fuel prices we pay durinf WAR TIME goes directly to the TOP 1%, The RepubliCONS and BIG OIL. Is funneled right out of the country and into Cayman Island , and Switz Bank accounts gone forever and stolen from Americans and the Amaerican Taxpayer!
Now, both Bannon and General Flynn are gone; the two non-war voices in the White House. The question is, did Trump fire them because HE had differences with them, or was Trump required to get rid of them because the Deep State wants to merrily continue making war without any detractors raining on their parade?
During Trump's campaigning days, we heard lots of rhetoric about what Trump was going to do for the people of this country. Soon after he took office, he suddenly did an about face. I read an article that said Al Gore was given 100 million dollars by the Shadow Government (industrialists) to not contest the Florida count and allow Dubya to become president; and that is why Gore backed off. (I have since seen articles claiming that Gore is part of the Illuminati set.) And this same article claimed that Trump was offered 20 billion dollars, if he would do a 180, and carry water for the Deep State, and the NWO. I have no way to verify this, but it sure would explain a lot; and it's very tempting to think there is some meat on that bone.
Steve Bannon is just working from home!
PhillipHenderson, I agree with everything you said except the point that Trump is a billionaire. Since Trump won't show us his taxes, there is no proof that Trump is a billionaire, nor is there any proof that his debts don't out weigh his assets. And until he proves that he is a billionaire, I wish the media would quit referring to him as a billionaire until he steps up an proves it by releasing his taxes.
I believe that the thing Trump most fears about the Mueller investigations is that it may well expose the fact that his is not a billionaire at all. This would be a humiliation that Trump could not stomach and is probably more important to his ego than anything relating to collusion with the Russians or any crimes or treasons that he might be guilty of.
I went to Penn with Donald Trump. He paid for his homework in our class. His first act of ""firing anyone" was in 1967, when he had a freshman, Curt W., barred from his fraternity, for upstaging him at a dance. Curt could do the mashed potatoes. Everyone wa doing the twist. He got the girls to look at him that way, and Donny did not like that. That is sort of why he fired Bannon - upstaging. The man has not grown in 50 years.
i have been blogging about Donald Trump for one year now. This is a worthwhile link to my blog.
We all need to stay vocal. Karma and Domino theory will eventaully defeat him. And, like OJ, I thnk he sort of wants it. He certainly wants the fight. It;s all he knows.
Trump's bar is set at the same level as the 30% who still support him, a very low mark based on a credulous mental state. I call it gullibility. If Crooked Donny hadn't been born into money, he'd be milking the disability system right now, just like many of his supporters I'm willing to bet.
It appears three out of ten people are very easy to hoodwink and Trump is certainly a member of this sad truth. Look how easily Putin has messed with him.
White Supremacist is an old Aryan Pagan occult. I have been trying to read a book by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. The book is title "The Occult Roots of Nazism" Secret Aryan cults and their influence on Nazi ideology. It is a heavy read. It mention a 'Dark Sun Disk'. Monday the 21st of August there is total eclipse of the sun.
When the moon darkens the sky, this represents a dark disk with fire on the edges. That is a symbol from this occult. Then there is a dark disk that the Nazi used in ritual ceremonies. I saw a flag at Charlottesville with is dark disk on it.
Donald Trump is like a crazy uncle who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and talks about the racist, homophobic stories he sees on his favorite Internet websites. This uncle believes in conspiracy theories such as the United States government bombed the World Trade Center and that no children were killed in Sandy Hook. The difference is that this uncle is a billionaire and was elected president of the United States. He repeats such lies because he is misinformed and uninformed. He refuses to believe any stories in the mainstream media because they write stories critical of him. Anyone who is critical of him is a liar in his mind. We have elected a stupid man to lead us. He has proved that you can be rich and stupid.
I think Trump's comments show that he's the master of ad lib. Perhaps add in a bit of dyslexia, sprinkle on some narcissism and what do you get? Trump
Here is another bogus right wing fabrication about scaring the pants off of the evil Muslims. They will tell you that Thomas Jefferson ordered the Barbary Pirates, who were Muslim, to be defeated to protect trade on the high seas. True. But then they add the lie that Jefferson ordered the sailors to go to the villages where the muslim pirates lived and kill their families, burn their homes and destroy their fields. Nope, that is not true but that is what they want the current U.S, President to do.
And there are plenty who would welcome the order. When I was a youth I joined the U.S. Marine Corps. In basic training we broke formation with the same screamed out chant over and over during the day: "Sir, the Marine Corps is a hundered and eighty six years of death, hell and destruction! Kill, kill, kill!"
Actually, most of the stuff he believes, he pulls right out of his ass. The man is crazy. I grew up around crazy. I know crazy when I see it. The man is crazy. No doubt about it!
So are most of his Republican buddies and supporters. But most have sense enough to keep a lid on their craziness. They understand that their crazy ideas are not as popular as Fox News would have you believe. They realize that most people actually do believe in facts, not their failed fantastic policies that are all about making the rich richer.
Their last three or four Republican presidents have failed miserably, but as a result, they think that the level of crazy ideas and policies were simply not crazy or extreme enough. Enter Donald Trump.
Trump is merely crazy Republicanism blowing up in their faces. Some Republicans when looking at Trump are asking…are we really that crazy? The answer is yes!
Trump is at best a pathological narcissistic liar; at worst, an ignorant, nepotistic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fascistic, neo-nazi, with uncountable conflicts of interest pathological narcissistic liar He should be "locked up".
gee glad you asked...
and it didn't come clear to me until recently...with all these going ons and seeing trump's reaction...
now, first of all, let me get this out of the way...i believe elections are rigged. that there is no democracy in that country and never was, truth be told...
presidents are business representatives, plain and simple...and it's VERY easy to see who they're working global warming and free reign to oil companies...hmmm...oil's well that earns well'? pardon my poetic liberties...if not my brazenness...(is that a word?) case noone's noticed, may i bring to your attention that, despite what i read to be popular dissent a is that euphimistic enough for genocidal invasions for profit? look're putting yourself up as an intelligent, insightful man...and what? you're scared to speak about what you know? b/c, seriously...if you don't know the work of zinn, blum...chomsky...why am i even adDRESsing you or anyone who thinks you know what you're talking about...
but here's the punch line...AND the best part IS...that whoever is reading this before deleting it(it'll NEVER make it to the site. i knew that before i started writing). YOU the person reading it, deciding...will have seen this...and remember this, what i said...
here's what i figured out...
why on EARTH did 'the powers that be'/bankers, rich 1$/the companies they own/are associated know...the ones that dictate policy to their reps, the politicians? why did they install trump? noone WINS an election...there's ALways a way to jimmy the results...sometimes they almost get caught, would figure that Bush's people(jr) couldn't even get THAT right...but hey...they got away with 9/11, right? despite the organizations of riDICulously credible people from around the world with contradictory evidence that you all seem so ok with...i do NOT MIGHT seem that way...but that is VERY much part of the story...
what that govt will even do to its own people to control them...
there everywhere now, internetwise...cameras...drones...cellphones...i'm not worried...i've got nothing to hide...and we know i'm not paranoid...but that was what a lot of 9/11 would seem to've been about...that and a 'reason'(without any apparent logic) to invade iraq...and afghanistan. again. i'd go into how amazing it was that it took, what? like 10 yrs to find that guy, right? between the most sophisticated tech in the world...or at LEAST access to...AND the mossad. AND the millions in reward money...gee. i wonder what that might mean to some poor village person...'the chance to live a new life in america as a millionaire, many times over...relocation and protection, 24/7(not that they have a good track record on following up on their promises/treaties, etc, once they get what they want...
despite all took that long to find this guy? that bin laden guy...
and then, OOPS...there goes his body in the
or maybe i'm just a paranoid fool...
so here's what i came up with...i'm watching a president foment a civil war(i made the long story short, since there was SUCH a verbose intro. hope you don't mind)...i know someone put him up to it...but to what purpose...
here's a theory...THE ideal of a totalitarian type regime is complete control...but shit...that's aMERica...not some POElice state, right? ; - ) but if there's an exCUSE to impose martial let's say, a civil war?
it's not problem for THEM...they've been militarizing the police in major cities for years now...anyone who's been paying ANY attention should understand everything i've said matter how flippant...
and as you sit there shaking your head at the impossibility of what i just said...please tell me this...who killed kennedy, malcolm x, kennedy, the reverend martin luther king and countless others in countries around the world...? to install whatever regime/control they wished to be there...?
i don't live there anymore...haven't for years...i got tired of being amongst a people that didn't know what to do about, other than mostly ignore, hunger and homelessness. you given the word 'civilized' a bad haven't a CLUE as to what humane means... and it comes as no surprise to me that you would do the same with other countries(weapons of mass destruction? do you have any iDEa of what iraq looks like NOW? and it's only one of MANY countries that the US has, through mostly covert means, raped and pillaged...legitimized, modern day pirates...wearing the white hat and continually reminding us who saved the world from speaking Nazi for the last 70 yrs, while they were busy killing a lowball count of 20 million innocents by burning them like bbq(napalm), blowing their bodies to pieces, leaving them to be found by surviving family and friends...this is your government in action AND your tax dollars at work... consider this the cheapest education you'll EVER have...and if you don't keep your eyes WIDE open, it'll catch you as off guard as the jews in europe...and trust me...your neighboring countries will be no kinder to you than countries like the US...or Britain were to the jews on the boats trying to escape THEN...they turned them away...and ignorance will be no a mexican who you taunted with a wall and racial you are native to that land...karma's a bitch thom...that country was founded on the blood of nations that the govt had made treaties with. 100, more or less. not one was kept. not. one. that same insensitivity is what you all are experiencing now...and the govt's just POISED to push buttons and clean up the mess...remember where you heard this's the ONLY explanation i can come up with that makes ANY sense about 'why TRUMP? ' and why is he doing what he's doing, playing the racist card...? it doesn't make's not like HE's making those decisions...he's just reading the script...i expect a change soon enough that will make what i'm saying here correct or(hopefully) not. good luck, either way...i'm outta there...
Two months ago it was election rigging, then the Russians, now the nazis. Anything to keep in front of a microphone. Must be tough but there is always next weeks engineered drama to keep the hatred rolling.
Be careful Thom, here's yet another area that the right-wing not only dominates the conversation but actually changes the language. Every troll and rw blogger now makes sure they emphasize the world "socialist" in Nazi party as in "National socialist German workers party" So Nazi's are not rightist as they are but actually left wingers because they use "socialist" in the term Nazi. Fascists are actually "socialists" not really right wing at all. This is not just creeping into the discourse, it's coming in on a tidal wave. Just turn on C-span and you'll hear it if there is a book review on or a conservative meeting.
Incidentally, Alt Right would mean "Old" Right in German and far from sanitizing, it actually indicts them as the Nazis they really are.
Trump apologist for racists.
With Trump being apologist for nazis, wouldn't it be funny if Obama said to Bebe Nut 'n' Yahoo; " bet you don't think I'm so bad now huh?"
I'll state the obvious, my own opinion....Putin has been emboldened by Trump, he's wants his old Soviet States back, and NATO is unprepared to stop him. At the very least refer to Pussy Riot videos if you want an idea of who the real Putin is. The Eastern Europeans know what time it is and with Trump in command of the largest military machine in history, these remain sleepless times for many. My guess...Trump will committ a giant "military" foreign policy mistake and then resign quickly, all this as the market crashes....we'll be ffkkk.
#Thom: I don't understand why you are spending time agonizing over Trump's Va. comment; there are bigger things going on. Have you seen the video tape of military vehicles (hundreds of them) rolling into Chicago at four o'clock in the morning? Rahm Emanuel is in the process of "gentrifying" Chicago just like they did Manhattan by driving out all of the blue collar people and making the place so expensive no one but the rich can live there. This will be the second city the NWO has taken over. They are doing all they can to provoke the citizens so Emanuel can declare Martial Law and start murdering Americans in our own streets; posse comitatus. Meanwhile, you go on about the latest stupid thing Trump has said. Trump is always saying off-the-wall things; then he will turn around and say the exact opposite. Meanwhile, these military vehicles are rolling!