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  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    The only thing missing is water and sports.

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    By the way, that nutbag John Kasich , the guy many think is a moderate Teabagger, well he's talking about entitlement reform, and we all know what that means....that's who the Teapublicans are.

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Whether it's selling off federal forest land, being Ok with the KKK beating the hell out of peaceful anti-fascists, assaulting women by grabbing their private parts, laundering money with Putin's mafia, repeal of the ACA, ripping off contractors, declaring personal bankruptcy, in favor of out of control military spending, whatever, Trump's supporters are convinced he's "making America great again."

    More importantly the Foxmerized think the Teapublican Party is actually working for them while the Democratic Party only wants to take their guns and jobs away.

    I'm not encouraged by the Dems messaging ...Sherrod Brown when asked on Meet the Right-wing, what the Dems stand for, never mentioned single-payer, raise the cap, tax the extremely rich, green energy/climate change, all things even the Teabaggers want. I'm so disgusted with the weakness of the Democratic's bad enough they never get corpse media attention, but when they do get the gratuitous 30 seconds, for christ sakes, speak out. Bernie remains the only Democrat I've ever heard even mention single-payer on a Fascist media network.

    It's like dems have a mental problem/phobia about going on offense.

    Until we all face our family and friends and bluntly tell them they're being lied to by Foxaganda, Breitbart etc., we'll see the same results in election after election. We've gone well beyond the point were timid politeness is an option.

    I'm telling you....the mess we're in is a direct result of billionaire media ownership..FASCISM!

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    I was a GS 14 Program manager at EPA when Reagan appointed Justice Gorsuch's mommy to take over EPA. She quickly became known among us EPA professionals as "Ann None-Such" as she dismantled all the environmental research programs I was attached to, resulting in me losing my federal career, consistently saying of research studies to identify pollution toxic effects that "no such study was needed" Thus we continue to ignore the obligation we have as human beings to protect the environment.. our homeland... by allow some exploiter to profit from devastion. So, opening Federal lands to commercial development.. oil drilling... destroying watersheds... is in keeping with the "religious right's assertion that we don't need to protect anything as we are in the "end times " anyway, so why conserve. Democrats dealing with Republicans on environmental issues now is the same as it was back then in the 80's under Reagan's Gorsuch leadership: Like going to a wife-swapping party... and coming home alone.

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    This is beyond the pale!! With Trump"s focused revenge on Obama and, to obliterate the good things that Obama signed into law, he (Trump) and his cabinet members are willing to rape the commons, which is not his to sell as it belongs to all of us.


  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    The investment class has been sacking this country for decades and this is just a continuation of their policies and practices. Whether it be national monuments or Indian Treaty Lands or stadiums, or parks or commons land or churches or schools; stealing is stealing and that's what these Neo LibCons do. Obama did the same thing when he opened up the Tongass for logging with all of the trees, unhewn, going to China to be perfected into lumber that is then sold back to us as top dollar prices. Nothing new. These are "businessmen" doing business. This is the bill of goods they sold this country about "who would know better how to run a country than businessmen?" Well, we've seen the results of allowing this folly through the front door. Two or three decades ago, I went to visit my old grammar school and was shocked to see that it had been sold off to developers and then converted to condominiums. This is the rape and pillage of America. But, I'll say it again: America insists on sleeping on and on and on while we are being taken apart and reconfigured for human slavery via RFID chips, digital (bitcoin) easily controllable money, lies (MSM), and what is rapidly becoming an insurmountable class divide. Sleep on, America. The worst is still to come!

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    No, Thom, there is no doubt whom the current administration serves. It is the same interests served by all the administrations since Reagan, and the same groups that would have been served by Hillary Clinton.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Off topic:

    Ever notice that the Constitution's first concept "We the People" is the foundation on which a government is based composed of no 'leaders' but rather a coterie serving, presumably, to the extent that they serve the 'common good.' Usurpation of government function by the oligarchs has reoccurred in all but electoral function, which tattered though it may be, is now the last hope of "We the People." A 90% turnout of an informed electorate could, in a decade, reverse the damage caused by the Supreme Court (Article lll, Section 2) and replicate such reforms as were effective during the FDR administrations.

    We must not look to a leader but rather to ourselves as the defenders of the Constitution and our nation. We would do well to remember Franklin's admonishment.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    I want to thank ErinRose for tj=he great comment I couldn't have said it better myself.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    I have repeated this at least 100 times on this site: The mainstream media is owned and operated by the 1%. You hear what they want you to hear. You do not hear what they do not want you to hear. The 1% is organized. Many meet every year. They have each others contact info. Do not depend on the mainstream media and certainly do not listen to obvious liars such as Fox News.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Kend, Do they not teach you what reference to facts are in Canada? You can post all day long about what you claim you did right. What did you do that was wrong? You are typical right winger, mindless, baseless garbage.

    Have you been to Miami in the last few years?

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Boycott all corporate-controlled media. People can certainly go about their lives without consuming a constant diet of lies and half-truths.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Legend. My crystal ball worked great about 8.5 years ago when I said Obama will accomplish nothing but put America trillions more in debt. It worked great years ago when I said Al Gore was wrong Oceans would not rise. It worked great when I said Obamacare would fail and it is. All predicted right here. Oh I was also right when I said the the whole Russia thing was fake, the left wing media was chasing ghosts. Isn't it amazing how one stupid comment like "both sides" made the whole Russia thing go away. I don't just watch Fox I watch them all.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Boycott Walmart. Anything the Kochs have (Georgia Pacific Brawney Towells etc. ). Burger King for moving its offices out of the USA but main market is the USA. McDonalds for poisoning America. Small start.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    There is only ONE way to stop Republicans and Trump. It's VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET. The problem is there are so many bad corporations to stop dealing with, its hard to focus.

    I suggest we agree to choose ONE easy to identify corp. with tentacles in every city in America, set a date and totally stop spending with it. Even if its not the target of a particular issue we need to select ONE corp. and hammer it until we END IT or get them to notice. When they ask why this is happening, we say ask the GOP to stop the election fraud, get open source machines for ALL elections. Maybe we can get them to do lifting for us. We make demands.

    But if we cant affect the bottom line of ONE unneccessary corporation, and/or if we cant cut out McD's to save our country, we cant expect to win.

    We could VOTE THEM ALL OUT, but they know that, and will gerrymander and fix machines. That is the main demand if you ask me - fair open-sourced verifiable elections.

    I always suggest McDonald's - mainly becasue everyone can live without McDonalds. Yes, boycott McDonalds to end voter suppression. It makes no sense but that is its genius, It will work, if we can bring them under. And when that happens, we have created and empowered a new political party - which IS what we really need . Its called the CONSUMERS UNITED PARTY - the CUP. We cant expect the two party system to work for us. It,s so dysfunctional.

    That's my idea. I went to Penn with Trump. I dream back to the future like scenarios. He was like this back then. No growth. We need to stop spending folks. We cant stop spending everywhere. So choose one, bring it down. If that does not work, we start on another. They will listen, becasue this is ALL ABOUT MONEY and GREED anyway.

    My Blog on this -


  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    humanity's team:
    From your lips to God's ears. Immediately, the scales must fall from human eyes to avoid societal collapse and ecological disaster.

    Kend: Quit watching Fux News! Right-wing corporate media is what you can't believe. The truth is out there, Scully.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Kend, Your crystal ball seems to be alot better that everyone elses. Do you have fact or reference? Or do you just constantly post rubbish.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Scotty if Gore was elected I know where you would be, 50 trillion in debt and even more jobs would have left to countries with no environmental rules like China and India.

    Humanity the only way to reduce emissions is to stop using them. Government regulations just force the company to move out of the country so it doesn't reduce world wide emissions at all

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    In the near future a corporation will not be able to exist if it damages the speciessystem which allows us to live and thrive. Short term gain will be replaced by long term survival of the species . Rverence for life and each other will replace the need for corporations to make a profit at the expense of the future of life on Earth.

    71 % of all global emissions are responsible by 100 companies. As humans move to a universal conciousness these problems caused by greed and individualistic thinking will simply vanish.

  • Trump's Fitness For Office in Question Now   7 years 24 weeks ago

    He seems perfectly fit for the Office, the Psychiatrist's Office.

    So much for the CNN clip. I couldn't bear watching the first few minutes. While watching, I was expecting an OJ Simpson breaking news update at any moment.

    I did notice how some who come here and post useless information would fit right in with the others in the panel, not mentining any names, right dR?

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Kend; I disagree; I believe Gore got it in one...I wonder where we'd be today if the Supreme Court and Governor Bush (Florida), hadn't got in the way of Bush vs. Gore.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Once upon a time, it was required, by law, that each and every corporation, once it had been in existence for forty years, had to be completely dismantled and sold off, right down to the last thumb tack and paper clip. This was to keep them from acquiring so much money that they could buy off our government and gain enough power to supercede our government (sound familiar?) But then the Shadow Government, the industrialists with all that money began to get the laws changed and eventually they had the 40 year law removed so that they could reign supreme. Well, we see where that has taken us. But, as I keep saying, as long as the American public keeps ignoring all of this, as long as We, the People, keep induging these gangsters, things are only going to get worse. I just finished reading an article about how Canadians pay only a little more in taxes than we do but they get so much more in return. The Right has trained up so many Americans to believe that taxes are the problem when the truth is that it's not the taxes per se, but rather the fact that Americans get so little value for their tax dollars thanks to the "doing business" mentality of the Neo LibCons that we keep putting into office. It is our apathy, and our gullibility that has created this problem, and no matter how bad things have gotten, Americans keep staying the course, like it was some Holy mission they were on, "Satan is testing you," "This is a test by God to see if you will remain loyal to him," "God loves the ones who sacrifice for Him," and all that religious rot! When you couple this with the fact that the MSM is nothing but a propaganda machine that tells us anything BUT the truth, and the Democratic Party is wholly committed to keeping the money flowing in their direction that there is NO HOPE WHATSOEVER of them turning that Party around, this country is rapidly sinking into the quicksand of the New World Order with our help and consent.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Al Gore said the oceans where going to rise and they didn't should we execute him to. I don't believe anyone anymore. They will say and do anything for money.

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    After all Thom, they are just "people".

    This was a very deliberate action to preserve their own profits with nothing but greed as motive. We all know this, but most of us never had the means, i.e. $$$, to implement our wants such as health care for all, free universities etc....

    Cheers fellow live aboard, hit them hard and fight fire with fire!

  • It's Time To Execute Exxon   7 years 24 weeks ago

    How do you 'execute' a corporation? break it up similar to 'ma bell'?

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