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  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    There is no plan. Thats why he said what he said. They have no clue how to fully withdraw without leaving Afgans vulnerable. The U.S is so inbedded in the region that there's virtually no chance of ever leaving. I don't know what it would take for a 100% pullout, but I know one thing for sure. Trump has no clue either.

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this right, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But he once uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    gee Tom, where is the issue? 45 lies about EVERY THING. we need to shut down the press about this idiot and anything connected to him. who really cares what a liar says?

  • How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?   7 years 23 weeks ago

    It is way past time to leave. Bush sent troops to Afghanistan to capture Bin Ladin after 9/11. Afghanistan had offered to arrest him and send him to another country but that was not enough for Bush. Our special Forces literally took over the country in a couple of weeks but missed Bin Ladin at Tora Bora. We should have pulled out then and redeployed if Bin Ladin resurfaced. But Bush changed the mission to "Bring Democracy to the Middle East". We have been there ever since, thinking that somehow we are going to change the way that they think. If we had pulled out Bin Ladin would have probably resurfaced a lot sooner. We spend more in a few days than the country is worth. We spend a fortune sending troops and supplies to the far side of the world. We should have learned the lesson from Vietnam.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 23 weeks ago

    Despite right-wingers' lame efforts to rewrite history, let the extensive and exhausting public record show that the core, mainstream movement in America gaining the biggest head of steam against the inherent violence on vivid display by white supremacists, white nationalists, and white Christianists -- a sad collection of hypocrites emboldened by Trump the Liar's aggressive, gratuitous rhetoric and backward policies (with the tacit approval of the entire Republican Party leadership, the spineless acquiescence of their rank-and-file politicians, and the hidden bigotry and racism of their blind followers) -- is a nonviolent movement of resistance.

    Any fringe outsiders who happen to show up and commit physical acts of violence at any of these peaceful protests are either reactionary, overly zealous "rightist" thugs or other similarly misguided "leftist" fools who would respond in kind. Both are feckin eejits cut from the same feckin cloth!

    To be rightfully angry and disgusted by the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and political violence of a corporate-controlled state run by oligarchs -- the heart of fascism -- is to be repelled by all violence on all sides, from international relationships to street-level confrontations. On a moral level, a personal commitment to nonviolent action is the only "side" to be on. It is also the only effective way to resist a system that thrives on violence.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 23 weeks ago

    Perhaps it is time to retire those 50 year old leftie/socialist memories of shouting trite slogans and throwing rocks at cops from ten rows back at a “peaceful protest” and realize there is nothing anti-fascists about antifa, and anyone who can watch their actions across the country as of late and still go with that narrative is a blind fool.

    Support of their terrorist actions is waning from even the most liberal media outlets. These black masked little brats that think they are accomplishing something by showing up at a previously permitted demonstration and beating people with bats or using a hairspray and a lighter as a torch to set someone on fire will sooner or later get one of these petulant little bastards killed.

    Or option two,

    Keep up your stubborn support for their criminal actions and help sweep the Democrat party further into the dustbin of history. All they are doing is creating campaign ads for the Republicans. Take a cue from your heroes on MSNBC.

    Time to figure out that if nobody gave any coverage to ANY of these so called movements, they would go away by themselves.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 23 weeks ago

    It's always the same but people never learn.

    That same thing is done in Puerto Rico every time there is a protest. You can put money on the fact that the most outspoken, noisiest and more violent members of the protest, belong to the opposition. It's the way that the powers that be keep people away from protest movements. Those people are there to generate fear and to destroy any credibility the movement might have.

    That is "divide and conquer" in practice and it's a very succesful practice, mainly because people never learn.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Most important!

    Click "here" at "Read more here." (from above) to read the full post at

    When "w" was in we used to say "next time things could be much worse."

    I do not hear anyone saying that now, maybe becaue .....

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Where are we now, 46th in global press freedom rankings? This is why so many can no longer discern between right and wrong, truth and lies, real news and fake news, which is precisely what the Fascists intend...keep the rabble confused and take full advantage of the simple minded on election day.

    You'd think there would be a clear distinction between a group of peaceful protestors confronting a group of gun toting antisemites/racists, but in 2017 "Merica" foxaganda and the Bannons out there have blurred common sense to a point where it feels like night of the living dead.

    I don't see how all of this is going to end without a lot of pain and tumult easy way out. Last November the vast majority needed to demand the election be declared invalid. Kobach should have been jailed for election fraud engineering and Trump and company jailed for treason. Why didn't this happen? Our country has sadly lost it's moral compass/common sense....thanks to very effective fascist propaganda.

    How many elections have the Dems given up the White House to the loser ???

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Personally, right or wrong, I perceive to many similarities to the historical accounts of Hitlers rise to power. We are almost past the point where a revolution would be able to remove him from office. Ity is getting to the point it will take a world war.

    It will be interesting to see the 1%er's paying for the military people, munitions and arms.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    While there have been some others who have highlighted comparisions of Trump to Hitler, the detail of this article helps make the chances of such events happening here much clearer. I actually posted this article to my Facebook page.
    Thanks Tom for some scholarship and detail.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Excellent! And for anyone doubting the stunning parallels between the Germany of the '20's and '30's and the USA, circa 1980 to present, get it straignt from the "horse's mouth". You can buy "Mein Kampf" at Amazon right now for under $2 if you have a Kindle. A "must read"!

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    This is not the first time they villivfied (democrats) either us or the programs we tried to pass or stood for. Different day, same garbage talking.

  • Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Tom is saying "History Repeats Itself"> While I understand similarites between Hitler & Trump, there's one thing Hitler had said that Trump CAN'T say or do>

    No English subtitles of Hitler speeches because he SPOKE TRUTHs that put blame for rise to power on shoulders of WW1 Allied Victors War Reparation pay'ts

    Hitler said " U saw your GrandParents COMMIT SUICIDE when their life savings were wiped out by reparations & a destroyed economy put upon Germany by the Versailles Treaty> Put me in power & we'll march the Allies back into the railroad car in Paris and RESIGN the Treaty to do away w/the war reparations> We'll make the ALLIE's GrandParents COMMIT SUICIDE just like ours did"

    Don't hear much about that one do ya'? What's Trump going to say? "America was wrong for rebuilding Europe wa Marshal Plan?" He'd be laughed off the stage

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Yes, Bernie should run again; even though he really is too old. But, Bernie has the name-recognition and TRUST of the American people. There are other possible canditates, but I don't believe that anyone will be able to EARN the name-recognition and trust in time for the 2020.

    Elisabeth Warren is a possibility, but she lost a large amount of trust when she wouldn't support Bernie in 2016. However, if she accepted Bernie's agenda and vocalized it with sincerity and no hedging, she could get there. Unfortunately, I'm not convinced that Liz is ready to take on the establishment democrats (Liz, I really wish you'll prove me wrong).

    Bernie should announce, as soon as possible, that he's running for President in 2020. The Democratic establishment will not give up the corporate money without a fight (i.e. no way they'll get behind Bernie or similar candidate). By announcing for 2020, Bernie grabs the initiative and becames the defacto spokesman for the Democratic party (i.e. impossible for the main-stream media to ignore him).

    He should also announce Tina Turner, chairman of ourrevolution, as VP. She then becomes the heir apparent, with a strong possibility of taking over as President (considering Bernie's age). The establishment will attack Bernie as sexist and anti-minority (just like they did in 2016). Bernie may end up opting out of 2020, but by then Tina should have enough name-recognition and trust from touring the country as Bernie's VP for two years.

    I'd love to see Bernie and Tina touring the country organizing grass-roots while stumping for Medicare-for-all, $15 minimum wage, free college tuition, minority rights, etc. Not to mention getting people excited for 2018.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday August 30th, 2017   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Hi Tom:

    NFIP only covers your house up to $250K which doesn't include most of what is in your basement, any separate structures and contents is a separate coverage with a separate deductible. Commercial up to $500K. Above that you have to go to outside carriers. The reason the country went into flood is that most people couldn't afford the coverage. Even then you have to have an elevation certificate for post firm dwellings. Rental. Your rate goes up or down based on how close you are to the BFE (base flood elevation - plus or minus). There are alot of other requirements that basically force people to rebuild up to current flood code.

    Alternatives for people who need more coverage is to find an outside carrier, or write a difference in conditions (DIC) policy. Outside carriers tend to not like people with prior losses. I wrote one where I had to say how far from the coast, the elevation above the base flood elevation, etc.

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Michael Moore Predicts Trump Will Win Re-Election in 2020

    With the help of these idiots, he just might.

    Berkeley Mayor: We Should Classify Antifa ‘As A Gang’

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    The DNC went out of its way to scuttle Sanders for the last election, and everything that has come out of them since (even in the face of the Wasserman-Schultz resigning in disgrace,) only indicates their intentions to double-down on their disastrous course. Bottom line: The Neo Liberals in the Party don't want to disconnect from mainlining money from corporate donors and are willing to be the designated losers as long as the money flows in. They didn't support Sanders before and they will only smear and undermine him again. Given a choice between winning with Sanders or losing but keeping mega money donations flowing in, they will take the money. Sanders (says he) represents the best interest of blue collar workers (I have my doubts). but the DNC and the Democratic Party on whole vacated such representation when they started accepting large dollar funding from private sources long ago. You cannot serve two masters. The Neo Liberal Dems are clearly on the corporate dole and have absolutely no intentions of making any changes in loyalty away from their payroll donors . So, all the hoopla about Sanders is nonsense and anyone who donates to his election might as well open the window and throw the money out because Trump will go in again as sure as the Sun rises.

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    i have felt that way since March.

    share. follow. contact me. we can do this

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Sanders would have won the first time around. Americans know this.

    Trump is going to try to paint Bernie as too old or even weak or soft. Sanders should challenge Trump to 3 minutes in the ring. He was a boxer. He would clobber him.

    And even Trump's base would like that fight. Its never going to happen, but Dems have to learn this is not ONLY about policies - its about image any more - image sells. People want to be sold. People want a fighter. Trump knew that. Its why he won.

    Sanders can easily sell Trump's base, but not with just policy.

    He does have to make it seem like fun - and not socialism.

    check out my blog post on Bernie fighting Trump

    Trump and I went to school together at Penn. Its sort of what they taught.

    But he learned his tactics on the streets and in back room deals.

    share. stay vocal. contact me. we can do this

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    Sometimes, it seems that the most effective tool we have is to ask our representatives to read Article 3, Section 2 of the US Constitution. I think if we do it once a week for ever it might bother them enough to actually read it. The line item veto of the voting rights act by SCOTUS seems to be causing more damage than Citizens United. I say that in spite of the fact CU is a total horror story. The line item veto enabled the closing of all those DMV's in GA and AL with the accompanying laws.

  • Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?   7 years 24 weeks ago

    reply to Legend -- I wonder what Thom's increase was? With such a smaller number of viewers his percentage increase might be very large.

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