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  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    I really believe Trump is as much a victim of Breitbart, Foxaganda, and the Fascist media in general as are his remaining 30% support group. There's a very slim chance he's becoming secretly embarrassed by he credulousness, and thus is willing to do things that don't appear insane, but who knows? One thing we do know for certain is that, like the Kochs, he is a megalomaniac.

    I'm convinced Pence is in communication with the Kochs and they're plotting his ascension together. If my hunch is correct, then it's possible Trump's apparent defection from the Kochpublicans is more of a survival reflex.

    However I do agree that Trump is also deflecting attention away from the upcoming exposure of his connection to Putin's Russian mafia.

    Area's of agreement: Well if Trump wants to feed his desperate need to be loved, then he should just check the national polls, honor democracy, and the will of the vast majority.....push for single-payer, raise the cap, pull out of our endless wars, promote green energy infrastructure, and tax the extremely rich again. He would be loved like FDR. Ain't gonna happen though..LOL

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    I went to one of Diane Feinstein's meet & greets many years ago to speak with her in S.F. about using the closing hunters point shipyard and / or the Presidio either for the homeless or for the Homeless Vets as per the Williams or Williamson Act ( I have forgotten which one it was called). The result was she ran away so she wouldn't have to discuss it and then changed the Act.

    I would suggest you not expect all that Dem compassion to trickle down to you.

    After all look how much compassion you have for anyone not agreeing with you.

  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Trust but verify.

    Remember, throughout most of Trump's over-leveraged, fumble-bum business career, many losers were left in the wake of failed deals put together by this flim-flam whack-job with big hair and his mob of bootlickers and backstabbers, whose principal modus operandi appears to be a kiss-up-kick-down, free-for-all, wild-ass roller derby going off in all directions at once. And with over 400 lawsuits cluttering up the years, having a good compliment of sleazy lawyers hanging around has become an everyday necessity.

    So good luck. Don't forget to stroke his ego; who knows, he could be the most beloved presidential dude in U.S. history if he successfully negotiated Medicare for all.

    Hell, I might even say something nice about him for once, "Hotdamn, ya sure got yerself some sexy daughters there, yer Orange Greatness sir!" You know, something a bit creepy that he can relate to.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Good afternoon DR,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Trump being a pragmatist is true...also he knows the Clintons et all very well.

    They have the same friends , went to the same parties and picked up much info at those parties and Trump being the only one not drinking or drunk.

    I can't quite see how you can build in NY without dealing with the mob either.

    I don't think there are many saints running around on any side.

    I do think when the Dems finally have to come to terms with the DWS...IT issues they will be shocked how much info they have ignored....or maybe Trump will make that deal with Jullian.

  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    President Trump is sending the washed up lefties into a tail spin. :) He's taking away their issues and getting things done. This is why he was elected, and why he'll be reelected :)

  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    This was just Trump saying "Go stand in the corner and think about what you just did" to the republicans for their debacle of the R&R of Obamacare. Trumps P'od at them, nothing more. He's pretty much still an independent in my opinion. He's all about getting something done to look good. My guess he'll side with whoever works with him. Which can be good or bad depending on what side you're on.

  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Thom: Do you ever think you are a cat and everyone else has a laser?

  • A Deal with the Dems   7 years 22 weeks ago

    I reserve the right for further comment but; They (Republicans if you want to call them that but they are not) danced with the Devil......... Do we really want to? To explain; I know a very few Republicans that are remaining and the hoard of theives and shills that can't believe modern science aren't Republicans. I believe it's organized crime! The "MOB" if you will. Someone please tell me i'm incorrect........Otherwise, we are in for a very long slog for Greed is their motivation and that is rarely sated short of true revolution.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Git yer scrolling finger out of yer nose; here comes another screed:

    Unbelievable! I see Diane's chutzpah and loose relationship with outward reality is still alive and kicking despite all those decades of overuse.

    After eight long years of a rock-solid, 20-foot-thick wall of unwavering resistance to and blanket obstruction of anything and everything Obama and/or DemocRAT, suddenly so-called "moderate" (ha ha) Republicans want both sides of the aisle to hug it out ... uh, now that it is slowly dawning on the one-party-rule mob that, mainly because of their own slapstick incompetence, yes, they do indeed require Democrats (some anyway) to pass any meaningful legislation.

    Too bad their major legislative misadventures normally consist of ripping off nearly everyone else in society to enrich the rich -- "afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable." Any Democratic politician who swallows their bait is a goddamn fool who should be primaried -- and most likely will -- for the good of the nation.

    Question: How do you compromise with genocidal maniacs who tried their damnedest to price 20-some million deserving citizens out of their already spendy healthcare, which would have led directly to the deaths of tens of thousands every year?

    Answer: You don't! And that was a Democratic success story! Please Democrats, more of the same! Resist the evil and aim high! Give the People something to vote for, the sharp contrast they need to reenergize voter enthusiasm and parcipitation, just lIke Bernie did. Grey, bland, more-of-the-same "Republican lite" just won't cut it anymore, if it ever did, which I doubt.

    Clamor for getting big money out of politics, for a top-to-bottom overhaul of our voting system to ferret out deeply embedded Republican election fraud, for Medicare-for-all, for no-tuition college, for a much higher minimum, livable wage that reflects actual inflation, for increased taxes on the rich, for realistic climate-change policies that respect science, and for getting the f*ck out of all these godamnit foriegn wars for oiL and profit!

    IOW, let us join the modern world and reaffirm America's rightful place among enlightened nations.

    These, and many other progressive issues, are the exact initiatives that 60 to 70 percent (in some cases a lot more) of the electorate agrees with, including a significant portion of the more sane and rational (believe it or not) Republican voters. Why would any serious Democrat -- or for that matter any Republican -- trying to change the course of history for the better not yank those chains?

    C'mon 2018!

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    Thank you Al Gore for inventing scrolling :))

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Good morning HotCoffee. Nice to see some common sense from the left side of the aisle. I consider myself to be a conservative version of you. I know who Tusli Gabbard is and although I differ from many of her thoughts I respect her and note the national attention she has gained.

    Understand Thom Hartmann has to keep his radio show alive and the only way that can be done is by leaning to the outrageous. Sometimes I think he will never forgive his parents for being born white. Learn the history of his communist grandfather, followed by a very conservative father and you have a very mixed up kid.

    Most of his followers that post here are from the alt-left and their blindly nodding to Thom who has spent much of his show time trying to separate black from white, male from female, gays, from straight, and conservative from liberal is a tribute to far off the chart they are. The philosophy of winning by dividing cost the democrat party over 1000 seats over the last 8 years, so from my end of the spectrum I applaud their stupidity.

    The few conservatives here usually post to poke fun at the wackos' that just seek attention or try to get really bad shit off their chest.

    As for your plea for some form of agreement between the major players in D.C... I could not agree with you more. If nothing else Trump being a pragmatist will figure out how to get things done be it with Democrats or Republicans.

    I fully agree and support your thoughts on a true moderate in the WH be it a democrat or republican. The problem lies in congress and I fully applaud President Trump for possibly being on the track Reagan and Clinton found when they worked with an opposition congress.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Ah yes the end, it's always about you, isn't it? Who cares what you choose to read or not. Certainly not I. That's why Al Gore invented scrolling.

  • What's Compassionate About Kicking 800,000 Young People Out Of The One Country They've Ever Really Called Home?   7 years 22 weeks ago
  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    15 paragraphs of nothing...I stopped reading after the third...who can read all this psycho babble....I guess you almost finished packing the moving van for the move to the "castles in the sky" you've built...

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Kinda all over the board ain't ya, HC? The more you talk, the more apparent it becomes where your true sentiments lie. Got it, you're a Democrat who hates Democrats. Uh huh. So then, did you vote for Trump too?

    Because, contrary to popular spin, i.e. Republican lies, the overwhelming majority of real Democrats did not and would not. There just was not the stampeding hordes of which you speak, who suddenly lost their minds, violated their most cherished principles and everything they hold dear, and wasted their precious votes on a racist, misogynistic, lying creep who can't even open his mouth to breathe without spitting out hatred and disrespect for women, minorities, or anyone else who dares not adulate him or stroke his oversized ego.

    Most other Democrats aren't that dumb. In fact, there were seven million plus hordes of Democrats whose votes for Hillary were "lost," stolen, or otherwise not counted, due to Republican attacks on our elections, which were much more effective than Russian attacks. Had all the votes been counted, Trump the Liar would not have "won" the Electoral College either, not even close, which blows up your entire argument that there were significant numbers of crossover votes. Sorry, didn't happen.

    Apparently, you are well versed on all the transgressions of Democrats and keen to list some of their worst players. Strange though (not really) that the Republican side of your ledger is glaringly blank. So, what happened to your whole "both sides" principle in that instance? A mere oversight for the sake of brevity? Whatever.

    (BTW, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, Anthony Weiner, et al, have been duly shamed and are no longer in leadership positions, are they? They are history and no longer relevant. I doubt Republican leadership would be as forthcoming. Now, voters -- in both parties! -- need to purge all the committed corporatists from office in the next few election cycles ...not holding my breath.)

    I'm all in for a viable third party, but what are concerned citizens expected to do in the meantime -- cede power to the one-party-rule Republicans and let them hand what's left of our dying democracy to the billionaires, which is already largely the case? I'd definitely rather take my chances with a Democratic Party that is painfully aware of their need to reform. At least they wouldn't try to deport innocent children or take healthcare away from millions of our less fortunate fellow citizens and neighbors to lavish huge, unneeded tax breaks on obscenely wealthy elites.

    Another oversight perhaps, but you also failed to provide any on-the-record, factual evidence, beyond right-wing false accusations, of Hillary's many nefarious deeds. In truth, she's a very intelligent, qualified, and compassionate woman, yet, someone who still knows how to play political hardball with the best of them and go to bat for her constituents. (Putin didn't like that about her either.)

    Really though, why is she being so unfairly singled out? She sure as hell ain't perfect and without sin (Who is?), but the over-the-top double standard that she has had to endure her entire career is truly breathtaking. Imagine the crescendo of fake indignation and wall-to-wall exploding heads, with Hillary haters crawling out of their caves to pontificate on her evil ways ad naseam, if Hillary talked or performed like Trump even slightly.

    But enough about 2016; I have no interest in relitigating the last election with you. Coming back to the present, answer the damn question: Is it grossly immoral or not to deport innocent children, even those fully grown?

    If so, why all the lesser ancillary B.S. hemming and hawing around this salient point? If so, why not hold Trump and the Republicans accountable for their actions as you would (correctly) the Democrats -- and not just a passing comment or two to check off your "both sides" list, but a full-throated condemnation, at least as passionate as the case you just presented against Democrats for much less?

    Ask yourself, why did Trump choose this particular time to pick a problem out of thin air and create an artificial deadline for others to solve, that must now be "worked out" with Pelosi? Like his out-of-the-blue military transgender ban, how convenient are such distractions from the Russian investigation, which is just now entering a critical phase that seems to be backing the rat into a corner.

    Coincidence? Suuure, okaaay. So why is he lashing out blindly in every way that you'd expect an unhinged tyrant to act when his power is seriously challenged. What next? War with North Korea, China, Iran, Venezuela, Liechtenstein?

    It's also fascinating watching Republicans squirm over their poor choice, with more and more trying to distance themselves every day. All of a sudden Trump is not a real Republican.

    Oh yes he is! Out of 17 greatly flawed candidates, the rank and file chose the absolute worst one, making him their party leader and a Republican through and through by all sober assessments. Own up to your hypocrisy, all you Republican liars!

    And no, I do not champion class warfare -- that's on Trump, just one of his destructive proclivities that make him a "good" Republican. But then you would have realized that about their party over 50 years ago, right?

    A final word to the wise: don't fall for Ou812's knee-jerk ego-framing of the argument, any argument -- she/he/it is only a stray Russian bot forever imprisoned in a lonely and scrambled consciousness that can never incarnate into flesh and blood. It must be a very frustrating existence to be nothing but a strand of decaying bits and bytes struggling for recognition and relevancy -- and here of all places! So sad.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Yawn, you all are turning this posting into a factless nothing.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    wasn't it Rodney king that said "can't we all just get along" after the LA riots. He's clearly much smarter than you are. Maybe when this country looks like the ME after the Arab Spring you'll wish you didn't push for a civil war....yes the daily caller is right have heard even a broken clock is right twice a day. Thom H. certinally isn't right wing and I read him.

    I did say I read both sides didn't I.

    Seems Nancy & Trump are smarter than you as well, they are working out an agreement.

    You do know Trump was a Dem and Hillary was at at least 1 of his weddings.

    "So much for those much ballyhooed Democratic credentials" not credentials...facts.

    I noticed you didn't say a thing about DWS and her computer fiasco...and I do think Hillary selling uranium to the Russians is worse than trump trying to build hotels there.

    I think Trumps personal life is or was is or was Bill C. Anthony Wiener, John Podesta et all. And then there is the poor ever the victim Hillary. Even the Dems are asking her to shut up!

    Why do you think so many Dems voted for Trump???? Never mind I know...they all just suddenly turned racist.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    That you are so vociferously re-litigating the last election is a subconscious tell.

    The "Daily Caller" is one of the worst far-right-wing propaganda sites way out there in Lie lie Land. So much for those much ballyhooed Democratic credentials.

    I also voted for Bernie in the primary. And I voted for Hillary in the general as the second-best qualified candidate to represent this complex, multi-cultural nation ... because Trump was the stupidest, most uninformed choice imaginable, which has been borne out all too clearly by subsequent events.

    BTW, please list all the Republican lies you obviously believe about Hillary, to whom you are deflecting culpability. Careful -- wording is important. So are sources.

    Both sides; fair and balanced; why can't we all just get along. No! There's only one legitimate "side" to this issue; the "other" side is the deceit, the wrong, the evil. As the saying goes, in a moral dilemma, the only things in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead skunks. Equivocation is a sign of cowardice, weakness, and ignorance.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    And in case you hadn't seen it,

    For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 7, 2017

    Thank you for this commitment, Mr. President. Real protections will only come from your signing the DREAM Act ASAP.>— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) September 7, 2017

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Debbie wasserman schultz

    Bernie Sanders

    And I won't even get into Anthony Wiener and his wife.

    Dem politicans have alot of work to do if they can get their heads out of their underwear.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    not surprised at all that you don't believe the truth.

    I know both sides becase I listen to both side and BS is BS no matter what side it's on.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Really I doubt a republican would want Tusli for you know who she is???

    She's the one DWS threw out of the DNC so she could trash Bernie...whom I voted for by the way.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago


    You are revealed by your own words; you are judged by your own actions.

    Regardless of how much you try to dodge and weave, this thread is about the immoral actions of an illigitimate president and the power-hungry party that enables him. Your lie, despicable and transparent, is drawing a false moral equivalency between Republicans and Democrats apropos of punishing "dreamers" for the actions of their parents, over which they had no control.

    Dismissing pushback as mere labeling is disengenous at best, another lie at worst. And, if you are the 50-plus-year Democrat you claim to be, then why do you sound so Republican? You're right; I don't know you, but I do know the talking points, repeated endlessly in the right-wing bubble.


    Why are you still dog-paddling in the shallow end of the pool?

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    The Republican agenda may be to make America White again but it will not work. The tide has changed against their desires. Soon we will have the first president whose parents legally immigrated from Mexico. The south lost the Civil War they will just have to learn to get over it. The war was lost 152 years ago, it is time to move forward. Our nation is stronger because we are multicultural. In France you have French people, in Spain you have Spanish people, in Germany, German people, in Japan, Japanese people in the United States of America we have people from more than 200 nations that is who we are. Some of us have cultural heritage from Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, we are from everywhere. My cultural heritage is from Africa. My forefathers came here 300 years ago to work on farms to make fortunes for white Europeans who later founded this nation.

  • Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again   7 years 22 weeks ago

    If I had my way Tulsi Gabbard would be Pres. Just thought I'd throw that in.

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