I have been yelling about this for a few years now. Sorry to see the level has risen enough for other to see, but not the rich benefiting from all the lies and deceit. The only proper punishment I can see is a firing squad for all that are involved in the destruction of our civilization and the planet itself.
Of course the big carbon and methane producers should be held responsible. The time has come to put an end to Corporations treating the commons as a dump cheap to dispose of their garbage and toxic waste.
perfect solution for holding the big 3 accountable financially until they are charged with crimes against humanity (only one of scores of species affected by deliberate refusal to acknowledge the facts of our reality) for twisting the facts and lying about consequences of their product...reminds me of the tobacco industry's unconscionable acts of deceit...
If Trump gave the Dems everything they wanted, it's because they did not ask for much - just funding for disaster relief and a guarantee to raise the debt ceiling for bills that have already been made, something that should be automatic to avoid a worldwide economic meltdown. Now let's see, which of the two political parties last used the threat of default in an attempt to extort concessions on budgets that had already been passed, resulting in a downgrade of the country's credit rating and downtick in the economy? Shouldn't be too hard to answer that one, the same party that will throw the people of this country on the bonfire of their ideological doctrines.
As for Trump, who knows what's going on inside his walnut brain. He sees governance the same way as he did business, play people off against each other, pay off recalcitrant officials and say nothing but bullshit while extracting wealth and living the high life.
Watch out when a rat is backed into a corner. It gets ugly. Special counsel Robert Mueller is now coordinating with bulldog New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, because Trump can't pardon Paul Manafort under state prosecution, where justice will play out in case Trump pardons him for federal charges after Mueller's federal probe wraps up. That way, it pressures Manafort either to cut a deal and rat out Trump or face crushing fines and serious jail time, since he can no longer count on a pardon if he clams up. This slippery, backroom deal maker will only think of saving his own sorry ass. 10 to 1 odds he'll flip faster than a greasy gut-bomber at Buffy's Burgers next to Paddy's Pub at closing time. It's gonna get mighty lonely at the top when the rest of his pack of dogs turn on each other. Yeah, how long will the trolls keep up the facade?
Ha! Da, Messer Chups is good with lots of vodka, comrade! Jaysus, got on a roll with that one all right. Hit #50, laid down the hammer and sickle, apologized for coming on a wee bit strong, exchanged olive branches of sorts. All's fair in love and war and politics, I guess. Nothing personal.
Damn! Hang on, Erin! Come back and tell us your story. Meanwhile, I hope you and the pets stay safe, and the best of luck to you and your family and friends. Wow, that's scary!
And hoping Outback is still okay in Idaho, being so close to a major forest fire. Crazy times.
Cool. You are interesting to read despite our different understandings in certain areas. And you are so right that words do not, cannot, represent the totality of who a person is. No wiser words spoken.
After rereading the whole thread just now (a tedious task), I must apologize in return for jumping on you so hard right out of the chute and then not so subtly suggesting you were lying. That was uncalled for and unfair, and I'm sorry. Other than maybe not getting enough oats in the hay some mornings, there are no good excuses.
Charging head on at full gallop may get quicker results but increases odds of clean misses. From the dark side of the heart in that somewhat jaded, sometimes ornery Quixote-esque dragon slayer in my mind, who grows weary of hackneyed affectations, occasional bursts of impatience escape to lash out at one of the most trite, transparent, disingenuous tactics that hapless trolls use on liberal sites to introduce themselves as just one of the ol' gang, wink, wink. First, they oh so slyly (hee hee) qualify their status as a Democrat/ liberal/ progressive/ socialist/ Bernie-crat/ pick a "lefty" flavor (as if that will add gravitas to their clueless comedy acts) before launching into the same-old, dime-a-dozen, Republican "think"-tanked, focus-grouped, largely debunked, canned talking points, which are hammered on day in and day out (yawn) all the damn time everywhere. Right-wing hate radio and Fux News even blares out bullsh*t in the background of cop shops and hospitals for chrissakes -- a decades old, full spectrum, corporate mass media onslaught employing nonstop "big lie" propaganda techniques that would pop Joseph Goebbels' cork!
... mmm ... Unexpected consequences? Does correlation equal causation?
Does a constant barage of lies and fear incite hate and anger against all those goddamn wicked and conniving libtards and dumbocRATS and FAKE NEWS LIARS (which evidently means pretty much everyone else on planet friggin Earth except Trump, the greatest truth-teller of all time, so great you wouldn't believe it, folks. It's true ...no, really ...whole truth thing ...greatest ever! Believe me, folks, believe me...) and moooslums and non-white minorities in general -- especially all those OMG armies of little brown-skinned ILLEGAL ALIENS, all those invading hoards at the southern border a'comin' ta STEAL YER JOBS and VOTE ILLEGALLY?
Does all that glitzy, media-magnified, largely unfounded scaremongering trigger an uncontrollable primal urge for violent retaliation in some of the more feral, zombiefied/Foxmerized minds lurking in the shadows with rabid packs of other unhinged, far-right ideologues? Some fiery zealots simply won't tolerate anyone outside of their narrowly defined tribal identity, which is typically but not always Christian, white, gun totin, flag wavin, good ol' red-blooded, American-born boys past their prime with big beer guts in the front and obedient women in the back -- good people nonetheless conditioned all their lives to scapegoat unfairly certain other groups of good people for society's big problems instead of directing all that energy to find actual root causes and effective solutions.
Trump certainly has proven that hypothesis at numerous campaign rallies and impromptu interactions with crowds as well as carefully crafted productions (e.g., beating the crap out of a human CNN logo representing in the flesh reporters who bleed real blood -- just ask the, ahem, honorable gentleman from Montana, Trump-smitten Greg Gianforte). The Don's's new gangsta slogan for the 2020 campaign: "USA-USA-USA, punch ya face, hey-hey-hey!"
And no, the much smaller percentage of violent, so-called left-wing groups (certainly not my interpretation of the "left" or the progressive movement) absolutely do not represent the amazingly principled and peaceful, albeit loud and defiant, mass resistance mounting everywhere against Trump, Republicans, and their cruel and just plain stupid policies. If you're curious, peruse a composite of the many actual statistics on the subject (available free at a reputable site near you). With a few notable exceptions, most domestic terrorist attacks, hate crimes, and the violent street encounters of late have been perpetrated by far-right, self-described Republican, militant, super-white, male, nationalistic, radical Christianists with the stench of hate and anger in their breath and spittle. (The Rep. Steve Scalise shooter, a madman of the left, was a rarer breed of crazy, an exception that proves the rule.)
Nice try, but again, no! Before your strawman argument gets any further down the slippery slope, let's be clear that I do not support a free-for-all border policy just because simple humanity compels one to support a productive, law-abiding dreamer's human (if not technically legal) right not to be arbitrarily ripped from the only life she or he has ever known, from family, friends, community, school, church and, yes, job.
WTF !? Why does Morality 101 need to be explained to the big blob of recycled fat clogging up a toilet at 6 am, tweeting immature, egotistical gibberish? A big king sh*t with a little pawn brain hiding behind funny looking bushy eyebrows under a ridiculous do from the casino-gangster 50's, and little creepy pussy-grabber fingers poking out of his sleeves --LMAO! And THIS is the lying, malignant, narcissistic jerkwad that his starry-eyed idolaters want to normalize in the public eye???
Follow the bouncing ball ~~~ N~E~V~E~R~!!!
"Houston, we have a problem." ... World, we have a problem!
Anyway, even if ya are a lyin, cheatin, thievin, stinkin, low down, no good, rotten piece of troll sh*t (said with much compassion), you are still interesting and challenging to read. (Thanks for the links; although, the first one didn't get sprinkled with the magic blue fairy dust to make it fly.)
"Because Fascism is a lie,
it is condemned to literary sterility.
And when it is past, it will have no history,
except the bloody history of murder."
- Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961)
Aug 28 @AnnCoulter
I don't believe Hurricane Harvey is God's punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor. But that is more credible than "climate change".
"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those towards whom it is directed will understand it. Therefore, the intellectual level of the propaganda must be lower the larger the number of people who are to be influenced by it."
But one thing I believe is that Trump was put into office by God!! & God will help us through these bad times!! God bless America & Trump.
Here Are All the Senators Who Voted 'No' on Hurricane Harvey Relief
Sens. Bob Corker, Steve Daines, Mike Enzi, Joni Ernst, Deb Fischer, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, John McCain, Jerry Moran, Rand Paul, James Risch, Ben Sasse, and Pat Toomey all voted against the bill.
Three other Senators, Marco Rubio, Dan Sullivan and Bob Menendez did not vote.
"Through clever and constant application of propaganda,
people can be made to see paradise as hell,
and also the other way around,
to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
From Benito Mussolini,
"London Sunday Express," December 8, 1935
Harvey is exposing chemical storage dangers faster than the media can neglect exposing them. Hundreds of times from Chevron to Cheney's Halliburdon storing chemicals in the poorest sections of urban areas. With Florida being the legacy of another bush spawn its little doubt the same or worse will be in plain sight for no one to see.
CO2 retains heat longer than O2, human made or not.
I agree with you about energy.......reaslised what was going on back in 1972 as I sold donuts, coffee, and newspapers to folks sitting in gas lines. Have read much about the 7 sisters, also Carol Quigleys book Tragedy & Hope.
This is the compassion I was refering to.....https://youtu.be/dwTmN2wbJ0A
Queen bee at her best.
Did you see the article of the latest tunnel found at the boarder? 37 people 7 Mexican and 30 Chinese nationals? ( numbers are close may not be exact. )
The issue is not just about the Dreamers. Do you believe anyone or everyone migrating
is just a wonderful person coming to make America better...no rules needed?
Not all immigrants are Hispanic or Latino. Are you watching whats happening in the EU countries.
Contrary to what you seem to want to believe I detest most Repub politicans as much as I detest Hillary especially the Cheney, Rumsfield crowd. Including the Koch Bros. Soros et all.
Regarding healthcare I believe in single payer....but I don't believe in a lot of what is called health care....to much to try to explain here.
If my statments are false I apoligise...You may be very compassionate I have no way to know. I don't think a few words on a web site represents the totality of who you are.
Neither do a few words represent the totality of all I am.
No doubt, as the "wood-chipper of justice" moves closer and closer to Trumps ample ass, he will try, more and more, to curry favor from Democrats, as Republiscums alone cannot save him and his cadre of lying pieces of shit regarding Russian collusion and obstruction of justice investigations. Anyone that has been following these investigations in even the most cursory manner knows that Trump and his gang of despicable traitors will not survive the tsunami of evidence that is washing over them. Most of these rats have already lawyered-up in their efforts to keep from being drowned, many fleeing the sinking ship and grabbing hold of any scrap of floating wreckage in a futile attempt to keep their heads above water.
Yes, Rightwing trolls, can for now, jump up and down, screech and scream, thump their chests and throw their shit out of their self-made cages at anyone that bothers to give them the time of day. But only the most hardheaded, bigoted, greedy extremists could have ever believed this lying pig for even a second. Their unrelenting support, even at this stage, for this monstrous blob of garbage only confirms this point. And their eager willingness to abet acts of treason in a desperate effort to maintain their delusional fantasies undermines any point that they may ever put forth.
It's nothing personal. Outside truth and reality are not dependent upon agreement. For instance, the laws of physics governing human-induced, catastrophic climate disruption are triggered by collective human behavior regardless if one happens to believe it or not. Agree, disagree, environmental deterioration will only get worse until our species as a whole can change its behavior and quit pouring carbon into the atmosphere. Period.
That eventuality can only happen when, or if, a critical mass of the population realizes the futility of mere opinion and faces the harsh reality of scientific fact. Even though most of us are binary thinkers and are conditioned to think of issues as always having two equally valid sides, actually most substantive issues only have one side. Something is either true or it is not. The challenge is to drill down to that singularity and find out.
Similarly, compassion is not a product of thought and thus can neither be defined nor cultivated by thought. It is possible, therefore, to have compassion for the person yet have no intellectual sympathy whatsoever for the person's delusional ideologies, worthless opinions, and destructive attitudes. No one owns thought and no one is owned by thought. It is fair game, one might say it is imperative, to tear each manifestation of our limited understanding of things completely apart down to its basic elements and then challenge its very foundations until every falsehood is burned away and only the kernel of truth remains. It ain't beanbag.
HotCoffee: "I would suggest you not expect all that Dem compassion to trickle down to you.
"After all look how much compassion you have for anyone not agreeing with you."
Both statements are false.
I've learned not to expect anything from anyone and certainly would not expect what you call compassion to trickle down from anywhere. Anyway, what a strange concept to expect such a weird thing, a "trickling" of compassion. Interesting.
Neither have I ever cared whether or not someone agrees with me in a comment thread or anywhere else. That would be the ego talking, which is useless input that evaporates into nothing, a waste of time and energy, not worth a second glance. Another oddity: why, or perhaps how, would compassion be predicated on intellectual agreement?
Wow! I wonder if that's why Trump and the Republicans can, for example, envision stripping healthcare away from the poor to give tax breaks to the rich or deporting almost a million American kids without good cause and yet feel no real compassion for their victims. Is it because they have spent so long living in the intellectual realm of ideology pursuing abstract goals that they are divorced from reality on the human to human level, having lost their capacity to empathize with those who have been reduced to numbers in computers that must be "solved?"
You said it: Trump "has no ideological center". He blows hot and cold depending on whether he is having a good day or not. Some days he's feeling magnanimous and generous, and other days he feels like an old grouchy bear. I'm glad he has broken with the GOPpers over aid for storm victims; I hope he is feeling very generous over the next couple of months because A LOT of people are, and are going to be, hurting by the time Irma gets finished with us here in Florida. Only three homes around me have owners who have bugged out; all the rest of us are staying; where can we go? We have animals and elderly parents. I had to move my Mom to a nursing home, while I ride it out here with our pets. When the power goes down, I will probably end up in my SUV with the feathers and fur because I can run the a/c. The heat and humidity here are already unbearable and we aren't even really into it yet. What I want to know is why, knowing this happens to us again and again (every 4-5 years the weather people say,) that we haven't adopted a pro-active position on all of this by training a civilian response team in each district that can get the power back up in a day or two, versus playing the victim, waiting for the power companies to finally get around to us. You KNOW the richy rich power execs don't give a flying Frisbee about us. You KNOW they get their kicks by leaving us languishing in the heat, in the dark, miserable and unable to take care of ourselves waiting for them to do something. Meanwhile, they run skeleton crews to save themselves money and take weeks and weeks to get our antiquated grid system patched together one more time. We really need to stop playing this assigned position and start getting together to form groups that will move into action when needed. I'd also like to see citizen groups getting together to talk about developing our own home power systems based on solar since we can only rely on the energy companies to do only what is in their best interests and lining their own pockets. It's time to walk away from these jailers, set ourselves free, and be able to get the energy we want and need at fair (unpadded for other things like nuclear reactors,) prices. Down with the baloney nonsense!!! Up with independent energy!!!
Trump is not a pragmatist. He's a corrupt opportunist, willing to take advantage of any situation for his own advancement. Pragmatists are empathetic, opportunists are self-serving. Most Democrats are pragmatists, most of today's Republicans are obsessive ideologues. Democrats seek a middle ground between left and right, Republicans want a far-right absolutist plutocracy, but they won't show their hand because the country would turn against them. Many of us know what the end game of Republicanism actually is, but many who think that Republicans and Dems are on opposite ends of a political spectrum still don't get it. While I dislike today's Democrats, I have no illusions about Republicans.
I have been yelling about this for a few years now. Sorry to see the level has risen enough for other to see, but not the rich benefiting from all the lies and deceit. The only proper punishment I can see is a firing squad for all that are involved in the destruction of our civilization and the planet itself.
They should absolutely pay for the destruction they cause.
We have the best sun on Planet Earth here in Arizona and every roof should have solar. TEP doesn't want that they want money for carbon garbage.
This has to change in this country and a "carbon tax" is a good start!!!
Of course the big carbon and methane producers should be held responsible. The time has come to put an end to Corporations treating the commons as a dump cheap to dispose of their garbage and toxic waste.
You can't be nasty to the very corporations that finance your election campaigns.
Carbon tax!
perfect solution for holding the big 3 accountable financially until they are charged with crimes against humanity (only one of scores of species affected by deliberate refusal to acknowledge the facts of our reality) for twisting the facts and lying about consequences of their product...reminds me of the tobacco industry's unconscionable acts of deceit...
I think we know where their heads are -- certainly buried, but up a certain orifice, not in the sand....
Donald Trump has been screwing those who supported him for decades. This is typical of what Donald Trump can be expected to do.
If Trump gave the Dems everything they wanted, it's because they did not ask for much - just funding for disaster relief and a guarantee to raise the debt ceiling for bills that have already been made, something that should be automatic to avoid a worldwide economic meltdown. Now let's see, which of the two political parties last used the threat of default in an attempt to extort concessions on budgets that had already been passed, resulting in a downgrade of the country's credit rating and downtick in the economy? Shouldn't be too hard to answer that one, the same party that will throw the people of this country on the bonfire of their ideological doctrines.
As for Trump, who knows what's going on inside his walnut brain. He sees governance the same way as he did business, play people off against each other, pay off recalcitrant officials and say nothing but bullshit while extracting wealth and living the high life.
Good rant, stopgap!
Watch out when a rat is backed into a corner. It gets ugly. Special counsel Robert Mueller is now coordinating with bulldog New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, because Trump can't pardon Paul Manafort under state prosecution, where justice will play out in case Trump pardons him for federal charges after Mueller's federal probe wraps up. That way, it pressures Manafort either to cut a deal and rat out Trump or face crushing fines and serious jail time, since he can no longer count on a pardon if he clams up. This slippery, backroom deal maker will only think of saving his own sorry ass. 10 to 1 odds he'll flip faster than a greasy gut-bomber at Buffy's Burgers next to Paddy's Pub at closing time. It's gonna get mighty lonely at the top when the rest of his pack of dogs turn on each other. Yeah, how long will the trolls keep up the facade?
Ha! Da, Messer Chups is good with lots of vodka, comrade! Jaysus, got on a roll with that one all right. Hit #50, laid down the hammer and sickle, apologized for coming on a wee bit strong, exchanged olive branches of sorts. All's fair in love and war and politics, I guess. Nothing personal.
Damn! Hang on, Erin! Come back and tell us your story. Meanwhile, I hope you and the pets stay safe, and the best of luck to you and your family and friends. Wow, that's scary!
And hoping Outback is still okay in Idaho, being so close to a major forest fire. Crazy times.
Cool. You are interesting to read despite our different understandings in certain areas. And you are so right that words do not, cannot, represent the totality of who a person is. No wiser words spoken.
After rereading the whole thread just now (a tedious task), I must apologize in return for jumping on you so hard right out of the chute and then not so subtly suggesting you were lying. That was uncalled for and unfair, and I'm sorry. Other than maybe not getting enough oats in the hay some mornings, there are no good excuses.
Charging head on at full gallop may get quicker results but increases odds of clean misses. From the dark side of the heart in that somewhat jaded, sometimes ornery Quixote-esque dragon slayer in my mind, who grows weary of hackneyed affectations, occasional bursts of impatience escape to lash out at one of the most trite, transparent, disingenuous tactics that hapless trolls use on liberal sites to introduce themselves as just one of the ol' gang, wink, wink. First, they oh so slyly (hee hee) qualify their status as a Democrat/ liberal/ progressive/ socialist/ Bernie-crat/ pick a "lefty" flavor (as if that will add gravitas to their clueless comedy acts) before launching into the same-old, dime-a-dozen, Republican "think"-tanked, focus-grouped, largely debunked, canned talking points, which are hammered on day in and day out (yawn) all the damn time everywhere. Right-wing hate radio and Fux News even blares out bullsh*t in the background of cop shops and hospitals for chrissakes -- a decades old, full spectrum, corporate mass media onslaught employing nonstop "big lie" propaganda techniques that would pop Joseph Goebbels' cork!
... mmm ... Unexpected consequences? Does correlation equal causation?
Does a constant barage of lies and fear incite hate and anger against all those goddamn wicked and conniving libtards and dumbocRATS and FAKE NEWS LIARS (which evidently means pretty much everyone else on planet friggin Earth except Trump, the greatest truth-teller of all time, so great you wouldn't believe it, folks. It's true ...no, really ...whole truth thing ...greatest ever! Believe me, folks, believe me...) and moooslums and non-white minorities in general -- especially all those OMG armies of little brown-skinned ILLEGAL ALIENS, all those invading hoards at the southern border a'comin' ta STEAL YER JOBS and VOTE ILLEGALLY?
Does all that glitzy, media-magnified, largely unfounded scaremongering trigger an uncontrollable primal urge for violent retaliation in some of the more feral, zombiefied/Foxmerized minds lurking in the shadows with rabid packs of other unhinged, far-right ideologues? Some fiery zealots simply won't tolerate anyone outside of their narrowly defined tribal identity, which is typically but not always Christian, white, gun totin, flag wavin, good ol' red-blooded, American-born boys past their prime with big beer guts in the front and obedient women in the back -- good people nonetheless conditioned all their lives to scapegoat unfairly certain other groups of good people for society's big problems instead of directing all that energy to find actual root causes and effective solutions.
Trump certainly has proven that hypothesis at numerous campaign rallies and impromptu interactions with crowds as well as carefully crafted productions (e.g., beating the crap out of a human CNN logo representing in the flesh reporters who bleed real blood -- just ask the, ahem, honorable gentleman from Montana, Trump-smitten Greg Gianforte). The Don's's new gangsta slogan for the 2020 campaign: "USA-USA-USA, punch ya face, hey-hey-hey!"
And no, the much smaller percentage of violent, so-called left-wing groups (certainly not my interpretation of the "left" or the progressive movement) absolutely do not represent the amazingly principled and peaceful, albeit loud and defiant, mass resistance mounting everywhere against Trump, Republicans, and their cruel and just plain stupid policies. If you're curious, peruse a composite of the many actual statistics on the subject (available free at a reputable site near you). With a few notable exceptions, most domestic terrorist attacks, hate crimes, and the violent street encounters of late have been perpetrated by far-right, self-described Republican, militant, super-white, male, nationalistic, radical Christianists with the stench of hate and anger in their breath and spittle. (The Rep. Steve Scalise shooter, a madman of the left, was a rarer breed of crazy, an exception that proves the rule.)
Nice try, but again, no! Before your strawman argument gets any further down the slippery slope, let's be clear that I do not support a free-for-all border policy just because simple humanity compels one to support a productive, law-abiding dreamer's human (if not technically legal) right not to be arbitrarily ripped from the only life she or he has ever known, from family, friends, community, school, church and, yes, job.
WTF !? Why does Morality 101 need to be explained to the big blob of recycled fat clogging up a toilet at 6 am, tweeting immature, egotistical gibberish? A big king sh*t with a little pawn brain hiding behind funny looking bushy eyebrows under a ridiculous do from the casino-gangster 50's, and little creepy pussy-grabber fingers poking out of his sleeves --LMAO! And THIS is the lying, malignant, narcissistic jerkwad that his starry-eyed idolaters want to normalize in the public eye???
Follow the bouncing ball ~~~ N~E~V~E~R ~!!!
"Houston, we have a problem." ... World, we have a problem!
Anyway, even if ya are a lyin, cheatin, thievin, stinkin, low down, no good, rotten piece of troll sh*t (said with much compassion), you are still interesting and challenging to read. (Thanks for the links; although, the first one didn't get sprinkled with the magic blue fairy dust to make it fly.)
Be safe wherever you are in these troubled times.
Poll's accurate...
☛ Willful ignorance
I agree with you about energy.......reaslised what was going on back in 1972 as I sold donuts, coffee, and newspapers to folks sitting in gas lines. Have read much about the 7 sisters, also Carol Quigleys book Tragedy & Hope.
This is the compassion I was refering to.....https://youtu.be/dwTmN2wbJ0A
Queen bee at her best.
Did you see the article of the latest tunnel found at the boarder? 37 people 7 Mexican and 30 Chinese nationals? ( numbers are close may not be exact. )
The issue is not just about the Dreamers. Do you believe anyone or everyone migrating
is just a wonderful person coming to make America better...no rules needed?
Not all immigrants are Hispanic or Latino. Are you watching whats happening in the EU countries.
Contrary to what you seem to want to believe I detest most Repub politicans as much as I detest Hillary especially the Cheney, Rumsfield crowd. Including the Koch Bros. Soros et all.
Regarding healthcare I believe in single payer....but I don't believe in a lot of what is called health care....to much to try to explain here.
If my statments are false I apoligise...You may be very compassionate I have no way to know. I don't think a few words on a web site represents the totality of who you are.
Neither do a few words represent the totality of all I am.
He ain't heavy he's my brother...the Hollies
No doubt, as the "wood-chipper of justice" moves closer and closer to Trumps ample ass, he will try, more and more, to curry favor from Democrats, as Republiscums alone cannot save him and his cadre of lying pieces of shit regarding Russian collusion and obstruction of justice investigations. Anyone that has been following these investigations in even the most cursory manner knows that Trump and his gang of despicable traitors will not survive the tsunami of evidence that is washing over them. Most of these rats have already lawyered-up in their efforts to keep from being drowned, many fleeing the sinking ship and grabbing hold of any scrap of floating wreckage in a futile attempt to keep their heads above water.
Yes, Rightwing trolls, can for now, jump up and down, screech and scream, thump their chests and throw their shit out of their self-made cages at anyone that bothers to give them the time of day. But only the most hardheaded, bigoted, greedy extremists could have ever believed this lying pig for even a second. Their unrelenting support, even at this stage, for this monstrous blob of garbage only confirms this point. And their eager willingness to abet acts of treason in a desperate effort to maintain their delusional fantasies undermines any point that they may ever put forth.
It's nothing personal. Outside truth and reality are not dependent upon agreement. For instance, the laws of physics governing human-induced, catastrophic climate disruption are triggered by collective human behavior regardless if one happens to believe it or not. Agree, disagree, environmental deterioration will only get worse until our species as a whole can change its behavior and quit pouring carbon into the atmosphere. Period.
That eventuality can only happen when, or if, a critical mass of the population realizes the futility of mere opinion and faces the harsh reality of scientific fact. Even though most of us are binary thinkers and are conditioned to think of issues as always having two equally valid sides, actually most substantive issues only have one side. Something is either true or it is not. The challenge is to drill down to that singularity and find out.
Similarly, compassion is not a product of thought and thus can neither be defined nor cultivated by thought. It is possible, therefore, to have compassion for the person yet have no intellectual sympathy whatsoever for the person's delusional ideologies, worthless opinions, and destructive attitudes. No one owns thought and no one is owned by thought. It is fair game, one might say it is imperative, to tear each manifestation of our limited understanding of things completely apart down to its basic elements and then challenge its very foundations until every falsehood is burned away and only the kernel of truth remains. It ain't beanbag.
HotCoffee: "I would suggest you not expect all that Dem compassion to trickle down to you.
"After all look how much compassion you have for anyone not agreeing with you."
Both statements are false.
I've learned not to expect anything from anyone and certainly would not expect what you call compassion to trickle down from anywhere. Anyway, what a strange concept to expect such a weird thing, a "trickling" of compassion. Interesting.
Neither have I ever cared whether or not someone agrees with me in a comment thread or anywhere else. That would be the ego talking, which is useless input that evaporates into nothing, a waste of time and energy, not worth a second glance. Another oddity: why, or perhaps how, would compassion be predicated on intellectual agreement?
Wow! I wonder if that's why Trump and the Republicans can, for example, envision stripping healthcare away from the poor to give tax breaks to the rich or deporting almost a million American kids without good cause and yet feel no real compassion for their victims. Is it because they have spent so long living in the intellectual realm of ideology pursuing abstract goals that they are divorced from reality on the human to human level, having lost their capacity to empathize with those who have been reduced to numbers in computers that must be "solved?"
"Strange days indeed
most peculiar, Mama"
-- John Lennon, Yoko Ono
I wish you the very best outcome...and all the other folks in Florida or wherever that demon storm goes.
#9 ErinRose
Since government does not understand the "commons" and has subsequently destroyed them and taken the money and milked them, then -
You are sooo right!
This is the attitude that made america
LOL....as if I was hiding.
Hillary a pragmatist ...no
Barbara Boxer....yes
people are individuals.
That was the reason I said we should stop labeling people...each one is unique.
Hillary a pragmatist....NO
Barbara Boxer...yes
Trump isn't the only one that's only concerned with himself.
For all those who marched in the Women's March, pussy-hats and all, @HillaryClinton would like you to know it's your fault she lost. pic.twitter.com/PhHRB9N5Il
Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) September 8, 2017
You said it: Trump "has no ideological center". He blows hot and cold depending on whether he is having a good day or not. Some days he's feeling magnanimous and generous, and other days he feels like an old grouchy bear. I'm glad he has broken with the GOPpers over aid for storm victims; I hope he is feeling very generous over the next couple of months because A LOT of people are, and are going to be, hurting by the time Irma gets finished with us here in Florida. Only three homes around me have owners who have bugged out; all the rest of us are staying; where can we go? We have animals and elderly parents. I had to move my Mom to a nursing home, while I ride it out here with our pets. When the power goes down, I will probably end up in my SUV with the feathers and fur because I can run the a/c. The heat and humidity here are already unbearable and we aren't even really into it yet. What I want to know is why, knowing this happens to us again and again (every 4-5 years the weather people say,) that we haven't adopted a pro-active position on all of this by training a civilian response team in each district that can get the power back up in a day or two, versus playing the victim, waiting for the power companies to finally get around to us. You KNOW the richy rich power execs don't give a flying Frisbee about us. You KNOW they get their kicks by leaving us languishing in the heat, in the dark, miserable and unable to take care of ourselves waiting for them to do something. Meanwhile, they run skeleton crews to save themselves money and take weeks and weeks to get our antiquated grid system patched together one more time. We really need to stop playing this assigned position and start getting together to form groups that will move into action when needed. I'd also like to see citizen groups getting together to talk about developing our own home power systems based on solar since we can only rely on the energy companies to do only what is in their best interests and lining their own pockets. It's time to walk away from these jailers, set ourselves free, and be able to get the energy we want and need at fair (unpadded for other things like nuclear reactors,) prices. Down with the baloney nonsense!!! Up with independent energy!!!
Changed mind after viewing Thom's video.
deepspace: Good job smoking out the troll yesterday. Damn...you whooped on it like the Messer Chups.
Trump is not a pragmatist. He's a corrupt opportunist, willing to take advantage of any situation for his own advancement. Pragmatists are empathetic, opportunists are self-serving. Most Democrats are pragmatists, most of today's Republicans are obsessive ideologues. Democrats seek a middle ground between left and right, Republicans want a far-right absolutist plutocracy, but they won't show their hand because the country would turn against them. Many of us know what the end game of Republicanism actually is, but many who think that Republicans and Dems are on opposite ends of a political spectrum still don't get it. While I dislike today's Democrats, I have no illusions about Republicans.