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  • Can Steve Bannon Wage War On The Institutional Republican Party?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    I think Bannon is a self-serving braggart and not NEARLY as influential as he'd like us to think he is.

  • Can Steve Bannon Wage War On The Institutional Republican Party?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Steve Bannon is a proven liar, Donald Trump is a proven liar, and Sarah wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her upside the head. There's no getting to the bottom of this septic tank.

  • Is The Trump Administration Completely In Bed With The Fossil Fuel Industry?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    The ACLU or some similar organization should start filing criminal changes in state-level courts (which Trump can't pardon) against the "swamp creatures" in his cabinet who are CLEARLY guilty of quid-pro-corruption!

  • Will 2 Devastating Hurricanes Change Republican's Minds about Climate Change?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Pope Francis slams 'stupid' climate change deniers | News
    Pontiff calls on politicians to take scientists' advice as he raises alarm over global warming after major storms.

    Pope Francis On Climate Change Denial: 'Man Is Stupid'

    Pope Francis warns "history will judge" climate change deniers
    As Hurricane Irma, a tempest exacerbated by climate change, ravaged the Florida coast on Monday as a tropical storm, Pope Francis doubled down on his condemnations of those who choose to ignore the mounting evidence of the impacts of global warming.

    Responding to questions from an Italian journalist on board his flight home from Colombia, Francis said that the halting response to climate change reminded him of a “phrase from the Old Testament — man is a fool, a stubborn man who will not see”: an apparent reference to Proverbs 12, a section of the Bible that condemns those who resist correction in matters of knowledge.

    Later, he added in a more pointed jab at climate deniers: “Anyone who denies [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them. They speak very clearly ... climate change is having an effect, and scientists are telling us which path to follow. And we have a responsibility — all of us. Everyone, great or small, has a moral responsibility ... we must take it seriously ... history will judge our decision.”

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Donald Trump (and most self-proclaimed "conservatives") believe in the sanctity of property on the assertion that all income and wealth obtained is earned by its recipient. The fact that this is not the case, that our systems of property law and taxation have since the very founding of this country favored income and wealth derived from speculation and monopoly privilege is an issue deemed too controversial to be publicly discussed.

    We forget that our laws and many public policies are traced to the laws that governed the British people, laws enacted by a small minority who comprised (and still comprise) an aristocratic landed elite. The framers of the U.S. Constitution were very much of the same background and position in society. The historian Jackson Turner Main provided the details in his 1965 study, "The Social Structure of Revolutionary America." Even by the mid-1700s the land with the original 13 colonies was controlled by a relatively small number of families. George Washington became (directly and as principle of several land speculation enterprises) the largest individual landowner of his era. Charles Beard provided more evidence in his controversial dissertation "An Economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States."

    The passage of the 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was championed by reformers as a way to publicly collect some portion of income derived from the private collection of rents on land and from gains on the sale of land. The basis for a progressively higher rate of taxation on higher incomes is that the higher the income the less is earned in the form of wages or even returns to the ownership of actual capital goods (i.e., buildings, machinery, technologies) and more is derived from passive investments and speculations. Of course, over time, the taxation of rent-derived income and gains on the sale of land (and financial instruments) has been constantly weakened by lobbyists amply rewarded by a rentier interests.

    What actual tax reform would look like is quite different from what is embraced by either conservatives or progressives, however. The key to a just system of public revenue is to recognize that the private appropriation of land rents and other monopoly rents (e.g., from the broadcast spectrum, licenses to extract resources of all kinds, or even take-off and landing slots at airports) amounts to a redistribution of wealth from society to individuals. The value of nature's assets are determinated not by anything an individual holder does or does not do but by aggregate demand and by the societal investment in infrastructure that provides or improves access to locations and to resources. As Henry George, among others, argued, rents are the rightful property of the community or society. Collect rents and there would be no need for confiscatory taxation of legitimate private property and earned incomes. Anyone really interested in tax reforms that will yield both justice and economic efficiency would benefit by reading what Henry George had to say on the subject.

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Diane, don't confuse these washed up lefties with facts. One of them may believe you:). I wouldn't want that to happen, I enjoy reading their crazy posts.....there's no way to make this stuff up:))

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Sounds like many of you malcontent leftie/socialists are starting to grasp what I have been saying for over a year.

    Put down your teddy bear and venture out of your safe space.

    I'm not kidding, reliable word is out, TRUMP IS NOT A REPUBLICAN!

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Hood Robin trump care nothing for the people. His plan is nothing more than a misnamed transfer of money from the 99% to the 1%. The amount given to the 99% will be nothing like the amount given to the 1%.

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Outback: In reference to yesterdays reply.....Obviously I'd love to see Bernie and fellow progressives as a majority power laying the groundwork for good government, the sort our founders and enlightenment thinkers envisioned. Whether it's with a third party or a takeover of the current Democratic Party means little to me. I'm sure you already realize a third party will pull votes from Dems thus creating a huge advantage for the Fascists. I can only assume you're so frustrated with the Dems that the difference between a Trump or Clinton in the White House means little to you. After seeing the lack of support from Schumer and Pelosi for single-payer, I'm amost in your corner now.....getting closer my friend. BTW: I did vote for Nader in 2000...LOL ..although at the time I knew Gore would carry my state.

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    There was a Trump skit on Saturday Night Live last winter that included a line where Trump looks at Pence and says, "Mikey, you're the reason I'll never get impeached."..or something close to that. Could it be possible Crooked Donny knows the Dems would rather have him in as their illegit Pres. over an illegit Pence?

    Remember .....the Dems could actually block an impeachment initiated by the Kochpublicans. I'm not kidding, reliable word is out that the Kochs want Pence installed.

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Actually The Tangerine Man is fending off 2 vicious angry beasts at once... 1. "The Media" and its great of job covering the Russia/ Mueller naratative ...albeit only for brief moments like this and hurricanes. 2. " The Angry Mega-Donor" who doesnt give a damn about anything except a tax cut on the top marginal rate (already a bargain and incentive for the worlds richest to be here) , a cut in the unearned income rate aka capital gains, and or protecting the deferred income rule for the Goldman Sachs choir. Oy!

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    He seems to be warming up to Democrats. There're are two hurricanes to deal with and he can't let his Hero image slip. The Democrats are more in tune with actions that will get him more respect with the general public, and he knows it. Now he's saying that he might have to raise taxes on the wealthy.....You go Don!!!

  • Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Donny will go to where he can feel popular. His soul is so empty, that he needs that. HOWEVER, if he turns over some new leaves, it CANNOT absolve him from his life of crime, can it? I mean , if it could, then anyone could just stop doing crimes and say "i have evolved".

    In the end, we still need him out of office for his crimes, and people in who are TRUE representatives of the people. They are out there now.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Check it out: Amy Goodman, as usual, had a very poignant and timely show this morning.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    They have and they haven't. Back home now, under an unbreathable pall of smoke.

    It's getting harder and harder to find unaffected regions these days with the effects of anthropogenic climate disruption accelerating much faster and more intensely than earlier models suggested. It most definitely is a deadly serious worldwide phenomenon, by far the most important issue of the day, one that dwarfs every other problem short of, perhaps, the ever-impending threat of nuclear annihilation.

    Haha, other than those happy-sh*t realities, traveling is always fun and interesting. It seems, however, that most regular people, even though they're too polite to say so to your face, view America as a malignant empire and a pariah state, raping the world for its resources and reaping chaos in the process. Yes, it is always interesting -- we've strayed far from the inspiring image of the noble hero of WWII and great savior of Western democracy.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    2950 (#12): I wasn't suggesting we should give up on single payer. I was simply suggesting that it won't be achieved by wishfully thinking that the Democratic Party will regain its progressive orientation. I have argued long and hard on this blog that a new, vital, progressive party is what we need (perhaps germinated by the likes of Sanders, Warren, not some delusional hope that the Democratic Establishment can be dragged back to the left, kicking and screaming. It's too late for that, and the longer we cling to this false hope, the less likely it is that we can capitalize on the momentum created for a third party that resulted from the DNC's deplorable treatment of Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

    deepspace: Thanks for asking. Actually, we've had remarkably few fires here in the Idaho Panhandle due to a record number of consecutive days without measurable precipitation (i.e. T-storms), which of course is a double edged sword. The smoke however from fires in neighboring states and BC has been horrific. Thankfully, things are clearing out now. I hope your travels have taken you to friendlier climes.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Trump is unpredictable. His stab at health care has been an embarrassment.. He might make a run at single payer with the Democrats just to punish his party.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Hephaestus nailed it. Simple compassion for other human beings is the missing ingredient in American politics. Congressional floor speeches that address the issues of ordinary citizens may sound good but seldom translate into meaningful legislation unless compassionate, and passionate, members of Congress (historically Democrats and some notable independents) fight hard to make it happen.

    And 2950-10K is right that progressive Democrats are finally going on offense with one of the most important issues of the day and in the minds of the electorate, and that they should be applauded and cheered loudly at as many well-attended public rallies as possible to break through the corporate media sound barrier. Arguing against the chances of success as a reason not to support politicians when they're doing the right thing is a self-defeating, self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Medicare for all is what most people in America (and the world) want and expect their government and taxes to make happen. They most certainly prefer that their hard-earned taxes should flow considerably more toward the people's biggest everyday concerns than to subsidize endless corporate resource wars for profit -- corporations (and their owners), by the way, who constantly try to weasel out of their fair of taxes, shifting the cost of their wanton destruction of our environment and our health onto the backs of low-paid wage slaves, while the greediest and most ruthless skip away with their booty of ill-gotten gains and the wealth of the nation.

    Since we're still a people's representative democracy, in theory anyway, "Just promoting Single Payer is a springboard for success." Well put, 2950-10K!

    Focus on the present, not the past. Right on, Gary Batch -- go, Bernie! Medicare for all!

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Outback, how goes the battle against the fires in your neck of the woods?

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    i say Exxon should get the corporate death penalty.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    It is hard to believe there is no compassion for fellow man in American politics

    What kind of character will ignore a sick human?

    Shame on politicians

    Supposed to be so upright and Christian and all!!!

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    The legislative promotion of Single-Payer by Bernie and the progressive dems equals full on offense......finally. Getting the message out will require lots of political rallies because the corpse media won't touch this. Bernie would draw massive crowds with Single-Payer as the theme. Without a doubt, this is how the Dems can win in 2018. Throw in raise the cap and the Dems take the House and Senate back.....that is if we can stop election fraud.

    Being negative about this not standing a chance with the Kochpublicans in power misses the point. Just promoting Single-Payer is a springboard for success.

    BTW: Over four feet of rain in Houston, most of Florida without power, and not a word about climate change from the corspe media.

  • Will 2 Devastating Hurricanes Change Republican's Minds about Climate Change?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Not on your (and everyone else's) life!

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    This will never happen. If lefty California with the worlds 5th largest economy can't figure out how to do this on its own it will never happen nationally.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Right on my brother, nothing could be more obvious than single payer, but alas we all now pay the price for someone's deceit.

    I have to smirk at the progessives, the liberals in the D.P. who are now backing Bernie,

    I say screw em, where were they when we really needed them.

    Good luck to us all, I knew I shoulda run!


    Kevin Whalen

    Cambridge Ma

    PS, where's Wasserman working?

    PSS The only question we can all ask ourselves now is "Can You Swim" ! I think I'll grap a copywrite on that one!

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