One hundred people ended up isolated on an three generations one family controls 90% of the measurable wealth ...who created that wealth???? The POOR!
Tax can be raised in many ways... tax on expenditure only with exemptions (pensioner, sick, disabled et al) seems to me an equitable method thus ridding us of all the other asinine methods and manufactured complexity
It would seem that the accountant lobby has a self interest in entanglement
The drugmaker Allergan announced Friday that it had transferred its patents on a best-selling eye drug to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe in upstate New York — an unusual gambit to protect the drug from a patent dispute.
Under the deal, which involves the dry-eye drug Restasis, Allergan will pay the tribe $13.75 million. In exchange, the tribe will claim sovereign immunity as grounds to dismiss a patent challenge through a unit of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The tribe will lease the patents back to Allergan, and will receive $15 million in annual royalties as long as the patents remain valid.
The surprising legal move rippled quickly through the pharmaceutical world on Friday, setting off speculation about whether other drug companies would soon follow suit in order to protect their patents from challenges through a patent-review process that the industry despises.
Yes, it should not be assumed that Republicans know how to use toilet paper, or if they even use it at all. And that's why decent people should never compromise with them -- you wouldn't want to shake their filthy hands in agreement.
DS Than who have you targeted? Not the employers for sure, that only leaves the employees. You want the 157 million families to suffer for the 20 million or so you say can't get health care......also, here is a quote from the Forbes magazine article you cited
"Despite the misaligned interests, an insurance-based health system can work quite well. Private insurance coverage is the method most of the world uses to deliver universal health care."
I don't "target" families who have union-negotiated insurance, nor ever have; I speak out for those millions of families who have little or no insurance and therefore have little or no healthcare.
remember the devil is in the details, and the republicans are very good at miswording anything. You should read their direction for using toilet paper!
DS, if most employers hate having to furnish health care, why don't you target them instead of the 157 million families who like there union negotiated health plans.
If you really want your taxes simplified, you have to first understand the true nature of the income tax.
Most large employers in the U.S. hate employer-based healthcare insurance because it puts them at a huge competitive disadvantage with companies in countries with national healthcare insurance.
The moral dilemma for Republicans: wealthier people who can afford adequate healthcare insurance, and therefore adequate healthcare; on the other hand, poorer people who cannot afford either.
We have more families in the USA who receive Healthcare insurance through their employers (157 million) than the total combined population of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Nobody seems to have mentioned the most obvious source of funding the Bernie plan. All the money that corporations and persons send to the insurance companies should be sent it to the government instead. The only catch is you send the government 20% less for the same coverage. That government with all its corruption is far better than the profit motive of insurance companies to deny coverage.
Actually, as stipulated in the AFC, every member of Congress already is required by law to be under the same insurance system as everyone else. Most of them are millionaires, however, so you can bet they all have the best, star-studded plans and supplementals available on the market. No phony bronze for them, please.
Cool plan in your link -- connecting heathcare reform to progressive tax reform. Well thought out and easy to read. Thanks!
i have NO idea why politicians - who have NO expertise with medicine or hospitals - and who themselves have an elitist system of healthcare - are in charge of making decisions for us. But it must be " because we let them, or we are lazy - or stupid."
The closest I've came to healers in the Medical Profession was in Canada. I visited with Naturopath Doctors, they have the designation ND instead of MD. ND's are big on diet, ie, what you put into your body is most important in keeping us healthy. In Canada, ND'S are not part of the OHIP, so it's pay as you go. ND'S are here in the US and are covered by some insurers. More info is available here.
Remember that "...Goddamn piece of paper!" (GW Bush), the one that DJ Trump also swore to defend and yet violates on a daily basis?
The indictments: huge and defiant violations of the emoluments clause; discrimination against religions; discrimination against minorities; discrimination against reporters performing their First Amendment duties; obstructing investigations and the course of justice; covering up huge personal financial fraud; probable collusion with foreign powers to launder money; probable collusion with foreign powers to undermine our election process; leaking highly classified intelligence to numerous foreign powers without following legal and proper protocol; deliberately breaking federal law by not honoring key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. This is only a partial list in the grab bag that Mueller's investigation will no doubt fill to the brim.
Lying to investigators is a felony, but constantly and knowingly lying to the American people is not, regrettably, against the letter of the Constitution. Nonetheless, such despicable behavior certainly violates the spirit of our founding documents and certainly undermines the confidence of citizens in their own government. How is that not treasonous to nearly every principle for which the United States of America supposedly stands?
Republicans as a whole have degenerated into a rudderless gang of servile grovelers, who are enabling their chosen psychopath to further destroy our dying democracy. Life imitating art -- what next for Trump, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire named "Lucille"?
"... Makes it really easy to bash a man's brain in when you think it might save all his friends... Especially when you think the only way his friends can be tricked into living is if they're made into slaves. You stop seeing people as humans after a while."
In a joint press conference, McTurtle and Ryan declare, "We are all Negan!"
Anyway, Happy Constitution Day! The joke's on you!
Hot coffee. Your right about meds. I have said this before here, but it blows me away that no one talks about it. The exact same eye drops same brand. at Safeway pharmacy in Canada / US before my private plan. $22.00 CAN. In AZ $125.00 US. That is insane. Also all the law suits. Fix those two things and healthcare costs will decrease drastically.
Hot Coffee sounds like you had a bad experience. Mine and millions more is the opposite. My doctor visits are $10.00 no deductible, prescription also $10.00 for generic, $25.00 for name brand no deductible. Aetna is the insurer, my spouse and I pay about $200.00/month for coverage, the balanced paid by the employer.
I agree with you about the side effects of drugs. They can be dangerous. We do need healers, but that is not what single payer is about.
More groups means more competition, not the more groups can overcharge. That's a conspiracy theory.
One hundred people ended up isolated on an three generations one family controls 90% of the measurable wealth ...who created that wealth???? The POOR!
Very interesting link. Thanks!
Tax can be raised in many ways... tax on expenditure only with exemptions (pensioner, sick, disabled et al) seems to me an equitable method thus ridding us of all the other asinine methods and manufactured complexity
It would seem that the accountant lobby has a self interest in entanglement
This is an interesting link -
What follows are excerpts from the article, How to Protect a Drug Patent? Give it to a Native American Tribe:
The drugmaker Allergan announced Friday that it had transferred its patents on a best-selling eye drug to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe in upstate New York — an unusual gambit to protect the drug from a patent dispute.
Under the deal, which involves the dry-eye drug Restasis, Allergan will pay the tribe $13.75 million. In exchange, the tribe will claim sovereign immunity as grounds to dismiss a patent challenge through a unit of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The tribe will lease the patents back to Allergan, and will receive $15 million in annual royalties as long as the patents remain valid.
The surprising legal move rippled quickly through the pharmaceutical world on Friday, setting off speculation about whether other drug companies would soon follow suit in order to protect their patents from challenges through a patent-review process that the industry despises.
Yes, it should not be assumed that Republicans know how to use toilet paper, or if they even use it at all. And that's why decent people should never compromise with them -- you wouldn't want to shake their filthy hands in agreement.
DS Than who have you targeted? Not the employers for sure, that only leaves the employees. You want the 157 million families to suffer for the 20 million or so you say can't get health care......also, here is a quote from the Forbes magazine article you cited
"Despite the misaligned interests, an insurance-based health system can work quite well. Private insurance coverage is the method most of the world uses to deliver universal health care."
That's a lie -- another one!
I don't "target" families who have union-negotiated insurance, nor ever have; I speak out for those millions of families who have little or no insurance and therefore have little or no healthcare.
There's no point in debating a liar.
remember the devil is in the details, and the republicans are very good at miswording anything. You should read their direction for using toilet paper!
DS, if most employers hate having to furnish health care, why don't you target them instead of the 157 million families who like there union negotiated health plans.
We will be in Afghanistan for the next 50 years at a minimum.
1. Strategic Military location
2. Billions of Dollars made from Opium Crop
3. Potential profits from Minerals
War on terror & "Winning" are nothing but distractions to keep most people from knowing the real facts.
If you really want your taxes simplified, you have to first understand the true nature of the income tax.
Most large employers in the U.S. hate employer-based healthcare insurance because it puts them at a huge competitive disadvantage with companies in countries with national healthcare insurance.
The moral dilemma for Republicans: wealthier people who can afford adequate healthcare insurance, and therefore adequate healthcare; on the other hand, poorer people who cannot afford either.
Interesting Fact:
We have more families in the USA who receive Healthcare insurance through their employers (157 million) than the total combined population of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Nobody seems to have mentioned the most obvious source of funding the Bernie plan. All the money that corporations and persons send to the insurance companies should be sent it to the government instead. The only catch is you send the government 20% less for the same coverage. That government with all its corruption is far better than the profit motive of insurance companies to deny coverage.
Actually, as stipulated in the AFC, every member of Congress already is required by law to be under the same insurance system as everyone else. Most of them are millionaires, however, so you can bet they all have the best, star-studded plans and supplementals available on the market. No phony bronze for them, please.
Cool plan in your link -- connecting heathcare reform to progressive tax reform. Well thought out and easy to read. Thanks!
take a look at my position healthcare
i have NO idea why politicians - who have NO expertise with medicine or hospitals - and who themselves have an elitist system of healthcare - are in charge of making decisions for us. But it must be " because we let them, or we are lazy - or stupid."
The closest I've came to healers in the Medical Profession was in Canada. I visited with Naturopath Doctors, they have the designation ND instead of MD. ND's are big on diet, ie, what you put into your body is most important in keeping us healthy. In Canada, ND'S are not part of the OHIP, so it's pay as you go. ND'S are here in the US and are covered by some insurers. More info is available here.
Your Welcome for the link.
The tier system I am refering to is the Gold, Sliver, etc. ObamaCare plan.
If your wealthy you get great health care, if not you just get to pay for health care, not
actually use it. I was a store mgr. fo several years and the employees just couldn't afford it.
I had Kaiser...Blue Shield.... Now I have medicare.
Healers and Healthcare are not the same and you're right Healers have nothing to do with single payer but everything to do with health.
Clintons and Bushes,
bestest friends.
ds, sorry pic's won't show up in post.
are you talking about these folks??
Happy Constitution Day!
Remember that "...Goddamn piece of paper!" (GW Bush), the one that DJ Trump also swore to defend and yet violates on a daily basis?
The indictments: huge and defiant violations of the emoluments clause; discrimination against religions; discrimination against minorities; discrimination against reporters performing their First Amendment duties; obstructing investigations and the course of justice; covering up huge personal financial fraud; probable collusion with foreign powers to launder money; probable collusion with foreign powers to undermine our election process; leaking highly classified intelligence to numerous foreign powers without following legal and proper protocol; deliberately breaking federal law by not honoring key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. This is only a partial list in the grab bag that Mueller's investigation will no doubt fill to the brim.
Lying to investigators is a felony, but constantly and knowingly lying to the American people is not, regrettably, against the letter of the Constitution. Nonetheless, such despicable behavior certainly violates the spirit of our founding documents and certainly undermines the confidence of citizens in their own government. How is that not treasonous to nearly every principle for which the United States of America supposedly stands?
Republicans as a whole have degenerated into a rudderless gang of servile grovelers, who are enabling their chosen psychopath to further destroy our dying democracy. Life imitating art -- what next for Trump, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire named "Lucille"?
"... Makes it really easy to bash a man's brain in when you think it might save all his friends... Especially when you think the only way his friends can be tricked into living is if they're made into slaves. You stop seeing people as humans after a while."
In a joint press conference, McTurtle and Ryan declare, "We are all Negan!"
Anyway, Happy Constitution Day! The joke's on you!
Hot coffee. Your right about meds. I have said this before here, but it blows me away that no one talks about it. The exact same eye drops same brand. at Safeway pharmacy in Canada / US before my private plan. $22.00 CAN. In AZ $125.00 US. That is insane. Also all the law suits. Fix those two things and healthcare costs will decrease drastically.
Hot Coffee,
Thanks for the link....a great article, it may be off topic for this topic, but it's spot on for this site.
Hot Coffee sounds like you had a bad experience. Mine and millions more is the opposite. My doctor visits are $10.00 no deductible, prescription also $10.00 for generic, $25.00 for name brand no deductible. Aetna is the insurer, my spouse and I pay about $200.00/month for coverage, the balanced paid by the employer.
I agree with you about the side effects of drugs. They can be dangerous. We do need healers, but that is not what single payer is about.
More groups means more competition, not the more groups can overcharge. That's a conspiracy theory.
Peace and Love