Recent comments

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    I have to agree with the consensus so far. It would take a "sea change" dwarfing Irma within the Democratic party to even make a real start toward single payer. Ninety percent of our Democratic legislators are feeding off of the same corporate money that fuels the Republican party. Oh yes, they talk the talk. But most of them are simply professional politicians that know very well upon which side of their bread the butter is lavishly applied. I dislike the Republican credo for its miserly treatment of the poor and middle class. At least they don't try to hide it. I absolutely despise the Democratic Party for its hypocrisy.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    To me it seems to all be appeasement rhetoric to keep more people from walking away from the corrupt democratic party. I would need to see progress and bills passed to belive it!

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    I know Im off topic but; (paraphrasing) Khrushchev said they would bury us without a shot and that our freedom would be our demise. At that time no one knew the technology that would be available. Kinda funny they used FACEBOOK for the usurpation of America. Lets hope others awake. The assault on education since 1980 has resulted in this They caught us sleeping and; not educating our own. Of course though, it was as plain as a stop sign but, hate and bigotry and mysology of same colluded to become the perfect storm. I guess we will see..... I'm a stocking up though. The human race continues to disappoint! Hope no others are watchin'!

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    This will never fly on Brietbart. The alt right anti globalist will have nothing to do with Bernies socialist ideology. They're too ignorant to see that it costs less.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Thom is such an optimist. There is so much money against single payer. It seems single payer has no hope. How can it make it nationally, if it can't make it in California?

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    It would be a miracle if we passed single payer. We have too many GOP's being miserly to anything below the ultra rich.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Single payer would stimulate the Economy by giving US citizens more money to spend.

    Regulating price gouging would do the same.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Roll on Bernie, roll on. Finally a man in Washington with character and principals.

  • Is Single-Payer Inevitable?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    I think it's only death and taxes that's inevitable.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    BTW diane: I belong to various organizations and fight all of the time for a Democratic Socialist government....sorry, I do far more than rant, much to your dismay. Also I have already installed solar on my farm, no bunker, you Alex Jones nuts might think about that though...LOL

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Diane have no idea how ignorant you appear to those of us who take the time to become informed with truth. Turn off your right-wing corpse media bull crap and get a clue. Climate change is real and it's man-made this time around. I thought that was the point of this exchange and I offered a positive, not angry , solution.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Yeah right're never negative, the last comment was so sweet. ...Ms. ubiquitous "washed up lefties" commenter. I don't know how much more clear I could be with my above comment. Take the greed/profit out of our energy sector and we eliminate all excuses not to go green...pretty damn simple. Science is real, foxaganda is fake....grow up.

    If you don't like my comments...don't read have that choice too.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago


    You always appear angry. Your phrase "99% of us" tells me you really don't care to do something about it. Instead, you just rant and tell others how bad it is out there in the real world.

    Nobody is forcing you to take abuse. Don't drive a car, solar panels on the roof of your bunker, grow all your own food, wipe your ass with plant leaves, and above all, avoid the internet. See? Capitalism is no longer a problem for you.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    No corporation is ever going to pay outright. The hurricane was going to happen anyway. Global Warming would just make it more severe. But, by how much? There would have been damage even without warming. What percent of the damage would you charge them for? It would be a brand new argument to kick down the road.

  • Is the American nuclear industry on its last legs?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    As usual, I see so many illinformed individuals voicing incorrect opinions about nuclear power. France gets about 80% of it's power from nuke plants and england has committed to being total nuclear by 2025, having shut down many of their fossil fuel plans as they phase them out. The government and utility companies have not do a good job educationing the public about nuclear power and why it will be the non-polluting source of you electricity in the future. Keep in mind our US Navy has all of it's aircraft carriers and submarine nuclear powered, making our Naval force the envy of the world. If the Navy had the same regressive approach, they would be buillding sailing ships instead. Get you head out of the sand and educate yourself.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Exxon is on the list for sure, yet all of this group should pay especially the politicians' backers!

    As for Bush making "mistakes"--this is hogwash! He and his henchmen acting with deliberation in their invasion that has trashed the planet for a generation or two. Recovery is going to be tricky as climate change and overpopulation along with Bush's sickening foreign policy are almost a deathknell for having a healthy planet with humans.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Kend do you think the intelligence of the universe / life would leave humanity with limited options ? That's not how it works !!

    Anything that can be made from hydrocarbons in oil can just as easily be made from carbohydrates in vegetable crops like HEMP . It's a shame the boomers forgot to educate their kids .

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    You may be right about that....

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    We all know that regardless of what 'penalty, fine or punishment' exacted on these HUGE Energy Corporations, we the Customer are the one's who actually pay those fines and penalties... So how do you get anything out of them or their stockholders...? Yes you could prosecute the Corporate Management for conspiracy to Pollute our environment, but look at what Big Tabaco did to 10's of millions of people's health, yes they paid some, but no executive was ever prosecuted..

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    For some reason . . . Thom does not want to engage in the discussion of weather modification, geoengineering, soalar radiation management or high-altitude aerosol spraying, whatever you wish to call it. For some reason, Thom considers this topic taboo. Perhaps he can read all the peer reviewed articles going back almost two decades:

    Perhaps he can visit Harvard sites like, say . . .

    Maybe he could even look up the great work presented by Jim Lee on the history of weather modification at:

    How about the ever present voice calling out to humanity to put an end to this insanity, Dane Wigington from

    Dane explains here that "we have only 4 to 8 years left before total ozone layer collapse if we stay on the current trajectory."

    Nano aluminum coated fiberglass is being dumped in our air, aluminum is know to cause dementia and now the honeybees are found with dementia.

    Are you trading in weather derivatives yet?

    Start doing some research Thom, in fact everyone needs to do their research. No climate change talk until you include geoengineering. Then let's have a real discussion!

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    10k. I am not sure what you are talking about. Carbon based energy is actually very cheap. It is the taxes the government adds to it that makes it expensive. Here the put all the taxes right on the gas pump. It almost doubles the cost. It is electricity that is expensive. With the exception of coal fossil fuels are not used to produce electricity. Coal a very inexpensive way to produce electricity. Of course solar is the way to go but right now it takes forever to recover the costs of the system. Especially up here where in the winter we have very short days.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Only if we can get them to cover these $ due "we the people" at the same time.

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    Well if, "We the People," owned and controlled the energy sector, as non-profit, our country would already be totally green....and energy would be affordable. Democratic Socialism is the answer, unregulated capitalism is the problem.

    Why do 99% of us continue to allow all of the god damn abuse from the 1% ????? What's up with that?

  • Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    We have a carbon tax here. Energy producers just pass ithe tax cost on to the end user. YOU. The only solution to end climate change is to quit using carbon producing products. . No more cars, paved roads, plastics, buses, planes, trains, cell phones, computers, well basically everything. I don't see that happening anytime soon so let's quit building homes near water, dry forests, rivers etc. Our aboriginals thousands of years ago where smart enough not to. New Orleans is lower than the water table. Who's bright idea was that. It would cost 100s of trillions to stop this so it is not going to happen.

  • Will 2 Devastating Hurricanes Change Republican's Minds about Climate Change?   7 years 22 weeks ago

    As long as the corporations pay the corrupt politicians they will deny climate change while watching their family and children die in front of them.

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