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  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Off topic but an interesting article

    How Orwell Became the Prophet Who Foresaw Our Future

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago


    I do not need to Google it, I've had it most of my life. Once upon a time it was geat.

    Most of the employees don't buy in because they can't aford too, if they do buy in they can't use it because the deductable is too high.

    Drug prices are unbelievable! We still pay for them in insurance premiums....really needs to be rained in. I can't believe the side effects allowed....can't sleep take some buggurboo

    and sleep well tonight....side effects...warts, liver damage, baldness, cancer, etc.

    ask your DR. if it's right for you!

    The more groups we are divided into the more they can overcharge. Like PG&E's tier program

    HealthCare is more of a money game than heathcare as it now stands.

    What we really need are Healers.

    My rant got a little scrambled ...but you get the gist.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    157 million families in the USA have employer furnished health care and are extremely happy with it ( Google it if you don't believe me). Why would anyone in their right mind want a to leave and go to a two tier health care system like the one in Ontario (I lived there for 6 years). The two tiers are those without supplemental insurance who go to clinics and are seen by PA's and those with supplemental insurance who are seen by MD's. Single Payer will never happen in the USA. In Sanders home state of Vermont, the single payer idea was shelved because it was two expensive.....Sorry washed up lefties single payer is a non starter.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    I'm fine with single payer as long as Congress has to live within the confines they choose for us. If they don't want it we shouldn't accept it either. If they won't accept it for themselves why should we?

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    @#'s 26 & 30:

    My answer to all the Republican/Trump liars, remove your dumb asses from our democracy and go start your idiotic Christianist theocracy and oligarchy somewhere else -- preferably in Antarctica where, luckily, Republican-caused global warming is moderating the weather for a libertarian paradise.

    Yeah, "what about" all that, Diane? Why don't you just provide the answers that suit you and your false narrative, since that's what you'll do anyway, no matter what anyone else says. Many here have come to the same conclusion. It's not an unfair assessment of your sophomoric debate tactics but a well-established pattern as a troll on this blog, is it not?

    Thus, it would be a large waste of time to entertain your chronic delusions and misinformation. I'll let you figure out which is which, but virtually every concern you listed is either based on a lie, not valid , of no real consequence, or has been answered repeatedly by numerous people on this blog as well as numerous sites that lay out actual facts and legitimate concerns.

    For the umpteenth time, here's an excellent reference to peruse before posting inanities and displaying embarrassing ignorance of the subject:

    Of course you won't! Teapublican/Trump trolls seldom bother to do the hard work of proper research and so, thread after thread, will just keep posting the same deliberately uninformed crap gleaned from right-wing sites sponsored by the insurance industry. It is most revealing that all of these same baseless talking points against Medicare-for-all are almost never applied to the for-profit insurance and healthcare industry, which have engendered the greed that has caused most of the problems in our heathcare system. IOW, unregulated capitalism has proven to be an abject failure!

    It's much harder to convince (right-wing) people of a truth than it is to fool them with a lie.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Everyone knows that Big Pharma completely controls the Main Stream Media (MSM). They just do. Pharma provides 70% of the TV news hour’s income. So, they dictate “The News.” Besides the constant manufacturing of “fear,” using their broadcasting, (so they can sell anxiety medicine)

    Pharma’s influence in Congress. Lately, there has been speculation that there might have been influence by Big Pharma to BLOCK changes to the Health Care System that makes them rich… Of course there was – it never stops. Aren’t there FIVE Pharma lobbyists for every Congressman now?

    Big Pharma completely controls the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) by controlling the Department Heads under Tom Price. How? Big Pharma and US Health Care Agencies are a revolving door. DHHS employees that do well for Pharma will move to Pharma at five times their government salary. It is just the way it is.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, You make very reasonable suggestions but the malcontent leftie/socialists would immediately jump on a two tier system as being misogynistic, homophobic, racist, and generally not fair to those who desire a facelift but cannot afford one.

    Insurance companies do not totally dictate our healthcare. They negotiate the prices they will pay for services. Medicare will dictate the services for which a doctor will get paid. Supplemental insurance may cover about 10% over the published Medicare prices but doctors limit their tests to those that they will receive compensation.

    What will happen under a Medicare for all will be a decline in those entering the medical field. The bright ones will offer their services to those that subscribe to their concierge services and not deal with the government at all.

    Those that choose to take a government job will droll away on a daily basis looking forward to a nice government pension when they retire.

    We will all wait extended times for surgeries and have our tests limited to those that the government will allow us to have.

    Those individuals that like 'Free stuff" will continue an unhealthily lifestyle and drag everyone down with them.

    My answer to all the malcontents, move your ass to Canada and get a taste of "free stuff"

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Ou best health care will come when CONGRESS has to use the same care we get!

    Why is their health so special?

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    If we unrig the elections, we could do A lot of good things.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    What if there were a two tier system.

    nessassary treatments ( medicare ) and elective treatments. (you pay your way)

    As a taxpayer I prefer not to pay for other peoples Botox & facelifts.

    Also we do not have enough Doctors in the needed fields.

    Try to find an orthropedic doctor in Mendocino county, you will be sent to Santa Rosa.

    Doctors should be able to pay off their loans by providing service to rural communities.

    Perhaps deduct $ 40 or 50,000 per year from loans + Salary.

    My biggest concern is now Insurance Co.s dictate our health care after...Gov. will dictate our health care.

    Gov. already decided your children will have aprox. 62 vacinations.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    @ #24

    What about the people that are no longer taxpayers?

    What about the people that never pay income taxes?

    What about the illegals that live in the US?

    What about the tests that doctors are willing to perform but Medicare will not currently cover?

    What about the 20% of your current Medicare bills that are not covered?

    What about the doctors salaries? Will they be dictated by the government?

    What about hospital costs that vary from state to state? Will they be standardized?

    What about the outstanding doctors education loans?

    What about the doctors malpractice insurance?

    If you think this is the perfect answer to everyones medical care why didn't you serve in the military and you would now have the pleasure of dealing with the VA which is Free health care?

    These are just starters. I have a solid dozen more after you answer the above.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Why do we want a payer with all the transaction costs of even a single payer? Why can't I join a health delivery system and eliminate all the claims, just like we go to public or private schools? We could still have co-pays, deductiblea and incentives for healthy behavior. We need to abandon insurance because insurance is always for a loss and never goal directed such as towards health. Chronic health care needs are not insurable because it is difficult to objectively define the basis for a claim and because of moral hazard.

  • Can Steve Bannon Wage War On The Institutional Republican Party?   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Sarah: "I'm aware of like two conversations they've had. . . " So that would be like two more than you have had with your dear leader? Garbage in, garbage out. In this administration, there's hardly even the pretense of substance anymore. Seems like everything that comes out of Trump and his crew of apologists is just explaining away their incompetence with a fog of bullshit.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    I didn't mean to leave out payroll tax as a source of funding for single-payer in my above post....but most importantly , the overall cost to citizens is far lower than our current for profit system, something we all know. I just think this should be the main talking point in favor of's affordable!

    Deepspace says it best, "paid for by all of us taxpayers together"!

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Kend: Canadian doctors are not running away from your system of funding healthcare, they come here for many reasons, but not in the numbers you indicate...! Doctors worldwide are not running away from similar systems either.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    How about a federal sales tax to fund healthcare? That way it is shared equally and the wealthy can't hide it in a tax exemption. To me it should be clear how much it costs to everyone. If healthcare costs go up and they will you just raise the FST.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Nearly 10 percent of doctors trained in Canada work in USABY HEIDI ULRICHSEN One in nine doctors trained in Canada are practising medicine in the United States, according to a study published recently in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.4Apr 18, 2007 12:31 AM by: Staff


    One in nine doctors trained in Canada are practising medicine in the United States, according to a study published recently in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

    10k here you go. This is a fact. My doctor is form Mauritius my brothers is from S Africa we import doctors as well both those guys came here for the money. There first choice was the US. I just had a conversation with him as he is on the board that negotiations with the government for fees. Almost all doctors here are professional corporations. They do not work directly for the government. Know one that is smart enough to become a doctor is going to go to school for 10 or 12 years, going in debt hundreds of thousands is doing it at least partly to make money. They are just following the money

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    #18 Right on deepspace. It's such a simple concept. "Share the load." Like paying school taxes when you have no kids. Paying taxes towards infrastructure repair when you don't drive. Police to keep you safe when you never feel threatened. And on and on. Why separate health care from all of that? Seems just as important.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    No. We should not have Berniecare because i want to go to school, become a doctor, and get fabulously wealthy. 200k minimum. My wife will work in the insurance industry and we will make it big. If you cant afford healthcare don't look for freebies get a job, go to school; pull up your bootstraps!

    now pass that corndog!

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Yup, BernieCare has really got the trolls' hemorrhoids a-itching now. Love it! The best part is their shameless display of ignorance for all the world to behold, like they're proud of it.

    Of course Thom didn't mean the whole system would be free. He should have worded that more clearly to deny the trolls their expected, stark-raving-mad retorts, like he usually does on his program. But that's not the issue as much as the right-wing, conditioned, almost unconscious, sentence-of-death response: "Duh, nuttin's free; somebody's gotta pay -- OMG, the taxpayers, payin' the guvmut! Oh, the humanity..."

    Yes, that's the whole point! Jaysus, the waste of breath! After eight years of crying like they sh*t their diapers, you'd think they'd understand grade school level, Healthcare 101 by now.

    Okay listen up, Fux News geniuses, one more time: The "free" is at the point of care for the individual patient, which is paid for by all of us taxpayers together -- no private premiums, no deductibles, no co-pays, no pre-conditions, no insurance companies, no stacks of denials, no CEO Leer Jets with golden faucets, none of that corporate ripoff crap. For half the cost (or less) of the crooked deals the billionaires dole out, the people can run their own damn health program and receive much better care from cradle to grave.

    The whole world has already figured this out long ago. Only in Stupid F*cking Idiot Land do people still get sick and/or die needlessly and/or have their estates ripped away from their families just because they were financially foolish enough to get sick.

    Mmm ...need some extra tax money for sick citizens ...oh yeah, how about quit fighting Stupid F*cking Idiot wars?

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Bachmann...are you drunk or on opioids or something?

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    C'mon Thom, single-payer is not free, which is fine, but let's be clear, it would be funded with progressive taxation which should also apply to local other words, end property taxes and opt for income tax to fund schools and county programs. Property tax is a regressive form of taxation. I'll always gladly pay my fair share based on income.

    The income tax the average citizen would pay for single-payer is a fraction of what they would end up paying for private for profit premiums..that's what you need to write about Thom...Bernie sure as hell will get communicate the truth. OFFENSE BABY!

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Kend...give me a list of those doctors names..don't try to pull that foxaganda crap on us.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Just seeing how much Berniecare irritates conservatives, makes me feel better already. It's a miracle!!!

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 21 weeks ago

    Get over it!

    Health care is not free

    However, in enlightened societies it is at the point of use

    Can anyone get a grasp of that notion?

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