First we do not have until the end of the century. We are past the point of no return already. Droughts, fires, floods, entire cities destroyed. The end is proceeding as planned. I am sure the rich are planning an escape to a space station orbiting the earth. I read that a big launch site is planned in texas where those standing in line can watch the space x rockets come and go. We need to make sure they do not leave the surface. They profitted from this problem, they can die with us!
Oh, but I did answer, very pointedly. You just didn't get the answer you were fishing for to a nonsensical question based on lies. Too bad; I'm glad it irritates you. And don't pout because you didn't "get your way." BTW, you haven't answered any of the charges leveled at you -- because you can't!
C'mon, Kend, get serious! "Anthropogenic climate disruption" (ACD) is not "like charitable organizations, foundations and religion ... [run as] big business." Nor can it be conveniently downgraded to a less alarming, more politically correct euphemism, such as merely calling it "pollution." That's like saying a nuclear bomb is just a big firecracker, kids, so please be careful.
ACD is a dire scientific reality not "like" anything else that one can possibly imagine. It is the defining issue of our times. Our children and all the children ever to be born will suffer the deadly consequences of our lack of action. Denial on this scale is selfish cowardice at its ultimate.
In the words of that eminent statesman, Darth Cheney, spoken to the Judiciary Committe Chairman, Patrick Leahy, in the well of the Senate (now in the Congressional record): "Go f*ck yourself!"
Working well with others, who are not liars, to resist Republican bad ideas -- which are certainly nothing "new" -- is our duty as conscientious citizens. Try it sometimes instead of projecting your psychopathy onto others -- you know, that "Imus" troll, by his/her/whatever's own admission, who only comes here to sow disinformation and confusion...for a lark. There's your childish immaturity.
Yes, unfortunately, it is 2017, the year of the Cheeto, and the dismantling of the People's democratic republic in favor of oligarchical fascism. And you want us all just to go along to get along ...with whom?! F*ck that!
You should get down on your well-worn knees and thank whatever overlord of the universe commands your allegiance for the life of Franklin Roosevelt, who left the world a much better place than he found it. His "bunch of recycled ideas" that you so detest gave the United States the strongest, most vibrant middle class the world has ever seen, before or since. That is an indisputable historic fact. Your Fux News rewrite-of-history misunderstanding of this clear reality says everything about the paucity of your political viewpoint and sources -- all far-right fringe, corporatized nonsense!
The so-called "answer" you seek has been presented to you repeatedly in great detail through many posts and links, but you refuse to accept it (not my problem). In a nutshell, the Medicare-for-all plan that Bernie has introduced is much cheaper for everyone and far superior to any private or semi-private Frankenstein hybrid that the insurance industry can concoct and foist upon our much victimized citizenry, including your oh-so sacrosanct union/employer/for-profit-insurance plan. Ergo, your whole premise is based on ...well, nothing.
Furthermore, that "...most of the world use private insurance to cover people..." is another goddamn lie! Most OECD countries have largely publicly financed systems, as do most non-democracies. The U.S. is far behind the curve, thanks to people who "think" like you.
Obviously, there's ample room in your hypocritical arse to stick yer lil' noodle in. Your challenge now is to take it out. You're on your own though; I spelled it out quite plainly that I absolutely refuse to debate fundamentally dishonest people, such as yourself, who dream up lies and call them facts. What would be the point?
So take your head out, clean the sh*t out of your ears, and do your homework, Teach. Then, whatever questions you might still have may earn a modicum of merit for a proper answer. (No one here is going to hold their breath for the day of your unlikely enlightenment.)
My problem with "climate change" is, like charitable organizations, foundations and religion they all have become big business. Hundreds of billions are made from them. Let's go back to the 70's and call it pollution. Then everyone would get on board.
Personally I've had more than my fill of wars. We haven't even won the war on poverty yet. How long has that war gone on? At least since the Kennedy Administration.
Maybe we could reward good ideas instead...better battery storage, use hemp instead of trees. Good ideas don't require threats, people will do what works for them, bad ideas require enforcement.
Stop the Geo-engineering that is quite possibly causing climate change, not helping the climate. Even if you fix the climate, what about Fukashima? Now we have bombs going off in the Pacific Ocean courtesy of NK. Seems like killing as many fish as possiible is the goal now. Look at Texas spraying toxic poison to kill mosquitos...that will kill more bees and poison the people.
When there are no more fish & no more bees the climate won't matter.
Why does the Gov. always want to threaten people....oh never mind that's their excuse for more taxes.
Global warming is like the planet developing a FEVER in order to rid it of a virus that has infected it..... gonna drown some of us, roast others, turn our food growing capacity to the dustbowl again and open up the radiation hole for the remainder... Some superior being that is looking at our single cell real time in a giant microscope is going to marvel at how the system healed itself so quickly...
Maybe the dynos will have a better chance next time if they can coexist with the roaches. Been nice knowing y'all.....
DS it took you 9 paragraphs of name calling, attempted insults, evasion and just being an ass to say you couldn't answer my questions. It's okay to say you don't know.
And please, I've never answered any questions posed by progressives on this blog. I've yet to see a progressive idea posted here. Only a bunch of recycled ideas from the Roosevelt Administration (Roosevelt was a progressive as were his ideas in the 1930's). In case you haven't checked a calendar lately, it's 2017.
So try excerising your mind and present new ideas, quit acting like a child who can't get his way. Try working with others. Any fool can be part of the resistance, even little kids.
"I can FEEEEL your anger! It gives you focus, makes you stronger!" -- Emporer Palpatine
Haha -- just call 'em as ah see 'em, mister ma'am. But you're such a fragile snowflake! Nah nah nah, you can dish it out but can't take it! Kindergarten taunts is what you like; kindergarten taunts is what you get. F*ck political correctness, right?
In virtually every comment, as devoted Trump trolls infused with hypocritical self-righteousness, pretty much all you and senile ol' granny do on this blog, whenever engaging "washed up lefties/socialists" with whom you disagree, is repeatedly offer gratuitous insults, name calls, and outrageous lies, post after post, thread after thread. Both of you have stated quite clearly that you are only here to tease liberals and progressives, which, after all, is your job as a troll. Why else are you here? So, puh-lease, spare us the phony indignation when the table is turned, and take your comeuppance like a man, woman, or whatever combination thereof with which you identify.
In case you're blind, deaf, and stupid (mostly the latter) and haven't noticed, that is the primary modus operandi of Trump the Pussy-grabber as well as his feckless followers, such as yourselves. You've been exposed. The regular contributors to this blog are well aware of your transparent tactics as insincere trolls, a status both you and your Bobbsey twin have proudly admitted to on several occasions. Remember?
After those revealing confessionals (rare moments of candor), how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don't even take yourselves seriously. So, yes, responding in kind, I thoroughly enjoy tearing down the big egos and the false narratives -- the coinage of Republicans everywhere hooked on Fux News and brainwashed by right-wing "think" tanks.
Malignant ideology and Goebbels-esque propaganda cannot be reasoned with, cannot be entertained, and cannot be tolerated or normalized; it can only be defeated and eradicated from our body politic. How can one compromise with immoral assholes whose ultimate goal is to deny more than 20 million vulnerable human beings the right (yes, the right!) to healthcare -- condemning tens of thousands to an early death every year -- just so millionaires and billionaires can enjoy a little more take-home pay for that extra yacht or perhaps a weekend golf junket at Mar-a-Lago. Trump and his Republican Party are on the wrong side of history. And so are you.
As far as your feeble attempt to drag me into a despicable false-framing of the argument -- pitting the adequately insured against the inadequately insured -- I will only say that I too have enjoyed a union-negotiated benefits package for most of my career -- a "Cadillac plan" that I can assure you is much superior to whatever your teacher's union worked out with your bosses, the taxpayers. But that doesn't mean we should not all pull together to bring the same security to every single American. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
BTW, you have N-E-V-E-R adequately answered any of the library full of questions posed to you by the progressives on this blog nor have you ever honored the veracity of their points. I even threw you a bone with that Forbes link, even though it doesn't advocate for single-payer as I do, because the author, a former Republican, did an admirable job exposing the utter fallacy of an unregulated, so-called free-market "solution" to the healthcare insurance industry, which is the ultimate goal of the crime organization you so foolishly voted into power. Did you address his primary point? Of course not! You just jumped on one paragraph to subtly steer the conversation back to your own widely debunked talking point. (Do your own damn research; it ain't my job to educate your dumb ass.)
I stand by every word of my assessment of the intellectually dishonest zombie trolls who pollute this blog with the rotting garbage that fills the empty space behind their sloped foreheads. I refuse to debate liars other than to heap on the ridicule so richly deserved. For the good of the nation and the world, Trump, Republicans, and their army of brain-dead Orcs need to be laughed off the stage.
Just watched a Bernie interview on single payer, questioning costs. Single Payer supporters, including Bernie: PLEASE point out that getting rid of employer paid healthcare premiums is not the ONLY benefit to business. If presented as a comprehensive overhaul, it would save employers by dramatically reducing the cost of Worker's Comp Insurance, which can range from 1 1/2% of payroll to as much as 100% of payroll.
Other benefits to individuals: Copays, drug costs (which are brought up), but ALSO State Disability Insurance (includes healthcare payments), and a portion of auto insurance (Uninsured Motorist).
Of course, the auto insurance and liability companies would have to actually reduce premiums, rather than taking windfall profits!
Disagree. Short of a truly dramatic event, US voters are most like to re-elect Trump in 2020. It would need to first be determined just what "impeachable offenses"/crime(s) -- by legal definition -- Trump might have committed. If there's reason to conclude that he might have commited such an offense, Congress must launch a formal investigation. We see no indication that Congress is considering this.
Just a "side issue," but it's one that our more fortunate really don't understand. Today's poor don't qualify for the EITC. That is for low wage workers. The poor are those who have been phased out of the job market entirely, and have little or no incomes. Contrary to efforts to hide America's poverty crisis, the US lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs alone since 2000. Complicated issues, but the bottom line is that today, there is a vast difference between low-income and poor.
DS, right out of the the washed up lefty playback. Blame, call names, blame some more, but avoid the facts. Have you fun, you have no credibility. Take the blame and name calling out of your arguments and nothing is left. Answer my questions please. Why do you want to force 157 million hard working American families, who have health care through there employers, onto a single payer program? Why do 157 million families have to suffer for the few millions who choose to get medical services through free clinics' Medicaid or emergency rooms? Why does most of the world use private insurance to cover people? You choose to tear down, rather them build. So sad.
No, wrong again, hotdog lady; nobody but you and the other Trump trolls is trying to pit one artificially segmented group of fellow human beings who need healthcare against another artificially segmented group of fellow human beings who also need healthcare. We all have the same bodies that must be cared for properly. Sorry, you're in the throes of a psychotic episode (again), creating an unnecessary divide between people and then blaming it on others -- a chip off the old blockhead, your big daddy Trump the pussy-grabber.
For the second time, I'm not "targeting" anyone, employers, employess, or whoever else you conjure up to populate a strawman argument in the mad wonderland deep in that little rabbit hole of yours. Neither do I vouch for every out-of-context paragraph you happen to cherrypick from an article, the salient point of which you miss or choose to ignore.
In fact, pretty much every one of your posts are framed around one provable rightwing dishonesty or another, while your points are usually incoherent, jumbled up messes scattered all over the board as a result. And it certainly doesn't help to get drunk before attempting the impossible: trying to make sense out of all those Republican lies swirling around in the darkness of your confused mind.
Subconsciously, you are seeking intervention. That's why you come here -- for fresh air and sanity. So please take this sincere diagnosis of your deteriorating mental state in the right spirit; I'm only trying to help make you a better person. God knows you have failed miserably on your own. And the sand in your hour glass is running out.
Now, be gone, little troll! I grow weary of your presence.
No sense in pretending, Pence will be the illiget Pres. soon. Trump will have to fight not to serve jail time. ...will cost him a fortune. Pence is just as likely to screw up and launch the big one, he takes end times serious, thinking Jesus will just pat him on the ass as millions perish in mushroom clouds....these guys are all nuts.
Thom...the market is inflated beyond a simple correction and of all people you know that...inform the 401kers! takes weeks to move funds for these vulnerable hard workers. This crash will be catastrophic! Wall Street has a false confidence that Trump filling the swamp with Sachs monsters will save them.....I'm telling you, the Koch Teabaggers will block a bailout....despite the current legislation.....ANONYMOUS!
Odd how most successful corporations soon become global, striving to achieve international dominance at shareholder demand.
What seems to be keeping our beloved health insurance corporations from picking up the pace internationally?
Weird. Japan, Israel; so many other countries must be lost without having the best healthcare in the world.
First we do not have until the end of the century. We are past the point of no return already. Droughts, fires, floods, entire cities destroyed. The end is proceeding as planned. I am sure the rich are planning an escape to a space station orbiting the earth. I read that a big launch site is planned in texas where those standing in line can watch the space x rockets come and go. We need to make sure they do not leave the surface. They profitted from this problem, they can die with us!
5% this century - 80% next century ...
we NEED to lose religion, get science, and just run the planet like we love it
the idea or personal wealth has to start taking a back seat to the common good ...
Oh, but I did answer, very pointedly. You just didn't get the answer you were fishing for to a nonsensical question based on lies. Too bad; I'm glad it irritates you. And don't pout because you didn't "get your way." BTW, you haven't answered any of the charges leveled at you -- because you can't!
C'mon, Kend, get serious! "Anthropogenic climate disruption" (ACD) is not "like charitable organizations, foundations and religion ... [run as] big business." Nor can it be conveniently downgraded to a less alarming, more politically correct euphemism, such as merely calling it "pollution." That's like saying a nuclear bomb is just a big firecracker, kids, so please be careful.
ACD is a dire scientific reality not "like" anything else that one can possibly imagine. It is the defining issue of our times. Our children and all the children ever to be born will suffer the deadly consequences of our lack of action. Denial on this scale is selfish cowardice at its ultimate.
Great read, Hoopster! Entertaining but with the underlying caveat of hard truth.
Ha! This is fun...
Hotdog lady, IOW: "Don't resist fascism."
In the words of that eminent statesman, Darth Cheney, spoken to the Judiciary Committe Chairman, Patrick Leahy, in the well of the Senate (now in the Congressional record): "Go f*ck yourself!"
Working well with others, who are not liars, to resist Republican bad ideas -- which are certainly nothing "new" -- is our duty as conscientious citizens. Try it sometimes instead of projecting your psychopathy onto others -- you know, that "Imus" troll, by his/her/whatever's own admission, who only comes here to sow disinformation and confusion...for a lark. There's your childish immaturity.
Yes, unfortunately, it is 2017, the year of the Cheeto, and the dismantling of the People's democratic republic in favor of oligarchical fascism. And you want us all just to go along to get along ...with whom?! F*ck that!
You should get down on your well-worn knees and thank whatever overlord of the universe commands your allegiance for the life of Franklin Roosevelt, who left the world a much better place than he found it. His "bunch of recycled ideas" that you so detest gave the United States the strongest, most vibrant middle class the world has ever seen, before or since. That is an indisputable historic fact. Your Fux News rewrite-of-history misunderstanding of this clear reality says everything about the paucity of your political viewpoint and sources -- all far-right fringe, corporatized nonsense!
The so-called "answer" you seek has been presented to you repeatedly in great detail through many posts and links, but you refuse to accept it (not my problem). In a nutshell, the Medicare-for-all plan that Bernie has introduced is much cheaper for everyone and far superior to any private or semi-private Frankenstein hybrid that the insurance industry can concoct and foist upon our much victimized citizenry, including your oh-so sacrosanct union/employer/for-profit-insurance plan. Ergo, your whole premise is based on ...well, nothing.
Furthermore, that "...most of the world use private insurance to cover people..." is another goddamn lie! Most OECD countries have largely publicly financed systems, as do most non-democracies. The U.S. is far behind the curve, thanks to people who "think" like you.
Obviously, there's ample room in your hypocritical arse to stick yer lil' noodle in. Your challenge now is to take it out. You're on your own though; I spelled it out quite plainly that I absolutely refuse to debate fundamentally dishonest people, such as yourself, who dream up lies and call them facts. What would be the point?
So take your head out, clean the sh*t out of your ears, and do your homework, Teach. Then, whatever questions you might still have may earn a modicum of merit for a proper answer. (No one here is going to hold their breath for the day of your unlikely enlightenment.)
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" by Al Franken. Read it.
"Deadly Spin" by Wendell Potter
"Sicko" by Michael Moore
"America's Bitter Pill" by Steven Brill
"An American Sickness" by Elisabeth Rosenthal
"The healing of America" by T. R. Reid
10 paragraphs, 6 books, 4, references....and still no answer. A simple I don't know will suffice.
Here's a couple of books for you to read.
The Undoing Project --Michael Lewis
Thinking, Fast and Slow--Daniel Kahneman, Kahneman won the Nobel prize for economics in 2002
My problem with "climate change" is, like charitable organizations, foundations and religion they all have become big business. Hundreds of billions are made from them. Let's go back to the 70's and call it pollution. Then everyone would get on board.
Personally I've had more than my fill of wars. We haven't even won the war on poverty yet. How long has that war gone on? At least since the Kennedy Administration.
Maybe we could reward good ideas instead...better battery storage, use hemp instead of trees. Good ideas don't require threats, people will do what works for them, bad ideas require enforcement.
Stop the Geo-engineering that is quite possibly causing climate change, not helping the climate. Even if you fix the climate, what about Fukashima? Now we have bombs going off in the Pacific Ocean courtesy of NK. Seems like killing as many fish as possiible is the goal now. Look at Texas spraying toxic poison to kill mosquitos...that will kill more bees and poison the people.
When there are no more fish & no more bees the climate won't matter.
Why does the Gov. always want to threaten people....oh never mind that's their excuse for more taxes.
War = misery & Taxes!!! Cheney's favorite things.
Marvin Gaye - ♫Whats Going On♫ (Lyrics)
Global warming is like the planet developing a FEVER in order to rid it of a virus that has infected it..... gonna drown some of us, roast others, turn our food growing capacity to the dustbowl again and open up the radiation hole for the remainder... Some superior being that is looking at our single cell real time in a giant microscope is going to marvel at how the system healed itself so quickly...
Maybe the dynos will have a better chance next time if they can coexist with the roaches. Been nice knowing y'all.....
DS it took you 9 paragraphs of name calling, attempted insults, evasion and just being an ass to say you couldn't answer my questions. It's okay to say you don't know.
And please, I've never answered any questions posed by progressives on this blog. I've yet to see a progressive idea posted here. Only a bunch of recycled ideas from the Roosevelt Administration (Roosevelt was a progressive as were his ideas in the 1930's). In case you haven't checked a calendar lately, it's 2017.
So try excerising your mind and present new ideas, quit acting like a child who can't get his way. Try working with others. Any fool can be part of the resistance, even little kids.
"I can FEEEEL your anger! It gives you focus, makes you stronger!" -- Emporer Palpatine
Haha -- just call 'em as ah see 'em, mister ma'am. But you're such a fragile snowflake! Nah nah nah, you can dish it out but can't take it! Kindergarten taunts is what you like; kindergarten taunts is what you get. F*ck political correctness, right?
In virtually every comment, as devoted Trump trolls infused with hypocritical self-righteousness, pretty much all you and senile ol' granny do on this blog, whenever engaging "washed up lefties/socialists" with whom you disagree, is repeatedly offer gratuitous insults, name calls, and outrageous lies, post after post, thread after thread. Both of you have stated quite clearly that you are only here to tease liberals and progressives, which, after all, is your job as a troll. Why else are you here? So, puh-lease, spare us the phony indignation when the table is turned, and take your comeuppance like a man, woman, or whatever combination thereof with which you identify.
In case you're blind, deaf, and stupid (mostly the latter) and haven't noticed, that is the primary modus operandi of Trump the Pussy-grabber as well as his feckless followers, such as yourselves. You've been exposed. The regular contributors to this blog are well aware of your transparent tactics as insincere trolls, a status both you and your Bobbsey twin have proudly admitted to on several occasions. Remember?
After those revealing confessionals (rare moments of candor), how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don't even take yourselves seriously. So, yes, responding in kind, I thoroughly enjoy tearing down the big egos and the false narratives -- the coinage of Republicans everywhere hooked on Fux News and brainwashed by right-wing "think" tanks.
Malignant ideology and Goebbels-esque propaganda cannot be reasoned with, cannot be entertained, and cannot be tolerated or normalized; it can only be defeated and eradicated from our body politic. How can one compromise with immoral assholes whose ultimate goal is to deny more than 20 million vulnerable human beings the right (yes, the right!) to healthcare -- condemning tens of thousands to an early death every year -- just so millionaires and billionaires can enjoy a little more take-home pay for that extra yacht or perhaps a weekend golf junket at Mar-a-Lago. Trump and his Republican Party are on the wrong side of history. And so are you.
As far as your feeble attempt to drag me into a despicable false-framing of the argument -- pitting the adequately insured against the inadequately insured -- I will only say that I too have enjoyed a union-negotiated benefits package for most of my career -- a "Cadillac plan" that I can assure you is much superior to whatever your teacher's union worked out with your bosses, the taxpayers. But that doesn't mean we should not all pull together to bring the same security to every single American. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
BTW, you have N-E-V-E-R adequately answered any of the library full of questions posed to you by the progressives on this blog nor have you ever honored the veracity of their points. I even threw you a bone with that Forbes link, even though it doesn't advocate for single-payer as I do, because the author, a former Republican, did an admirable job exposing the utter fallacy of an unregulated, so-called free-market "solution" to the healthcare insurance industry, which is the ultimate goal of the crime organization you so foolishly voted into power. Did you address his primary point? Of course not! You just jumped on one paragraph to subtly steer the conversation back to your own widely debunked talking point. (Do your own damn research; it ain't my job to educate your dumb ass.)
I stand by every word of my assessment of the intellectually dishonest zombie trolls who pollute this blog with the rotting garbage that fills the empty space behind their sloped foreheads. I refuse to debate liars other than to heap on the ridicule so richly deserved. For the good of the nation and the world, Trump, Republicans, and their army of brain-dead Orcs need to be laughed off the stage.
Thom, a ransom pic might be good for fundraising week!
Just watched a Bernie interview on single payer, questioning costs. Single Payer supporters, including Bernie: PLEASE point out that getting rid of employer paid healthcare premiums is not the ONLY benefit to business. If presented as a comprehensive overhaul, it would save employers by dramatically reducing the cost of Worker's Comp Insurance, which can range from 1 1/2% of payroll to as much as 100% of payroll.
Other benefits to individuals: Copays, drug costs (which are brought up), but ALSO State Disability Insurance (includes healthcare payments), and a portion of auto insurance (Uninsured Motorist).
Of course, the auto insurance and liability companies would have to actually reduce premiums, rather than taking windfall profits!
Disagree. Short of a truly dramatic event, US voters are most like to re-elect Trump in 2020. It would need to first be determined just what "impeachable offenses"/crime(s) -- by legal definition -- Trump might have committed. If there's reason to conclude that he might have commited such an offense, Congress must launch a formal investigation. We see no indication that Congress is considering this.
Just a "side issue," but it's one that our more fortunate really don't understand. Today's poor don't qualify for the EITC. That is for low wage workers. The poor are those who have been phased out of the job market entirely, and have little or no incomes. Contrary to efforts to hide America's poverty crisis, the US lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs alone since 2000. Complicated issues, but the bottom line is that today, there is a vast difference between low-income and poor.
CVS must be out of anti- depression meds.
DS, right out of the the washed up lefty playback. Blame, call names, blame some more, but avoid the facts. Have you fun, you have no credibility. Take the blame and name calling out of your arguments and nothing is left. Answer my questions please. Why do you want to force 157 million hard working American families, who have health care through there employers, onto a single payer program? Why do 157 million families have to suffer for the few millions who choose to get medical services through free clinics' Medicaid or emergency rooms? Why does most of the world use private insurance to cover people? You choose to tear down, rather them build. So sad.
No, wrong again, hotdog lady; nobody but you and the other Trump trolls is trying to pit one artificially segmented group of fellow human beings who need healthcare against another artificially segmented group of fellow human beings who also need healthcare. We all have the same bodies that must be cared for properly. Sorry, you're in the throes of a psychotic episode (again), creating an unnecessary divide between people and then blaming it on others -- a chip off the old blockhead, your big daddy Trump the pussy-grabber.
For the second time, I'm not "targeting" anyone, employers, employess, or whoever else you conjure up to populate a strawman argument in the mad wonderland deep in that little rabbit hole of yours. Neither do I vouch for every out-of-context paragraph you happen to cherrypick from an article, the salient point of which you miss or choose to ignore.
In fact, pretty much every one of your posts are framed around one provable rightwing dishonesty or another, while your points are usually incoherent, jumbled up messes scattered all over the board as a result. And it certainly doesn't help to get drunk before attempting the impossible: trying to make sense out of all those Republican lies swirling around in the darkness of your confused mind.
Subconsciously, you are seeking intervention. That's why you come here -- for fresh air and sanity. So please take this sincere diagnosis of your deteriorating mental state in the right spirit; I'm only trying to help make you a better person. God knows you have failed miserably on your own. And the sand in your hour glass is running out.
Now, be gone, little troll! I grow weary of your presence.
No sense in pretending, Pence will be the illiget Pres. soon. Trump will have to fight not to serve jail time. ...will cost him a fortune. Pence is just as likely to screw up and launch the big one, he takes end times serious, thinking Jesus will just pat him on the ass as millions perish in mushroom clouds....these guys are all nuts.
Thom, in answer to your post...christ all mighty...Kochpublicans...privatize the profits, socialize the losses.
Thom...the market is inflated beyond a simple correction and of all people you know that...inform the 401kers! takes weeks to move funds for these vulnerable hard workers. This crash will be catastrophic! Wall Street has a false confidence that Trump filling the swamp with Sachs monsters will save them.....I'm telling you, the Koch Teabaggers will block a bailout....despite the current legislation.....ANONYMOUS!
I'm at my witts end on being nice!
Diane/Bachmann...c'mon out!