Recent comments

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Great idea, but:
    why would KorpsTeeVee even Allow such a thing?!
    They do have 'Standards,' after all.....

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    3.5 million USA citizens (same population as the state of Colorado) in the USA territory of Puerto Rico have no electricity and their homes have been devastated and the POTUS is tweeting about protests in the NFL. Talk about dividing the country Dianereynolds.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    You are correct HotCoffee. The left can only exist if they continue to divide Americans. Listen to the leftie/socialist media bobbleheads and all you hear is "white privilege" crap, all republicans are Nazis, men against women, rich vs. poor, corporations (that actually pay employees) are for profit and profit is not good, everything is a "right" and should be provided to anybody for free all paid for by the "rich" or whomever they deem as "rich".

    Look at reality, most of the malcontents here lean towards communism but don't even know what the word means. Don your black pajamas and march to the broom factory. That's the ticket.

    Bernie, Maxine, Warren in 2024? Go for it, but pre-plan your "we got screwed by election fraud" speech because you will need it.

    As for Maxine....

    Unfortunately the far right is just as bad. Hence, we have President Donald J. Trump elected by a majority of mainstream working Americans that think Washington D.C. is a cesspool and will put anyone in office that is an outsider.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Then, by your own definition, you are "hating on" Maxine Waters?

    Garbage in, garbage out:

  • On A Scale Of One To Ten What Will Climate Change Do To The Planet? (w/Guest Peter Wadhams)   7 years 20 weeks ago


    I am grateful to Professor Wadhams and the other climate scientists you've interviewed for all the work they're doing and for stepping forward to raise the alarm about climate change but I too am often frustrated by the lack of specifics. It seems very hard to get a direct answer about how bad things will get and how quickly. I am curious how they would interpret this report "Well below 2 °C: Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes" ( Specifically, wrt the probability density function in Fig. 2 describing the "Dangerous","Catastrophic" and "Unknown" scenarios, how would they draw a curve that describes their understanding of what the future holds for us. This report does seem to spell things out a little more explicitly.

    It is particularly concerning in the context of Norwegian climate scientist post indicating that we have 4 years of emissions remaining if we want to stay below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. (

    Is the situation as urgent as it seems? It seems reckless to go above 1.5C on the one hand but it seems almost impossible to cut our emissions to zero in 4 years.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Oh no the horror .....

    This is What the Establishment Fears: Watch Black Lives Matter & Trump Supporters Come Together

    Imagine people coming together...what could we do if we weren't hating on each other???? Please share this with Maxine the warmonger!

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    This bill is even more of a joke than the last bill, no public debate and it doesn't even have CBO scoring, yet we know about how many millions will lose health care, somewhere around 30 million. All of the Republican bills have had one objective, get rid of the high earners tax that funds much of the ACA as the first plank in an agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy. They want us to believe that you can somehow take away the funding for health care and still provide the same level of care, as if 1 plus 1 equals 3. None of their bills intended to fix the ACA, they were all about tax cuts, destroying the ACA, and Obama's legacy. As with Ryan's budget plans, Republicans engage in magical math that doesn't add up.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago


    I'm a "tag you're it" fan. I'm working (volunteer) on the campaign of Alan Geracie (D) candidate for California Assembly District 75, currently held by a Republican.

    Alan ran a Bernie war room in 2016 in our city.

    Is there a way other than the standard call in for him to get on the radio show or is that too much to ask?

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    So Bachmann, I bet you never used the word bipartisan when Obama was president, did you?....hell he even gave up a Supreme Court pick thanks to massive election fraud.

    I'm sure you'd still use that bipartisan word if it had been Clinton who got installed by Kobach and Putin, wouldn't you????

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Well I see the Kochpublican Fascist Party has us all on defense again. Bernie's single-payer needs to be talked about every chance we get. It's the only affordable answer and the vast majority knows it.

    I'll say this, after the attempts to repeal and replace the ACA which was originally a right-wing for profit Health Insurance plan, nothing to do with the actual administration of Healthcare.....if anyone still believes the Koch Party will actually legislate in their favor, well this is as solid proof of corpse media brainwashing as I've ever seen. You have to be so far out there if you don't get it I feel sorry for you.

    There is zero chance of any compromise with a party that represents only billionaires with fascist beliefs. The Democratic Party needs to message with huge rallies....this is by far the most effective way to get the word out to red state voters in a fascist country that ranks 47th in freedom of the press.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    I am for medical tourism. I hope that the countries involved start advertising on USA television. Cuba would be best. Panama has excellent facility's. India is world renowned for excellent care and low costs. Stop paying for high cost insurance. You can save tons of money.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    At least Senator McCain's brain cancer isn't eating away his soul like the corporate cancer that has turned his possessed Republican colleagues into shrieking demons from the pits of Wall Street. Riverplunge is right; Democrats better keep their distance from the Dark Side. You cannot compromise with pure evil; it can only be defeated and destroyed.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Maybe we need some satire for this subject: 

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Read "White Trash. The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America" by Nancy Isenberg. You'll understand the Trumpsters after reading this.

    I think she'd be a great guest Thom.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    I fear that you are right, johnrquinn.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Not much to chip away at

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    I think they will buy them off

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    If the Democrats are dumb enough to get sucked in on bipartism. Then they get all they deserve for the blame of a bad bill. If they are smart, they will stay far, far, away from the other side!

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Bipartism?? How can you have that on a bill that kills millions? Will the Democrats have their souls removed like the other side?

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Those people that vote against obamacare do not have a mind

    They choose to see a huge pecentage of population without healthcare

    They choose to witness death and sickness take and possess the lives of fellow citizens

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Come on Trump. Just get out the plan you promised us over and over. Better health care for all, for less cost. "World Class!!!" As soon as that plan pops up, it should sail right thru. Why are you letting these clowns chip away at your reputation for keeping promises?

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 20 weeks ago

    John McCain is correct, it needs to be a bipartisan bill

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   7 years 20 weeks ago

    It's funny reading this a year and half later after Brexit and seeing the Pound still going strong. I understand the slight panic that people were feeling, but they just have to get out of that sky-is-falling mentality and realize things usually work themselves out. Believe it or not, I came across this while searching for bathroom remodeling Baton Rouge and I'm glad I did. Good article.

  • FAQ - Message Board & Chat Room Rules   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Does anyone know the name of financial newsletter, that two ladies put out. Thom subscribes to it. Thank you!

  • Just How Seriously Should We Treat The Threat From Graham-Cassidy?   7 years 20 weeks ago

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