“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
Carl Sandburg
Here is my modification to better fit you
If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, call the other person names.
Insults? LMOA -- I love 'em! What can I say; I'm Irish.
But, go back through the record, I usually only respond in kind to the insults (most of them lame as hell) that make up the bulk (along with deliberate lies) of nearly every troll post, especially Diane's, Ou812's, and now yours. Haha - ya can dish it out, but ya can't take it.
BTW, I still don't believe that you've been a Democrat for "over 50 years." Maybe, maybe not -- it's just not believable given your heavy bias toward hackneyed Republican talking points (lies), which are spread far and wide throughout the far-right blogosphere. Such attitudes just don't come as "natural" to any real Democrat worth a sh*t as they do to wingers (libertarians included).
So, enjoy your "new" affiliations and post to your heart's content -- just don't expect to be taken seriously, troll.
See ya -- and don't let the door hit ya in yer arse!
Let me ask you the same question....why are you here.
I came here after reading Thom for many years to suggest not being so inflamatory in one article and you took it upon yourself to jump all over my post.
Thats how we first engaged in " conversation " on my part, and insults on your part.
Your Strawman bit is just a diversion from questions you have no answer for.
It's a shame because you are very articulate....to bad you don't use it for good instead of stupid insults.
Once again you seem to feel this blog belongs to you and only those you approve of.
Let me spell this out more clearly: I Don't Give A F*ck what you say and will never fit into the Fux framing of your false arguments.
For example: Now, you are conflating my "hit ya in yer arse" metaphor into your original lie accusing me of acting like Thom's blog bouncer. That was in reference to you leaving the Democratic Party (your words), not the blog. Again your reading comprehension is lacking.
HC: Maybe you can explain why your endless strawman arguments and red herrings mean anything at all or add anything worth a sh*t to the conversation. To deny the widespread racism that exists in Republican America -- the America I absolutely do not "love" -- is the ultimate expression of white privilege.
Your reading comprehension is obviously colored by your paranoid predisposition as a disingenuous right-winger. Don't flatter yourself; I could care less whether dumbed-down trolls post here or not -- I just asked why. Again, another despicable lie from a delusional troll. (BTW, that's a long-running question on this blog that has never been honestly answered.)
Sorry ...still ain't flying. The Democratic Party certainly doesn't need any more closet wingers in liberal clothing -- that's their main problem. So don't let the door hit ya in yer arse!
Do you have any children? Can you imagine your child doing something you really don't like and asking him / her to stop. It doesn't mean that you don't love your child.
I happen to love the USA.
I'm not asking you to buy it..as you don't seem to want anyone here that doesn't just go along with the rant.
The rant is destroying my relationship with my Democratic party. Now I consider myself un- affilated with any party.
To bad very few people would like to see us find solutions instead of tearing things down.
Destroying is easy building somthing... is much harder. What are you building?
And, ol' granny's rapid decent into Dante's Inferno continues...
Yeah, that wicked Maxine Waters -- how dare an uppity black women stand up and speak her mind against the overt sexism and racism that imbues the white male, good 'ol boy power structure of today's Republican Party, which dominates Congress, the White House, and Wall Street. And how dare the opposition, including the clear majority of Americans, challenge their one-party-rule hegemony.
(Sorry, your fake "president was NOT "...elected by a majority of mainstream working Americans..." That's the biggest lie of all. But keep telling yourself that while sucking your thumb -- hopefully not the one stuck up your manky arse.)
For someone who instructs others to "look at reality" and who claims the mantle of mainstream moderation (Now there's a whopper!), Diane Reynolds sure loves to wallow, post after post, in far-right lies, school-yard name-calling, and delusional conspiracies. Her hypocritical, hate-filled rant above, against some fictitious "left" that only exists in the susceptible minds of the Fux News gullible, is typical of the baseless disinformation and false narratives that fuel the far-right fringe. Every sentence is rotten with the stench of the same badly sourced innuendo and empty rhetoric programmed into all other Trump droids, festering sores on the body politic dripping with anger and disdain for anyone who challenges their dear leader's sanity. (Easy to do.) Move along, no originality here...
Even her chosen moniker reveals a conscious bias and a deep irony. "Diane Reynolds" was, for a time, the primary alias of Chelsea Clinton, which she used to throw off the paparazzi while traveling. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Really, why does Diane/Chelsea keep coming back to this blog if she is so disgusted by liberals and progressives -- to "enlighten" lesser intellects, to spread lies and hate, or to satisfy an unconscious urge to seek truth? The second and third options are probably correct, certainly not the first.
Or for that matter, why do any of the right-wing trolls bother to come here? Are they oblivious to how foolish they appear to anyone with even a modicum of common sense?
Consider the following hypothetical scenario. A single white mother is working hard to raise three kids on her own. She came from humble beginnings and sacrificed a carrier she dreamed of as a child to stay home and be a full-time mother. One day, she was left by her husband in the wake of bankruptcy with nothing. Now, living in a motel with her children is the only option. She decides to attempt to get a better paying job that will allow her to only work two jobs as opposed to her current three so that she can provide better accommodations for her family and be able to spend more time raising her children. She puts on the one impressive outfit she could afford and goes in for the interview. She beats incredible odds and gets the job. I am sad to think there are people who would look at her in her new workplace and think to themselves that she was there only because of “white privilege.”
There is a full page tribute to John McCain in the 9/24 Arizona Republic (p20A), signed by over 25 hospitals, medical centers, and health associations, thanking him for his "principled leadership" on the healthcare issue. Health care providers do not want any of these Republican replacements to the Affordable Care Act, and neither do most voters. The Republicans claim they are keeping their promise to the voters to repeal Obamacare, but voters do not want it repealed. The Republicans are simply trying to keep a promise to themselves and their wealthy donors. Nurses, doctors, and other health care providers, along with hospitals, businesses and individual voters want single payer, Medicare-for-all. Until we get to that point, we need to keep and fix the ACA.
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
Carl Sandburg
Here is my modification to better fit you
If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, call the other person names.
I rest my case.
It appears that our little pony is running around in circles.
Insults? LMOA -- I love 'em! What can I say; I'm Irish.
But, go back through the record, I usually only respond in kind to the insults (most of them lame as hell) that make up the bulk (along with deliberate lies) of nearly every troll post, especially Diane's, Ou812's, and now yours. Haha - ya can dish it out, but ya can't take it.
BTW, I still don't believe that you've been a Democrat for "over 50 years." Maybe, maybe not -- it's just not believable given your heavy bias toward hackneyed Republican talking points (lies), which are spread far and wide throughout the far-right blogosphere. Such attitudes just don't come as "natural" to any real Democrat worth a sh*t as they do to wingers (libertarians included).
So, enjoy your "new" affiliations and post to your heart's content -- just don't expect to be taken seriously, troll.
See ya -- and don't let the door hit ya in yer arse!
LOL Starting to think that donkey is very accurate.
Let me ask you the same question....why are you here.
I came here after reading Thom for many years to suggest not being so inflamatory in one article and you took it upon yourself to jump all over my post.
Thats how we first engaged in " conversation " on my part, and insults on your part.
Your Strawman bit is just a diversion from questions you have no answer for.
It's a shame because you are very articulate....to bad you don't use it for good instead of stupid insults.
Once again you seem to feel this blog belongs to you and only those you approve of.
Thankfully not as dense as you, who "showed" us nothing but your own ignorance.
But, as Legend once admonished, such "conversations" with trolls are turning this thread into a "big nothing."
I'm outta here...
Let me spell this out more clearly: I Don't Give A F*ck what you say and will never fit into the Fux framing of your false arguments.
For example: Now, you are conflating my "hit ya in yer arse" metaphor into your original lie accusing me of acting like Thom's blog bouncer. That was in reference to you leaving the Democratic Party (your words), not the blog. Again your reading comprehension is lacking.
So, why are you here?
I just showed two examples where both sides are wrong are you dense?
HC: Maybe you can explain why your endless strawman arguments and red herrings mean anything at all or add anything worth a sh*t to the conversation. To deny the widespread racism that exists in Republican America -- the America I absolutely do not "love" -- is the ultimate expression of white privilege.
Your reading comprehension is obviously colored by your paranoid predisposition as a disingenuous right-winger. Don't flatter yourself; I could care less whether dumbed-down trolls post here or not -- I just asked why. Again, another despicable lie from a delusional troll. (BTW, that's a long-running question on this blog that has never been honestly answered.)
Ergo: IDGAF what you say.
"So don't let the door hit ya in yer arse!" When I went to school that wasn't considered a question.
But speaking of questions...you haven't answered any of mine. Just more dis respectful
Proven yet again that Diane/Chelsea is incapable of defending an untenable position.
Last time I checked this was Thom's blog....when He asks me to leave I will.
I don't think he hired you as his bouncer.
Also I don't see what White Dylan Roof did to help our country by shooting up a group of Black Christians that embraced him.
Nor do I see how it helped that a Black man just shot up a church filled with elderly Whites in Tenn.
Maybe you can explain to me what good came of it?
Sorry ...still ain't flying. The Democratic Party certainly doesn't need any more closet wingers in liberal clothing -- that's their main problem. So don't let the door hit ya in yer arse!
Do you have any children? Can you imagine your child doing something you really don't like and asking him / her to stop. It doesn't mean that you don't love your child.
I happen to love the USA.
I'm not asking you to buy it..as you don't seem to want anyone here that doesn't just go along with the rant.
The rant is destroying my relationship with my Democratic party. Now I consider myself un- affilated with any party.
To bad very few people would like to see us find solutions instead of tearing things down.
Destroying is easy building somthing... is much harder. What are you building?
Speaking of Trump bots, hotdog lady is projecting again. Nobody here, other than fellow bots, believes a damn thing you say!
And, ol' granny's rapid decent into Dante's Inferno continues...
Yeah, that wicked Maxine Waters -- how dare an uppity black women stand up and speak her mind against the overt sexism and racism that imbues the white male, good 'ol boy power structure of today's Republican Party, which dominates Congress, the White House, and Wall Street. And how dare the opposition, including the clear majority of Americans, challenge their one-party-rule hegemony.
(Sorry, your fake "president was NOT "...elected by a majority of mainstream working Americans..." That's the biggest lie of all. But keep telling yourself that while sucking your thumb -- hopefully not the one stuck up your manky arse.)
For someone who instructs others to "look at reality" and who claims the mantle of mainstream moderation (Now there's a whopper!), Diane Reynolds sure loves to wallow, post after post, in far-right lies, school-yard name-calling, and delusional conspiracies. Her hypocritical, hate-filled rant above, against some fictitious "left" that only exists in the susceptible minds of the Fux News gullible, is typical of the baseless disinformation and false narratives that fuel the far-right fringe. Every sentence is rotten with the stench of the same badly sourced innuendo and empty rhetoric programmed into all other Trump droids, festering sores on the body politic dripping with anger and disdain for anyone who challenges their dear leader's sanity. (Easy to do.) Move along, no originality here...
Even her chosen moniker reveals a conscious bias and a deep irony. "Diane Reynolds" was, for a time, the primary alias of Chelsea Clinton, which she used to throw off the paparazzi while traveling. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Really, why does Diane/Chelsea keep coming back to this blog if she is so disgusted by liberals and progressives -- to "enlighten" lesser intellects, to spread lies and hate, or to satisfy an unconscious urge to seek truth? The second and third options are probably correct, certainly not the first.
Or for that matter, why do any of the right-wing trolls bother to come here? Are they oblivious to how foolish they appear to anyone with even a modicum of common sense?
HotCoffee, nice job at parsing, but it ain't flying.
Is there anyone on this site who believes anything 2950-10k says?
Consider the following hypothetical scenario. A single white mother is working hard to raise three kids on her own. She came from humble beginnings and sacrificed a carrier she dreamed of as a child to stay home and be a full-time mother. One day, she was left by her husband in the wake of bankruptcy with nothing. Now, living in a motel with her children is the only option. She decides to attempt to get a better paying job that will allow her to only work two jobs as opposed to her current three so that she can provide better accommodations for her family and be able to spend more time raising her children. She puts on the one impressive outfit she could afford and goes in for the interview. She beats incredible odds and gets the job. I am sad to think there are people who would look at her in her new workplace and think to themselves that she was there only because of “white privilege.”
I agree that the far right is just as bad.
I can't seem to find my white privilege...I looked everywhere....don't know where I left it?
It's not under the bed or in the Kitchen...have you seen it?
I don't hate Maxine ....I just hate what she's doing to futher divide us. I can seperate hating a person from hating their actions.
There is a full page tribute to John McCain in the 9/24 Arizona Republic (p20A), signed by over 25 hospitals, medical centers, and health associations, thanking him for his "principled leadership" on the healthcare issue. Health care providers do not want any of these Republican replacements to the Affordable Care Act, and neither do most voters. The Republicans claim they are keeping their promise to the voters to repeal Obamacare, but voters do not want it repealed. The Republicans are simply trying to keep a promise to themselves and their wealthy donors. Nurses, doctors, and other health care providers, along with hospitals, businesses and individual voters want single payer, Medicare-for-all. Until we get to that point, we need to keep and fix the ACA.