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  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    It would be difficult to split Americans apart by race more than we already are. We're more deeply divided by race than we've been since, at least, the 1950s. That said, some people find it hard to take it seriously when very rich, privileged celebrities talk about the oppression they face.

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Thom, why are our reps tolerating the Constitution shreding, confederate's? These people are armed, enemy combatants. Their reps swore an oath they knew they'd never keep. How doese Germany have it right and we get the coup?

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Are they kneeling or praying for our country?

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 19 weeks ago


  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 19 weeks ago

    I thought the election of tRump proved my point. Kris Kobeck and his repugs can only win by cheating. Dianereynolds seems to ignore the monstrous voter suppression that occurred, and the lies that Kris Kobeck Kommision (KKK) keep telling. Diane and others like her need to watch "The Best Democracy that Money Can Buy". I hear it is free to view on Amazon Prime.

  • Et tu, John McCain?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."

    - Abraham Lincoln.

    This is what should matter to every American Citizen right now. Petty bickering and trifle chatter allow the Perverts to continue their work.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    And Trump is a pussy grabber.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Hillary Clinton is a back stabbing crook.

    Bernie Sanders is a Socialist.

    The talking bobblehead media dummies didn't know which way to turn.

    You had no chance in 2016.

    The election of President Trump proved my point.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    A major characterisistic of Fascism: "Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, etc."

    Thus included in this would be Flag pins, goofy make "Merica" great again hats, and yes the national anthem...etc.

    BTW: I agree with the sentiment that deepspace is quite the wordsmith..... always whoops on it!

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    First of all, I've followed Bernie for years on Thom's show and otherwise. When Bernie first announced his candidacy I was in the first wave of contributors, voted for him over Hillary in the primary and supported his candidacy until it became clear that he would not be the Democratic candidate.

    What Bernie-bots don't seem to realize is that Bernie was not a Democrat, he was an Independent. He did not spend years working to build the Democratic party nor spend years fundraising for the Democratic party. Hillary on the other hand spent her entire career in the Democratic party, supporting and raising money to help build the Democratic party. So I can't understand why Bernie-bots are so shocked that she might show some resentment at a johnny-come-lately that elbowed his way into the party and sought to push her aside and hitch a ride on the ship that she had worked for her entire career to keep afloat.

    Still, I and many Democrats were willing to support Bernie even though he was not a Democrat, because liberals are not blindly faithful to anyone, but will support the candidate that best reflects our ideals. However, I couldn't fault Hillary for fighting to preserve her candidacy in the party that she was greatly responsible for keeping viable.

    Don't take my word for Republicans being a racist party. Why do you think that Blacks vote about 10 to 1 for Democrats over Republicans? Do you think that it's some kinda fluke? But Trump has not even been subtle about his racism. If fact, he has lost lawsuits regarding his racist housing policies.

    But again, I don't get what the Clintons have to do with Trump's campaign to have black athletes fired for kneeling during the national anthem. To bring up the Clinton's regarding this matter simply smacks of some desperate need to bash the Clinton's at every turn, even when they are no way involved.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    You can pretend if you want.

    Bernie is still working to make the country better while hellary is on Charlie Rose knocking Bernie down to try to lift herself up.

    When your wrong you can always just yell troll troll troll kinda like hellary!!!

    There is a young black man that has been begging for a couple years at least for Bill C to take a DNA test as he claims Bill is his dad... bet ya that will never happen.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    And now it's time to trot out the misogynistic, sexist Hillary bashing. What the hell is it with this Hillary bashing? I've yet to hear one thing that warrants all this Hillary bashing, especially when compared to every other conservative male in the Republican party. Yes, she screwed up the Libya thing and probably a number of other things, but Secretary of State is probably one of the most difficult and thankless, damned it you do an damned if you don't…between a rock and a hard place, jobs in politics. The last one to get credit when things go well and the first to get blamed when they don't. While I may not be in love with everything Hillary, I watched all 13 hours of the Benghazi hearings and found Hillary to be informed, intelligent and very presidential. Plus, her daughter didn't get arrested like the Bush's.

    A bunch of racist/sexist Republican pitbulls thought they could gang up on Hillary and rip her to shreds. In fact, Hillary tore them new assholes without even breaking a sweat. Which is a lot more than you can say for her Republican inquisitors.

    I suspect that there's a bunch of Republican politicians choking on their scotch and lobster seeing that one of their trolls is getting his/her ass kicked on a progressive blog. Don't give me that both sides shit. Again, Democrats and liberals may not be anything near perfect, but they are not all a bunch of racist, greedy, anti-democratic scumbags, like the Republicans. Not even close!!!

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    It seems that having a little dignity has gone out of style.

    Tulsi Gabbard is my idea of a intelligent Democrat.

    Bushes and Clintons are same.....just want to fill their foundations ( pockets ).

    ( where is that money for Haiti????)

    Both are Dumb & Greedy.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Legend my point exactly you should ignore everything but the game you need to win. That is your job.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Yes that is what I am saying. On game day your focus, even during the national anthem should be 100% on winning the game not your political agenda. That is what you are getting payed for.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    What clinton has to do with it is, she was the one running against trump, after doing everything she could to screw Bernie. Many Bernie folks said screw her, and either didn't vote or they voted for trump....when we almost certianly would have had Bernie. So she F*cked it up. And she still won't STFU.

    All the help she got from DWS might still land her in a jail cell but CNN and no one on the left will even discuss what DWS and the IT scandel is about. Why? don't you find that odd?

    I voted for Obama both times...but could not vote for her.

    Chelsea is out and out dumb as a rock and her tweets match trumps for stupidity.

    Really the only good thing I have to say about trump is he isn't hellary!

    Hard to tell which one is more of a narcissist.

    Also as a woman I really don't want to see my party running around screaming in pussy about degrading!

    The more we can do to clean up both sides the better off all of us will be.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    And by the way, what the fuck does Clinton have to do with this matter anyway. One of the biggest fallacies of conservatives is that liberals or progressives are in love with the Clintons. True, compared to warmongering liars like the Bush's and Reagan, and Trump and their incompetence in governing, the Clintons are much preferred.

    However, I think that many liberals and progressives did find much of Clinton's personal behavior appalling. In fact, I think it had a lot to do with why Gore did not fare better in the election. But Clinton is not on a moral crusade like Trump and the conservatives.

    The Trump base, on the other hand, idolize this transparently flawed man and hide their eyes and ears to each and every one of his faults. They can't get enough of his obviously racist innuendo. They can't get enough of his lying and groundless bragging.

    To be honest, it doesn't matter that much to me about a politicians personal life, but I do care about how well they perform at the job that we elected them to do. Obama, for instance, came into office when the economy was losing 850,000 jobs a month, the economy was in total free fall and the mortgage and housing situation was a total crisis and the American auto industry was on life support. Through his leadership, he was able to turn all this around in a relatively short period time and all the while his family were the ideal for what every family strives to be and a wonderful example of what conservatives claim to believe a minority family is supposed to aspire to.

    But if you believed the bigoted conservative politicians, Obama was satan himself and this was the worst period of American history ever, and his family were pure evil. I've even heard conservatives say, "it could't be any worse than with Obama." But of course, none ever give any specifics about what was so fucked up.

    Plus, it was a nice change to have 2 presidents that didn't sound like a third grader giveing a book report when they made a speech, and whose daughters didn't get arrested like Bush's

    But even having said all that, I and virtually every liberal I know have huge differences with Obama and the Clintons and are not afraid to say so. Conservatives on the other hand, would rather eat a big pile of shit before saying even the most trivial negative thing about their dear leaders.

    The other big ruse of conservatives is that when their beloved dear leader crashes, as they always do, then suddenly all polititians are the same. I think conservative voters in an effort to hide their humiliation, play both sides to win power and hasten our demise. Conservatives tend to march in lock step. Liberals, is like herding cats. That's one of the reasons liberals have a harder time winning elections, even though poll after poll shows the majority of Americans support liberal policies.

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago


    With so much BS on both sides I really don't see one side being any better than the other.

    That's why I believe it's up to us to stop acting like two opposing football teams and try to work together.

    I suspect they ( both side politicians are drinking their scotch and eating their lobster )

    and laughing like hell while we tear each other up. Ditto for the international corporations.

    Divide and conquer the oldest trick in the book!!

    From my perspective there is more than enough to take on without beating the hell out of each other.

    I don't get why that's so hard to comprehend.

    The last good president ( with all his faults ) was JFK and Bobby would have been good to. These were White men and many white folk stood with them wanting to correct the wrongs, as many whites stood with MLK.

    It's a slap in the face to call them racist because they just couldn't stomache Hellary.

    And why should we have to choose between a pussy grabber ( maybe rapist ) and a rapist wife who sins just might still be proven true?

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    If Trump is a rapist and it's proven then he belongs in the cell next to Anthony Weiner.

    Do you think we could be being played by both sides to their gain and our demise?

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Various Artists The Songs of West Side Story

    Just for sh*ts and giggles

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Hot Coffee, Trump has also been accused of rape, of a minor no less, but the accuser failed to follow through on her court case when he name was leaked and she started receiving death threats. As far as I know Clinton has never been convicted of rape but Trump has admitted to being a pussy-grabber.

  • Thom Hartmann's Hunter and Farmer Approach to ADD/ADHD   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Hi Ashley,

    Thom says it is fine with him.


    (Thom's Newsletter editor)

  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    Radical and stopgap,

    Ha! Thanks for the compliments, but am more used to being criticized by the trolls.

    I'm male and hate crossword puzzles, but used to help a work mate of mine when she asked ... as long as I didn't have to stare at all those goddamn little boxes!


  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago


    "Congressional leaders said on Monday that they are now awaiting assessments of the damage in Puerto Rico, as well as a formal disaster request from the Trump administration (emphasis mine) before they can act. A request is not expected until early- to mid-October, according to senior congressional aides.

    "But Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen, the Republican chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said on Monday that Puerto Ricans on the island “are entitled to equal treatment under the law.”

    "The Federal Emergency Management Agency is drawing from the same $15.3 billion pot of money that was approved this month by lawmakers in response to Hurricane Harvey, which hit Texas, and Hurricane Irma, which hit Florida and damaged Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands.


    "But Puerto Rico has little clout in the Capitol. As a commonwealth, it does not have a voting member of Congress, only a resident commissioner, something that has long shackled the island financially and politically.

    'This is what makes Puerto Rico a beggar,” said Edwin Meléndez, the director of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College. “Our citizenship is second class. We don’t have the same rights as other Americans. If we move to the states, we have those rights. In Puerto Rico, we don’t.'"


  • Trump Goes After Football Players Not White Supremacists   7 years 20 weeks ago

    I imagine he was never a good football player but he makes a great ... ... !

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