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  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Perhaps one that was trikled with a "Golden Shower" video from Russia?

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Great DUDE!

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    ABSOLUTELY! BROKEN! But what can you expect when the whole thing was made of plastic to begin with. Slave owners talking about all men being free. The filthy rich becoming friends with government representatives just so they can become filthier. This country was set up for business by businessmen. Just about anything is okay as long as it makes you money. If Franklin had his way, our money would have "Mind your business" on it instead of "In GOD we trust". Even our revolution was about money. That's all this country has ever been about. As long as a person or corporation that acts as one, has billions of dollars, there will be someone who swore to uphold the constitution, that will break that vow to get some of that billion. When enough oath breakers exist, like they do now, their greed becomes more noticeable and, in this case with these creepiest of creeps, they do it 'in your face', you know, New York Style. Every time one of them gets noticed, it's like they say "So????" and then just go on. So, here they are, openly taking from us and giving it to them without an excuse or solid reason. They get richer and we get trickled on again because they can do it and get away with it. Well, I'm getting trickled off at these, uh, , , oh, I don't know. What would you call something that trickles?

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    I really hate to be repetitive here but, Howard was correct with the initial comment: YES!

    We (99 %r's) are "done" unless "they" wake up, and there are stirrings of that but my "Real God"? Really?. I do believe they have brainwashed and dumbed down for long enough that they have at least 2 generations of the trikle down "Bull S...." pickup truck/Limbaugh listnin' economist with them. Now, interject the racisism? I stocked up (randolphgarriso)..... I hope it won't happen but I saw it coming and started preparing Nov. last year just after finishing crying at 2:00 AM at results and telling my wife what was going to happen. So far; I have been correct.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Thom, Thom ... Thom! Did you really even need to ask?

    What would be more interesting is trying to nail down precisely WHEN "they" took over. I say "they" started when "they" had JFK shot and pretty much closed the case when "they" had the Supremes select Shrub/Cheney to run things. Drumpf is just "their" latest flourish.

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    You got that right, Legend. And by the time Republican "leadership" and Donnie Dildo are done deflowering their flock, the beer-gut meat heads won't be able to afford a gun ...or anything else.

    Edward Dodson: Yup. When has the majority of modern-day Republicans ever thought compromise with "libtards," the spawn of Satan and socialism, was a good thing? Their idea of "compromise" is for liberals and progressives to sit down, shut up, and meekly go along with the fascist agenda of billionaires and centimillionaires.

    The American experiment isn't failing; it already has failed! Widespread voter suppression and the stolen presidency, congress, and state governments, especially the installation of possibly the most corrupt "businessman" (a very loosely used term) on the planet to the highest office in the land, is proof positive. What more does the brainwashed electorate need to wake the feck up?!

    Roy Moore is just one more turd in the cesspool.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    The last time it was this bad we had a revolution, with live firearms, ropes, and flowing blood!

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    #50! Yes!

    Sorry, all further insults, er, "descriptions" are now shunted to Page 2. Good luck with that, ya feckin' chancer...

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    VOTING OUT THE ENTIRE GOP in 2018 is the ONE way out of this for us. We may not have been sure of that in 2016, but we should know that by now.

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Ha, right on cue! I love it! The real hotdog is baaack ...childish insults and all. "Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you." -- Emperor Palpatine

    ​So nasty! Your true colors are easy to draw out, just like all the other dime-a-dozen trolls pumped up on Fux News steroids, who flock to progressive sites and think they're sophisticated enough to "teach" us unenlightened rubes a thing or two about realpolitik.

    Not much of a challenge, really -- somewhat entertaining on a slow day maybe, but just embarrassing more than anything else. I almost feel guilty ...oh, okay, not really.

    Buuut... still can't adequately or realistically defend the unmitigated disaster of fascist far-right positions, rabid Republican hypocrisy, or the comical schoolyard bully and stunted vulgarian you love to emulate, eh?

    Oh darn, too late -- another dead thread. Playtime's over.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%;

    The Oilybarfs have been systematically seizing our government bit by bit, since the mid '60's. Now it's just a matter of dissolving our last strongholds. Easy work for the current (Expletive Deleted) group in offfice. Now it only a matter of putting on the last touches.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Please consider that the type of ruler is less important than they being beneficent.

    We currently have murderous and cruel totalitarians in charge is a better description and this is a long-term heritage of an ethos, a generalized sociopathic knitting of rationalizations to gain land and resources.

    This began with contact in the Americas from the use of diseased blankets as a biological weapon on a mass scale that ended land conversion to agriculture with few Europeans thus a reforestation happened that ended by dropping CO2 about 12-ppm in 50-75 years, it had to be 50-70 million Indigenous people at the time killed.

    There's no way to live that down without admitting what today is a copy of the ethos that allowed that genocide to occur.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    We need to stop talking about "our democracy" as if the US Constitution created the United States of America as a "democracy". The word "democracy" does not appear in the US Constitution - the USA is a "Constitutional Republic" - thus all actions being taken fall under the statutes derived from the US Constitution as originally formed. Lets call it what it is: a "Pseudo Democracy" and lets move to create a "true" democracy for all - preferably in the form of a Democratic Socialist governing body - where every voter's "votes" actually count, and not just a limited state by state vote count based on a minority of "electoral college" votes - as determied by each state as to how those electors are chosen. That's how we got into the mess of the billionaire oligarchs finally seizeing major control of our government.

  • Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?   7 years 19 weeks ago


  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    You are a living, breathing example of the oxymoron Progressive-Resitance. So sad. Go spank your monkey, I'm sure that's the only "pussy" you're getting.

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    The experiment that is the United States of America is failing. The experiement to which I refer is best described by the term "Liberalism," which involved and required compromise toward the center and away from the extreme positions held by some. We are moving (or have moved) to a political atmosophere in which compromise if perceived as ideologically unacceptable. We are increasingly subjected to an extremism not in defense of liberty but in defense of privilege. The election of Mr. Moore to the U.S. Senate would reveal that a majority of those in Alabama who vote have no clear idea of the true meaning of liberty.

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Oh, I see. Got it. Your nonstop attacks, insults, and name-calling in virtually every post (and those of aka Chelsea Clinton and the rest of the trolls) against all the "dumb" "washed-up lefties," who "disagree" with your parroting of the wall-to-wall Republican propaganda smothering the nation, are just neutral, objective, and accurate descriptions.

    And, assumedly, the steady barrage of vicious attacks, cruel insults, and juvenile name-calling, spewing forth from the creepy blow-lips and little Twitter fingers of this small-minded jerk, sexual pervert, pathological liar, malignant narcissist, sexist, racist, xenophobic, clown-f*ck pussy-grabber, whom you seem to whole-heartedly support and, evidently, emulate, are the inspiring words of a great statesman.

    When the tables are turned, however, (What do you expect?) and you're on the receiving end, well then, all of a sudden it's "hurtful." Mmm... now isn't "snowflake" originally a right-wing description leveled (inaccurately, of course) at politically correct liberals? Instead of "description," isn't "projection" a more apt term?

    BTW, which of the above "descriptions" of your favorite puss-gut pussy-grabber are inaccurate?

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    It is that the middle and lower class of people have been convinced by Fox News that Democrats (among other reasons) want to take their guns away. Thus Republicans get elected and rob them blind with tax deductions for the wealthy and tax increases for the middle and lower class.

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    I'm guessing there is high voter suppression in Alabama.

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    If Roy Moore gets to be a US Senator, it will bring nationwide attention to the FACT that the screw-your-neighbor teachings of so-called "right wing christian" religious leaders are the teachings of money-worshipping "antichrists" (according to Matthew 22:37-40) rather than the teaching of Jesus Christ or God as revealed to us by Jesus Christ.

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Good advice :), instead of calling names and attacking everyone who disagrees with the "washed up lefties" line, (washed up lefties is not name calling, it's a description, it's not intended to hurt.) try following the advice yourself.

    "Don't follow leaders,

    Watch the parking meters"

    Bob Dylan "Subterranean Homesick Blues"

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Nodoby in Alabama knows what the word plutocrat means but they know the word fascism stands for something bad! However I agree in general that plutocrat is an accurate description of the monied elite involved in the overthrow of our democracy.

  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Everyone sing ... Ala bama oops i mean a La Bamba

    Sometimes things that are sent get rejected. Congratulations Massachusetts Librarian Liz Phipps Soeiro! "Dear Mrs. Trump, My students were interested in reading your enclosed letter and impressed with the beautiful bookplates with your name and the indelible White House stamp, however, we will not be keeping the titles for our collection."

  • Is Donald Trump About To Go Full Richard Nixon on the Culture Wars?   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Why thank you. I stand corrected. The all seeing, all knowing God of Google, the great leveler of all things trivia, has forsaken me. Yeah, sorry 'bout that -- had Bob Dylan stuck in my mind for some reason. What can I say, the 70's were hard, barely survived.

    Haha, whenever that song plays, I also have the Reservoir Dogs scene stuck in my mind when Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) cuts off the cop's ear. It's a cool song, notwithstanding Torrentino's sick images.

    Here, you may now refresh that scene in your own mind, if you like:

    Oh, by the way, you made some rather glaring grade-school-level errors in syntax and punctuation in your introductory paragraph, which seems fairly typical of your posts, if I may be so bold as to point that out. Also, "anything" is one word, not two.

    You'd think a teacher of all people would realize such "simple" mistakes before publishing. Just sayin'. No worries though; I won't read any more into it than that or jump all over you, trying to conflate minor gaffes with reaching ad hominem attacks. That would be too petty.

    Likewise, I would never "expect" anyone to "believe" anything I say. To do so would be the height of arrogance, would it not? Such a statement is just the ego talking, which has no merit.

    Besides, a good discussion, in my opinion anyway, is not about flinging beliefs back and forth as much as it is about trying to get past the words to uncover that which does not depend on mere belief and which does not belong to anyone, but to everyone. The idea is to do one's own hard research and use common sense to distinguish a truth from a lie. After all, it is your life that you must live, which is your adventure, not anyone else's.

    Or, for a deeper truth perhaps, go outside, look up at the sky, and simply observe the inner workings of the mind in real time without any egocentric judgments directing the flow, clouding the pure reality and joy of just being alive and conscious. Let objective facts speak for themselves independent of personal bias, and let actual life be the teacher, not the ego and its elaborate delusions. That is real freedom, real liberty. Believe it or not.

    In Trumpland, that is also a most daunting task. I feel for ya, lassie.


  • Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate   7 years 19 weeks ago

    Steve Bannon supports him.

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